 * $Id$
 * Purpose ...............: Add mail to .pkt
 * Copyright (C) 1997-2005
 * Michiel Broek		FIDO:		2:280/2802
 * Beekmansbos 10
 * 1971 BV IJmuiden
 * the Netherlands
 * This file is part of MBSE BBS.
 * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

#include "../config.h"
#include "../lib/mbselib.h"
#include "../lib/users.h"
#include "../lib/mbsedb.h"
#include "addpkt.h"

extern int  do_flush;

static char *months[]={(char *)"Jan",(char *)"Feb",(char *)"Mar",
		       (char *)"Apr",(char *)"May",(char *)"Jun",
		       (char *)"Jul",(char *)"Aug",(char *)"Sep",
		       (char *)"Oct",(char *)"Nov",(char *)"Dec"};

extern int do_unprot;

 * Prepare ARCmail, this is actually just a rename of the temporary
 * .pkt file on the queue to a permanent .pkt name that will later
 * be added to the real ARCmail bundle.
int PrepARC(char *, fidoaddr);
int PrepARC(char *Queue, fidoaddr Dest)
    char    *pktfile;
    FILE    *fp;

    Syslog('p', "Prepare ARCmail for %s", aka2str(Dest));

    if (!SearchNode(Dest)) {
	WriteError("Downlink %s not found", aka2str(Dest));
	return FALSE;

    pktfile = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
    snprintf(pktfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/%d.%d.%d.%d/%08x.pkt", CFG.out_queue, Dest.zone, Dest.net, Dest.node, Dest.point, sequencer());
    Syslog('p', "Rename .pkt to %s", pktfile);

    if (rename(Queue, pktfile)) {
	WriteError("$Can't rename %s to %s", Queue, pktfile);
	return FALSE;

     * Add zero word to end of .pkt file
    if ((fp = fopen(pktfile, "a+")) == NULL) {
	WriteError("$Can't open %s", pktfile);
	return FALSE;
    putc('\0', fp);
    putc('\0', fp);

    return TRUE;

FILE *CreatePkt(char *, fidoaddr, fidoaddr, char *);
FILE *CreatePkt(char *Queue, fidoaddr Orig, fidoaddr Dest, char *Extension)
    static FILE	    *qp;
    unsigned char   buffer[0x3a];
    time_t	    Now;
    int		    i;
    struct tm	    *Tm;
    char	    str[81];

    if ((qp = fopen(Queue, "a")) == NULL) {
	WriteError("$Can't create Queue %s", Queue);
	return NULL;

     * Write .PKT header, see FSC-0039 rev. 4
    memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    Now = time(NULL);
    Tm = localtime(&Now);
    if (Tm->tm_sec > 59)
	Tm->tm_sec = 59;

    buffer[0x00] = (Orig.node & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x01] = (Orig.node & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x02] = (Dest.node & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x03] = (Dest.node & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x04] = ((Tm->tm_year + 1900) & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x05] = ((Tm->tm_year + 1900) & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x06] = Tm->tm_mon;
    buffer[0x08] = Tm->tm_mday;
    buffer[0x0a] = Tm->tm_hour;
    buffer[0x0c] = Tm->tm_min;
    buffer[0x0e] = Tm->tm_sec;
    buffer[0x12] = 2;
    buffer[0x14] = (Orig.net & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x15] = (Orig.net & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x16] = (Dest.net & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x17] = (Dest.net & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x18] = (PRODCODE & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x19] = (VERSION_MAJOR & 0x00ff);

    memset(&str, 0, 8);		/* Packet password	*/
    if (SearchNode(Dest)) {
	if (strlen(nodes.Epasswd)) {
	    snprintf(str, 81, "%s", nodes.Epasswd);

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
	buffer[0x1a + i] = toupper(str[i]);	/* FSC-0039 only talks about A-Z, 0-9, so force uppercase */

    buffer[0x22] = (Orig.zone & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x23] = (Orig.zone & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x24] = (Dest.zone & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x25] = (Dest.zone & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x29] = 1;
    buffer[0x2a] = (PRODCODE & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x2b] = (VERSION_MINOR & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x2c] = 1;
    buffer[0x2e] = buffer[0x22];
    buffer[0x2f] = buffer[0x23];
    buffer[0x30] = buffer[0x24];
    buffer[0x31] = buffer[0x25];
    buffer[0x32] = (Orig.point & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x33] = (Orig.point & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x34] = (Dest.point & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x35] = (Dest.point & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x36] = 'm';
    buffer[0x37] = 'b';
    buffer[0x38] = 's';
    buffer[0x39] = 'e';
    fwrite(buffer, 1, 0x3a, qp);

    return qp;

