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<TITLE>MBSE BBS Menus - File Area Menus.</TITLE>
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<div align='right'><h5>Last update 02-Feb-2001</h5></div>
<div align='center'><h1>MBSE BBS File Area Menus</h1></div>


 <LI value="101"><strong>Select another area:</strong> This option will show
 a list of available areas and let the user select a new area. If there is
 optional data the new area will be selected without user intervention.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> If there is an option the area is direct
 selected. Current options are: <strong>F+</strong> goto next available area.
 <strong>F-</strong> goto previous available area.<Br>

 <LI value="102"><strong>File List:</strong> This option will display a list
 of files with their dates, sizes and description. During the display of the
 list the user can select (Tag) files for later download.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="103"><strong>View File:</strong> Not yet implemented.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="104"><strong>Download File(s):</strong> This option will start to
 transmit files to the user if he has tagged files for download. Tagging files
 for download can be done during File List, Keyword Scan, Filename Scan or
 Newfile Scan. If a user didn't select a transfer protocol before now he will be
 forced to select a file transfer protocol.<br>
 <strong>Optional Data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="105"><strong>Raw Directory:</strong> This option will display the
 contents of a directory in raw format.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> If the option is <strong>/F</strong> the
 contents of the current directory is shown. If the option is the full path
 to a directory, the contents of that directory is shown. <br>

 <LI value="106"><strong>Keyword Scan:</strong> This option will search for
 files in the files database for a matching keyword. The search is not case
 sensitive. If there are files found the user is able to select (Tag) these
 files for later download.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="107"><strong>Filename Scan:</strong> This option will search for
 a filename match in the files database. The search is not case sensitive.
 If there are files found the user is able to select (Tag) these files for
 later download.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="108"><strong>Newfiles Scan:</strong> This option will scan for new
 files available for download since the last time the user was online. As
 option the user can change that date from which to start the search. Any files
 found the user may select (Tag) for later download.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="109"><strong>Upload:</strong> This option will let the user upload
 files to the bbs. If the current area has an alternate upload area, the upload
 will end up in that area. If the user uses X-modem or another ancient protocol
 he will first be asked for a filename. Normal modern protocols don't need this.
 The filename is checked before the transfer is done to protect the bbs. Further
 the files the user will upload will at first be placed under the users home
 directory <strong>~/upl</strong>. After the upload(s) the files are checked
 for virusses. If all is well, the file is imported in the bbs. If the file
 contains a valid FILE_ID.DIZ file inside the archive, that file will be used
 for the description of the upload, if not, the uploader will have to describe
 the file.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="110"><strong>Edit Taglist:</strong> This option is for the user to
 edit the list of files he has tagged for later download.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="111"><strong>View file in homedir:</strong> Not yet implemented.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="112"><strong>Download Direct:</strong> Download a file direct.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> The full path and filename to the file to

 <LI value="113"><strong>Copy file to Homedir:</strong> This option will copy 
 a file from a download directory to the users home directory. It will be 
 checked if the user has enough room in his directory, the default Quota for
 users is 10 MBytes.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="114"><strong>List Homedir:</strong> This option will list the files
 in the users home directory.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="115"><strong>Delete in Homedir:</strong> This option will let the 
 user delete one or more files from his home directory.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="116"><strong>Unpack file in Homedir:</strong> Not yet implemented.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="117"><strong>Pack files in Homedir:</strong> Not yet implemented.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="118"><strong>Download Homedir:</strong> This option will let the 
 user download from his home directory.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

 <LI value="119"><strong>Upload Homedir:</strong> This option will let the user
 upload files to his home directory.<br>
 <strong>Optional data:</strong> None.<br>

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