/* OpenDoors Online Software Programming Toolkit * (C) Copyright 1991 - 1999 by Brian Pirie. * * Oct-2001 door32.sys/socket modifications by Rob Swindell (www.synchro.net) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * File: ODCore.c * * Description: Implements the core of OpenDoors, including chat mode * and standard input/output functions that are * used throughout OpenDoors. * * Revisions: Date Ver Who Change * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Oct 13, 1994 6.00 BP New file header format. * Oct 19, 1994 6.00 BP Changed paging hours logic. * Oct 21, 1994 6.00 BP Further isolated com routines. * Oct 22, 1994 6.00 BP Name case conversion /w punct. * Dec 08, 1994 6.00 BP Allow custom chat mode deactivation. * Dec 09, 1994 6.00 BP Remove global dir entry structure. * Dec 13, 1994 6.00 BP Remove include of dir.h. * Dec 31, 1994 6.00 BP Remove #ifndef USEINLINE DOS code. * Dec 31, 1994 6.00 BP Remove old multitasker definitions. * Jan 01, 1995 6.00 BP Don't use ODComInbound(). * Jan 01, 1995 6.00 BP _waitdrain() -> ODWaitDrain(). * Jan 01, 1995 6.00 BP Use new millisecond timer functions. * Jan 01, 1995 6.00 BP Remove od_init() from _remotechar() * Jan 01, 1995 6.00 BP Split off odkrnl.c from odcore.c * Aug 19, 1995 6.00 BP 32-bit portability. * Nov 11, 1995 6.00 BP Moved first_word() to odlist.c * Nov 11, 1995 6.00 BP Removed register keyword. * Nov 14, 1995 6.00 BP Added include of odscrn.h. * Nov 16, 1995 6.00 BP Create odcore.h. * Nov 17, 1995 6.00 BP Use new input queue mechanism. * Dec 12, 1995 6.00 BP Added od_set_color(). * Dec 12, 1995 6.00 BP Added entry, exit and kernel macros. * Dec 13, 1995 6.00 BP Moved chat mode code to ODKrnl.h. * Dec 19, 1995 6.00 BP Request reason for chat outside hours. * Dec 23, 1995 6.00 BP Allow space to continue at page pause. * Dec 24, 1995 6.00 BP Added abtGreyBlock. * Dec 30, 1995 6.00 BP Added ODCALL for calling convention. * Jan 03, 1996 6.00 BP Use OD_API_VAR_DEFN for od_control. * Jan 04, 1996 6.00 BP tODInQueueEvent -> tODInputEvent. * Jan 23, 1996 6.00 BP No od_set_statusline() under Win32. * Jan 30, 1996 6.00 BP Replaced od_yield() with od_sleep(). * Jan 30, 1996 6.00 BP Add ODInQueueGetNextEvent() timeout. * Jan 09, 1996 6.00 BP ODComOutbound() returns actual size. * Jan 09, 1996 6.00 BP Reduce kernel calls from od_disp...(). * Feb 19, 1996 6.00 BP Changed version number to 6.00. * Mar 03, 1996 6.10 BP Begin version 6.10. * Mar 19, 1996 6.10 BP MSVC15 source-level compatibility. * Mar 21, 1996 6.10 BP Added od_control_get(). * Sep 01, 1996 6.10 BP Update output area on od_set_per...(). * Oct 19, 2001 6.20 RS od_get_key now ignores linefeeds. * Mar 14, 2002 6.22 RS Fixed od_get_key(bWait=FALSE) * Aug 10, 2003 6.23 SH *nix support */ #define BUILDING_OPENDOORS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <errno.h> #include "OpenDoor.h" #include "ODStr.h" #include "ODGen.h" #include "ODPlat.h" #include "ODCom.h" #include "ODKrnl.h" #include "ODScrn.h" #include "ODCore.h" #include "ODInQue.h" #ifdef ODPLAT_WIN32 #include "ODFrame.h" #endif /* ODPLAT_WIN32 */ /* GLOBAL VARIABLES SHARED THROUGHOUT OPENDOORS. */ /* Global declaration of the OpenDoors control structure. */ OD_API_VAR_DEFN tODControl #ifndef _WIN32 /* warning C4229: anachronism used : modifiers on data are ignored */ OD_GLOBAL_CONV #endif od_control; /* OpenDoors global initialized flag. */ BOOL bODInitialized = FALSE; /* Global serial port object handle. */ tPortHandle hSerialPort; /* Global input queue object handle. */ tODInQueueHandle hODInputQueue; /* Reentrancy control. */ BOOL bIsCallbackActive = FALSE; BOOL bShellChatActive = FALSE; /* Global working space. */ char szODWorkString[OD_GLOBAL_WORK_STRING_SIZE]; /* Global instance of the text information structure for general use. */ tODScrnTextInfo ODTextInfo; /* Logfile function hooks. */ BOOL (*pfLogWrite)(INT) = NULL; void (*pfLogClose)(INT) = NULL; /* od_color_config() support for od_printf(). */ char chColorCheck = 0; char *pchColorEndPos; /* Status line information. */ BYTE btCurrentStatusLine = STATUS_NONE; OD_PERSONALITY_CALLBACK *pfCurrentPersonality = NULL; char szDesiredPersonality[33] = ""; SET_PERSONALITY_FUNC *pfSetPersonality = NULL; /* Commonly used character sequences. */ char abtBlackBlock[2] = {' ', 0x07}; char abtGreyBlock[2] = {' ', 0x70}; char szBackspaceWithDelete[4] = {8, ' ', 8, 0}; /* Current output area on screen. */ BYTE btOutputTop = 1; BYTE btOutputBottom = 23; /* PRIVATE VARIABLES. */ /* Display color varaibles. */ char bAnyColorChangeYet; /* Static character sequences. */ static char szClearScreen[2] = {12, 0}; /* Lookup table to map colors from PC values to ANSI color values. */ static BYTE abtPCToANSIColorTable[8] = {30, 