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<TITLE>MBSE BBS Programs - mbsetup - The Setup Program.</TITLE>
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<h5>Last update 31-Jan-2001</h5>

<H1>mbsetup - The Setup Program</H1>


<strong>mbsetup</strong> is the setup program for MBSE BBS. It should be run
only by user <strong>mbse</strong>. If you run it by accident as root file
permissions will be wrong and your bbs may not function. For a detailed
description of all setup options see <A HREF="../setup/index.htm">MBSE BBS
Setup Guide</A>

In order to run <strong>mbsetup</strong> you must set the global variable
<strong>$MBSE_ROOT</strong>. This variable must point to the root directory
of the bbs structure. The main configuration file <strong>config.data</strong>
must be present in the ~/etc directory. If it is not present, ie you run
<strong>mbsetup</strong> for the first time, a default 
<strong>config.data</strong> will be created. This will also happen with
several other databases.

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