#include <cdk_int.h>

 * $Author: tom $
 * $Date: 2016/11/20 20:06:42 $
 * $Revision: 1.99 $

#define YEAR2INDEX(year) (((year) >= 1900) ? ((year) - 1900) : (year))

 * Declare file local variables.
static const char *monthsOfTheYear[] =

static int daysOfTheMonth[] =

 * Declare file local prototypes.
static int getMonthLength (int year, int month);
static int getMonthStartWeekday (int year, int month);
static time_t getCurrentTime (CDKCALENDAR *calendar);
static void verifyCalendarDate (CDKCALENDAR *calendar);
static void incrementCalendarDay (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust);
static void decrementCalendarDay (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust);
static void incrementCalendarMonth (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust);
static void decrementCalendarMonth (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust);
static void incrementCalendarYear (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust);
static void decrementCalendarYear (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust);
static void drawCDKCalendarField (CDKCALENDAR *calendar);

DeclareCDKObjects (CALENDAR, Calendar, setCdk, Int);

 * This creates a calendar widget.
CDKCALENDAR *newCDKCalendar (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			     int xplace,
			     int yplace,
			     const char *title,
			     int day,
			     int month,
			     int year,
			     chtype dayAttrib,
			     chtype monthAttrib,
			     chtype yearAttrib,
			     chtype highlight,
			     boolean Box,
			     boolean shadow)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKCALENDAR *calendar = 0;
   int parentWidth       = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int parentHeight      = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
   int boxWidth          = 24;
   int boxHeight         = 11;
   int xpos              = xplace;
   int ypos              = yplace;
   int x;
   struct tm *dateInfo;
   time_t clck;
   const char *dayname   = "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa ";
   /* *INDENT-OFF* */
   static const struct { int from; int to; } bindings[] = {
	    { 'T',		KEY_HOME },
	    { 't',		KEY_HOME },
	    { 'n',		KEY_NPAGE },
	    { 'p',		KEY_PPAGE },
   /* *INDENT-ON* */

   if ((calendar = newCDKObject (CDKCALENDAR, &my_funcs)) == 0)
        return (0);

   setCDKCalendarBox (calendar, Box);

   boxWidth = setCdkTitle (ObjOf (calendar), title, boxWidth);

   boxHeight += TitleLinesOf (calendar);

    * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
   boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth ? parentWidth : boxWidth);
   boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight ? parentHeight : boxHeight);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Create the calendar window. */
   calendar->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   /* Is the window null? */
   if (calendar->win == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (calendar);
      return (0);
   keypad (calendar->win, TRUE);

   /* Set some variables. */
   calendar->xOffset = (boxWidth - 20) / 2;
   calendar->fieldWidth = boxWidth - 2 * (1 + BorderOf (calendar));

   /* Set months and days names */
   for (x = 0; x < MAX_MONTHS; x++)
      calendar->MonthName[x] = copyChar (monthsOfTheYear[x]);
   calendar->DayName = copyChar (dayname);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the rest of the widget values. */
   ScreenOf (calendar)                  = cdkscreen;
   calendar->parent                     = cdkscreen->window;
   calendar->shadowWin                  = 0;
   calendar->xpos                       = xpos;
   calendar->ypos                       = ypos;
   calendar->boxWidth                   = boxWidth;
   calendar->boxHeight                  = boxHeight;
   calendar->day                        = day;
   calendar->month                      = month;
   calendar->year                       = year;
   calendar->dayAttrib                  = dayAttrib;
   calendar->monthAttrib                = monthAttrib;
   calendar->yearAttrib                 = yearAttrib;
   calendar->highlight                  = highlight;
   calendar->width                      = boxWidth;
   initExitType (calendar);
   ObjOf (calendar)->acceptsFocus       = TRUE;
   ObjOf (calendar)->inputWindow        = calendar->win;
   calendar->shadow                     = shadow;

   calendar->labelWin = subwin (calendar->win,
				1, calendar->fieldWidth,
				ypos + TitleLinesOf (calendar) + 1,
				xpos + 1 + BorderOf (calendar));
   if (calendar->labelWin == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (calendar);
      return (0);

   calendar->fieldWin = subwin (calendar->win,
				7, 20,
				ypos + TitleLinesOf (calendar) + 3,
				xpos + calendar->xOffset);
   if (calendar->fieldWin == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (calendar);
      return (0);

   setCDKCalendarBox (calendar, Box);

   calendar->marker = typeCallocN (chtype, CALENDAR_LIMIT);
   if (calendar->marker == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (calendar);
      return (0);

