/* OpenDoors Online Software Programming Toolkit * (C) Copyright 1991 - 1999 by Brian Pirie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * File: ODBlock.c * * Description: Implements the text block manipulation functions. * * Revisions: Date Ver Who Change * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Oct 13, 1994 6.00 BP New file header format. * Dec 09, 1994 6.00 BP Standardized coding style. * Aug 19, 1995 6.00 BP 32-bit portability. * Nov 11, 1995 6.00 BP Removed register keyword. * Nov 14, 1995 6.00 BP Added include of odscrn.h. * Nov 16, 1995 6.00 BP Removed oddoor.h, added odcore.h. * Dec 12, 1995 6.00 BP Added entry, exit and kernel macros. * Dec 30, 1995 6.00 BP Added ODCALL for calling convention. * Feb 19, 1996 6.00 BP Changed version number to 6.00. * Mar 03, 1996 6.10 BP Begin version 6.10. * Aug 10, 2003 6.23 SH *nix support */ #define BUILDING_OPENDOORS #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "OpenDoor.h" #include "ODCore.h" #include "ODGen.h" #include "ODScrn.h" #include "ODKrnl.h" /* Set to TRUE when od_puttext() should leave the cursor in its original */ /* position */ static BOOL bScrollAction = TRUE; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_puttext() * * Displays the contents of the buffer passed in block. Leaves cursor in * original position, unless bScrollAction is FALSE. Leaves colour at * original value. * * Parameters: nLeft - Column number of left edge of block of text to * transfer, where 1 is the leftmost column of the * screen. * * nTop - Row number of the top edge of block of text to * to transfer, where 1 is the top row of the screen. * * nRight - Column number of the right edge of block. * * nBottom - Row number of bottom edge of block. * * pBlock - Pointer to buffer that has been filled in the format * used by od_gettext(). * * Return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_puttext(INT nLeft, INT nTop, INT nRight, INT nBottom, void *pBlock) { INT nRowLength = nRight - nLeft +1; INT nRowBytes = nRowLength * 2; char *pchTest; char *pchMemory; char *pBuffer=NULL; char *pchScreenBlock; INT nBlockRow = 0; INT nOutRow; INT nOutColour = 999; INT nOutColumn, nCheckColumn; char *pchMemBlock; INT nMoveCost = od_control.user_avatar ? 4 : 7; BYTE btMaxRight, btMaxBottom; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_puttext()"); /* Ensure that OpenDoors is initialized before proceeding. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Get current display setting profile. */ ODScrnGetTextInfo(&ODTextInfo); /* Calculate the maximum values for bottom and right of block. */ btMaxRight=ODTextInfo.winright-ODTextInfo.winleft+1; btMaxBottom=ODTextInfo.winbottom-ODTextInfo.wintop+1; /* Check that parameters seem reasonable. */ if(nLeft<1 || nTop<1 || nRight>btMaxRight || nBottom>btMaxBottom || nTop > nBottom || nLeft > nRight || pBlock==NULL) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* Ensure that ANSI and/or AVATAR mode is available. */ if(!od_control.user_ansi && !od_control.user_avatar) { od_control.od_error = ERR_NOGRAPHICS; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* If OpenDoors is operating in remote mode. */ if(od_control.baud != 0) { /* Allocate temporary buffer to store original screen contents while */ /* buffer paste is being performed. */ if((pBuffer=malloc(nRowBytes*(nBottom-nTop+1)))==NULL) { od_control.od_error = ERR_MEMORY; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* Get current screen contents of area to be pasted into, storing */ /* into the temporary buffer. */ if(!ODScrnGetText((BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)nTop, (BYTE)nRight, (BYTE)nBottom, pBuffer)) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; free(pBuffer); OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } } /* Display the block to be pasted on the local screen. */ if(!ODScrnPutText((BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)nTop, (BYTE)nRight, (BYTE)nBottom, pBlock)) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; if(pBuffer) free(pBuffer); OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* If operating in remote mode. */ if(od_control.baud != 0) { /* Loop for each line in the buffer to be pasted */ for(nOutRow=nTop;nOutRow<=nBottom;++nOutRow,++nBlockRow) { /* Setup pointer to beginning of line