/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: Misc functions, also for some utils. * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../lib/libs.h" #include "../lib/mbse.h" #include "../lib/structs.h" #include "../lib/records.h" #include "../lib/clcomm.h" #include "../lib/common.h" #include "../lib/msg.h" #include "funcs4.h" #include "input.h" #include "misc.h" #include "timeout.h" #include "language.h" extern pid_t mypid; /* Original pid */ void UserSilent(int flag) { SockS("ADIS:2,%d,%d;", mypid, flag); } /* * Check BBS open status, return FALSE if the bbs is closed. * Display the reason why to the user. */ int CheckStatus() { static char buf[81]; sprintf(buf, "SBBS:0;"); if (socket_send(buf) == 0) { strcpy(buf, socket_receive()); if (strncmp(buf, "100:2,0", 7) == 0) return TRUE; if ((strncmp(buf, "100:2,2", 7) == 0) && (!ttyinfo.honor_zmh)) return TRUE; buf[strlen(buf) -1] = '\0'; printf("\n\n\007*** %s ***\n\n\n", buf+8); fflush(stdout); } return FALSE; } /* * Function will Scan Users Database for existing phone numbers. If * found, it will write a log entry to the logfile. The user WILL NOT * be notified about the same numbers */ int TelephoneScan(char *Number, char *Name) { FILE *fp; int Status = FALSE; char *temp; struct userhdr uhdr; struct userrec u; temp = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/users.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if(( fp = fopen(temp,"rb")) != NULL) { fread(&uhdr, sizeof(uhdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&u, uhdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { if (strcasecmp(u.sUserName, Name) != 0) if ((strlen(u.sVoicePhone) && (strcmp(u.sVoicePhone, Number) == 0)) || (strlen(u.sDataPhone) && (strcmp(u.sDataPhone, Number) == 0))) { Status = TRUE; Syslog('b', "Dupe phones ref: \"%s\" voice: \"%s\" data: \"%s\"", Number, u.sVoicePhone, u.sDataPhone); Syslog('+', "Uses the same telephone number as %s", u.sUserName); } } fclose(fp); } free(temp); return Status; } /* * Function to check if UserName exists and returns a 0 or 1 */ int CheckName(char *Name) { FILE *fp; int Status = FALSE; char *temp, *temp1; struct userhdr ushdr; struct userrec us; temp = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); temp1 = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); strcpy(temp1, tl(Name)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/users.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp,"rb")) != NULL) { fread(&ushdr, sizeof(ushdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&us, ushdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { strcpy(temp, tl(us.sUserName)); if((strcmp(temp, temp1)) == 0) { Status = TRUE; break; } } fclose(fp); } free(temp); free(temp1); return Status; } /* * This function returns the date in the following format: * DD-Mon HH:MM:SS (Day-Month Time) * The users language is used. */ char *logdate() { static char Logdate[15]; time(&Time_Now); l_date = localtime(&Time_Now); sprintf(Logdate,"%02d-%s %02d:%02d:%02d", l_date->tm_mday, GetMonth(l_date->tm_mon+1), l_date->tm_hour, l_date->tm_min, l_date->tm_sec); return(Logdate); } /* * Function will ask user to create a unix login * Name cannot be longer than 8 characters */ char *NameGen(char *FidoName) { char *sUserName; struct passwd *pw; sUserName = calloc(10, sizeof(char)); Syslog('+', "NameGen(%s)", FidoName); setpwent(); while ((strcmp(sUserName, "") == 0 || (pw = getpwnam(sUserName)) != NULL) || (strlen(sUserName) < 3)) { colour(12, 0); printf("\n%s\n\n", (char *) Language(381)); colour(15, 0); /* Please enter a login name (Maximum 8 characters) */ printf("\n%s\n", (char *) Language(383)); /* ie. John Doe, login = jdoe */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(384)); colour(10, 0); /* login > */ printf("%s", (char *) Language(385)); fflush(stdout); fflush(stdin); GetstrU(sUserName, 7); setpwent(); if (pw = getpwnam(tl(sUserName)), pw != NULL) { /* That login name already exists, please choose another one. */ colour(12, 0); printf("\n%s\n", (char *) Language(386)); setpwent(); } } return tl(sUserName); } /* * Function will create the users name in the passwd file */ char *NameCreate(char *Name, char *Comment, char *Password) { char *PassEnt; PassEnt = calloc(256, sizeof(char)); /* * Call mbuseradd, this is a special setuid root program to create * unix acounts and home directories. */ sprintf(PassEnt, "%s/bin/mbuseradd %d %s \"%s\" %s", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), getgid(), Name, Comment, CFG.bbs_usersdir); Syslog('+', "%s", PassEnt); fflush(stdout); fflush(stdin); if (system(PassEnt) != 0) { WriteError("Failed to create unix account"); free(PassEnt); ExitClient(1); } sprintf(PassEnt, "%s/bin/mbpasswd -f %s %s", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Name, Password); Syslog('+', "%s/bin/mbpasswd -f %s ******", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Name); if (system(PassEnt) != 0) { WriteError("Failed to set unix password"); free(PassEnt); ExitClient(1); } colour(14, 0); /* Your "Unix Account" is created, you may use it the next time you call */ printf("\n%s\n", (char *) Language(382)); Syslog('+', "Created Unix account %s for %s", Name, Comment); free(PassEnt); return Name; } /* * Function will check and create a home directory for the user if * needed. It will also change into the users home directory when * they login. */ char *ChangeHomeDir(char *Name, int Mailboxes) { char *temp; static char temp1[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fp; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); /* * set umask bits to zero's then reset with mkdir */ umask(000); /* * First check to see if users home directory exists * else try create directory, as set in CFG.bbs_usersdir */ if ((access(CFG.bbs_usersdir, R_OK)) != 0) { WriteError("$FATAL: Access to %s failed", CFG.bbs_usersdir); free(temp); ExitClient(1); } sprintf(temp1, "%s/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, Name); /* * Then check to see if users directory exists in the home dir */ if ((access(temp1, R_OK)) != 0) { WriteError("$FATAL: Users homedir %s doesn't exist", temp1); free(temp); ExitClient(1); } /* * Change to users home directory */ if (chdir(temp1) != 0) { WriteError("$FATAL: Can't change to users home dir, aborting: %s", temp1); free(temp); ExitClient(1); } setenv("HOME", temp1, 1); /* * Check if user has a .signature file. * If not, create a simple one. */ sprintf(temp, "%s/%s/.signature", CFG.bbs_usersdir, Name); if (access(temp, R_OK)) { Syslog('+', "Creating users .signature file"); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "w")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't create %s", temp); } else { fprintf(fp, " Gtx, %s\n", exitinfo.sUserName); if (CFG.EmailMode == E_PRMISP) fprintf(fp, " email: %s@%s\n", exitinfo.Name, CFG.sysdomain); fclose(fp); } } /* * Check subdirectories, create them if they don't exist. */ sprintf(temp, "%s/wrk", temp1); CheckDir(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s/tag", temp1); CheckDir(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s/upl", temp1); CheckDir(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s/tmp", temp1); CheckDir(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s/.dosemu", temp1); CheckDir(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s/.dosemu/run", temp1); CheckDir(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s/.dosemu/tmp", temp1); CheckDir(temp); umask(007); /* * Check users private emailboxes */ if (Mailboxes) { sprintf(temp, "%s/mailbox", temp1); if (Msg_Open(temp)) Msg_Close(); sprintf(temp, "%s/archive", temp1); if (Msg_Open(temp)) Msg_Close(); sprintf(temp, "%s/trash", temp1); if (Msg_Open(temp)) Msg_Close(); } free(temp); return temp1; } void CheckDir(char *dir) { if ((access(dir, R_OK) != 0)) { Syslog('+', "Creating %s", dir); if (mkdir(dir, 0770)) WriteError("$Can't create %s", dir); } } /* * Function will check /etc/passwd for users fidonet login name. * This will allow users to login in with there full name instead of * their login name, to cut out confusion between unix accounts * and normal bbs logins. */ int Check4UnixLogin(char *UsersName) { unsigned UID = -1; /* Set to -1 incase user is not found */ struct passwd *pw; while ((pw = getpwent())) { if(strcmp(pw->pw_gecos, UsersName) == 0) { UID = pw->pw_uid; break; } } return UID; } /* * Function to check if User Handle exists and returns a 0 or 1 */ int CheckHandle(char *Name) { FILE *fp; int Status = FALSE; char *temp, *temp1; struct userhdr uhdr; struct userrec u; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); strcpy(temp1, tl(Name)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/users.