34, 32, 36, 31, 35, 33, 37}; /* LOCAL HELPER FUNCTIONS. */ static void ODAddANSIParameter(char *szControlSequence, int nParameterValue); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODWaitDrain() * * Waits for up to the specified number of milliseconds for the output serial * buffer to drain. * * Parameters: MaxWait - Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds to wait * before timing out. * * Return: void */ void ODWaitDrain(tODMilliSec MaxWait) { int nOutboundSize; tODTimer Timer; /* If we are operating in local mode, then don't do anything. */ if(od_control.baud == 0) return; /* Otherwise, start a timer that is set to elapse after the maximum */ /* wait period. */ ODTimerStart(&Timer, MaxWait); /* Loop until either the outbound buffer is empty, or the */ /* timer has elapsed. */ for(;;) { /* Check whether any data is in the outbound serial queue. */ ODComOutbound(hSerialPort, &nOutboundSize); /* If the queue is empty or the timer has elapsed, then stop */ /* waiting. */ if(nOutboundSize == 0 || ODTimerElapsed(&Timer)) break; /* Otherwise, give other tasks a chance to run. */ od_sleep(0); /* Give od_kernel() activities a chance to run. */ CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_clr_scr() * * Clears the contents of the local and remote screens, if screen clearing is * enabled. * * Parameters: none * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_clr_scr(void) { INT16 nOriginalAttrib; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_clr_scr()"); if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Don't clear screen if disabled. */ if(!od_control.od_always_clear && !(od_control.user_attribute & 2) && (od_control.od_extended_info || od_control.od_info_type == CUSTOM)) { OD_API_EXIT(); return; } if(od_control.user_rip) { od_disp("!|*", 3, FALSE); if(!od_control.od_default_rip_win) { od_disp("!|w0000270M12", 13, FALSE); } } if(od_control.user_ansi) { od_disp("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H", 10, FALSE); } else { /* Send ascii 12 to modem, no local echo. */ od_disp(szClearScreen, 1, FALSE); } /* Clear local window. */ ODScrnClear(); /* Get color set prior to screen clear. */ nOriginalAttrib = od_control.od_cur_attrib; /* Current color state is unknown. */ od_control.od_cur_attrib = -1; /* Set color to original value. This gurantees that local and */ /* remote systems both have the same current color set. */ od_set_attrib(nOriginalAttrib); OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_input_str() * * Allows the user to input a string up to the specified length, using * characters in the specified range. This string input function is designed * to be compatible with all terminal types. * * Parameters: pszInput - Pointer to string to store input in. * * nMaxLength - Maximum number of characters to permit the user * to input. * * chMin - The minimum character value to permit. This must * be at least ASCII 32. * * chMax - The maximum character value to permit. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_input_str(char *pszInput, INT nMaxLength, unsigned char chMin, unsigned char chMax) { char chKeyPressed; INT nPosition; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_input_str()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Start at the beginning of the string. */ nPosition = 0; /* Check that input parameters are valid. */ if(pszInput == NULL || nMaxLength < 1 || chMin > chMax) { od_control.od_error = ERR_PARAMETER; OD_API_EXIT(); return; } for(;;) { chKeyPressed = od_get_key(TRUE); /* If user pressed enter. */ if(chKeyPressed == '\r' || chKeyPressed == '\n') { /* Terminate the string. */ pszInput[nPosition] = '\0'; /* Display CR-LF sequence. */ od_disp_str("\n\r"); /* Exit the function. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return; } /* If the user pressed backspace. */ else if(chKeyPressed == 8) { /* If we are not currently at the beginning of the string. */ if(nPosition > 0) { /* Send backspace sequence. */ od_disp_str(szBackspaceWithDelete); /* Move current position back by one position in the string. */ --nPosition; } } /* If this is a valid character to place in the string and we have */ /* not reached the maximum size of the string yet. */ else if(chKeyPressed >= chMin && chKeyPressed <= chMax && nPosition < nMaxLength) { /* Display key that was pressed. */ od_putch(chKeyPressed); /* Add the entered character to the string and increment our */ /* current position in the string. */ pszInput[nPosition++] = chKeyPressed; } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_clear_keybuffer() * * Clears any keystrokes from the inbound buffers. Both input from local and * remote systems is discarded, by clearing both OpenDoors' common