 * $Id$
 * Purpose ...............: MBSE BBS functions for TURBODIESEL
 * Copyright (C) 1997-2005
 * Michiel Broek		FIDO:	2:280/2802
 * Beekmansbos 10
 * 1971 BV IJmuiden
 * the Netherlands
 * This file is part of MBSE BBS.
 * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

#include "../config.h"
#include "mbselib.h"
#include "diesel.h"

static int firstrandom = TRUE;

void MacroVars( const char *codes, const char *fmt, ...)
    char    *tmp1, *tmp2, *vs, vc;
    va_list ap;
    int	    j, dieselrc, vd;
    double  vf;

    tmp1 = calloc(MAXSTR, sizeof(char));
    tmp2 = calloc(MAXSTR, sizeof(char));

    for (j = 0; (codes[j] != '\0') && (fmt[j] != '\0') ; j++ ){
        tmp1[0] = '\0';
        switch (fmt[j]) {
	    case 's':   /* string */
                        vs = va_arg(ap, char *);
                        snprintf(tmp1, MAXSTR -1, "@(setvar,%c,\"%s\")",codes[j],vs);
	    case 'd':   /* int */
                        vd = va_arg(ap, int);
                        snprintf(tmp1, MAXSTR -1, "@(setvar,%c,%d)",codes[j],vd);
            case 'c':   /* char */
                        vc = va_arg(ap, int);
                        snprintf(tmp1, MAXSTR -1, "@(setvar,%c,%c)",codes[j],vc);
            case 'f':   /* char */
                        vf = va_arg(ap, double);
                        snprintf(tmp1, MAXSTR -1, "@(setvar,%c,%f)",codes[j],vf);
        dieselrc = diesel(tmp1,tmp2);
	if (dieselrc) {
	    Syslog('!', "MacroVars error %d argument %d, macro %c type %c", dieselrc, j, codes[j], fmt[j]);
	    if (fmt[j] == 's')
		Syslogp('!', printable(va_arg(ap, char *), 0));
	    Syslogp('!', printable(tmp1, 0));
	    Syslogp('!', printable(tmp2, 0));


void MacroClear(void)
    int	    dieselrc;
    char    tmp1[] = "@(CLEAR)", *tmp2;

    tmp2 = calloc(10,sizeof(char));
    dieselrc = diesel(tmp1, tmp2);
    if (dieselrc)
	Syslog('!', "MacroClear error %d", dieselrc);

char *ParseMacro( const char *line, int *dieselrc)
    static char	res[MAXSTR];
    char	*tmp1, *tmp2, *tmp3, *i;
    int		j, l;
    char	code;


    if ( *line == '#' )
	return res;

    tmp1 = calloc(MAXSTR, sizeof(char));
    tmp2 = calloc(MAXSTR, sizeof(char));
    tmp3 = calloc(MAXSTR, sizeof(char));


    for ( i=line ; i[0] != '\0'; i++){
	if ( (i[0] == '@') && isalpha(i[1]) ){
	    if (i[0] != '@') {
		if ((code = i[0]) != '\0' )
		while (( i[0] == '_') || ( i[0] == '>') || ( i[0] == '<') ){
		snprintf(tmp2, MAXSTR, "@(GETVAR,%c)",code);
		if (!diesel(tmp2,tmp3)==0){
		    snprintf(tmp3, MAXSTR, "%c%c",'@',code);
		if (l>2){
		    if ( *i != '>')
		    snprintf(&tmp1[strlen(tmp1)], MAXSTR, "%*.*s", l, l, tmp3);
		    snprintf(&tmp1[strlen(tmp1)], MAXSTR, "%s", tmp3);

    i = tmp1;
    snprintf(tmp2, MAXSTR, "%s", tmp1);

    if ((tmp1[0]=='@') && (tmp1[1]=='{')){
	for (j=2; ((tmp1[j]!='}') && (tmp1[j]!='\0'));j++){
	if ( (tmp1[j]=='}') ){
	    if (j>2)
		snprintf(res, MAXSTR, "%.*s",j-2, &tmp1[2]);
	    if ((diesel(res,tmp3)!=0) || (atoi(tmp3)==0))
		snprintf(tmp2, MAXSTR, "@!%s",i);
		snprintf(tmp2, MAXSTR, "%s",i);
    *dieselrc=diesel(tmp2, res);

    while (isspace(res[strlen(res) - 1])) {
	res[strlen(res) - 1] = EOS;
    if ((res[0] == '@') && (res[1] =='!' ))
    return res;

 * Add random fortune cookie to the macrovars
void Cookie(int);
void Cookie(int HtmlMode)
    FILE    *olf;
    char    *fname, outbuf[256];
    int	    recno, records;

