Last update 30-Sep-2002

MBSE BBS Setup - File Echo's Setup - File Groups.


File echo groups are to logically divide your file echo's for different file distribution networks. This screen also has a lot of fields that are needed for the auto area create. When a new area is created a bbs download area is made and a new tic area record is made. It makes sense to select the groups by uplink and area file that is available for that file distribution network. By doing that downlinks can connect areas that are not yet connected at your bbs but are available from your uplink. If you are connected to the filegate then there is one area file for all distribution groups. You must then create a file group for each distribution group, ie. Fidonet, SDS etc. The name of that group must exactly match the comment field in the group in this setup.


Cost Sharing.

With the setup of groups you can also specify the Cost Sharing for the files distribution. The unit cost is the cost for each transmitted file if the unit size field is zero, or the unit price per transmitted unit size. The final cost is multiplied with the "Add Prom." factor to add taxes or so. Also if your uplink sends advanced .tic files, the cost found in that .tic file will be added to the cost as well. Further you can set the final price to divide between your downlinks or let them all pay the full price.

File Group Setup.

Name      File Echo Group name.
Comment   The description of that group.
Base path The base path for new created areas.
Active    If this group is active.
Use Aka   The Fidonet aka to use for this group
Uplink    The Fidonet aka of the uplink.
Areas     The name of the areas file (in ~/var/arealists).
Filegate  Is area file in filegate.zxx format or not.
Banner    Banner file to add to archives.
Convert   Archiver to convert archive to.
BBS group BBS group name.
New group New files announce group.
Active    If this group is active.
Deleted   If this group must be deleted.
Start at  New created areas must start at area nr.
Unit Cost The cost per unit.
Unit Size The size in Kbytes per unit.
Add Prom. The prommilage to add to the cost.
Divide    Divide cost over downlinks.
Auto chng Auto change when running mbfido areas
User chng Auto create areas on downlinks requests.
Replace   Set replace option in new areas.
Dupecheck Set Dupecheck option in new areas.
Secure    Set secure option in new areas.
Touch     Set Touch filedate option in new areas.
Virscan   Set virus scanner option in new areas.
Announce  Set announce files option in new areas.
Upd magic Set update magicname option in new areas.
File ID   Set File ID option in new areas.
Conv. all Set convert all option in new areas.
Send orig Set send original option in new areas.
DL sec    Set download security in new areas.
UP sec    Set upload security in new areas.
LT sec    Set list security in new areas.
Upl. area Set upload area number in new areas.
Link sec  Set link security to copy to new areas.

File echo groups setup

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