input * event queue, and the serial port inbound buffer. This function is called * to cause any input by the user prior to the time the function was called * to be ignored. * * Parameters: none * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_clear_keybuffer(void) { /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_clear_keybuffer()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Empty any events in the common input event queue. */ ODInQueueEmpty(hODInputQueue); /* If we are not operating in local mode ... */ if(od_control.baud != 0) { /* ... then remove any items in the serial port inbound buffer. */ ODComClearInbound(hSerialPort); } /* Call the OpenDoors kernel function. */ CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_key_pending() * * Returns TRUE if there's a key pending, FALSE otherwise. * * Parameters: none * * Return: TRUE if character is waiting, FALSE if no character is waiting. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_key_pending(void) { /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_get_key()"); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Call the OpenDoors kernel. */ CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); if(!ODInQueueWaiting(hODInputQueue)) { OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_get_key() * * Inputs a single character, optionally waiting for the next character if no * character has been received yet. This function returns data received from * either the local or remote system, in the order in which it was received. * * Parameters: bWait - FALSE if od_get_key() should return right away with * a value of 0 if no characters have been received, or * TRUE if od_get_key() should wait for the next received * character. * * Return: Character that was received, or 0 if no character is waiting. */ ODAPIDEF char ODCALL od_get_key(BOOL bWait) { tODInputEvent InputEvent; /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_get_key()"); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Call the OpenDoors kernel. */ CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); do { /* If we aren't supposed to wait for input, then check whether any */ /* input is waiting in the input queue, and if not return right away */ /* without any data. */ if(!bWait) { if(!ODInQueueWaiting(hODInputQueue)) { OD_API_EXIT(); return(0); } } /* Obtain the next character from the input queue. If we get to this */ /* point and there is no data waiting in the input queue, then the */ /* ODInQueueGetNextEvent() function will block until a character */ /* is available in the input queue. */ ODInQueueGetNextEvent(hODInputQueue, &InputEvent, OD_NO_TIMEOUT); /* Only keyboard input events are currently supported by od_get_key(). */ ASSERT(InputEvent.EventType == EVENT_CHARACTER); /* Update OpenDoors control structure member that records whether the */ /* last input came from the local or remote user. */ od_control.od_last_input = InputEvent.bFromRemote ? 0 : 1; } while(InputEvent.chKeyPress == '\n'); /* Ignore line-feed char */ /* Return the character that was pressed by the user. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(InputEvent.chKeyPress); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_carrier() * * Allows programs to determine the current state of the carrier detect * signal when OpenDoors' automatic carrier detection has been disabled. * * Parameters: none * * Return: TRUE if the carrier detct signal is present, FALSE if it * isn't. When operating in local mode, this function always * returns FALSE. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_carrier(void) { BOOL bIsCarrier; /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Log function entry if running in trace mode */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_carrier()"); /* If we are operating in local mode, then return FALSE. */ if(od_control.baud == 0) { od_control.od_error = ERR_NOREMOTE; OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } /* In remote mode, obtain the current state of the carrier detect signal. */ ODComCarrier(hSerialPort, &bIsCarrier); /* Return the current state of the carrier detect signal. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(bIsCarrier); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_repeat() * * This function displays the same character the specified number of times on * the local and remote screens, using any available optimal control sequences * under the current display mode. * * Parameters: chValue - Character to repeat. * * btTimes - Number of times to repeat the character. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_repeat(char chValue, BYTE btTimes) { char *pchCurStringPos; BYTE btLeft; char szBuffer[3]; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_repeat()"); /* Ensure that OpenDoors has been initialized. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* If the caller asked to repeat the character 0 times, then we can */ /* safely return right away without doing anything. */ if(btTimes == 0) { OD_API_EXIT(); return; } /* Generate string of repeat characters. */ pchCurStringPos = szODWorkString; for(btLeft = btTimes; btLeft--;) { *pchCurStringPos++ = chValue; } *pchCurStringPos = '\0'; /* Display repeated string on local screen. */ ODScrnDisplayString(szODWorkString); /* If we are operating in AVATAR mode. */ if(od_control.user_avatar) { /* Generate the AVATAR control sequence to repeat this character */ /* the specified number of times. */ szBuffer[0] = 25; szBuffer[1] = chValue; szBuffer[2] = btTimes; od_disp(szBuffer, 3, FALSE); } /* If AVATAR mode is not available. */ else { /* Send the entire repeated string to the remote system. */ od_disp(szODWorkString, btTimes, FALSE); } OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_page() * * This function is called when the user wished to page the system operator. * * Parameters: none * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_page(void) { INT16 nCount; tODTimer Timer; time_t nUnixTime; struct tm *TimeBlock; INT16 nMinute; BOOL bFailed = FALSE; INT16 nOriginalAttrib; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_page()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Save current display color attribute. */ nOriginalAttrib = od_control.od_cur_attrib; /* Clear the screen. */ od_clr_scr(); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_chat_color1); /* Ask reason for chat. */ od_disp_str(od_control.od_chat_reason); od_set_attrib(od_control.od_chat_color2); od_putch('['); /* Use extended ASCII characters if operating in ANSI or AVATAR mode. */ if(od_control.user_ansi || od_control.user_avatar) { od_repeat('�',77); } else { od_repeat('-',77); } od_disp_str("]\n\r "); od_input_str(od_control.user_reasonforchat,77,32,255); /* If the user did not abort sysop paging by entering a blank reason */ /* for chat. */ if(strlen(od_control.user_reasonforchat) != 0) { /* Indicate that the user wants to chat. */ od_control.user_wantchat = TRUE; #ifdef ODPLAT_WIN32 ODFrameUpdateWantChat(); #endif /* ODPLAT_WIN32 */ /* Determine whether or not sysop paging should be permitted at */ /* the current time. */ nUnixTime = time(NULL); TimeBlock = localtime(&nUnixTime); nMinute = (60 * TimeBlock->tm_hour) + TimeBlock->tm_min; if(od_control.od_pagestartmin < od_control.od_pageendmin) { if(nMinute < od_control.od_pagestartmin || nMinute >= od_control.od_pageendmin) { bFailed = TRUE; } } else if(od_control.od_pagestartmin > od_control.od_pageendmin) { if(nMinute < od_control.od_pagestartmin && nMinute >= od_control.od_pageendmin) { bFailed = TRUE; } } else { bFailed = FALSE; } /* If paging is set to PAGE_ENABLE, meaning that sysop paging should */ /* be permitted regardless of the time of day, then allow paging. */ if(od_control.od_okaytopage == PAGE_ENABLE) { bFailed = FALSE; } /* If paging is explicitly disable by PAGE_DISABLE, or the current */ /* time of the day is not normally permitted for paging. */ if(od_control.od_okaytopage == PAGE_DISABLE || bFailed) { /* Indicate this to user. */ od_disp_str("\n\r"); od_disp_str(od_control.od_no_sysop); od_disp_str(od_control.od_press_key); od_get_answer("\x0d\x0a"); /* Return from this function. */ goto cleanup; } /* Update status line right away. */ bForceStatusUpdate = TRUE; CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); /* Write sysop page information to the logfile, if the log file */ /* system is hooked up. */ if(pfLogWrite != NULL) { (*pfLogWrite)(8); } /* Tell the user that we are now paging the system operator. */ od_set_attrib(od_control.od_chat_color1); od_disp_str(od_control.od_paging); #ifdef OD_TEXTMODE /* Display sysop page status line if it exists and the sysop status */ /* line is currently active. */ if(od_control.od_page_statusline != -1 && btCurrentStatusLine != 8) { od_set_statusline(od_control.od_page_statusline); } #endif /* OD_TEXTMODE */ /* Increment the total number of times that the user has paged */ /* the sysop. */ ++od_control.user_numpages; /* Sysop hasn't responded yet. */ bChatted=FALSE; /* Loop for length of sysop page. */ for(nCount = 0; nCount < od_control.od_page_len; ++nCount) { /* Start a timer that is set to elapse in exactly one second. */ ODTimerStart(&Timer, 1000); /* Display another period character. */ od_putch('.'); /* Abort page if system operator answered */ if(bChatted) goto cleanup; /* Send beep to local and remote systems. */ od_putch('\a'); /* Check whether system operator has