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<TITLE>MBSE BBS Setup - Edit Services.</TITLE>
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<h5>Last update 25-Oct-2001</h5>

<H1>MBSE BBS Setup - Edit Services.</H1>

Services are special mail accounts. Netmail addressed to one of these names
will be handled according to the action that is selected. Current implemented
actions are AreaMgr, FileMgr and Email. So if you name a service <strong>
Areamgr</strong> and set the action to <strong>AreaMgr</strong> then an incoming
netmail will be directed to the Areamgr function. If you define a service
<strong>listserv</strong> and set the action to <strong>Email</strong> then
and incoming netmail will be converted to email and send to the <strong>listserv</strong>
account at your host.<br>

<H3>Edit Services.</H3>
<strong>Name      </strong>The name of the Service.
<strong>Type      </strong>Toggle the service type with the spacebar.
<strong>Active    </strong>If this service is active.
<strong>Deleted   </strong>If this service must be deleted.
Here are some example services:
UUCP		Email
allfix          FileMgr
areamgr         AreaMgr                                                  
fmail           AreaMgr                                                  
gecho           AreaMgr                                                  
mbtic           FileMgr                                                  
raid            FileMgr
Note: the UUCP services is needed if you are gating email!

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