   /* If the day/month/year values were 0, then use today's date. */
   if ((calendar->day == 0) && (calendar->month == 0) && (calendar->year == 0))
      time (&clck);
      dateInfo = gmtime (&clck);

      /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
      calendar->day    = dateInfo->tm_mday;
      calendar->month  = dateInfo->tm_mon + 1;
      calendar->year   = dateInfo->tm_year + 1900;

   /* Verify the dates provided. */
   verifyCalendarDate (calendar);

   /* Determine which day the month starts on. */
   calendar->weekDay = getMonthStartWeekday (calendar->year, calendar->month);

   /* If a shadow was requested, then create the shadow window. */
   if (shadow)
      calendar->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Setup the key bindings. */
   for (x = 0; x < (int)SIZEOF (bindings); ++x)
      bindCDKObject (vCALENDAR,
		     (void *)(long)bindings[x].to);

   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vCALENDAR, calendar);

   return (calendar);

 * This function lets the user play with this widget.
time_t activateCDKCalendar (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, chtype *actions)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   chtype input = 0;
   boolean functionKey;
   time_t ret   = -1;

   /* Draw the widget. */
   drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

   if (actions == 0)
      for (;;)
	 input = (chtype)getchCDKObject (ObjOf (calendar), &functionKey);

	 /* Inject the character into the widget. */
	 ret = injectCDKCalendar (calendar, input);
	 if (calendar->exitType != vEARLY_EXIT)
	    return ret;
      int length = chlen (actions);
      int x = 0;

      /* Inject each character one at a time. */
      for (x = 0; x < length; x++)
	 ret = injectCDKCalendar (calendar, actions[x]);
	 if (calendar->exitType != vEARLY_EXIT)
	    return ret;
   return ret;

 * This injects a single character into the widget.
static int _injectCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object, chtype input)
   CDKCALENDAR *widget = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;
   /* Declare local variables. */
   int ppReturn = 1;
   int ret = unknownInt;
   bool complete = FALSE;

   /* Set the exit type. */
   setExitType (widget, 0);

   /* Refresh the widget field. */
   drawCDKCalendarField (widget);

   /* Check if there is a pre-process function to be called. */
   if (PreProcessFuncOf (widget) != 0)
      /* Call the pre-process function. */
      ppReturn = PreProcessFuncOf (widget) (vCALENDAR,
					    PreProcessDataOf (widget),

   /* Should we continue? */
   if (ppReturn != 0)
      /* Check a predefined binding. */
      if (checkCDKObjectBind (vCALENDAR, widget, input) != 0)
	 checkEarlyExit (widget);
	 complete = TRUE;
	 switch (input)
	 case KEY_UP:
	    decrementCalendarDay (widget, 7);

	 case KEY_DOWN:
	    incrementCalendarDay (widget, 7);

	 case KEY_LEFT:
	    decrementCalendarDay (widget, 1);

	 case KEY_RIGHT:
	    incrementCalendarDay (widget, 1);

	 case KEY_NPAGE:
	    incrementCalendarMonth (widget, 1);

	 case 'N':
	    incrementCalendarMonth (widget, 6);

	 case KEY_PPAGE:
	    decrementCalendarMonth (widget, 1);

	 case 'P':
	    decrementCalendarMonth (widget, 6);

	 case '-':
	    decrementCalendarYear (widget, 1);

	 case '+':
	    incrementCalendarYear (widget, 1);

	 case KEY_HOME:
	    setCDKCalendarDate (widget, -1, -1, -1);

	 case KEY_ESC:
	    setExitType (widget, input);
	    complete = TRUE;

	 case KEY_ERROR:
	    setExitType (widget, input);
	    complete = TRUE;

	 case KEY_TAB:
	 case KEY_ENTER:
	    setExitType (widget, input);
	    ret = (int)getCurrentTime (widget);
	    complete = TRUE;

	    eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget));
	    refreshCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget));