answered after playing beep. */ if (bChatted) goto cleanup; /* Wait for the timer to elapse, calling od_kernel() so that */ /* chat mode will start as soon as the sysop presses the */ /* chat key. */ while(!ODTimerElapsed(&Timer)) { CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); } } /* If sysop page time has elapsed without a response from the */ /* sysop, then notify the user. */ od_disp_str(od_control.od_no_response); od_disp_str(od_control.od_press_key); od_get_answer("\x0d\x0a"); od_disp_str("\n\r\n\r"); } cleanup: /* Restore original display color attribute. */ od_set_attrib(nOriginalAttrib); OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_disp() * * Function to send one or more character to the remote system, optionally * also echoing the same characters to the local screen. * * Parameters: pachBuffer - Pointer to buffer of characters to send. * * nSize - Number of characters to send from the buffer. * * bLocalEcho - TRUE to also echo the characters to the local * screen, FALSE to just send the characters to the * remote system. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_disp(const char *pachBuffer, INT nSize, BOOL bLocalEcho) { /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_disp()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Call the OpenDoors kernel, if needed. */ #ifndef OD_MULTITHREADED if(ODTimerElapsed(&RunKernelTimer)) { CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); } #endif /* !OD_MULTITHREADED */ /* If we are operating in remote mode, then send the buffer to the */ /* remote system. */ if(od_control.baud != 0) { ODComSendBuffer(hSerialPort, (BYTE *)pachBuffer, nSize); } /* If we are also to display the character on the local screen, then */ /* display the buffer on the local screen. */ if(bLocalEcho) { ODScrnDisplayBuffer(pachBuffer, nSize); } OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_disp_str() * * Displays a string on both the local and remote systems. * * Parameters: pszToDisplay - Pointer to the string to be displayed. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_disp_str(const char *pszToDisplay) { /* Log function entry if running in trace mode */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_disp_str()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Call the OpenDoors kernel, if needed. */ #ifndef OD_MULTITHREADED if(ODTimerElapsed(&RunKernelTimer)) { CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); } #endif /* !OD_MULTITHREADED */ /* Send the string to the remote system, if we are running in remote mode. */ if(od_control.baud != 0) { ODComSendBuffer(hSerialPort, (BYTE *)pszToDisplay, strlen(pszToDisplay)); } /* Display the screen on the local screen. */ ODScrnDisplayString(pszToDisplay); OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_set_statusline() * * Switches to one of the available status lines provided by the current * personality, or turns off the status line altogether. * * Parameters: nSetting - Indicates which status line (if any) should be * activated. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_set_statusline(INT nSetting) { #ifdef OD_TEXTMODE INT nDistance; BYTE btCount #endif /* OD_TEXTMODE */ /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_set_statusline()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY() #ifdef OD_TEXTMODE /* If status line is disabled, then don't do anything. */ if(!od_control.od_status_on) { OD_API_EXIT(); return; } /* Ensure that the parameter is within the valid range. */ if(nSetting < 0 || nSetting > 8) { nSetting = 0; } /* If the specified status line is already active, and status line */ /* update isn't being forced, then return without doing anything. */ if(!od_control.od_update_status_now && nSetting == btCurrentStatusLine) { OD_API_EXIT(); return; } /* Save the current cursor settings. */ ODStoreTextInfo(); /* Reset screen boundary to allow access to the entire screen. */ ODScrnSetBoundary(1,1,80,25); /* If status line is being turned off. */ if(btCurrentStatusLine == STATUS_NONE) { if((nDistance = (INT)ODTextInfo.cury - ( 1 + (INT)btOutputBottom - (INT)btOutputTop)) > 0) { ODScrnCopyText(1, (BYTE)((INT)btOutputTop + nDistance), 80, (BYTE)((INT)btOutputBottom + nDistance), (BYTE)btOutputTop, 1); ODTextInfo.cury = 1 + btOutputBottom - btOutputTop; } else if(ODTextInfo.cury < btOutputTop) { ODTextInfo.cury = btOutputTop; ODScrnCopyText(1, (BYTE)(btOutputTop + 24 - btOutputBottom), 80, 25, btOutputTop, 1); } } od_control.od_current_statusline = btCurrentStatusLine = nSetting; if(nSetting == 8) { ODScrnSetAttribute(0x07); for(btCount = 1; btCount <= 25; ++btCount) { if(btCount < btOutputTop || btCount > btOutputBottom) { if(btCount == 25) { ODScrnPutText(80, 25, 