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2002-02-16 21:38:40 +00:00

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<!-- $Id$ -->
<TITLE>FTSC Product ID List.</TITLE>
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Publication: FTA-1005
Revision: 3
Title: FTSC Product Codes
Author: Administrator
Revision Date: 22 March 1998
Expiry Date: 22 March 1998
1. Format of product code list
2. Application for a product code
1. Format of product code list
The FTSC publishes a list of all product codes issued. The filename
is FTSCPROD.nnn, where nnn is a number which increases with each
The list is an ASCII text file with one line per product. Each line
contains a number of fields, delimited by commas. Some fields may
contain more than one value. In this case, the different values are
delimited with a forward slash ('/'). Spaces in fields are replaced
with underscores ('_'). Fields are not case-sensitive.
These are the fields which are currently defined:
code The product code. 4 digits hexadecimal.
name Product name.
platform Platforms(s) supported.
type Type(s) of product.
contact Name of contact person.
netaddr FidoNet address of contact person.
assigned Date the product code was originally assigned.
updated Date of last update of the product code data.
See the list for examples. (Will be specified more firmly later).
Product types
Mailer A mailer is a product that exchanges mail with FTS-0001,
FTS-0006, EMSI or other protocols that include a product
code field.
Packer A packer is a product that creates .PKT files.
The format is YYYYMMDD. A date field may also be blank.
If you write software which is dependant on this format, please make
it tolerant of additional fields after these for upwards
2. Application for a product code
FidoNet products without an allocated product code which either
create Type-2 packets, or negotiate FTS-0001 sessions must use a
product code FEh (254d) in Type-2 compatible packet headers. This
code as been reserved for that purpose (use by product without a
product code). The product code FFh (255d) has been reserved to
indicate that the product code is stored elsewhere in the packet
header at an as yet unallocated offset.
The FTSC is currently working on an update to the Type-2 packet
specification, to allow 16-bit codes while keeping full backward
compatibility with 8-bit codes (something which the current Type-2
proposals in the FSC's are not). Until the specification is ready,
16-bit codes are issued with the low byte set to FFh (255d).
Below is an application form for an FTSC product code, which is used
to identify your product when used in FidoNet, and providing a means
by which you can be contacted should your product be found
responsible for problems encountered during its use. The issuance of
this product code in no way implies authorisation or approval of
your product for use on the network, only provides a means of ready
This application should be completed and submitted for only `real'
and completed products which will be used by FidoNet systems. If you
are currently developing a product which is not yet ready for use on
the network out of experimental stage, use product code 0 (zero)
which is, by convention, reserved for this purpose.
Please answer the questions as accurately and completely as
possible. We need to know what will actually be used on the net, so
describe only the current product, and leave future features and
plans for the comments section.
Send the completed form to the administrator of the FidoNet
Technical Standards Committee. Please see FTA-1003 for addresses.
We hope that you will take the time to revise your answers by
submitting updates as your product changes. A summary of the
information you provide is compiled into a list of all product codes
published and updated periodically by the FTSC called
A. Application Form
--- Cut along here ---------------------------------------------------
FTSC Product Code Application
Type of application
1. Mark whichever is appropriate:
____ New product application
____ Update existing product for existing product code ____
2. If this is an update, please briefly state the nature of the
update (change author's node number, change of product name, etc.)
Product information
3. What is the name of the product and the current version name or
4. What is the name, FidoNet node, and postal address, and voice
number of the person(s) or organization responsible for the
product? Where should inquiries be directed and who should be
contacted if the product is thought to cause errors on the
5. What operating systems does it currently run on?
6. Does the product contain a 'mailer'? E.g. the package transmits
mail to other FidoNet systems and can fall back to FTS-0001,
though it may handle other protocols.
7. If the answer to question (6) is yes, what additional protocols
other than FTS-0001 does the product support? Refer to the
specific FTSC document which details this protocol, if any.
With what additions or restrictions?
8. Is the package capable of servicing file requests, and if so,
'Bark' style (FTS-0008) and/or WaZOO .REQ (FTS-0006) or both?
With what additions or restrictions?
9. Is your software capable of functioning as a Continuous Mail
system? i.e. nodes running it might be marked as such in the
FidoNet nodelist?
10. How is the product distributed?
Public Domain ____________ Shareware ______________
Commercial ____________ Other ______________
Object code ____________ Source code ______________
Comments: ________________________________________________________
11. Please give additional comments to describe your product.
--- Cut along here ---------------------------------------------------
B. Acknowledgements
The application form was inspired by one originally published in
FSC-0022 and later FSC-0090, originally by Bob Hartman, Jim Long,
and Randy Bush and modified by Rick Moore and David Nugent.
C. History
Rev.1, 19970407: First non-draft release. Author Adrian Walker.
Rev.2, 19971229: Author changed to Administrator. Reformatted
document slightly. Changed all dates in the lists
to 4 digit centuries. Added information about
status of 16-bit product codes.
Rev.3, 19980322: Moved the product code list out of the document and
into a separate list, FTSCPROD.nnn. Added an
application form. Revised text about 16 bit codes.
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