/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: mbtask - Scan mail outbound status * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "libs.h" #include "../lib/structs.h" #include "taskutil.h" #include "taskstat.h" #include "scanout.h" #include "nodelist.h" #include "callstat.h" #include "ports.h" #include "outstat.h" extern int do_quiet; extern int internet; /* Internet status */ extern struct sysconfig CFG; /* Main configuration */ extern struct taskrec TCFG; /* Task configuration */ int nxt_hour, nxt_min; /* Time of next event */ int inet_calls; /* Internet calls to make */ int isdn_calls; /* ISDN calls to make */ int pots_calls; /* POTS calls to make */ extern pp_list *pl; /* Portlist */ _alist_l *alist = NULL; /* Nodes to call list */ extern int s_do_inet; /* Internet wanted */ /* * Load noderecord if the node is in our setup. */ int load_node(fidoaddr); int load_node(fidoaddr n) { char *temp; FILE *fp; int i; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/nodes.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { free(temp); memset(&nodes, 0, sizeof(nodes)); return FALSE; } fread(&nodeshdr, sizeof(nodeshdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&nodes, nodeshdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { fseek(fp, nodeshdr.filegrp + nodeshdr.mailgrp, SEEK_CUR); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if ((n.zone == nodes.Aka[i].zone) || (n.net == nodes.Aka[i].net) || (n.node == nodes.Aka[i].node) || (n.point == nodes.Aka[i].point)) { fclose(fp); free(temp); return TRUE; } } } fclose(fp); memset(&nodes, 0, sizeof(nodes)); free(temp); return FALSE; } void set_next(int, int); void set_next(int hour, int min) { time_t now; struct tm *etm; int uhour, umin; now = time(NULL); etm = gmtime(&now); uhour = etm->tm_hour; /* For some reason, these intermediate integers are needed */ umin = etm->tm_min; if ((hour > uhour) || ((hour == uhour) && (min > umin))) { if (hour < nxt_hour) { nxt_hour = hour; nxt_min = min; } else if ((hour == nxt_hour) && (min < nxt_min)) { nxt_hour = hour; nxt_min = min; } } } char *callstatus(int status) { switch (status) { case 0: return (char *)"Ok "; case 1: return (char *)"tty err"; case 2: return (char *)"No conn"; case 3: return (char *)"Mdm err"; case 4: return (char *)"Locked "; case 5: return (char *)"unknown"; case 6: return (char *)"Unlist "; case 7: return (char *)"error 7"; case 8: return (char *)"error 8"; case 9: return (char *)"No tty "; case 10: return (char *)"No ZMH "; case 30: return (char *)"Badsess"; default: return (char *)"ERROR "; } } char *callmode(int mode) { switch (mode) { case CM_NONE: return (char *)"None "; case CM_INET: return (char *)"Inet "; case CM_ISDN: return (char *)"ISDN "; case CM_POTS: return (char *)"POTS "; case MBFIDO: return (char *)"mbfido "; case MBINDEX: return (char *)"mbindex"; case MBFILE: return (char *)"mbfile "; case MBINIT: return (char *)"mbinit "; default: return (char *)"None "; } } int outstat() { int rc, first = TRUE, T_window, iszmh = FALSE; struct _alist *tmp, *old; char flstr[13]; char temp[81]; char as[6], be[6], utc[6]; time_t now; struct tm *tm; int uhour, umin, thour, tmin; pp_list *tpl; now = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&now); /* UTC time */ uhour = tm->tm_hour; umin = tm->tm_min; sprintf(utc, "%02d:%02d", uhour, umin); tasklog('+', "Scanning outbound at %s UTC.", utc); nxt_hour = 24; nxt_min = 0; inet_calls = isdn_calls = pots_calls = 0; /* * Clear current table */ for (tmp = alist; tmp; tmp = old) { old = tmp->next; free(tmp); } alist = NULL; if ((rc = scanout(each))) { tasklog('?', "Error scanning outbound, aborting"); return rc; } /* * During processing the outbound list, determine when the next event will occur, * ie. the time when the callout status of a node changes because of starting a * ZMH, or changeing the time window for Txx flags. */ for (tmp = alist; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (first) { tasklog('+', "Flavor Out Size Online Modem ISDN TCP/IP Calls Status