80, 25, abtBlackBlock); ODScrnSetCursorPos(1, 25); ODScrnDisplayString(" "); } else { ODScrnSetCursorPos(1, 24); ODScrnDisplayString(" "); } } } ODScrnSetAttribute(ODTextInfo.attribute); ODScrnSetCursorPos(ODTextInfo.curx, ODTextInfo.cury); } else { ODScrnEnableCaret(FALSE); ODScrnEnableScrolling(FALSE); (*pfCurrentPersonality)((BYTE)nSetting); ODScrnEnableCaret(TRUE); ODScrnEnableScrolling(TRUE); ODScrnSetBoundary(1, btOutputTop, 80, btOutputBottom); ODScrnSetAttribute(ODTextInfo.attribute); ODScrnSetCursorPos(ODTextInfo.curx, ODTextInfo.cury); } #else /* !OD_TEXTMODE */ od_control.od_error = ERR_UNSUPPORTED; #endif /* !OD_TEXTMODE */ OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODStoreTextInfo() * * Stores the current text settings into the OpenDoors global text information * structure. * * Parameters: none * * Return: void */ void ODStoreTextInfo(void) { ODScrnGetTextInfo(&ODTextInfo); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODRestoreTextInfo() * * Restores display settings previously stored by ODStoreTextInfo() * * Parameters: none * * Return: void */ void ODRestoreTextInfo(void) { ODScrnSetBoundary(ODTextInfo.winleft, ODTextInfo.wintop, ODTextInfo.winright, ODTextInfo.winbottom); ODScrnSetAttribute(ODTextInfo.attribute); ODScrnSetCursorPos(ODTextInfo.curx, ODTextInfo.cury); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODStringToName() * * Reformats a string so that it has the correct capitalization for a name, * and removes any trailing line break character. * * Parameters: pszToConvert - Pointer to the string to reformat. * * Return: void */ void ODStringToName(char *pszToConvert) { /* Begin by changing the entire string to lower case. */ strlwr(pszToConvert); /* Trim any newline character that may be at the end of the string. */ if(pszToConvert[strlen(pszToConvert) - 1] == '\n') { pszToConvert[strlen(pszToConvert) - 1] = '\0'; } /* Trim any CR character that may be at the end of the string. */ if(pszToConvert[strlen(pszToConvert) - 1] == '\r') { pszToConvert[strlen(pszToConvert) - 1] = '\0'; } /* Change the first character to lower case. */ *pszToConvert = toupper(*pszToConvert); /* Loop through the rest of the string, capitalizing any other words */ /* in the string. */ while(*pszToConvert) { switch(*pszToConvert++) { case ' ': case '\t': case ',': case '.': case '-': *pszToConvert = toupper(*pszToConvert); break; } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_set_color() * * Sets the current display color for both local and remote output. * * Parameters: nForeground - New foreground (text) color. * * nBackground - New background color. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_set_color(INT nForeground, INT nBackground) { /* Use od_set_attrib() to perform the actual color setting. */ /* Here, we rely on od_set_attrib() to look after initialization, */ /* API_ENTRY() and API_EXIT() calls, etc. This allows od_set_color() */ /* (which was previously just a macro) to be implemented with as */ /* little overhead as possible. */ od_set_attrib(nForeground | (nBackground << 4)); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_set_attrib() * * Sets the current display color for both local and remote output. * * Parameters: nColor - New Display color to set, or -1 for no change. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_set_attrib(INT nColor) { char szControlSequence[40]; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_set_attrib()"); /* Ensure that OpenDoors has been initialized. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* If color value is -1, then make no change. */ if(nColor == -1) { OD_API_EXIT(); return; } /* If we are operating in AVATAR mode. */ if(od_control.user_avatar) { if(od_control.od_cur_attrib != nColor || od_control.od_full_color) { /* Change local text color. */ ODScrnSetAttribute((BYTE)(od_control.od_cur_attrib = nColor)); /* Generate AVATAR control sequence. */ szControlSequence[0] = 22; szControlSequence[1] = 1; szControlSequence[2] = nColor; /* Send AVATAR control sequence. */ od_disp(szControlSequence, 3, FALSE); } } /* If we are operating in ANSI mode. */ else if(od_control.user_ansi) { bAnyColorChangeYet = FALSE; if(od_control.od_cur_attrib == -1 || od_control.od_full_color) { ansi_reset: /* Reset ANSI terminal status. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, 0); /* If blink attribute is set. */ if(nColor & 0x80) { /* Add it to the ANSI color sequence. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, 5); } /* If high intensity attribute is set. */ if(nColor & 0x08) { /* Add it to the ANSI color sequence. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, 1); } } /* If current color is known. */ else { /* If have to reset flashing or bright. */ if(((od_control.od_cur_attrib&0x80) && !