      /* Should we do a post-process? */
      if (!complete && (PostProcessFuncOf (widget) != 0))
	 PostProcessFuncOf (widget) (vCALENDAR,
				     PostProcessDataOf (widget),

   if (!complete)
      setExitType (widget, 0);

   ResultOf (widget).valueInt = ret;
   return (ret != unknownInt);

 * This moves the calendar field to the given location.
static void _moveCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object,
			      int xplace,
			      int yplace,
			      boolean relative,
			      boolean refresh_flag)
   CDKCALENDAR *calendar = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   int currentX = getbegx (calendar->win);
   int currentY = getbegy (calendar->win);
   int xpos     = xplace;
   int ypos     = yplace;
   int xdiff    = 0;
   int ydiff    = 0;

    * If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want
    * to move to.
   if (relative)
      xpos = getbegx (calendar->win) + xplace;
      ypos = getbegy (calendar->win) + yplace;

   /* Adjust the window if we need to. */
   alignxy (WindowOf (calendar), &xpos, &ypos, calendar->boxWidth, calendar->boxHeight);

   /* Get the difference. */
   xdiff = currentX - xpos;
   ydiff = currentY - ypos;

   /* Move the window to the new location. */
   moveCursesWindow (calendar->win, -xdiff, -ydiff);
   moveCursesWindow (calendar->fieldWin, -xdiff, -ydiff);
   moveCursesWindow (calendar->labelWin, -xdiff, -ydiff);
   moveCursesWindow (calendar->shadowWin, -xdiff, -ydiff);

   /* Touch the windows so they 'move'. */
   refreshCDKWindow (WindowOf (calendar));

   /* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */
   if (refresh_flag)
      drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

 * This draws the calendar widget.
static void _drawCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box)
   CDKCALENDAR *calendar = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;
   int headerLen = (int)strlen (calendar->DayName);
   int colLen = (6 + headerLen) / 7;
   int col;

   /* Is there a shadow? */
   if (calendar->shadowWin != 0)
      drawShadow (calendar->shadowWin);

   /* Box the widget if asked. */
   if (Box)
      drawObjBox (calendar->win, ObjOf (calendar));

   drawCdkTitle (calendar->win, object);

   /* Draw in the day-of-the-week header. */
   for (col = 0; col < 7; ++col)
      int src = colLen * ((col + (calendar->weekBase % 7)) % 7);
      int dst = colLen * col;
      writeChar (calendar->win,
		 calendar->xOffset + dst,
		 TitleLinesOf (calendar) + 2,
		 calendar->DayName + src, HORIZONTAL, 0, colLen);

   wrefresh (calendar->win);

   drawCDKCalendarField (calendar);

 * This draws the month field.
static void drawCDKCalendarField (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   char *monthName = calendar->MonthName[calendar->month];
   int monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);
   int yearIndex   = YEAR2INDEX (calendar->year);
   int day;
   int row, col;
   int save_y      = -1;
   int save_x      = -1;
   char temp[30];

   day = (1 - calendar->weekDay + (calendar->weekBase % 7));
   if (day > 0)
      day -= 7;

   for (row = 1; row <= 6; row++)
      for (col = 0; col < 7; col++)
	 if (day >= 1 && day <= monthLength)
	    int xpos = col * 3;
	    int ypos = row;

	    chtype marker = calendar->dayAttrib;

	    sprintf (temp, "%02d", day);

	    if (calendar->day == day)
	       marker = calendar->highlight;
	       save_y = (ypos
			 + getbegy (calendar->fieldWin)
			 - getbegy (InputWindowOf (calendar)));
	       save_x = 1;
	       marker |= getCDKCalendarMarker (calendar,
	    writeCharAttrib (calendar->fieldWin, xpos, ypos,
			     temp, marker, HORIZONTAL, 0, 2);
   wrefresh (calendar->fieldWin);

   /* Draw the month in. */
   if (calendar->labelWin != 0)
      int yearLen = 0;

      sprintf (temp, "%s %d,", monthName, calendar->day);
      writeChar (calendar->labelWin, 0, 0,
		 temp, HORIZONTAL, 0, (int)strlen (temp));
      wclrtoeol (calendar->labelWin);