Mode Address"); first = FALSE; } if (load_node(tmp->addr)) tasklog('o', "Loaded node %s, NoCall=%s, NoTCP=%s", ascfnode(tmp->addr, 0x0f), nodes.NoCall?"True":"False", nodes.NoTCP?"True":"False"); /* * Zone Mail Hours, only use Fidonet Hours. * Other nets use your default ZMH. */ T_window = iszmh = FALSE; switch (tmp->addr.zone) { case 1: if (uhour == 9) iszmh = TRUE; set_next(9, 0); set_next(10, 0); break; case 2: if (((uhour == 2) && (umin >= 30)) || ((uhour == 3) && (umin < 30))) iszmh = TRUE; set_next(2, 30); set_next(3, 30); break; case 3: if (uhour == 18) iszmh = TRUE; set_next(18, 0); set_next(19, 0); break; case 4: if (uhour == 8) iszmh = TRUE; set_next(8, 0); set_next(9, 0); break; case 5: if (uhour == 1) iszmh = TRUE; set_next(1, 0); set_next(2, 0); break; case 6: if (uhour == 20) iszmh = TRUE; set_next(20, 0); set_next(21, 0); break; default: if (get_zmh()) iszmh = TRUE; break; } if (tmp->t1 && tmp->t2) { /* * Txx flags, check callwindow */ thour = toupper(tmp->t1) - 'A'; if (isupper(tmp->t1)) tmin = 0; else tmin = 30; sprintf(as, "%02d:%02d", thour, tmin); set_next(thour, tmin); thour = toupper(tmp->t2) - 'A'; if (isupper(tmp->t2)) tmin = 0; else tmin = 30; sprintf(be, "%02d:%02d", thour, tmin); set_next(thour, tmin); if (strcmp(as, be) > 0) { /* * Time window is passing midnight */ if ((strcmp(utc, as) >= 0) || (strcmp(utc, be) < 0)) T_window = TRUE; } else { /* * Time window is not passing midnight */ if ((strcmp(utc, as) >= 0) && (strcmp(utc, be) < 0)) T_window = TRUE; } } tasklog('o', "T_window=%s, iszmh=%s", T_window?"true":"false", iszmh?"true":"false"); strcpy(flstr,"...... ... .."); /* * If the node has internet and we have internet available, check if we can send * immediatly. */ if (TCFG.max_tcp && (((tmp->flavors) & F_IMM) || ((tmp->flavors) & F_CRASH) || ((tmp->flavors) & F_NORMAL)) && ((tmp->ipflags & IP_IBN) || (tmp->ipflags & IP_IFC) || (tmp->ipflags & IP_ITN))) { /* * If connection available, set callflag */ if (internet) tmp->flavors |= F_CALL; /* * Always set semafore do_inet */ if (!s_do_inet) { CreateSema((char *)"do_inet"); s_do_inet = TRUE; tasklog('c', "Created semafore do_inet"); } } if ((tmp->flavors) & F_IMM ) { flstr[0]='I'; /* * Immediate mail, send if node is CM or is in a Txx window or is in ZMH. */ if ((tmp->olflags & OL_CM) || T_window || iszmh) { tmp->flavors |= F_CALL; } } if ((tmp->flavors) & F_CRASH ) { flstr[1]='C'; /* * Crash mail, send if node is CM or is in a Txx window or is in ZMH. */ if ((tmp->olflags & OL_CM) || T_window || iszmh) { tmp->flavors |= F_CALL; } } if ((tmp->flavors) & F_NORMAL) flstr[2]='N'; if ((tmp->flavors) & F_HOLD ) flstr[3]='H'; if ((tmp->flavors) & F_FREQ ) flstr[4]='R'; if ((tmp->flavors) & F_POLL ) { flstr[5]='P'; tmp->flavors |= F_CALL; } if ((tmp->flavors) & F_ISPKT ) { flstr[7]='M'; /* * Normal mail, send during ZMH or if node has a Txx window. */ if (iszmh || T_window) { tmp->flavors |= F_CALL; } } if ((tmp->flavors) & F_ISFLO ) flstr[8]='F'; if (tmp->cst.tryno >= 30) { /* * Node is undialable, clear callflag */ tmp->flavors &= ~F_CALL; } if ((tmp->flavors) & F_CALL) flstr[9]='C'; if (tmp->t1) flstr[11] = tmp->t1; if (tmp->t2) flstr[12] = tmp->t2; /* * If forbidden to call from setup, clear callflag. */ if (nodes.NoCall) tmp->flavors &= ~F_CALL; /* * If we must call this node, figure out how to call this node. */ if ((tmp->flavors) & F_CALL) { /* * Get options for this node */ tmp->callmode = CM_NONE; if (internet && TCFG.max_tcp && !nodes.NoTCP && ((tmp->ipflags & IP_IBN) || (tmp->ipflags & IP_IFC) || (tmp->ipflags & IP_ITN))) { inet_calls++; tmp->callmode = CM_INET; } if (!TCFG.ipblocks || (TCFG.ipblocks && !internet)) { /* * If TCP/IP blocks other trafic, (you only have one dialup line), * then don't add normal dial trafic. If not blocking, add lines. */ if ((tmp->callmode == CM_NONE) && TCFG.max_isdn) { /* * ISDN node, check available dialout ports */ for (tpl = pl; tpl; tpl = tpl->next) { if (tpl->dflags & tmp->diflags) { isdn_calls++; tmp->callmode = CM_ISDN; break; } } } if ((tmp->callmode == CM_NONE) && TCFG.max_pots) { /* * POTS node, check available modems */ for (tpl = pl; tpl; tpl = tpl->next) { if (tpl->mflags & tmp->moflags) { pots_calls++; tmp->callmode = CM_POTS; break; } } } } } sprintf(temp, "%s %8lu %08x %08x %08x %08x %5d %s %s %s", flstr, (long)tmp->size, (unsigned int)tmp->olflags, (unsigned int)tmp->moflags, (unsigned int)tmp->diflags, (unsigned int)tmp->ipflags, tmp->cst.tryno, callstatus(tmp->cst.trystat), callmode(tmp->callmode), ascfnode(tmp->addr, 0x0f)); tasklog('+', "%s", temp); } if (nxt_hour == 24) { /* * 24:00 hours doesn't exist */ nxt_hour = 0; nxt_min = 0; } tasklog('o', "Call inet=%d, isdn=%d, pots=%d", inet_calls, isdn_calls, pots_calls); tasklog('+', "Next event at %02d:%02d UTC", nxt_hour, nxt_min); return 0; } int each(faddr *addr, char flavor, int isflo, char *fname) { struct _alist **tmp; struct stat st; FILE *fp; char buf[256], *p; node *nlent; callstat *cst; if ((isflo != OUT_PKT) && (isflo != OUT_FLO) && (isflo != OUT_REQ) && (isflo != OUT_POL)) return 0; for (tmp = &alist; *tmp; tmp = &((*tmp)->next)) if (((*tmp)->addr.zone == addr->zone) && ((*tmp)->addr.net == addr->net) && ((*tmp)->addr.node == addr->node) && ((*tmp)->addr.point == addr->point) && (((*tmp)->addr.domain == NULL) || (addr->domain == NULL) || (strcasecmp((*tmp)->addr.domain,addr->domain) == 0))) break; if (*tmp == NULL) { nlent = getnlent(addr); *tmp = (struct _alist *)malloc(sizeof(struct _alist)); (*tmp)->next = NULL; (*tmp)->addr.zone = addr->zone; (*tmp)->addr.net = addr->net; (*tmp)->addr.node = addr->node; (*tmp)->addr.point = addr->point; sprintf((*tmp)->addr.domain, "%s", addr->domain); if (nlent->addr.domain) free(nlent->addr.domain); (*tmp)->flavors = 0; if (nlent->pflag != NL_DUMMY) { (*tmp)->olflags = nlent->oflags; (*tmp)->moflags = nlent->mflags; (*tmp)->diflags = nlent->dflags; (*tmp)->ipflags = nlent->iflags; (*tmp)->t1 = nlent->t1; (*tmp)->t2 = nlent->t2; } else { (*tmp)->olflags = 0L; (*tmp)->moflags = 0L; (*tmp)->diflags = 0L; (*tmp)->ipflags = 0L; (*tmp)->t1 = '\0'; (*tmp)->t2 = '\0'; } (*tmp)->time = time(NULL); (*tmp)->size = 0L; } cst = getstatus(addr); (*tmp)->cst.trytime = cst->trytime; (*tmp)->cst.tryno = cst->tryno; (*tmp)->cst.trystat = cst->trystat; if ((isflo == OUT_FLO) || (isflo == OUT_PKT)) switch (flavor) { case '?': break; case 'i': (*tmp)->flavors |= F_IMM; break; case 'o': (*tmp)->flavors |= F_NORMAL; break; case 'c': (*tmp)->flavors |= F_CRASH; break; case 'h': (*tmp)->flavors |= F_HOLD; break; default: tasklog('?', "Unknown flavor: '%c'\n",flavor); break; } if (stat(fname,&st) != 0) { tasklog('?', "$Can't stat %s", fname); st.st_size = 0L; st.st_mtime = time(NULL); } /* * Find the oldest time */ if (st.st_mtime < (*tmp)->time) (*tmp)->time = st.st_mtime; if (isflo == OUT_FLO) { (*tmp)->flavors |= F_ISFLO; if ((fp = fopen(fname,"r"))) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) { if (*(p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1) == '\n') *p-- = '\0'; while (isspace(*p)) *p-- = '\0'; for (p = buf; *p; p++) if (*p == '\\') *p='/'; for (p = buf; *p && isspace(*p); p++); if (*p == '~') continue; if ((*p == '#') || (*p == '-') || (*p == '^') || (*p == '@')) p++; if (stat(p, &st) != 0) { if (strlen(CFG.dospath)) { if (stat(Dos2Unix(p), &st) != 0) { /* * Fileattach dissapeared, maybe * the node doesn't poll enough and * is losing mail or files. */ st.st_size = 0L; st.st_mtime = time(NULL); } } else { if (stat(p, &st) != 0) { st.st_size = 0L; st.st_mtime = time(NULL); } } } if ((p = strrchr(fname,'/'))) p++; else p = fname; if ((strlen(p) == 12) && (strspn(p,"0123456789abcdefABCDEF") == 8) && (p[8] == '.')) { if (st.st_mtime < (*tmp)->time) (*tmp)->time = st.st_mtime; } (*tmp)->size += st.st_size; } fclose(fp); } else tasklog('?', "Can't open %s", fname); } else if (isflo == OUT_PKT) { (*tmp)->size += st.st_size; (*tmp)->flavors |= F_ISPKT; } else if (isflo == OUT_REQ) { (*tmp)->flavors |= F_FREQ; } else if (isflo == OUT_POL) { (*tmp)->flavors |= F_POLL; } return 0; }