Document: FSC-0053
Version:  002
Date:     08-Dec-92

                    Specifications for the ^aFLAGS field

                           Joaquim H. Homrighausen
                       2:270/17@fidonet or

                              December 8, 1992

Status of this document:

     This FSC suggests a proposed protocol for the FidoNet(r) community,
     and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
     Distribution of this document is unlimited.

     Fido and FidoNet are registered marks of Tom Jennings and Fido


     To explain and document the existing usage of the ^aFLAGS field used
     by many software packages, including FrontDoor, TosScan, and
     D'Bridge. And to inform software authors of its proper usage.


     One of the problems with the FTS-1 (stored) message format is its
     limitations in regards to message attributes. Several bits are used
     (reserved) by SEAdog, another by several packers and editors - even
     though most mailer authors don't support them, they remain. One
     reason would be backward compatibility with older software.

     Unfortunately, this presents a problem for software authors that
     would like to pass extended message attributes for use and handling
     by other software.

     Some software packages have been using an alternate method called
     "FLAGS" which is 7-bit ASCII placed behind FLAGS somewhere near
     the beginning of a message. The various flags will now be described.


     The FLAGS string should be placed somewhere near the beginning of
     the message text, and is preceeded by a <SOH> (^a) character. There
     is no need to support all or any of the below mentioned flags.

     If flags are stripped when a message passes through a system, all
     relevant and correct FTS-1 status bits should be updated to indicate
     the original contents of the FLAGS field.

     Flag      Brief          Long description
     PVT       Private        Indicates that the message may only be read
                              by its addressee and author.

     HLD       Hold           Message should be held for pickup by its
                              destination system.

     CRA       Crash          High-priority mail.

     K/S       Kill/Sent      Remove message after it has been success-
                              fully sent.

     SNT       Sent           Message has been successfully sent (used
                              for message without Kill/Sent status).

     RCV       Received       Message has been read by its addressee.

     A/S       Archive/Sent   Place message in "sent mail" archival
                              system after it has been successfully sent.

     DIR       Direct         Message must be sent directly to its
                              destination and may not be routed.

     ZON       Zonegate       Send message through zonegate (if

     HUB       Hub/Host-route Host- or Hub-route message (as

     FIL       File attach    Message has one or more files attached to

     FRQ       File request   Message has one or more file requests in
                              subject field.

     IMM       Immediate      NOW!-priority mail. Send at first
                              opportunity, override any transmission
                              restrictions enforced by events, costs, or

     XMA       Xmail          Message has alternate form of compressed
                              mail attached.

     KFS       Kill file      Remove attached file(s) after they have
                              been successfully sent. Only valid for file
                              attach message.

     TFS       Truncate file  Truncate attached file(s) to zero length
                              after they have been successfully sent.
                              Only valid for file attach message.
                              Primarily used by Conference Mail

     LOK       Lock           Prevent message from being processed.
                              This includes sending, deleting,
                              purging, and editing.

     RRQ       Receipt REQ    When the mailer/packer at the message's
                              final destination unpacks the message, it's
                              asked to generate a receipt to the author
                              of the message that indicates that the
                              message arrived at its final destination.

     CFM       Confirm REQ    When message is read by its addressee, a
                              Confirmation Receipt should be generated to
                              the author of the message.

     HIR       HiRes          FAX: Hi-Resolution image.

     COV       CoverLetter    FAX: Cover sheet.

     SIG       Signature      FAX: Signature.

     LET       LetterHead     FAX: LetterHead.

|    FAX       Fax image      The filename specified in the message's
|                             subject field contains a fax document that
|                             should be viewed using software capable of
|                             doing so.

|    FPU       Force pickup   Treated as a message with an IMM flag. This
|                             instructs the mailer to keep calling the
|                             destination system, if the connection is
|                             aborted for some reason, until a valid "End
|                             of files" signal is received (i.e. no more
|                             files remain to pick up).


     Xmail is related to the ARCmail 0.60 standard as adopted by the FTSC.
     The exception is that any type of compression method may be used and
     the naming convention isn't necessarily limited to that of the
     ARCmail 0.60 standard.


     Feedback would be appreciated and can be sent to me at the addresses
     specified on the title page. Please send feedback via netmail.
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