(nColor & 0x80)) || ((od_control.od_cur_attrib & 0x08) && !(nColor & 0x08))) { /* Must reset entire colour settings. */ od_control.od_cur_attrib = -1; goto ansi_reset; } /* If flashing has to be turned on. */ if((nColor & 0x80) != (od_control.od_cur_attrib & 0x80)) { /* Add it to the ANSI color sequence. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, 5); } /* If bright has to be turned on. */ if((nColor & 0x08) != (od_control.od_cur_attrib & 0x08) || od_control.od_cur_attrib == -1) { /* Add it to the ANSI color sequence. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, 1); } } /* If foreground color has changed. */ if((nColor & 0x07) != (od_control.od_cur_attrib & 0x07) || od_control.od_cur_attrib == -1 || od_control.od_full_color) { /* Add translated color to sequence. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, abtPCToANSIColorTable[nColor&0x07]); } /* If background color has changed. */ if((nColor & 0x70) != (od_control.od_cur_attrib & 0x70) || od_control.od_cur_attrib == -1 || od_control.od_full_color) { /* Add translated color to sequence. */ ODAddANSIParameter(szControlSequence, abtPCToANSIColorTable[(nColor & 0x70) >> 4] + 10); } /* If any change in color. */ if(bAnyColorChangeYet) { /* Append change-attribute command. */ strcat(szControlSequence, "m"); /* Send ANSI sequence to the modem. */ od_disp(szControlSequence, strlen(szControlSequence), FALSE); } /* Change local text color. */ ODScrnSetAttribute((BYTE)(od_control.od_cur_attrib = nColor)); } else { od_control.od_error = ERR_NOGRAPHICS; } OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODAddANSIParameter() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Adds a parameter to an ANSI color sequence. * * Parameters: szControlSequence - The contents of the control sequence string * generated so far. * * nParameterValue - Value of the parameter to add. * * Return: void */ static void ODAddANSIParameter(char *szControlSequence, int nParameterValue) { char szTemp[5]; if(bAnyColorChangeYet) { sprintf(szTemp, ";%d", nParameterValue); strcat(szControlSequence, szTemp); } else { bAnyColorChangeYet = TRUE; sprintf(szControlSequence, "x[%d", nParameterValue); szControlSequence[0] = 27; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_putch() * * Displays a character on the local and remote screens. * * Parameters: chToDisplay - The character to display. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_putch(char chToDisplay) { /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_putch()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't been done already. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Display the character on the local screen. */ ODScrnDisplayChar(chToDisplay); /* If not operating in local mode, then send the character to the */ /* serial port. */ if(od_control.baud) { ODComSendByte(hSerialPort, chToDisplay); } /* If it is time to call the kernel, then do so. */ if(ODTimerElapsed(&RunKernelTimer)) { CALL_KERNEL_IF_NEEDED(); } OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_set_dtr() * * Changes the state of the DTR line to the modem, if not running in local * mode. * * Parameters: bHigh - TRUE to raise DTR, FALSE to lower it. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL od_set_dtr(BOOL bHigh) { /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_set_dtr()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* If we are running in local mode, then return with an error. */ if(!od_control.baud) { od_control.od_error = ERR_NOREMOTE; OD_API_EXIT(); return; } /* Otherwise, change the state of the DTR line. */ ODComSetDTR(hSerialPort, bHigh); OD_API_EXIT(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_get_answer() * * Waits for the user to press one of the keys listed in pszOptions. Case is * not sensitive, although the pressed key is returned in the same case as it * is specified in pszOptions. * * Parameters: pszOptions - String listing characters to accept. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF char ODCALL od_get_answer(const char *pszOptions) { char *pchPossibleOption; char chPressed; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_get_answer()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); for(;;) { /* Wait for the next key press by the user. */ chPressed = od_get_key(TRUE); chPressed = tolower(chPressed); /* Loop through list of possible options. */ pchPossibleOption = (char *)pszOptions; while(*pchPossibleOption) { /* If the key pressed matches this possible option. */ if(tolower(*pchPossibleOption) == chPressed) { /* Then return the character in the case originally specified */ /* by the caller. */ OD_API_EXIT(); return(*pchPossibleOption); } /* Move on to the next possible option. */ ++pchPossibleOption; } /* If the key pressed did not match a possible option, then we */ /* just loop again, getting the next key. */ } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_color_config() * * Determines the color attribute that is described by the provided string. * This string is in the same format that is used for specifying colors in the * OpenDoors configuration file. * * Parameters: pszColorDesc - Color description string. * * Return: The PC-style color attribute corresponding to the color * description string. */ ODAPIDEF BYTE ODCALL od_color_config(char *pszColorDesc) { BYTE btColor = 0x07; char szToken[40]; char *pszStart=(char *)pszColorDesc; char *pszEnd; BYTE btLength; BYTE btIdentifier; BOOL bForeground = TRUE; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_color_config()"); /* Initialize OpenDoros if it hasn't already been done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); while(*pszStart && *pszStart!=chColorCheck) { if(*pszStart == ' ' || *pszStart== '\t') { ++pszStart; } else { btLength = 0; pszEnd = (char *)pszStart; while(*pszEnd && *pszEnd != chColorCheck && *pszEnd != ' ' && *pszEnd != '\t') { ++btLength; ++pszEnd; } if(btLength > 39) btLength = 39; strncpy(szToken, pszStart, btLength); szToken[btLength] = '\0'; strupr(szToken); for(btIdentifier = 0; btIdentifier < 12; ++btIdentifier) if(strcmp(od_config_colours[btIdentifier], szToken) == 0) { if(btIdentifier <= 9) { if(btIdentifier >= 8) btIdentifier -= 2; if(bForeground) { bForeground=FALSE; btColor &=~ 0x07; btColor |= btIdentifier; } else { btColor &=~ 0x70; btColor |= (btIdentifier << 4); } } else if(btIdentifier == 10) { btColor |= 0x08; } else if(btIdentifier == 11) { btColor |= 0x80; } break; } pszStart = (char *)pszEnd; } } pchColorEndPos = (char *)pszStart; OD_API_EXIT(); return(btColor); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODPagePrompt() * * Called to display the page prompt at the end of a screen of text. This page * prompt allows the user to stop further display, to display the next page, * or to display in continuous (non-stop) mode with page pausing disabled. * * Parameters: pbPausing - Pointer to current page pausing enabled flag. * * Return: FALSE if display should be continued, or TRUE to abort display. */ BOOL ODPagePrompt(BOOL *pbPausing) { INT nPromptLength = strlen(od_control.od_continue); tODScrnTextInfo TextInfo; BOOL bToReturn = FALSE; char chKeyPressed; BYTE btCount; /* Return right away if page pausing is disabled. */ if(!*pbPausing) return(FALSE); /* Get current text color. */ ODScrnGetTextInfo(&TextInfo); /* Set to prompt color. */ od_set_attrib(od_control.od_continue_col); /* Display page prompt string. */ od_disp_str(od_control.od_continue); /* Restore original text color. */ od_set_attrib(TextInfo.attribute); /* Loop until the user makes a valid choice. */ for(;;) { /* Obtain the next key from the user. */ chKeyPressed = od_get_key(TRUE); /* If user chooses to continue. */ if(chKeyPressed == tolower(od_control.od_continue_yes) || chKeyPressed == toupper(od_control.od_continue_yes) || chKeyPressed == 13 || chKeyPressed == ' ') { /* Remove the prompt and return. */ goto finished_pausing; } /* If user requested nonstop display. */ else if(chKeyPressed == tolower(od_control.od_continue_nonstop) || chKeyPressed == toupper(od_control.od_continue_nonstop)) { /* Disable page pausing. */ *pbPausing = FALSE; /* Remove the prompt and return. */ goto finished_pausing; } /* If user chooses to stop display. */ else if(chKeyPressed == tolower(od_control.od_continue_no) || chKeyPressed == toupper(od_control.od_continue_no) || chKeyPressed == 's' || chKeyPressed == 'S' || chKeyPressed == 3 || chKeyPressed == 11 || chKeyPressed == 0x18) { /* If we are operating in remote mode. */ if(od_control.baud) { /* Clear the output buffer. */ ODComClearOutbound(hSerialPort); } /* Tell the caller to stop displaying more text. */ bToReturn = TRUE; /* Remove the prompt and return. */ goto finished_pausing; } } finished_pausing: /* Remove the pause prompt. */ for(btCount = 0; btCount < nPromptLength; ++btCount) { od_disp_str(szBackspaceWithDelete); } return(bToReturn); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_control_get() * * Returns a pointer to the od_control structure containing information * and settings associated with the current session. * * Parameters: None. * * Return: A pointer to the od_control structure associated with this * session. */ ODAPIDEF tODControl * ODCALL od_control_get(void) { /* Log function entry if running in trace mode */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_disp_str()"); return(&od_control); }