Last update 04-Jul-2002


mbmon - MBSE BBS Monitor





mbmon is the monitor program so that you can see what is happening on your bbs. It can show all processes and actions of all programs, show system statitistics, disk useage, and the last callers list. mbmon must run on the same system where the bbs is.



In order to run mbmon you must set the global variable $MBSE_ROOT. This variable must point to the root directory of the bbs structure.


Menu 1.

This screen shows the running bbs programs and what they are doing.


Menu 2.

This screen displays the actual mbtask server status and some internal variables. The left side of the screen are more statistics and counters, the right side displays the actual bbs open status, Zone Mail Hour status, if Internet is alive, if internet is needed, if mbtask is internal running and the system load average.


Menu 3.

This screen displays the filesystem usage. Removeable filesystems such as CD's are not displayed, only filesystems that the bbs could use.


Menu 4.

This screen shows some bbs information.


Menu 5.

This menus shows the lastcallers of the bbs. It shows the username, location, userlevel, the device they logged in from, the starttime, the duration, the number of calls, the linespeed and the actions they have done. The action fields mean: Hidden, Download, Upload, Read messages, Post messages, Chat, Offline reader, External door.


Menu 6.

This shows the software information.

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