/* $Id: fslider_ex.c,v 1.4 2016/12/04 15:22:16 tom Exp $ */

#include <cdk_test.h>

char *XCursesProgramName = "slider_ex";

 * This program demonstrates the Cdk slider widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKFSLIDER *widget   = 0;
   const char *title    = "<C></U>Enter a value:";
   const char *label    = "</B>Current Value:";
   char temp[256];
   const char *mesg[5];
   float selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   double high;
   double inc;
   double low;

   double scale;
   int n, digits;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "h:i:l:w:p:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);
   digits = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'p', 0);

   scale = 1.0;
   for (n = 0; n < digits; ++n)
      scale = scale * 10.0;

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   high   = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'h', 100) / scale;
   inc    = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'i', 1) / scale;
   low    = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'l', 1) / scale;

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the widget. */
   widget = newCDKFSlider (cdkscreen,
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			   title, label,
			   A_REVERSE | COLOR_PAIR (29) | ' ',
			   CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'w', 50),
			   (float)(inc * 2),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot make the widget. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   selection = activateCDKFSlider (widget, 0);

   /* Check the exit value of the widget. */
   if (widget->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No value selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
   else if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected %.*f", digits, selection);
      mesg[0] = temp;
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKFSlider (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);