      /* Draw the year in. */
      sprintf (temp, "%d", calendar->year);
      yearLen = (int)strlen (temp);
      writeChar (calendar->labelWin,
		 calendar->fieldWidth - yearLen, 0,
		 temp, HORIZONTAL, 0, yearLen);

      wmove (calendar->labelWin, 0, 0);
      wrefresh (calendar->labelWin);
   else if (save_y >= 0)
      wmove (InputWindowOf (calendar), save_y, save_x);
      wrefresh (InputWindowOf (calendar));

 * This sets multiple attributes of the widget.
void setCDKCalendar (CDKCALENDAR *calendar,
		     int day,
		     int month,
		     int year,
		     chtype dayAttrib,
		     chtype monthAttrib,
		     chtype yearAttrib,
		     chtype highlight,
		     boolean Box)
   setCDKCalendarDate (calendar, day, month, year);
   setCDKCalendarDayAttribute (calendar, dayAttrib);
   setCDKCalendarMonthAttribute (calendar, monthAttrib);
   setCDKCalendarYearAttribute (calendar, yearAttrib);
   setCDKCalendarHighlight (calendar, highlight);
   setCDKCalendarBox (calendar, Box);

 * This sets the date and some attributes.
void setCDKCalendarDate (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int day, int month, int year)
   /* Declare local variables. */
   struct tm *dateInfo;
   time_t clck;

    * Get the current dates and set the default values for
    * the day/month/year values for the calendar.
   time (&clck);
   dateInfo = gmtime (&clck);

   /* Set the date elements if we need too. */
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   calendar->day   = (day == -1 ? dateInfo->tm_mday : day);
   calendar->month = (month == -1 ? dateInfo->tm_mon + 1 : month);
   calendar->year  = (year == -1 ? dateInfo->tm_year + 1900 : year);

   /* Verify the date information. */
   verifyCalendarDate (calendar);

   /* Get the start of the current month. */
   calendar->weekDay = getMonthStartWeekday (calendar->year, calendar->month);

 * This returns the current date on the calendar.
void getCDKCalendarDate (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int *day, int *month, int *year)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   (*day)   = calendar->day;
   (*month) = calendar->month;
   (*year)  = calendar->year;

 * This sets the attribute of the days in the calendar.
void setCDKCalendarDayAttribute (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, chtype attribute)
   calendar->dayAttrib = attribute;
chtype getCDKCalendarDayAttribute (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   return calendar->dayAttrib;

 * This sets the attribute of the month names in the calendar.
void setCDKCalendarMonthAttribute (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, chtype attribute)
   calendar->monthAttrib = attribute;
chtype getCDKCalendarMonthAttribute (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   return calendar->monthAttrib;

 * This sets the attribute of the year in the calendar.
void setCDKCalendarYearAttribute (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, chtype attribute)
   calendar->yearAttrib = attribute;
chtype getCDKCalendarYearAttribute (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   return calendar->yearAttrib;

 * This sets the attribute of the highlight box.
void setCDKCalendarHighlight (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, chtype highlight)
   calendar->highlight = highlight;
chtype getCDKCalendarHighlight (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   return calendar->highlight;

  * This sets the box attibute of the widget.
void setCDKCalendarBox (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, boolean Box)
   ObjOf (calendar)->box = Box;
   ObjOf (calendar)->borderSize = Box ? 1 : 0;
boolean getCDKCalendarBox (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   return ObjOf (calendar)->box;

 * This sets the background attribute of the widget.
static void _setBKattrCalendar (CDKOBJS *object, chtype attrib)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKCALENDAR *widget = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;

      wbkgd (widget->win, attrib);
      wbkgd (widget->fieldWin, attrib);
      if (widget->labelWin != 0)
	 wbkgd (widget->labelWin, attrib);

 * This erases the calendar widget.
static void _eraseCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (validCDKObject (object))
      CDKCALENDAR *calendar = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;

      eraseCursesWindow (calendar->labelWin);
      eraseCursesWindow (calendar->fieldWin);
      eraseCursesWindow (calendar->win);
      eraseCursesWindow (calendar->shadowWin);

