/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose: File Database Maintenance - utilities * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2006 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "../lib/mbsedb.h" #include "mbfutil.h" #include "mbfile.h" extern int do_quiet; /* Suppress screen output */ extern int do_force; /* Force file overwrite */ extern int e_pid; /* Pid of external process */ extern time_t t_start; /* Start time */ extern time_t t_end; /* End time */ int marker = 0; /* Marker counter */ void ProgName(void) { if (do_quiet) return; mbse_colour(WHITE, BLACK); printf("\nMBFILE: MBSE BBS %s File maintenance utility\n", VERSION); mbse_colour(YELLOW, BLACK); printf(" %s\n", COPYRIGHT); } void die(int onsig) { /* * First check if a child is running, if so, kill it. */ if (e_pid) { if ((kill(e_pid, SIGTERM)) == 0) Syslog('+', "SIGTERM to pid %d succeeded", e_pid); else { if ((kill(e_pid, SIGKILL)) == 0) Syslog('+', "SIGKILL to pid %d succeded", e_pid); else WriteError("$Failed to kill pid %d", e_pid); } /* * In case the child had the tty in raw mode... */ if (!do_quiet) execute_pth((char *)"stty", (char *)"sane", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null"); } signal(onsig, SIG_IGN); if (onsig) { if (onsig <= NSIG) WriteError("Terminated on signal %d (%s)", onsig, SigName[onsig]); else WriteError("Terminated with error %d", onsig); } clean_tmpwork(); ulockprogram((char *)"mbfile"); t_end = time(NULL); Syslog(' ', "MBFILE finished in %s", t_elapsed(t_start, t_end)); if (!do_quiet) { mbse_colour(LIGHTGRAY, BLACK); fflush(stdout); } ExitClient(onsig); } void Help(void) { do_quiet = FALSE; ProgName(); mbse_colour(LIGHTCYAN, BLACK); printf("Usage: mbfile [command] <options>\n\n"); mbse_colour(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); printf(" Commands are:\n\n"); mbse_colour(CYAN, BLACK); printf(" a adopt <area> <file> [desc] Adopt file to area\n"); printf(" c check [area] Check filebase\n"); printf(" d delete <area> \"<filemask>\" Mark file(s) in area for deletion\n"); printf(" im import <area> Import files in current dir to area\n"); printf(" in index Create filerequest index\n"); printf(" k kill Kill/move old files\n"); printf(" l list [area] List file areas or one area\n"); printf(" m move <from> <to> <file> Move file from to area\n"); printf(" p pack Pack filebase\n"); printf(" r rearc <area> \"<filemask>\" Rearc file(s) in area to area archive type\n"); printf(" s sort <area> Sort files in a file area\n"); printf(" t toberep Show toberep database\n"); printf(" u undelete <area> \"<filemask>\" Mark file(s) in area for undeletion\n"); mbse_colour(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); printf("\n Options are:\n\n"); mbse_colour(CYAN, BLACK); printf(" -a -announce Suppress announce added files\n"); printf(" -f -force Force file overwrite\n"); printf(" -q -quiet Quiet mode\n"); printf(" -v -virus Suppress virus scanning, use with care\n"); die(MBERR_COMMANDLINE); } void Marker(void) { /* * Keep the connection with the server alive */ Nopper(); /* * Release system resources when running in the background */ if (CFG.slow_util && do_quiet) msleep(1); if (do_quiet) return; switch (marker) { case 0: printf(">---"); break; case 1: printf(">>--"); break; case 2: printf(">>>-"); break; case 3: printf(">>>>"); break; case 4: printf("<>>>"); break; case 5: printf("<<>>"); break; case 6: printf("<<<>"); break; case 7: printf("<<<<"); break; case 8: printf("-<<<"); break; case 9: printf("--<<"); break; case 10:printf("---<"); break; case 11:printf("----"); break; } printf("\b\b\b\b"); fflush(stdout); if (marker < 11) marker++; else marker = 0; } int UnpackFile(char *File) { char *temp, *pwd, *unarc, *cmd; Syslog('f', "UnpackFile(%s)", File); if ((unarc = unpacker(File)) == NULL) { Syslog('f', "Unknown archive format %s", File); return FALSE; } temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); pwd = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); getcwd(pwd, PATH_MAX); /* * Check if there is a temp directory to unpack the archive. */ if (create_tmpwork()) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/arc%d", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), (int)getpid()); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't create %s\n", temp); die(MBERR_GENERAL); } if (!getarchiver(unarc)) { WriteError("No archiver available for %s", File); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nNo archiver available for %s\n", File); clean_tmpwork(); return FALSE; } cmd = xstrcpy(archiver.funarc); if ((cmd == NULL) || (cmd == "")) { WriteError("No unarc command