 *  Open a .pkt file on the queue, create a fresh one if needed.
 *  If CFG.maxpktsize is set then it will add the .pkt to the
 *  ARCmail archive when possible.
FILE *OpenPkt(fidoaddr Orig, fidoaddr Dest, char *Extension)
    char	*Queue;
    static FILE	*qp;

    Queue = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));

    snprintf(Queue, PATH_MAX, "%s/%d.%d.%d.%d/mailpkt.%s", CFG.out_queue, Dest.zone, Dest.net, Dest.node, Dest.point, Extension);
    mkdirs(Queue, 0750);
    if (file_exist(Queue, R_OK))
	qp = CreatePkt(Queue, Orig, Dest, Extension);
    else {
	if ((qp = fopen(Queue, "a")) == NULL) {
	    WriteError("$Can't reopen Queue %s", Queue);
	    return NULL;

	if (CFG.maxpktsize && (ftell(qp) >= (CFG.maxpktsize * 1024)) && (strcmp(Extension, "qqq") == 0)) {
	     * It's a pkt that's meant to be send archived and it's
	     * bigger then maxpktsize. Try to add this pkt to the
	     * outbound archive for this node.
	    if (PrepARC(Queue, Dest) == TRUE) {
		 * If the pack succeeded create a fresh packet.
		qp = CreatePkt(Queue, Orig, Dest, Extension);
	    } else {
		 * If the pack failed the existing queue is
		 * reopened and we continue adding to that
		 * existing packet.
		Syslog('s', "PrepARC failed");
		qp = fopen(Queue, "a");

	     * Go back to the original inbound directory.
	    if (do_unprot) 

    do_flush = TRUE;
    return qp;

int AddMsgHdr(FILE *fp, faddr *f, faddr *t, int flags, int cost, time_t date, char *tname, char *fname, char *subj)
    unsigned char	buffer[0x0e];
    struct tm	*Tm;

    if ((tname == NULL) || (strlen(tname) > 36) || 
	    (fname == NULL) || (strlen(fname) > 36) || (subj  == NULL) || (strlen(subj) > 72)) {
	if (tname == NULL)
	    WriteError("AddMsgHdr() error, To name is NULL");
	else if (strlen(tname) > 36)
	    WriteError("AddMsgHdr() error, To name length %d", strlen(tname));
	if (fname == NULL)
	    WriteError("AddMsgHdr() error, From name is NULL");
	else if (strlen(fname) > 36)
	    WriteError("AddMsgHdr() error, From name length %d", strlen(fname));
	if (subj  == NULL)
	    WriteError("AddMsgHdr() error, Subject is NULL");
	else if (strlen(subj) > 72)
	    WriteError("AddMsgHdr() error, Subject length %d", strlen(subj));
	return 1;

    buffer[0x00] = 2;
    buffer[0x01] = 0;
    buffer[0x02] = (f->node & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x03] = (f->node & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x04] = (t->node & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x05] = (t->node & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x06] = (f->net & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x07] = (f->net & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x08] = (t->net & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x09] = (t->net & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x0a] = (flags & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x0b] = (flags & 0xff00) >> 8;
    buffer[0x0c] = (cost & 0x00ff);
    buffer[0x0d] = (cost & 0xff00) >> 8;
    fwrite(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp);

    if (date == (time_t)0) {
	date = time(NULL);
	Tm = localtime(&date);
    } else
	Tm = gmtime(&date);

     * According to the manpage the tm_sec value is in the range 0..61
     * to allow leap seconds. FTN networks don't allow this, so if this
     * happens we reset the leap seconds.
    if (Tm->tm_sec > 59)
	Tm->tm_sec = 59;

    fprintf(fp, "%02d %-3.3s %02d  %02d:%02d:%02d%c",
		Tm->tm_mday % 100, months[Tm->tm_mon], Tm->tm_year % 100,
		Tm->tm_hour % 100, Tm->tm_min % 100, Tm->tm_sec % 100, '\0');

    fprintf(fp, "%s%c", tname, '\0');
    fprintf(fp, "%s%c", fname, '\0');
    if (flags & M_FILE) {
         * Strip path of filenames in the subject line.
        fprintf(fp, "%s%c", basename(subj), '\0');
    } else {
        fprintf(fp, "%s%c", subj, '\0');
    return 0;