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2002-06-30 12:48:44 +00:00

636 lines
17 KiB

* $Id$
* Purpose ...............: Edit BBS menus
* Copyright (C) 1997-2002
* Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802
* Beekmansbos 10
* 1971 BV IJmuiden
* the Netherlands
* This file is part of MBSE BBS.
* This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "../config.h"
#include "../lib/libs.h"
#include "../lib/memwatch.h"
#include "../lib/structs.h"
#include "../lib/users.h"
#include "../lib/records.h"
#include "../lib/common.h"
#include "../lib/clcomm.h"
#include "mutil.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "ledit.h"
#include "m_lang.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
char *select_menurec(int max)
static char *menu=(char *)"-";
char help[81];
int pick;
if (max > 10)
sprintf(help, "Rec. (1..%d), ^\"-\"^ Back, ^A^ppend, ^D^elete, ^M^ove, ^P^revious, ^N^ext", max);
else if (max > 1)
sprintf(help, "Rec. (1..%d), ^\"-\"^ Back, ^A^ppend, ^D^elete, ^M^ove", max);
else if (max == 1)
sprintf(help, "Rec. (1..%d), ^\"-\"^ Back, ^A^ppend, ^D^elete", max);
sprintf(help, "Select ^\"-\"^ for previous level, ^A^ppend a record");
for (;;) {
mvprintw(LINES - 3, 6, "Enter your choice >");
menu = (char *)"-";
menu = edit_field(LINES - 3, 26, 6, '!', menu);
locate(LINES -3, 6);
if (strncmp(menu, "A", 1) == 0)
if (strncmp(menu, "-", 1) == 0)
if (strncmp(menu, "D", 1) == 0)
if ((max > 1) && (strncmp(menu, "M", 1) == 0))
if (max > 10) {
if (strncmp(menu, "N", 1) == 0)
if (strncmp(menu, "P", 1) == 0)
pick = atoi(menu);
if ((pick >= 1) && (pick <= max))
working(2, 0, 0);
working(0, 0, 0);
return menu;
void Show_A_Menu(void);
void Show_A_Menu(void)
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
mvprintw( 5, 2, "8.3. EDIT MENU ITEM");
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
mvprintw( 7, 2, "1. Sel. key");
mvprintw( 8, 2, "2. Type nr.");
mvprintw( 9, 2, "3. Opt. data");
mvprintw(11, 2, "4. Display");
mvprintw(12, 2, "5. Security");
mvprintw(13, 2, "6. Min. age");
mvprintw(14, 2, "7. Max. lvl");
mvprintw(15, 2, "8. Password");
mvprintw(16, 2, "9. Credit");
mvprintw(17, 2, "10. Lo-colors");
mvprintw(18, 2, "11. Hi-colors");
mvprintw(19, 2, "12. Autoexec");
if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
mvprintw(15,42, "13. No door.sys");
mvprintw(16,42, "14. Y2K style");
mvprintw(17,42, "15. Use Comport");
mvprintw(18,42, "16. Run nosuid");
mvprintw(19,42, "17. No Prompt");
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
show_str( 7,16, 1, menus.MenuKey);
show_int( 8,16, menus.MenuType); show_str( 8, 26,29, menus.TypeDesc);
show_str( 9,16,64, menus.OptionalData);
show_str(10,16,64,(char *)"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234");
show_str(11,16,64, menus.Display);
show_sec(12,16, menus.MenuSecurity);
show_int(13,16, menus.Age);
show_int(14,16, menus.MaxSecurity);
if (strlen(menus.Password))
show_str(15,16,14, (char *)"**************");
show_str(15,16,14, (char *)"<null>");
show_int(16,16, menus.Credit);
S_COL(17,16, "Normal display color", menus.ForeGnd, menus.BackGnd)
S_COL(18,16, "Bright display color", menus.HiForeGnd, menus.HiBackGnd)
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
show_bool(19,16, menus.AutoExec);
if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
show_bool(15,58, menus.NoDoorsys);
show_bool(16,58, menus.Y2Kdoorsys);
show_bool(17,58, menus.Comport);
show_bool(18,58, menus.NoSuid);
show_bool(19,58, menus.NoPrompt);
int GetSubmenu(int, int);
int GetSubmenu(int Base, int Max)
int i, x, y;
char temp[81];
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
mvprintw( 4, 2, "8.3 EDIT MENU - SELECT MENUTYPE");
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
y = 6;
x = 2;
for (i = 1; i <= Max; i++) {
sprintf(temp, "%2d. %s", i, getmenutype(i - 1 + Base));
mvprintw(y, x, temp);
if ((i % 13) == 0) {