available"); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nNo unarc command available\n"); clean_tmpwork(); return FALSE; } snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/arc%d", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), (int)getpid()); if (chdir(temp) != 0) { WriteError("$Can't change to %s", temp); clean_tmpwork(); die(MBERR_GENERAL); } if (execute_str(cmd, File, (char *)NULL, (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null") == 0) { chdir(pwd); free(temp); free(pwd); free(cmd); return TRUE; } chdir(pwd); WriteError("Unpack error, file may be corrupt"); clean_tmpwork(); return FALSE; } /* * Add file to the BBS. The file is in the current directory. * The f_db record already has all needed information. */ int AddFile(struct FILE_record f_db, int Area, char *DestPath, char *FromPath, char *LinkPath) { int rc; struct _fdbarea *fdb_area = NULL; Syslog('f', "AddFile Area : %d", Area); Syslog('f', "AddFile DestPath: %s", MBSE_SS(DestPath)); Syslog('f', "AddFile FromPath: %s", MBSE_SS(FromPath)); Syslog('f', "AddFile LinkPath: %s", MBSE_SS(LinkPath)); /* * Copy file to the final destination and make a hard link with the * 8.3 filename to the long filename. */ mkdirs(DestPath, 0775); if ((file_exist(DestPath, F_OK) == 0) || (file_exist(LinkPath, F_OK) == 0)) { if (do_force) { Syslog('+', "File %s (%s) already exists in area %d, forced overwrite", f_db.Name, f_db.LName, Area); } else { WriteError("File %s (%s) already exists in area %d", f_db.Name, f_db.LName, Area); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nFile %s (%s) already exists in area %d\n", f_db.Name, f_db.LName, Area); return FALSE; } } if ((rc = file_cp(FromPath, DestPath))) { WriteError("Can't copy file to %s, %s", DestPath, strerror(rc)); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't copy file to %s, %s\n", DestPath, strerror(rc)); return FALSE; } chmod(DestPath, 0644); if (LinkPath) { unlink(LinkPath); if ((rc = symlink(DestPath, LinkPath))) { WriteError("Can't create symbolic link %s", LinkPath); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't create symbolic link %s, %s\n", LinkPath, strerror(rc)); unlink(DestPath); return FALSE; } } if ((fdb_area = mbsedb_OpenFDB(Area, 30))) { rc = mbsedb_InsertFDB(fdb_area, f_db, TRUE); mbsedb_CloseFDB(fdb_area); return rc; } else { return FALSE; } } int CheckFDB(int Area, char *Path) { char *temp; FILE *fp; int rc = FALSE; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/var/fdb/file%d.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Area); /* * Open the file database, create new one if it doesn't excist. */ if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r+")) == NULL) { Syslog('!', "Creating new %s", temp); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "a+")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't create %s", temp); rc = TRUE; } else { fdbhdr.hdrsize = sizeof(fdbhdr); fdbhdr.recsize = sizeof(fdb); fwrite(&fdbhdr, sizeof(fdbhdr), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } } else { fread(&fdbhdr, sizeof(fdbhdr), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } /* * Set the right attributes */ chmod(temp, 0660); /* * Now check the download directory */ if (access(Path, W_OK) == -1) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/foobar", Path); if (mkdirs(temp, 0775)) Syslog('+', "Created directory %s", Path); } free(temp); return rc; } /* * Load Area Record */ int LoadAreaRec(int Area) { FILE *pAreas; char *sAreas; sAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(sAreas, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((pAreas = fopen (sAreas, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", sAreas); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't open %s\n", sAreas); return FALSE; } fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, pAreas); if (fseek(pAreas, ((Area - 1) * areahdr.recsize) + areahdr.hdrsize, SEEK_SET)) { WriteError("$Can't seek record %d in %s", Area, sAreas); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't seek record %d in %s\n", Area, sAreas); fclose(pAreas); free(sAreas); return FALSE; } if (fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, pAreas) != 1) { WriteError("$Can't read record %d in %s", Area, sAreas); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't read record %d in %s\n", Area, sAreas); fclose(pAreas); free(sAreas); return FALSE; } fclose(pAreas); free(sAreas); return TRUE; } int is_real_8_3(char *File) { int i; if (! is_8_3(File)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < strlen(File); i++) if (isalpha(File[i]) && islower(File[i])) return FALSE; return TRUE; }