Last update 08-Mar-2004
MBSE BBS Setup - Files Database.
This option allows you to manually edit the files in the files database. The option to edit the file description is not present at this moment, but will be when I have the time. The basic file entries can't be changed.
Edit File.
FileName The 8.3 filename of the file. Long fn The long filename of the file. FileSize The size of the file in bytes. FileDate The real date of the file. Last DL. The date of the last download of the file. Upl.Date The upload date. TIC Area The name of the tic area the file was received in. Magic The magic name to download/freq this file. Uploader The name of the uploader. Times DL The number of times downloaded from the BBS. Password The password to access this file. Deleted If this file should be deleted. No Kill Don't delete this file with mbfile Announced If this file is ever announced as new.