Last update 25-Oct-2001


mbsetup - The Setup Program


mbsetup [init]



mbsetup is the setup program for MBSE BBS. It should be run only by user mbse and it fails to start if you are not. If it is started with the optional paramater init only the databases are initialized. This is automagic done by mbtask when you start the system for the very first time. You should never need to use this switch. When mbsetup is started without arguments the databases will be checked and initialized before the main screen is displayed. Both methods are being used to make sure all needed databases excist. For a detailed description of all setup options see MBSE BBS Setup Guide



In order to run mbsetup you must set the global variable $MBSE_ROOT. This variable must point to the root directory of the bbs structure. The main configuration file must be present in the ~/etc directory. If it is not present, ie you run mbsetup for the first time, a default will be created. This will also happen with several other databases.

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