y = 6;
x = 42;
i = select_menu(Max);
if (i)
return (i + Base - 1);
return 0;
int GetMenuType(void);
int GetMenuType(void)
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
mvprintw( 5, 6, "8.3 EDIT MENU - SELECT MENUTYPE");
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
mvprintw( 7, 6, "1. Global system menus");
mvprintw( 8, 6, "2. File areas menus");
mvprintw( 9, 6, "3. Message areas menus");
mvprintw(10, 6, "4. User setting menus");
mvprintw(11, 6, "5. Oneliner menus");
mvprintw(12, 6, "6. BBS List menus");
switch (select_menu(6)) {
case 1: return GetSubmenu(1, 25);
case 2: return GetSubmenu(101, 19);
case 3: return GetSubmenu(201, 20);
case 4: return GetSubmenu(301, 18);
case 5: return GetSubmenu(401, 5);
case 6: return GetSubmenu(501, 6);
default: return 0;
void Edit_A_Menu(void);
void Edit_A_Menu(void)
int fg, bg;
for (;;) {
switch(select_menu(17)) {
case 0: return;
case 1: E_UPS( 7,16, 1, menus.MenuKey, "The ^key^ to select this menu item")
case 2: menus.MenuType = GetMenuType();
memset(&menus.TypeDesc, 0, sizeof(menus.TypeDesc));
if (menus.MenuType)
strcpy(menus.TypeDesc, getmenutype(menus.MenuType));
if (menus.MenuType == 21)
menus.AutoExec = TRUE;
case 3: E_STR( 9,16,64, menus.OptionalData, "The ^optional data^ for this menu item")
case 4: E_STR(11,16,64, menus.Display, "The text to ^display^ for this menu")
case 5: E_SEC(12,16, menus.MenuSecurity, "8.3.5 MENU ACCESS SECURITY", Show_A_Menu)
case 6: E_INT(13,16, menus.Age, "The minimum ^Age^ to select this menu, 0 is don't care")
case 7: E_INT(14,16, menus.MaxSecurity, "The maximum ^Security level^ to access this menu")
case 8: E_STR(15,16,14, menus.Password, "The ^password^ to access this menu item")
case 9: E_INT(16,16, menus.Credit, "The ^credit cost^ for this menu item")
case 10:fg = menus.ForeGnd;
bg = menus.BackGnd;
edit_color(&fg, &bg, (char *)"8.3.10 EDIT COLOR", (char *)"normal");
menus.ForeGnd = fg;
menus.BackGnd = bg;
case 11:fg = menus.HiForeGnd;
bg = menus.HiBackGnd;
edit_color(&fg, &bg, (char *)"8.3.11 EDIT COLOR", (char *)"bright");
menus.HiForeGnd = fg;
menus.HiBackGnd = bg;
case 12:E_BOOL(19,16, menus.AutoExec, "Is this an ^Autoexecute^ menu item")
case 13:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
E_BOOL(15,58, menus.NoDoorsys, "Suppress writing ^door.sys^ dropfile")
} else
case 14:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
E_BOOL(16,58, menus.Y2Kdoorsys, "Create ^door.sys^ with 4 digit yearnumbers")
} else
case 15:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
E_BOOL(17,58, menus.Comport, "Write real ^COM port^ in door.sys for Vmodem patch")
} else
case 16:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
E_BOOL(18,58, menus.NoSuid, "Run the door as ^real user (nosuid)^")
} else
case 17:if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
E_BOOL(19,58, menus.NoPrompt, "^Don't display prompt^ when door is finished")
} else
void EditMenu(char *);
void EditMenu(char *Name)
char mtemp[PATH_MAX], temp[PATH_MAX];
FILE *fil, *tmp;
int records = 0, i, o, y;
char pick[12];
long offset;
unsigned long crc, crc1;
int MenuUpdated = FALSE, from, too;
struct menufile tmenus;
IsDoing("Edit Menu");
working(1, 0, 0);
sprintf(mtemp, "%s/%s.tmp", lang.MenuPath, Name);
tmp = fopen(mtemp, "w+");
sprintf(temp, "%s/%s.mnu", lang.MenuPath, Name);
if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) {
while (fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, fil) == 1) {
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
o = 0;
for (;;) {
working(1, 0, 0);
sprintf(temp, "8.3 EDIT MENU \"%s\" (%s)", Name, lang.Name);
mvprintw( 5, 6, tu(temp));
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (records) {
y = 7;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if ((o + i) <= records) {
offset = ((o + i) - 1) * sizeof(menus);
fseek(tmp, offset, SEEK_SET);
fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
