 * $Id$
 * Example stylesheet MBSE BBS file listings.

BODY      { background: beige }

 * H1 is the header in the area pages, H2 in the main page.
H1        { color: red;   font-family: Arial; font-size: 13pt;  font-weight: bold }
H2        { color: black; font-family: Arial; font-size: 13pt;  font-weight: bold }

A:link	  { color: blue }
A:visited { color: blue }
A:active  { color: red  }

 * The look and feel of the file listings. Use a fixed font in the TD
 * fields, not Truetype or it will look ugly.
TABLE     { background: #CCCCCC }
TH        { background: #99CCFF; font-family: Helvetica }
TH.head   { background: #FF9900; font-family: Helvetica }
TD        { font-family: Fixed; font-size: 10pt }