of original screen contents. */ pchScreenBlock=(char *)pBuffer+(nRowBytes*nBlockRow); /* Setup pointer to beginning of line of block to be displayed. */ pchMemBlock=(char *)pBlock+(nRowBytes*nBlockRow); /* Loop for each column on this line. */ for(nOutColumn=0;nOutColumn<nRowLength;) { /* Loop from this character onwards, counting number of */ /* characters that don't need to be changed. */ nCheckColumn=nOutColumn; pchMemory=((char *)pchMemBlock)+(nCheckColumn<<1); pchTest=((char *)pchScreenBlock)+(nCheckColumn<<1); for(;nCheckColumn<nRowLength;++nCheckColumn) { if(od_control.od_full_put) break; /* If both buffers have space characters. */ if((*pchMemory==' ' || *pchMemory==0) && (*pchTest==' ' || *pchTest=='\0')) { /* If background colours differ, then stop comparison loop. */ if((pchTest[1]&0x70) != (pchMemory[1]&0x70)) { break; } } /* If both have different character and colour attributes. */ else if(*((WORD *)pchTest) != *((WORD *)pchMemory)) { /* Then stop comparison loop now. */ break; } /* Increment source and background pointers by two bytes. */ pchTest+=2; pchMemory+=2; } /* If no futher text to change on this line. */ if(nCheckColumn==nRowLength) { /* Move to the next line. */ goto next_line; } /* If this is the first text to be displayed on this line. */ if(nOutColumn == 0) { /* Move the cursor to the first text to be changed on line. */ nOutColumn = nCheckColumn; /* If AVATAR mode is available. */ if(od_control.user_avatar) { /* Send the avatar cursor positioning command. */ szODWorkString[0]=22; szODWorkString[1]=8; szODWorkString[2]=nOutRow; szODWorkString[3]=nLeft+nOutColumn; od_disp(szODWorkString,4,FALSE); } else { /* Otherwise, send the ANSI cursor positioning command. */ sprintf(szODWorkString,"x[%d;%dH",nOutRow,nLeft + nOutColumn); szODWorkString[0]=27; od_disp(szODWorkString, strlen(szODWorkString), FALSE); } } /* If the number of characters after current cursor position */ /* which must be changed, is greater than the number of */ /* characters required to reposition the cursor on this line, */ /* then move the cursor to skip unchanged characters. */ else if((nCheckColumn-nOutColumn)>nMoveCost) { nOutColumn=nCheckColumn; /* If AVATAR mode is available. */ if(od_control.user_avatar) { /* Advance cursor appropriate number of characters */ /* using the AVATAR cursor position command. */ szODWorkString[0]=22; szODWorkString[1]=8; szODWorkString[2]=nOutRow; szODWorkString[3]=nLeft+nOutColumn; od_disp(szODWorkString,4,FALSE); } else { /* Otherwise, advance cursor appropriate number of */ /* characters using the ANSI cursor position command. */ sprintf(szODWorkString,"x[%d;%dH",nOutRow,nLeft + nOutColumn); szODWorkString[0]=27; od_disp(szODWorkString,strlen(szODWorkString),FALSE); } } /* Output text for the number of characters found to be */ /* different. */ pchTest=(char *)&pchMemBlock[nOutColumn*2]; for(;nOutColumn<=nCheckColumn;++nOutColumn) { if(pchTest[1] != nOutColour) { od_set_attrib(nOutColour=pchTest[1]); } od_disp(pchTest,1,FALSE); pchTest++; pchTest++; } } next_line: ; } /* If not disabled, update cursor position. */ if(bScrollAction) { od_set_cursor(ODTextInfo.cury,ODTextInfo.curx); } /* Deallocate temporary buffer. */ free(pBuffer); } /* Restore the original display attribute. */ od_set_attrib(ODTextInfo.attribute); /* Return with success. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_gettext() * * Retrieves text from the screen (based on what is current displayed on the * local display), storing it in the buffer provided by the caller. * * Parameters: nLeft - Column number of left edge of block of text to * transfer, where 1 is the leftmost column of the * screen. * * nTop - Row number of the top edge of block of text to * to transfer, where 1 is the top row of the screen. * * nRight - Column number of the right edge of block. * * nBottom - Row number of bottom edge of block. * * pBlock - Pointer to buffer large enough to hold two bytes * for each character in the block. * * Return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_gettext(INT nLeft, INT nTop, INT nRight, INT nBottom, void *pBlock) { BYTE btMaxRight, btMaxBottom; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_gettext()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if not already