    MacroVars("F", "s", "");
    fname = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
    snprintf(fname, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/etc/oneline.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"));

    if ((olf = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
	WriteError("Can't open %s", fname);

    fread(&olhdr, sizeof(olhdr), 1, olf);
    fseek(olf, 0, SEEK_END);
    records = (ftell(olf) - olhdr.hdrsize) / olhdr.recsize;

    if (firstrandom) {
	firstrandom = FALSE;
    recno = (1+(int) (1.0 * records * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) - 1;

    if (fseek(olf, olhdr.hdrsize + (recno * olhdr.recsize), SEEK_SET) == 0) {
	if (fread(&ol, olhdr.recsize, 1, olf) == 1) {
	    if (HtmlMode) {
		html_massage(ol.Oneline, outbuf, 255);
		MacroVars("F", "s", outbuf);
	    } else {
		MacroVars("F", "s", ol.Oneline);
	} else {
	    WriteError("Can't read record %d from %s", recno, fname);
    } else {
	WriteError("Can't seek record %d in %s", recno, fname);


 * Translate ISO 8859-1 characters to named character entities
void html_massage(char *inbuf, char *outbuf, size_t size)
        char    *inptr = inbuf;
        char    *outptr = outbuf;

        memset(outbuf, 0, sizeof(outbuf));

        while (*inptr) {

                switch ((unsigned char)*inptr) {

                        case '"':       snprintf(outptr, size, "&quot;");      break;
                        case '&':       snprintf(outptr, size, "&amp;");       break;
                        case '<':       snprintf(outptr, size, "&lt;");        break;
                        case '>':       snprintf(outptr, size, "&gt;");        break;
                        case 160:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&nbsp;");      break;
                        case 161:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&iexcl;");     break;
                        case 162:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&cent;");      break;
                        case 163:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&pound;");     break;
                        case 164:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&curren;");    break;
                        case 165:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&yen;");       break;
                        case 166:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&brvbar;");    break;
                        case 167:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&sect;");      break;
                        case 168:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&uml;");       break;
                        case 169:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&copy;");      break;
                        case 170:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ordf;");      break;
                        case 171:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&laquo;");     break;
                        case 172:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&not;");       break;
                        case 173:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&shy;");       break;
                        case 174:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&reg;");       break;
                        case 175:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&macr;");      break;
                        case 176:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&deg;");       break;
                        case 177:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&plumin;");    break;
                        case 178:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&sup2;");      break;
                        case 179:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&sup3;");      break;
                        case 180:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&acute;");     break;
                        case 181:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&micro;");     break;
                        case 182:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&para;");      break;
                        case 183:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&middot;");    break;
                        case 184:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&cedil;");     break;
                        case 185:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&supl;");      break;
                        case 186:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ordm;");      break;
                        case 187:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&raquo;");     break;
                        case 188:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&frac14;");    break;
                        case 189:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&frac12;");    break;
                        case 190:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&frac34;");    break;
                        case 191:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&iquest;");    break;
                        case 192:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Agrave;");    break;
                        case 193:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Aacute;");    break;
                        case 194:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Acirc;");     break;
                        case 195:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Atilde;");    break;
                        case 196:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Auml;");      break;
                        case 197:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Aring;");     break;
                        case 198:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&AElig;");     break;
                        case 199:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ccedil;");    break;
                        case 200:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Egrave;");    break;
                        case 201:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Eacute;");    break;
                        case 202:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ecirc;");     break;
                        case 203:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Euml;");      break;
                        case 204:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Igrave;");    break;
                        case 205:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Iacute;");    break;
                        case 206:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Icirc;");     break;
                        case 207:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Iuml;");      break;
                        case 208:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ETH;");       break;
                        case 209:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ntilde;");    break;
                        case 210:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ograve;");    break;
                        case 211:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Oacute;");    break;
                        case 212:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ocirc;");     break;
                        case 213:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Otilde;");    break;
                        case 214:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ouml;");      break;
                        case 215:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&times;");     break;
                        case 216:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Oslash;");    break;
                        case 217:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ugrave;");    break;
                        case 218:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Uacute;");    break;
                        case 219:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Ucirc;");     break;
                        case 220:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Uuml;");      break;
                        case 221:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&Yacute;");    break;
                        case 222:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&THORN;");     break;
                        case 223:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&szlig;");     break;
                        case 224:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&agrave;");    break;
                        case 225:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&aacute;");    break;
                        case 226:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&acirc;");     break;
                        case 227:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&atilde;");    break;
                        case 228:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&auml;");      break;
                        case 229:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&aring;");     break;
                        case 230:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&aelig;");     break;
                        case 231:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ccedil;");    break;
                        case 232:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&egrave;");    break;
                        case 233:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&eacute;");    break;
                        case 234:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ecirc;");     break;
                        case 235:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&euml;");      break;
                        case 236:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&igrave;");    break;
                        case 237:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&iacute;");    break;
                        case 238:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&icirc;");     break;
                        case 239:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&iuml;");      break;
                        case 240:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&eth;");       break;
                        case 241:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ntilde;");    break;
                        case 242:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ograve;");    break;
                        case 243:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&oacute;");    break;
                        case 244:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ocirc;");     break;
                        case 245:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&otilde;");    break;
                        case 246:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ouml;");      break;
                        case 247:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&divide;");    break;
                        case 248:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&oslash;");    break;
                        case 249:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ugrave;");    break;
                        case 250:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&uacute;");    break;
                        case 251:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&ucirc;");     break;
                        case 252:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&uuml;");      break;
                        case 253:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&yacute;");    break;
                        case 254:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&thorn;");     break;
                        case 255:       snprintf(outptr, size, "&yuml;");      break;
                        default:        *outptr++ = *inptr; *outptr = '\0';     break;
                while (*outptr)