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if(( fp = fopen(temp,"rb")) != NULL) { fread(&uhdr, sizeof(uhdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&u, uhdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { strcpy(temp, tl(u.sHandle)); if((strcmp(temp, temp1)) == 0) { Status = TRUE; break; } } free(temp); free(temp1); fclose(fp); } return Status; } /* * Function will check for unwanted user names */ int BadNames(char *Username) { FILE *fp; short iFoundName = FALSE; char *temp, *String, *User; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); String = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); User = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); strcpy(User, tl(Username)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/badnames.ctl", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if(( fp = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { while((fgets(String, 80, fp)) != NULL) { strcpy(String, tl(String)); Striplf(String); if((strstr(User, String)) != NULL) { printf("\nSorry that name is not acceptable on this system\n"); iFoundName = TRUE; break; } } fclose(fp); } free(temp); free(String); free(User); return iFoundName; } /* * Function will find where MBSE is located on system and load * the file $MBSE_ROOT/etc/config.data in memory. */ void FindMBSE() { FILE *pDataFile; static char p[81]; char *FileName; struct passwd *pw; FileName = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); /* * Check if the environment is set, if not, then we create the * environment from the passwd file. */ if (getenv("MBSE_ROOT") == NULL) { pw = getpwnam("mbse"); memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); sprintf(p, "MBSE_ROOT=%s", pw->pw_dir); putenv(p); } if (getenv("MBSE_ROOT") == NULL) { printf("FATAL ERROR: Environment variable MBSE_ROOT not set\n"); free(FileName); #ifdef MEMWATCH mwTerm(); #endif exit(1); } sprintf(FileName, "%s/etc/config.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if(( pDataFile = fopen(FileName, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("FATAL ERROR: Can't open %s for reading!\n", FileName); printf("Please run mbsetup to create configuration file.\n"); printf("Or check that your environment variable MBSE_ROOT is set to the BBS Path!\n"); free(FileName); #ifdef MEMWATCH mwTerm(); #endif exit(1); } fread(&CFG, sizeof(CFG), 1, pDataFile); free(FileName); fclose(pDataFile); } /* * Returns Mmm in the users language. */ char *GetMonth(int Month) { static char month[10]; switch (Month) { case 1: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 398)); break; case 2: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 399)); break; case 3: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 400)); break; case 4: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 401)); break; case 5: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 402)); break; case 6: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 403)); break; case 7: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 404)); break; case 8: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 405)); break; case 9: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 406)); break; case 10: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 407)); break; case 11: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 408)); break; case 12: strcpy(month, *(mLanguage + 409)); break; default: strcpy(month, "Unknown"); } return(month); } /* Returns DD-Mmm-YYYY */ char *GLCdateyy() { static char GLcdateyy[15]; char ntime[15]; time(&Time_Now); l_date = localtime(&Time_Now); sprintf(GLcdateyy,"%02d-", l_date->tm_mday); sprintf(ntime,"-%02d", l_date->tm_year+1900); strcat(GLcdateyy, GetMonth(l_date->tm_mon+1)); strcat(GLcdateyy,ntime); return(GLcdateyy); }