done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); ODScrnGetTextInfo(&ODTextInfo); btMaxRight=ODTextInfo.winright-ODTextInfo.winleft+1; btMaxBottom=ODTextInfo.winbottom-ODTextInfo.wintop+1; if(nLeft<1 || nTop<1 || nRight>btMaxRight || nBottom>btMaxBottom || !pBlock) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } if(!od_control.user_ansi && !od_control.user_avatar) { od_control.od_error = ERR_NOGRAPHICS; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } OD_API_EXIT(); return(ODScrnGetText((BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)nTop, (BYTE)nRight, (BYTE)nBottom, pBlock)); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_scroll() * * Scrolls the specified area of the screen by the specified number of * lines, in either the up or down directions. The cursor is left at its * original locaiton, and the display attribute is left at its original * setting. New lines are created in the current display colour. * * Parameters: nLeft - Column number of left edge of area to scroll, where * 1 is the leftmost column of the screen. * * nTop - Row number of the top edge of the area to scroll, * where 1 is the top row of the screen. * * nRight - Column number of the right edge of area to scroll. * * nBottom - Row number of bottom edge of area to scroll. * * nDistance - Number of lines to scroll the text. A value of 0 * has no effect on the specified area, a positive * value moves the text upwards (leaving blank lines * at the bottom of the specified area), while a * negative value moves the text upwards. If the * distance is equal to the number of lines in the * area, then the entire area is cleared. * * nFlags - Bitwise-or (|) of SCROLL_* flags. SCROLL_NORMAL * is the default. SCROLL_NO_CLEAR does not clear * the new area at the top/bottom of the scroll * region if doing so would be slower. * * Return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_scroll(INT nLeft, INT nTop, INT nRight, INT nBottom, INT nDistance, WORD nFlags) { BYTE btWidth, btHeight; BYTE btCount; BYTE btFirst, btLast; char szAVTSeq[7]; void *pBlock; char szBlank[81]; BYTE btKeepHeight; BYTE btMaxRight; BYTE btMaxBottom; tODScrnTextInfo TextState; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_scroll()"); /* Ensure that OpenDoors has been initialized before proceeding. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Get current display setting information. */ ODScrnGetTextInfo(&TextState); /* Determine the height and width of the area to be scrolled. */ btWidth=nRight-nLeft+1; btHeight=nBottom-nTop+1; /* Determine the number of lines currently in the area that will still */ /* be visible after scrolling. */ btKeepHeight=btHeight-((nDistance>=0) ? nDistance : -nDistance); /* Determine the maximum bottom and left coordinates of an area to be */ /* scrolled. */ btMaxRight=TextState.winright-TextState.winleft+1; btMaxBottom=TextState.winbottom-TextState.wintop+1; /* Check that parameters are valid. */ if(nLeft<1 || nTop<1 || nRight>btMaxRight || nBottom>btMaxBottom || nLeft > nRight || nTop > nBottom) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* Check that ANSI or AVATAR graphics mode is available. */ if(!od_control.user_ansi && !od_control.user_avatar) { od_control.od_error = ERR_NOGRAPHICS; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* If distance to be scrolled is 0, then we are finished already and */ /* can return immediately. */ if(nDistance == 0) { OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* If distance is positive, then we are moving text upwards. */ if(nDistance>0) { /* Ensure that distance is not greater than size of scrolled area. */ if(nDistance>btHeight) { nDistance=btHeight; } /* Calculate first and last line to be moved. */ btFirst=nBottom-(nDistance-1); btLast=nBottom; } /* If distance is negative, then we are moving text downwards. */ else /* if(nDistance<0) */ { /* Ensure that distance is not greater than size of scrolled area. */ if(nDistance<-btHeight) { nDistance=-btHeight; } /* Calculate first and last line to be moved. */ btFirst=nTop; btLast=nTop-nDistance-1; } /* If AVATAR mode is available */ if(od_control.user_avatar) { /* Generate AVATAR sequence which causes the remote terminal to */ /* scroll an area of its screen. */ szAVTSeq[0]=22; /* If scrolling text upwards. */ if(nDistance>0) { /* Specify control sequence for