if (menus.MenuKey[0] || menus.AutoExec) {
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
mvprintw(y, 5, "%3d. ", o + i);
if (menus.AutoExec) {
set_color(LIGHTRED, BLACK);
mvprintw(y, 10, "a");
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
} else
mvprintw(y, 10, "%1s", menus.MenuKey);
if (menus.MenuType == 999 ){
mvprintw(y, 12, "%-29s %5d %s", menus.TypeDesc,
menus.MenuSecurity.level, menus.Display);
} else
mvprintw(y, 12, "%-29s %5d %s", menus.TypeDesc,
menus.MenuSecurity.level, menus.OptionalData);
} else {
set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK);
mvprintw(y, 5, "%3d.", o + i);
working(0, 0, 0);
strcpy(pick, select_menurec(records));
if (strncmp(pick, "-", 1) == 0) {
if (MenuUpdated) {
if (yes_no((char *)"Menu is changed, save changes") == 1) {
working(1, 0, 0);
sprintf(temp, "%s/%s.mnu", lang.MenuPath, Name);
if ((fil = fopen(temp, "w+")) == NULL) {
working(2, 0, 0);
} else {
Syslog('+', "Updated menu %s (%s)", temp, lang.Name);
fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_SET);
while (fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp) == 1) {
if (menus.MenuKey[0] || menus.AutoExec)
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, fil);
chmod(temp, 0640);
working(0, 0, 0);
if (strncmp(pick, "A", 1) == 0) {
working(1, 0, 0);
memset(&menus, 0, sizeof(menus));
menus.ForeGnd = LIGHTGRAY;
menus.HiForeGnd = WHITE;
fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_END);
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
working(0, 0, 0);
if (strncmp(pick, "D", 1) == 0) {
mvprintw(LINES -3, 6, "Enter menu number (1..%d) to delete >", records);
y = 0;
y = edit_int(LINES -3, 44, y, (char *)"Enter record number");
if ((y > 0) && (y <= records) && yes_no((char *)"Remove record")) {
offset = (y - 1) * sizeof(menus);
fseek(tmp, offset, SEEK_SET);
fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
menus.MenuKey[0] = '\0';
menus.AutoExec = FALSE;
fseek(tmp, offset, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
MenuUpdated = TRUE;
if (strncmp(pick, "M", 1) == 0) {
from = too = 0;
mvprintw(LINES -3, 6, "Enter menu number (1..%d) to move >", records);
from = edit_int(LINES -3, 42, from, (char *)"Enter record number");
locate(LINES -3, 6);
mvprintw(LINES -3, 6, "Enter new position (1..%d) >", records);
too = edit_int(LINES -3, 36, too, (char *)"Enter destination record number, other will move away");
if ((from == too) || (from == 0) || (too == 0) || (from > records) || (too > records)) {
errmsg("That makes no sense");
} else if (yes_no((char *)"Proceed move")) {
fseek(tmp, (from -1) * sizeof(menus), SEEK_SET);
fread(&tmenus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
if (from > too) {
for (i = from; i > too; i--) {
fseek(tmp, (i -2) * sizeof(menus), SEEK_SET);
fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
fseek(tmp, (i -1) * sizeof(menus), SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
} else {
for (i = from; i < too; i++) {
fseek(tmp, i * sizeof(menus), SEEK_SET);
fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
fseek(tmp, (i -1) * sizeof(menus), SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
fseek(tmp, (too -1) * sizeof(menus), SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&tmenus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
MenuUpdated = TRUE;
if (strncmp(pick, "N", 1) == 0)
if ((o + 10) < records)
o += 10;
if (strncmp(pick, "P", 1) == 0)
if ((o - 10) >= 0)
o -= 10;
if ((atoi(pick) >= 1) && (atoi(pick) <= records)) {
offset = (atoi(pick) - 1) * sizeof(menus);
fseek(tmp, offset, SEEK_SET);
fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
crc = 0xffffffff;
crc = upd_crc32((char *)&menus, crc, sizeof(menus));
crc1 = 0xffffffff;
crc1 = upd_crc32((char *)&menus, crc1, sizeof(menus));
if (crc1 != crc) {
if (yes_no((char *)"Record is changed, save") == 1) {