        *outptr = '\0';

FILE *OpenMacro(const char *filename, int Language, int htmlmode)
    FILE	*pLang, *fi = NULL;
    char	*temp, *aka, linebuf[1024], outbuf[1024];
    temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
    aka  = calloc(81, sizeof(char));
    temp[0] = '\0';

    if (Language != '\0') {
	 * Maybe a valid language character, try to load the language
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/etc/language.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"));
	if ((pLang = fopen(temp, "rb")) == NULL) {
	    WriteError("mbdiesel: Can't open language file: %s", temp);
	} else {
	    fread(&langhdr, sizeof(langhdr), 1, pLang);
	    while (fread(&lang, langhdr.recsize, 1, pLang) == 1) {
		if ((lang.LangKey[0] == Language) && (lang.Available)) {
		    snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/%s", lang.MacroPath, filename);
     * Try to open the selected language
    if (temp[0] != '\0')
	fi = fopen(temp, "r");

     * If no selected language is loaded, try default language
    if (fi == NULL) {
	Syslog('-', "Macro file \"%s\" for language %c not found, trying default", filename, Language);
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/%s", CFG.bbs_macros, filename);
	fi = fopen(temp,"r");

    if (fi == NULL)
	WriteError("OpenMacro(%s, %c): not found", filename, Language);
    else {
	snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s-%s", OsName(), OsCPU());
	if (CFG.aka[0].point)
	    snprintf(aka, 80, "%d:%d/%d.%d@%s", CFG.aka[0].zone, CFG.aka[0].net, CFG.aka[0].node, CFG.aka[0].point, CFG.aka[0].domain);
	    snprintf(aka, 80, "%d:%d/%d@%s", CFG.aka[0].zone, CFG.aka[0].net, CFG.aka[0].node, CFG.aka[0].domain);

	if (htmlmode) {
	    MacroVars("O", "s", temp);
	    snprintf(linebuf, 1024, "%s", CFG.sysop);
	    html_massage(linebuf, outbuf, 1024);
	    MacroVars("U", "s", outbuf);
	    snprintf(linebuf, 1024, "%s", CFG.location);
	    html_massage(linebuf, outbuf, 1024);
	    MacroVars("L", "s", outbuf);
	    snprintf(linebuf, 1024, "%s", CFG.bbs_name);
	    html_massage(linebuf, outbuf, 1024);
	    MacroVars("N", "s", outbuf);
	    snprintf(linebuf, 1024, "%s", CFG.sysop_name);
	    html_massage(linebuf, outbuf, 1024);
	    MacroVars("S", "s", outbuf);
	    snprintf(linebuf, 1024, "%s", CFG.comment);
	    html_massage(linebuf, outbuf, 1024);
	    MacroVars("T", "s", outbuf);
	} else {
	    MacroVars("L", "s", CFG.location);
	    MacroVars("N", "s", CFG.bbs_name);
	    MacroVars("O", "s", temp);
	    MacroVars("S", "s", CFG.sysop_name);
	    MacroVars("T", "s", CFG.comment);
	    MacroVars("U", "s", CFG.sysop);
	MacroVars("H", "s", CFG.www_url);
	MacroVars("M", "s", CFG.sysdomain);
	MacroVars("V", "s", VERSION);
	MacroVars("Y", "s", aka);
	MacroVars("Z", "d", 0);

    return fi;