/* OpenDoors Online Software Programming Toolkit * (C) Copyright 1991 - 1999 by Brian Pirie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * File: ODList.c * * Description: Implements the od_list_files() function for displaying * a FILES.BBS file. * * Revisions: Date Ver Who Change * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Oct 13, 1994 6.00 BP New file header format. * Oct 21, 1994 6.00 BP Further isolated com routines. * Dec 09, 1994 6.00 BP Use new directory access functions. * Dec 31, 1994 6.00 BP Remove #ifndef USEINLINE DOS code. * Aug 19, 1995 6.00 BP 32-bit portability. * Nov 11, 1995 6.00 BP Moved functions from odcore.c * Nov 11, 1995 6.00 BP Removed register keyword. * Nov 16, 1995 6.00 BP Removed oddoor.h, added odcore.h. * Dec 12, 1995 6.00 BP Added entry, exit and kernel macros. * Dec 30, 1995 6.00 BP Added ODCALL for calling convention. * Feb 19, 1996 6.00 BP Changed version number to 6.00. * Mar 03, 1996 6.10 BP Begin version 6.10. * Aug 10, 2003 6.23 SH *nix support */ #define BUILDING_OPENDOORS #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include "OpenDoor.h" #include "ODCore.h" #include "ODGen.h" #include "ODCom.h" #include "ODPlat.h" #include "ODKrnl.h" #include "ODUtil.h" /* Filename component identifies. */ #define WILDCARDS 0x01 #define EXTENSION 0x02 #define FILENAME 0x04 #define DIRECTORY 0x08 #define DRIVE 0x10 /* Local private helper function prototypes. */ static void ODListFilenameMerge(char *pszEntirePath, const char *pszDrive, const char *pszDir, const char *pszName, const char *pszExtension); static char *ODListGetFirstWord(char *pszInStr, char *pszOutStr); static char *ODListGetRemainingWords(char *pszInStr); static INT ODListFilenameSplit(const char *pszEntirePath, char *pszDrive, char *pszDir, char *pszName, char *pszExtension); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_list_files() * * Displays a list of files available for download, using an extended version * of the standard FILES.BBS format index file. * * Parameters: pszFileSpec - Directory name where the FILES.BBS file can be * found, or full path and filename of a FILES.BBS * format index file. * * Return: TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_list_files(char *pszFileSpec) { BYTE btLineCount = 2; BOOL bPausing; static char szLine[513]; static char szFilename[80]; static char szDrive[3]; static char szDir[70]; static char szTemp1[9]; static char szTemp2[5]; static char szBaseName[9]; static char szExtension[5]; static char szDirectory[100]; INT nFilenameInfo; FILE *pfFilesBBS; static char *pszCurrent; BOOL bIsDir; BOOL bUseNextLine = TRUE; tODDirHandle hDir; tODDirEntry DirEntry; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_list_files()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Check user's page pausing setting. */ bPausing = od_control.od_page_pausing; if(od_control.od_extended_info) bPausing = od_control.user_attribute & 0x04; /* Parse directory parameter. */ if(pszFileSpec == NULL) { strcpy(szODWorkString, "."); strcpy(szDirectory, "."DIRSEP_STR); } else if(*pszFileSpec == '\0') { strcpy(szODWorkString, "."); strcpy(szDirectory, "."DIRSEP_STR); } else { strcpy(szODWorkString, pszFileSpec); strcpy(szDirectory, pszFileSpec); if(szODWorkString[strlen(szODWorkString) - 1] == DIRSEP) { szODWorkString[strlen(szODWorkString) - 1] = '\0'; } } /* Get directory information on path. */ if(ODDirOpen(szODWorkString, DIR_ATTRIB_ARCH | DIR_ATTRIB_RDONLY | DIR_ATTRIB_DIREC, &hDir) != kODRCSuccess) { od_control.od_error = ERR_FILEOPEN; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } if(ODDirRead(hDir, &DirEntry) != kODRCSuccess) { ODDirClose(hDir); od_control.od_error = ERR_FILEOPEN; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } ODDirClose(hDir); /* If it is a directory. */ if(DirEntry.wAttributes & DIR_ATTRIB_DIREC) { /* Append FILES.BBS to directory name & open. */ bIsDir = TRUE; ODMakeFilename(szODWorkString, szODWorkString, "FILES.BBS", sizeof(szODWorkString)); if((pfFilesBBS = fopen(szODWorkString, "r")) == NULL) { od_control.od_error = ERR_FILEOPEN; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } } /* If it is not a directory. */ else { bIsDir = FALSE; if((pfFilesBBS = fopen(szODWorkString,"r")) == NULL) { od_control.od_error = ERR_FILEOPEN; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } } /* Ignore previously pressed control keys. */ chLastControlKey = 0; /* Loop until the end of the FILES.BBS file has been reached. */ for(;;) { if(fgets(szLine, 512, pfFilesBBS) == NULL) break; if(!bUseNextLine) { if(szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] == '\n') { bUseNextLine = TRUE; } continue; } if(szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] == '\n') { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; } else { bUseNextLine = FALSE; } if(szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] == '\r') { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; } if(chLastControlKey != 0) { switch(chLastControlKey) { case 's': if(od_control.od_list_stop) { if(od_control.baud) { ODComClearOutbound(hSerialPort); } od_clear_keybuffer(); fclose(pfFilesBBS); OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } break; case 'p': if(od_control.od_list_pause) { od_clear_keybuffer(); od_get_key(TRUE); } } chLastControlKey = 0; } /* Determine whether or not this is a comment line. */ if(szLine[0] == ' ' || strlen(szLine) == 0) { /* If so, display the line in comment color. */ od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_title_col); od_disp_str(szLine); od_disp_str("\n\r"); ++btLineCount; } /* If the line is not a comment. */ else { /* Extract the first word of the line, */ ODListGetFirstWord(szLine, szFilename); /* And extract the filename. */ nFilenameInfo = ODListFilenameSplit(szFilename, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, szExtension); if(!((nFilenameInfo & DRIVE) || (nFilenameInfo & DIRECTORY))) { if(bIsDir) { ODMakeFilename(szDirectory, szDirectory, szFilename, sizeof(szDirectory)); strcpy(szFilename, szDirectory); } else { ODListFilenameSplit(szDirectory, szDrive, szDir, szTemp1, szTemp2); ODListFilenameMerge(szFilename, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, szExtension); } } /* Search for the filespec in directory. */ if(ODDirOpen(szFilename, DIR_ATTRIB_ARCH | DIR_ATTRIB_RDONLY, &hDir) == kODRCSuccess) { /* Display information on every file that matches. */ while(ODDirRead(hDir, &DirEntry) == kODRCSuccess) { od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_name_col); od_printf("%-12.12s ", DirEntry.szFileName); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_size_col); od_printf("%-6ld ", DirEntry.dwFileSize); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_comment_col); pszCurrent = ODListGetRemainingWords(szLine); if(strlen(pszCurrent) <= 56) { od_disp_str(pszCurrent); od_disp_str("\n\r"); } else { od_printf("%-56.56s\n\r", pszCurrent); } ++btLineCount; } ODDirClose(hDir); } /* Otherwise, indicate that the file is "Offline". */ else { ODListFilenameMerge(szFilename, "", "", szBaseName, szExtension); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_name_col); od_printf("%-12.12s ", szFilename); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_offline_col); od_disp_str(od_control.od_offline); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_list_comment_col); od_printf("%-56.56s\n\r", ODListGetRemainingWords(szLine)); ++btLineCount; } } /* Check for end of screen & page pausing. */ if(btLineCount >= od_control.user_screen_length && bPausing) { /* Provide page pausing at end of each screen. */ if(ODPagePrompt(&bPausing)) { fclose(pfFilesBBS); OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* Reset the line number counter. */ btLineCount = 2; } } /* When finished, close the file. */ fclose(pfFilesBBS); /* Return with success. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODListFilenameMerge() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Builds a fully-qualified path name from the provided path component * strings. * * Parameters: pszEntirePath - Pointer to the destination string where the * generated path should be stored. * * pszDrive - Pointer to the drive string. * * pszDir - Pointer to the directory string. * * pszName - Pointer to the base filename string. * * pszExtension - Pointer to the extension name string. * * Return: void */ static void ODListFilenameMerge(char *pszEntirePath, const char *pszDrive, const char *pszDir, const char *pszName, const char *pszExtension) { if(pszEntirePath == NULL) return; pszEntirePath[0] = '\0'; if(pszDrive != NULL) { strcpy(pszEntirePath, pszDrive); } if(pszDir != NULL) { strcat(pszEntirePath, pszDir); } if(pszName != NULL) { strcat(pszEntirePath,pszName); } if(pszExtension != NULL) { strcat(pszEntirePath,pszExtension); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODListFilenameSplit() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Splits the provided path string into drive, directory name, file base name * and file extension components. * * Parameters: pszEntirePath - A string containing the path to split. * * pszDrive - A string where the drive letter should be stored. * * pszDir - A string where the directory name should be * stored. * * pszName - A string where the base filename should be * stored. * * pszExtension - A string where the filename extension should be * stored. * * Return: One or more flags indicating which components where found in the * provided path name. */ static INT ODListFilenameSplit(const char *pszEntirePath, char *pszDrive, char *pszDir, char *pszName, char *pszExtension) { char *pchCurrentPos; char *pchStart; BYTE btSize; INT nToReturn; ASSERT(pszEntirePath != NULL); ASSERT(pszDrive != NULL); ASSERT(pszDir != NULL); ASSERT(pszName != NULL); ASSERT(pszExtension != NULL); pchStart = (char *)pszEntirePath; nToReturn = 0; if((pchCurrentPos = strrchr(pchStart,':')) == NULL) { pszDrive[0] = '\0'; } else { btSize = (int)(pchCurrentPos - pchStart) + 1; if(btSize > 2) btSize = 2; strncpy(pszDrive, pchStart, btSize); pszDrive[btSize] = '\0'; pchStart = pchCurrentPos + 1; nToReturn |= DRIVE; } if((pchCurrentPos = strrchr(pchStart, DIRSEP))==NULL) { pszDir[0] = '\0'; } else { btSize = (int)(pchCurrentPos - pchStart) + 1; strncpy(pszDir,pchStart,btSize); pszDir[btSize] = '\0'; pchStart = pchCurrentPos + 1; nToReturn |= DIRECTORY; } if(strchr(pchStart,'*') != NULL || strchr(pchStart, '?') != NULL) { nToReturn |= WILDCARDS; } if((pchCurrentPos = strrchr(pchStart, '.')) == NULL) { if(pchStart =='\0') { pszExtension[0] = '\0'; pszName[0] = '\0'; } else { pszExtension[0] = '\0'; btSize = strlen(pchStart); if (btSize > 8) btSize = 0; strncpy(pszName, pchStart, btSize); pszName[btSize] = '\0'; nToReturn |= FILENAME; } } else { nToReturn |= FILENAME; nToReturn |= EXTENSION; btSize = (int)(pchCurrentPos - pchStart); if(btSize > 8) btSize = 8; strncpy(pszName, pchStart, btSize); pszName[btSize] = '\0'; btSize = strlen(pchCurrentPos); if(btSize > 4) btSize = 4; strncpy(pszExtension, pchCurrentPos, btSize); pszExtension[btSize]='\0'; } return(nToReturn); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODListGetFirstWord() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Returns the first word in a string containing a series of words separated by * one or more spaced. * * Parameters: pszInStr - String to look in. * * pszOutStr - Buffer to store result in. This buffer should be at * least as long as the pszInStr string. * * Return: Pointer to the pszOutStr that was passed in. */ static char *ODListGetFirstWord(char *pszInStr, char *pszOutStr) { char *pchOut = (char *)pszOutStr; ASSERT(pszInStr != NULL); ASSERT(pszOutStr != NULL); while(*pszInStr && *pszInStr != ' ') { *pchOut++ = *pszInStr++; } *pchOut = '\0'; return(pszOutStr); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODListGetRemainingWords() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Obtains the remaining words in a string, after the first word. This function * is a companion to ODListGetFirstWord(), which obtains just the first word * in a string of many words. * * Parameters: pszInStr - String to look at. * * Return: A pointer to the position in a string of the second word. */ static char *ODListGetRemainingWords(char *pszInStr) { char *pchStartOfRemaining = (char *)pszInStr; /* Skip over the first word in the string. */ while(*pchStartOfRemaining && *pchStartOfRemaining != ' ') { ++pchStartOfRemaining; } /* Skip over any spaces after the first word. */ while(*pchStartOfRemaining && *pchStartOfRemaining == ' ') { ++pchStartOfRemaining; } /* Return pointer to the rest of the string. */ return((char *)pchStartOfRemaining); }