working(1, 0, 0);
fseek(tmp, offset, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, tmp);
MenuUpdated = TRUE;
working(0, 0, 0);
void EditMenus(void)
int Lang, mcount, err, i, x, y;
DIR *dp;
FILE *fil;
struct dirent *de;
char menuname[50][11];
char temp[81], pick[12], *p;
Syslog('+', "Start menu edit");
memset(&menuname, 0, sizeof(menuname));
Lang = PickLanguage((char *)"8.3");
if (Lang == '\0')
for (;;) {
mcount = 0;
if ((dp = opendir(lang.MenuPath)) != NULL) {
working(1, 0, 0);
while ((de = readdir(dp))) {
if (de->d_name[0] != '.') {
strcpy(menuname[mcount], strtok(de->d_name, "."));
working(0, 0, 0);
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
mvprintw( 5, 6, "8.3 MENU EDIT: %s", lang.Name);
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
if (mcount) {
x = 6;
y = 7;
set_color(CYAN, BLACK);
for (i = 1; i <= mcount; i++) {
sprintf(temp, "%2d. %s", i, menuname[i-1]);
mvprintw(y, x, temp);
if ((i % 10) == 0) {
y = 7;
strcpy(pick, select_record(mcount, 50));
if (strncmp(pick, "-", 1) == 0) {
Syslog('+', "Finished menu edit");
if (strncmp(pick, "A", 1) == 0) {
set_color(WHITE, BLACK);
mvprintw(LINES -3, 6, (char *)"New menu name >");
memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
strcpy(temp, edit_str(LINES -3, 22, 10, temp, (char *)"Enter a new ^menu^ name without extension"));
if (strlen(temp)) {
p = xstrcpy(lang.MenuPath);
p = xstrcat(p, (char *)"/");
p = xstrcat(p, temp);
p = xstrcat(p, (char *)".mnu");
if ((err = file_exist(p, F_OK))) {
if ((fil = fopen(p, "a")) == NULL) {
errmsg("Can't create menu %s", temp);
} else {
chmod(p, 0640);
Syslog('+', "Created menufile %s", p);
} else {
errmsg("Menu %s already exists", temp);
if ((atoi(pick) >= 1) && (atoi(pick) <= mcount))
EditMenu(menuname[atoi(pick) -1]);
int bbs_menu_doc(FILE *fp, FILE *toc, int page)
char *temp;
FILE *no, *mn;
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *de;
int j;
temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char));
sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"));
if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) {
return page;
page = newpage(fp, page);
addtoc(fp, toc, 8, 3, page, (char *)"BBS Menus");
fread(&langhdr, sizeof(langhdr), 1, no);
j =0;
while ((fread(&lang, langhdr.recsize, 1, no)) == 1) {
if ((dp = opendir(lang.MenuPath)) != NULL) {
while ((de = readdir(dp))) {
if (de->d_name[0] != '.') {
j = 0;
sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", lang.MenuPath, de->d_name);
fprintf(fp, "\n MENU %s (%s)\n\n", de->d_name, lang.Name);
if ((mn = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) {
while (fread(&menus, sizeof(menus), 1, mn) == 1) {
if (menus.MenuKey[0])
fprintf(fp, " Menu select %s\n", menus.MenuKey);
if (menus.AutoExec)
fprintf(fp, " Menu select Autoexec\n");
fprintf(fp, " Type %d %s\n", menus.MenuType, menus.TypeDesc);
fprintf(fp, " Opt. data %s\n", menus.OptionalData);
fprintf(fp, " Display %s\n", menus.Display);
fprintf(fp, " Security %s\n", get_secstr(menus.MenuSecurity));
fprintf(fp, " Minimum age %d\n", menus.Age);
fprintf(fp, " Maximum level %d\n", menus.MaxSecurity);
fprintf(fp, " Password %s\n", menus.Password);
fprintf(fp, " Credits %ld\n", menus.Credit);
fprintf(fp, " Lo-colors %s on %s\n",
get_color(menus.ForeGnd), get_color(menus.BackGnd));
fprintf(fp, " Hi-colors %s on %s\n",
get_color(menus.HiForeGnd), get_color(menus.HiBackGnd));
if (menus.MenuType == 7) {
fprintf(fp, " No door.sys %s\n", getboolean(menus.NoDoorsys));
fprintf(fp, " Y2K door.sys %s\n", getboolean(menus.Y2Kdoorsys));
fprintf(fp, " Use COM port %s\n", getboolean(menus.Comport));
fprintf(fp, " No setuid %s\n", getboolean(menus.NoSuid));
fprintf(fp, " No Prompt %s\n", getboolean(menus.NoPrompt));
fprintf(fp, "\n\n");
if (j == 4) {
j = 0;
page = newpage(fp, page);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
if (j)
page = newpage(fp, page);
return page;