The OPENDOORS TECH JOURNAL Volume 93, Number 4 June 21st, 1993 "The Greatest Thing to happen to Journalism Since Real People" This Issue: A Word from the Editor - Scott Burkett The Open Door - Brian Pirie The OPENDOORS Echo Where's the Source? - John Kristoff Opendoors Tech Corner - Dropfile Location Logic Review: BFE v1.30.2à OpendDoors Snippets! OpenDoors Roll Call OpenDoors Distribution Network Sites OpenDoors Tech Journal Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Word from the Editor: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day, another fifty cents. Welcome once again to that info-filled, free-as-can-be periodical dedicated to the proposition that all C-based door libraries are not equal! ODTJ is getting read worldwide. Yup. You know what that means? Aside from the fact that it provides a wonderful forum for OD coders to share ideas and information, it provides: FREE ADVERTISING! Man! With the distribution we are getting, ODTJ is the perfect place to advertise that new door! I'll leave the rest up to you guys.... All in all this is a decent issue. It will probably be the last issue before the 4.20 release of OpenDoors (it should be a doozy). On a side note, our BBS (Under the Nile) is not running on a USR 14.4 Sportster. Too cool. That's it. No more words of wisdom this month. No more ranting and raving on and on about how RIP is inevitably gonna die.... :-) Alles Klaar und spater! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE OPEN DOOR - By Brian Pirie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Editor's Note ** Has anyone seen this guy? Seriously, rumor has it that Brian is up to some- thing *BIG*. Of course, once the rumors have been resolved, our readers will be the first to know! Why? Because we have inquiring minds. Hrmpf! Look for Brian next month....or the next month....or infinitum. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENDOORS Echo! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENDOORS is an internationally distributed echo designed for discussion of BBS door/utility programming, and in particular, Brian Pirie's OpenDoors C Library! The OPENDOORS Echo was created by a group of dedicated BBS door and utility programmers and designers, in order to promote discussions on BBS utility programming techniques, tasks, standards, and trends. This echo is not just for BBS door authors! Discussion of practically any aspect of BBS programming is encouraged. Brian Pirie, the author of OpenDoors is available for tech support, as are his beta-testers. The echo is not currently on the FidoNet backbone, but a feed is more than likely available at your favorite ODN Support Site. Efforts are under way to put OPENDOORS on the fido backbone...stay tuned! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where's the Source? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: John Kristoff, The Crossroads BBS (1:115/743) There seems to be a problem with source code for BBS related utilities and door programs being released. Why is this? I know we have BinkleyTerm, Maximus and a handful of others, but how many door games do you see that come with actual source code? I don't think I've seen any. In fact, the only door program that I've seen the entire source for is Brian's RAVote. Not that I expect the source code for TradeWars (even if I wanted it), but I find it surprising that so many door programmers are so greedy. I started teaching myself C because I'm sick of relying on other authors. I wouldn't be surprised if many other small time programmers have done the same. I've always thought that the BBS community, and computer networks in general, are one of the most free, open and chaotic cultures our planet has ever seen. So I can't understand why people request $10, $25 or more for a files list generator, a simple voting booth door or those other 'dime a dozen' programs. Don't get me wrong, I pay for quality software and I have at least a dozen shareware programs registered. However, if I was to register every program I've wanted to use for more than 30 days, I would be in the poor house. There are just simply too many trivial programs in which I feel their price isn't justified for lack of programmer committment, exhorborant price, or just simply the value of the product. I'm not looking for a free ride, but I am looking for quite a bit more respect from my fellow programmers. For users, the hobby is relatively cheap, but for sysops, it's a different story. Well, at least if you're honest. Us sysops have enough to worry about in terms of phone bills, trouble users, hardware, updates and upgrades... and so on. I'm including a text, simliar to this message with all programs I write to encourage the programmers for sysops to write free or cheap software. I plan on releasing all my BBS related utilities and door programs as freeware or public domain (even if that is all they're worth). It's my way of giving something back to the community that has given me so much. I encourage you to do the same, or at the very least, with some of your less popular programs. John Kristoff The Crossroads BBS (312) 587-8756 Chicago, IL FidoNet: 1:115/743 Internet: ** Editor's response: While I am somewhat in agreeance with John on this subject, I must also play devil's advocate, and come to the aid of door writers who produce solid products, often without the availability of source. Source code availability for shareware products is simply not available, for obvious reasons. The author(s) of the product cannot make source available, as potential customers could simply recompile the source, and effectively use the software without properly registering it with the author(s). In my own case, I choose not to distribute source code for this reason. For smaller, freeware titles, I suppose I never considered the fact that other programmers would want to peek at my code. As far as price goes, I have a set $10 registration fee for all of my door packages, a price which I consider to be extremely low for the quality of my products. Very interesting point, John...anyone out there have any feelings on this? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenDoors Tech Corner: Dropfile Location Logic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this time, OpenDoors searches for the door information file (aka dropfile) in the following order: 1.) First, if there was a custom door information file format defined in the OpenDoors configuration file, OpenDoors will begin by looking for this file. OpenDoors searches for the custom information file in the following order: A.) The path defined in the info_path variable (which can be set by your door code and over- ridden by the configuration file BBSDir setting) B.) The directory which was the current default dir at door startup time C.) If any of the following environment variables exist, OpenDoors will then search for the file in the directories pointed to by these variables, in the following order: RA QUICK PCB BBS 2.) If no custom door information file was found / defined, OpenDoors will then search for door information files corresponding to one of the built in formats. It will search for these files in the same directories, and same order, as it does for the custom door information file (A - C). Within each directory, it will search for files with the following filenames: CHAIN.TXT SFDOORS.DAT DOOR.SYS CALLINFO.BBS DORINFO1.DEF DORINFOx.DEF, where x is the node number set by your program, if x != 1. As soon as it finds a directory containing one of these filenames, OpenDoors will stop it's door information file search phase. It then begins to decide what to do with what it has found. If more than one of the above filenames was found in the directory in question, OpenDoors will read the file with the most recent date and time stamp. This is intended to overcome abiguities that can arise when a door information file conversion program is being used, and a number of different door information files may still exist in the directory. In such a case, it is assumed that the most recently created file is the one that should be used. If more than one file exist with an identical date and time, OpenDoors will use the file that is closer to the beginning of the above list. (ie they are listed in their order of priority) Once OpenDoors has decided which file it is going to use, it may have still more decision-making to do. In the case of door information file names that correspond to more than one format (such as DOOR.SYS), OpenDoors will examine the file to determine which format it actually is. If a dorinfo?.def file is found, OpenDoors will then also search for an EXITINFO.BBS file. (An EXITINFO.BBS file is always acompanyed by a DORINFO?.DEF file, as it does not include all the information needed by even the most basic of doors). Again, if an EXITINFO.BBS file is found, OpenDoors must determine which of the many EXITINFO.BBS formats it is actually dealing with. This may all sound rather complicated, but it is a well thought- out strategy that is intended to asure that the correct door information file will be located and used in the vast majority of cases. (and to think - it does all this in the blink of an eye!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVIEW: BFE v1.30.2à ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BFE v1.30.2à, the flexible BBS front end system from Cairo Research Labs is now available! This is an alpha release of the upcoming 1.30 version of BFE. BFE is a BBS front-end system that was designed to provide sysops with a method of running more than one BBS from the same line. In addition, it has a wealth of other options available to put in on the front-end of your BBS, such as allowing file transfers, ANSI/ASCII file viewing, shelling to DOS from remote, running external programs and batch files, and much more! BFE was designed to be called from a front-end mailer, such as Frontdoor or Binkleyterm. Instead of spawning directly to the BBS system, it presents a menu to the user, which details his immediate options. These options can range from several different BBS systems, remote jobs, literally anything you can think of! The BFE system can also be configured to be called straight from your BBS software itself, in essence, running as a normal door, using one of several popular BBS dropfile formats. Read onward.... ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ܳ Features ³ ÛÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß * Complete support for ANSI/ASCII/AVATAR users (Auto ANSI detect!) * *TRUE* Multinode/Multiuser Compatibility! * DESQview aware! * Configurable for security concerns! * Custom multi-level menus with item-level password protection! * Complete carrier monitoring and timeout checking * Use any of 11 standard dropfiles, or define custom ones! * Run as a normal door or as a frontend! Dropfile not required! * Complete BBS carousel - run multiple BBS systems * ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR file support * File transfer system with support for external protocols * Run remote jobs, such as batch files, programs, other doors, etc. * Remote OS shells! * Built in chat mode * Much more! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ܳ What's New in This Release? ³ ÛÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ o New * Change ! Fix ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß o *Major* code cleanup and internal re-documenting and optimizing. This will be done every periodically in order for the product to continue to grow. o New beta naming convention: MAJOR.MINOR.REV (Staging Level) (i.e. this is 1.30.2à, v1.30, rev. 2, in alpha staging) o Custom user input using the new PROMPT keyword! Now, you can utilize custom input as the value for SECONDARY data fields for *any* menu type in BFE! o New keywords: NOPASSPARMS and PROCESS. These are used to directly manipulate the way that BFE performs calls to external processes. When used with the PROMPT keyword above, just about anything can be called, in any order, with any arguments! o The COLOVERRIDE option has been added, to allow each individual menu option to use its own unique color. This overrides the global DESCRIPCOL keyword in each .CTL file. (Thanks to Chris Koziol) o Upload capability now in place! This involved changes to the PROTOCOL.BFE file, and adding a new type "U" option. ! If BFE cannot locate ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR screens at display time, it will log an error entry into the logfile, and will no longer wait for a remote keystroke to continue. (Thanks to R. Guevarra) o Generic File Transfer System now in place! The new system allows the use of configurable external protocols (no more hardcoded DSZ!) o WELCOMESCREEN option added, to provide a global intro screen to be displayed upon entering the BFE system (shown once only). As with all of the file display capabilities of BFE, the file can be in ASCII, ANSI, or in AVATAR formats. BFE will display the one which best fits the user's terminal settings. o The "time to next event" option has been put back into the system, and is now passed via a new "-t" switch. (i.e. -t60, -t%3, etc). This value is passed to external procedures (Type "R"). * The "O" type (Remote OS Shell) now utilizes the COMSPEC environment variable to locate the command processor. The command processor was formerly specified in the SECONDARY field. Previously, if this value was keyed in wrong, it resulted in BFE locking up the system. Using COMSPEC should make this a bit cleaner. o Still more documentation changes! FREQ: BFE from: Under the Nile! 14.4/v.32 1:3613/12 (706) 596-8126 93K Scott Burkett, Cairo Research Labs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENDOORS SNIPPPPPPPPPETS!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Mark Williamson, Software Solutions (1:214/54) Here's yet another way to center your favorite text string: void str_center(int line,char *string,char *color) { int col = 40 - (strlen(string) / 2); /* This method uses the length of the string to center it. So, you would get strange results if you embedded control codes in your string. */ if(od_control.user_ansi) { // This way allows you to specify od_set_cursor(line,col); // the line to put the text on. od_printf(color); // Use the `white on blue` code types od_disp_str(string); } else { od_repeat(' ',col); // This method uses the CURRENT od_disp_str(string); // line the cursor happens to be on. } return; } Mark Williamson Software Solutions BBS 1:214/54 Lemoore CA (209)997-0224 v32/v42bis Open access to first time callers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= By: Mark Williamson, Software Solutions (1:214/54) /****************************************************** * fill_box() by Mark Williamson, Software Solutions BBS * Fidonet 1:214/54, (209)997-0224 * * This code will paint a box in the * specified color using the specified * character using ansi/avatar graphics. * Note that this does not make a border! * Only 'fills' a block on the screen. * Can be used to clear just parts of a screen. * * Call the function with the following parameters: * * int srow,scol: Starting row,col of the box * int erow,ecol: Ending row,col of the box * int attrib: od_set_attrib() style color code * char fill_char: The character to use to paint the * block. Use ' ' to clear a block. * * This code is placed in the public domain. ******************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include "opendoor.h" void fill_box(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int attrib, char fill_char); void main(void) { fill_box(3,10,13,40,0x1f,'°'); } void fill_box(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int attrib,char fill_char) { int line_len,x; if(srow<1) srow=1; if(erow>24) erow=24; if(scol<1) scol=1; if(ecol>80) ecol=80; line_len=ecol-scol; od_clr_scr(); od_set_attrib(attrib); for(x=srow;x<erow+1;x++) { od_set_cursor(x,scol); od_repeat(fill_char,line_len); } } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenDoors Tech Journal Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors: Scott Burkett Under the Nile BBS 1:3613/ 56:101/ (706) 596-8126 14.4 1113 29th Street Columbus, GA 31902 Brian Pirie BP ECOMM Systems 1:243/ (Internet EMail) (613) 526-4466 14.4 1416 - 2201 Riverside Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1H 8K9 Published by and for programmers and users of the OpenDoors C Communications Library and BBS Interface Kit by Pirie Enterprises. It is a compilation of tips, reviews, and tidbits pertaining to BBS programming and general usage. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of its editors, the OpenDoors author, or other contributors. OBTAINING COPIES: The latest copy of the OpenDoors Tech Journal will always be available under the magic name of TECHD (for the DOS version), and TECHW (for the Windows .WRI version) at both of the systems listed above. SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in the journal. Please send all items to one of the afore-mentioned systems via BBS upload or mailer file/attach. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ->< End of The OpenDoors Tech Journal - Volume 93 Issue Number 4 ><- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------