scrolling upwards. */ szAVTSeq[1]=10; szAVTSeq[2]=nDistance; /* Move text appropriate direction on local screen. */ ODScrnCopyText((BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)(nTop + nDistance), (BYTE)nRight, (BYTE)nBottom, (BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)nTop); } /* If scrolling text downwards. */ else /* if(disatnce<0) */ { /* Specify control sequence for scrolling downwards. */ szAVTSeq[1]=11; szAVTSeq[2]=-nDistance; /* Move text appropriate direction on local screen. */ ODScrnCopyText((BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)nTop, (BYTE)nRight, (BYTE)(nBottom + nDistance), (BYTE)nLeft, (BYTE)(nTop - nDistance)); } /* Specify area to be scrolled to the AVATAR terminal. */ szAVTSeq[3]=nTop; szAVTSeq[4]=nLeft; szAVTSeq[5]=nBottom; szAVTSeq[6]=nRight; /* Send the control sequence to the AVATAR terminal. */ od_disp(szAVTSeq,7,FALSE); /* Generate string containing a blank line of text. */ for(btCount=0;btCount<btWidth;++btCount) szBlank[btCount]=' '; szBlank[btCount]='\0'; /* Blank-out lines that will no longer be visiable. */ for(;btFirst<=btLast;++btFirst) { ODScrnSetCursorPos((BYTE)nLeft, btFirst); ODScrnDisplayString(szBlank); } /* Reset cursor position on local display. */ ODScrnSetCursorPos(TextState.curx,TextState.cury); } /* Otherwise, we are using ANSI mode. */ else /* if(od_control.user_ansi) */ { /* If any of the original text will still be available after */ /* scrolling. */ if(btKeepHeight>0) { /* Allocate some temporary memory to hold text to be "got". */ if((pBlock=malloc(btKeepHeight*btWidth*2))==NULL) { /* If memory allocation failed, then scrolling fails. */ od_control.od_error = ERR_MEMORY; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* If we are scrolling text upwards. */ if(nDistance > 0) { /* Move text that will still be visible, using od_gettext() */ /* and od_puttext(). */ od_gettext(nLeft,nTop+nDistance,nRight,nBottom,pBlock); bScrollAction=FALSE; od_puttext(nLeft,nTop,nRight,nBottom-nDistance,pBlock); bScrollAction=TRUE; } /* If we are scrolling text downwards. */ else /* if(nDistance < 0) */ { /* Move text that will still be visible, using od_gettext() */ /* and od_puttext(). */ od_gettext(nLeft,nTop,nRight,nBottom+nDistance,pBlock); bScrollAction=FALSE; od_puttext(nLeft,nTop-nDistance,nRight,nBottom,pBlock); bScrollAction=TRUE; } /* Deallocate temporary memory block. */ free(pBlock); } /* If new area clearing has not been disabled. */ if(!(nFlags&SCROLL_NO_CLEAR)) { /* Loop for lines that should be blank. */ for(;btFirst<=btLast;++btFirst) { /* Move cursor to the beginning of this line. */ od_set_cursor(btFirst,nLeft); /* If right boarder of area to be scrolled is the edge of the */ /* screen, then we can use a quick control sequence to clear */ /* the rest of the line. Call od_clr_line() to do this. */ if(nRight == 80) { od_clr_line(); } /* If right boarder of area to be scrolled is not at the edge */ /* of the screen, then each line must be manually erased, by */ /* sending the appropriate number of blanks (spaces). */ else /* if(right != 80) */ { od_repeat(' ',btWidth); } } } /* Reset the cursor to its original position. */ od_set_cursor(TextState.cury,TextState.curx); } /* Return with success */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_save_screen() * * Stores the contents of the entire screen into a buffer, along with * the current cursor location and display colour. Supports all display * modes. * * Parameters: pBuffer - Pointer to a buffer of at least 4004 bytes in size, * where the information on the current screen state * will be stored. * * Return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_save_screen(void *pBuffer) { char btHeight; tODScrnTextInfo TextState; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_save_screen()"); /* Ensure that OpenDoors is initialized before proceeding. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Check parameters and current output window size. */ ODScrnGetTextInfo(&TextState); if(TextState.winleft!=1 || TextState.winright!=80 || !pBuffer) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* Store current cursor location in buffer. */ ((char *)pBuffer)[0]=TextState.curx; ((char *)pBuffer)[1]=TextState.cury; /* Store current display colour in buffer. */ ((char *)pBuffer)[2]=TextState.attribute; /* Store height of buffer stored. */ ((char *)pBuffer)[3]=btHeight=TextState.winbottom-TextState.wintop+1; /* Store screen contents using local screen gettext() function. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(ODScrnGetText(1,1,80,btHeight,(char *)pBuffer+4)); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_restore_screen() * * Restores the screen contents, along with the current text colour and cursor * location, as previously stored by od_save_screen(). * * Parameters: pBuffer - Pointer to buffer which was filled by a previous call * to od_save_screen(). * * Return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_restore_screen(void *pBuffer) { char *pch; char btPos; char chLast; char *pchTextBuffer; char btHeight; int nToReturn=TRUE; tODScrnTextInfo TextState; char btLine; char btDistance=0; char btCursorRow; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_restore_screen()"); /* Ensure that OpenDoors is initialized before proceeding. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Check parameters and current output window size. */ ODScrnGetTextInfo(&TextState); if(TextState.winleft!=1 || TextState.winright!=80 || !pBuffer) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* Determine current window height were text will be restored. */ btHeight=TextState.winbottom-TextState.wintop+1; /* If current display window height is too small for entire buffer */ /* to be re-displayed. */ if(btHeight<((char *)pBuffer)[3]) { /* Then we will always display as much of the END of the buffer */ /* as possible. */ btDistance = btHeight - ((char *)pBuffer)[3]; } else if(btHeight > ((char *)pBuffer)[3]) { /* Otherwise, ensure that we don't try to display more lines that */ /* are in the buffer. */ btHeight=((char *)pBuffer)[3]; } /* Clear the remote and local screens. */ od_clr_scr(); /* If ANSI or AVATAR modes are available. */ if(od_control.user_avatar || od_control.user_ansi) { /* Then we can efficiently display the buffer using od_puttext(). */ bScrollAction=FALSE; nToReturn=od_puttext(1,1,80,btHeight,(char *)pBuffer+(4+((int)btDistance*160))); bScrollAction=TRUE; /* Restore original cursor location. */ od_set_cursor(((char *)pBuffer)[1],((char *)pBuffer)[0]); /* Restore original display attribute. */ od_set_attrib(((char *)pBuffer)[2]); } /* If we are operating in ASCII mode. */ else /* if (!od_control.od_avatar && !od_control.caller_ansi) */ { /* Then the buffer is displayed one line at a time, beginning */ /* at the top of the screen, up to the saved cusrsor location. */ /* Set pointer to beginning of buffer to be displayed. */ pchTextBuffer=(char *)pBuffer+4; /* Get final cursor row number. */ btCursorRow=((char *)pBuffer)[1]; /* Loop for each line in the buffer. */ for(btLine=1;btLine<=btHeight;++btLine) { /* Set pointer to last character of line. */ pch=(char *)pchTextBuffer+158; /* Loop backwards until a non-blank character is found, or we */ /* reach the beginning of the line. */ for(chLast=80;chLast>1;) { /* If this is a blank character. */ if(*pch==32 || *pch==0) { /* Move to previous character. */ --chLast; pch-=2; } /* If this is not a blank character, then stop looping. */ else { break; } } /* If this is the line on which the cursor resides. */ if(btLine==btCursorRow) { /* If last non-blank character of line is at or past the final */ /* cursor location, then we backup the last character to be */ /* displayed to the cursor before the final cursor position. */ /* This code could be improved to be able to display text on */ /* the entire cursor line by displaying the entire line, */ /* sending a C/R, and redisplaying first portion of line to */ /* end up with the cursor in the desired position. */ if(chLast>=((char *)pBuffer)[0]) { chLast=((char *)pBuffer)[0]-1; } } /* Display all characters on this line */ pch = (char *)pchTextBuffer; for(btPos=1;btPos<=chLast;++btPos) { od_putch(*pch); pch+=2; } /* If this is the row where the cursor should be left, then we */ /* stop displaying now. */ if(btLine==btCursorRow) { break; } /* If cursor hasn't been wrapped, then we should send a C/R - */ /* L/F sequence. */ if(chLast != 80) { od_disp_str("\n\r"); pchTextBuffer+=160; } } } /* Return with the appropriate success/failure status. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(nToReturn); }