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<META name="description" lang="en" content="MBSE BBS Manual">
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<TITLE>MBSE BBS - Internet gateway.</TITLE>
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<h5>Last update 26-Apr-2001</h5>

<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">MBSE BBS - Internet Gateway.</H1>

<p align="center"><u><b>WARNING: THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM VERSION 0.33.14 AND UP</b></u></p>

Since version 0.33.14 the email gateway is build into MBSE BBS and since
version 0.33.15 the newsgateway is build into MBSE BBS. Since version 0.33.16 the
newsgateway to UUCP nodes is added. To route
email trafic to and from the internet you need a internet MTA. I stopped using 
<strong>sendmail</strong> for this because it gave too much trouble setting it
up together with MBSE BBS. 
Today I use <A HREF="http://www.postfix.org">Postfix</A>,
a well documented, secure and easy to setup MTA. For the actual gate from
Postfix to the BBS you I use <b>mbmail</b> which you need to add to the 
Postfix configuration.<P>
There may be two reasons to create a gateway, one is to gate internet news and
email to the Fidonet bbs users, another reason may be that you want to make
echomail as news available on your system so that users can connect to your 
bbs with their favourite browser an get the mail and news using pop3 and
nntp protocols. The setup is the same for both reasons so I will make one
description for the whole setup.

<H3>Setup a newsgate node with inn.</H3>
If you only want to gate internet news to your bbs users and not want to
make echomail available as news, and you have a permament internet connection
then you don't need your own news server. Just configure MBSE BBS to use the
newsserver of your ISP in screen 1.14 with mbsetup. All other users need
to run a newsserver on the bbs machine or another networked machine. You
could use <A HREF="http://www.isc.org">inn news</A> for a newsserver.
To connect a small feed with your ISP you could use <strong>suck</strong>.
In each echomail area you want to gate you need to fill in the newsgroup
name of that area and echomail received in that area will automatic be 
posted to that newsgroup. The command <b>mbfido news</b> will check all
configured newsgroups for new newsarticles. If you set it up for the first
time you need to run <strong>mbfido news -learn</strong> to fill the dupes
database for news with all the already existing news articles. If you skip
that, you may get a lot of old articles that will be gated. Just run that
command once after you have set this up. Later when you receive fresh articles
the command <strong>mbfido news</strong> will only gate new arrived articles.
See the configuration of <A HREF="gwnews.html">INN news configuration</A>.

<H3>Setup a newsgate with rnews.</H3>
This is the setup if you don't want an NNTP newsserver like inn, but a simple
cnews setup for UUCP links only. In <strong>mbsetup</strong> menu 1.14 you need
to set this up. You need to fill in the path to the rnews program so that
<strong>mbfido</strong> can post articles to cnews.  MORE INFO NEEDED.
In each echomail area you want to gate you need to fill in the newsgroup
name of that area and echomail received in that area will automatic be
posted to that newsgroup.

<H3>Setup a newsgate via UUCP.</H3>
With this setup you don't run a local newsserver, only your bbs users and 
Fidonet links can then use news. You need to install <strong>uucp</strong>
on your system. With <strong>mbsetup</strong> menu 1.14 you need to set this
up. Suppose your ISP's nodename is xs4all the you probably need to set the
UUCP path to <code>/var/spool/uucp/xs4all</code> and the UUCP node to
<code>xs4all</code>. Your own nodename will be your system's hostname without
the domain part.
In each echomail area you want to gate you need to fill in the newsgroup
name of that area and echomail received in that area will automatic be
posted to that newsgroup.

<H3>Setup a email gate.</H3>
See <A HREF="postfix.html">Postfix (email) configuration</A>

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