 * This destroys the calendar object pointer.
static void _destroyCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKCALENDAR *calendar = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;
      int x;

      cleanCdkTitle (object);

      freeChar (calendar->DayName);

      for (x = 0; x < MAX_MONTHS; x++)
	 freeChar (calendar->MonthName[x]);

      freeChecked (calendar->marker);

      /* Free up the window pointers. */
      deleteCursesWindow (calendar->labelWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (calendar->fieldWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (calendar->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (calendar->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vCALENDAR, calendar);

      /* Unregister the object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vCALENDAR, calendar);

 * This sets a marker on the calendar.
void setCDKCalendarMarker (CDKCALENDAR *calendar,
			   int day,
			   int month,
			   int year,
			   chtype marker)
   int yearIndex = YEAR2INDEX (year);
   chtype oldmarker = getCDKCalendarMarker (calendar, day, month, year);

   /* Check to see if a marker has not already been set. */
   if (oldmarker != 0)
      CALENDAR_CELL (calendar, day, month, yearIndex) = oldmarker | A_BLINK;
      CALENDAR_CELL (calendar, day, month, yearIndex) = marker;
chtype getCDKCalendarMarker (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int day, int month, int year)
   chtype result = 0;

   year = YEAR2INDEX (year);
   if (calendar->marker != 0)
      result = CALENDAR_CELL (calendar, day, month, year);
   return result;

 * This sets a marker on the calendar.
void removeCDKCalendarMarker (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int day, int month, int year)
   int yearIndex = YEAR2INDEX (year);
   CALENDAR_CELL (calendar, day, month, yearIndex) = 0;

 * This function sets the month name.
void setCDKCalendarMonthsNames (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, CDK_CSTRING2 months)
   int x;

   for (x = 1; x < MAX_MONTHS; x++)
      freeChar (calendar->MonthName[x]);
      calendar->MonthName[x] = copyChar (months[x]);

 * This function sets the day's name.
void setCDKCalendarDaysNames (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, const char *days)
   freeChar (calendar->DayName);
   calendar->DayName = copyChar (days);

 * This makes sure that the dates provided exist.
static void verifyCalendarDate (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   int monthLength;

   /* Make sure the given year is not less than 1900. */
   if (calendar->year < 1900)
      calendar->year = 1900;

   /* Make sure the month is within range. */
   if (calendar->month > 12)
      calendar->month = 12;
   if (calendar->month < 1)
      calendar->month = 1;

   /* Make sure the day given is within range of the month. */
   monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);
   if (calendar->day < 1)
      calendar->day = 1;
   if (calendar->day > monthLength)
      calendar->day = monthLength;

 * This returns what day of the week the month starts on.
static int getMonthStartWeekday (int year, int month)
   struct tm Date;

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the tm structure correctly. */
   Date.tm_sec   = 0;
   Date.tm_min   = 0;
   Date.tm_hour  = 10;
   Date.tm_mday  = 1;
   Date.tm_mon   = month - 1;
   Date.tm_year  = YEAR2INDEX (year);
   Date.tm_isdst = 1;

   /* Call the mktime function to fill in the holes. */
   if (mktime (&Date) == (time_t) - 1)
      return 0;
   return Date.tm_wday;

 * This function returns a 1 if it's a leap year and 0 if it's not.
static int isLeapYear (int year)
   int result = 0;

   if ((year % 4) == 0)
      if ((year % 100) == 0)
	 if ((year % 400) == 0)
	    result = 1;
	 result = 1;
   return result;

 * This increments the current day by the given value.
static void incrementCalendarDay (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust)
   int monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);

   /* Make sure we adjust the day correctly. */
   if (adjust + calendar->day > monthLength)
      /* Have to increment the month by one. */
      calendar->day = calendar->day + adjust - monthLength;
      incrementCalendarMonth (calendar, 1);
      calendar->day += adjust;
      drawCDKCalendarField (calendar);

 * This decrments the current day by the given value.
static void decrementCalendarDay (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust)
   /* Make sure we adjust the day correctly. */
   if (calendar->day - adjust < 1)
      int monthLength;

      /* Set the day according to the length of the month. */
      if (calendar->month == 1)
	 /* Make sure we aren't going past the year limit. */
	 if (calendar->year == 1900)
	    const char *mesg[] =
	       "Can not go past the year 1900"
	    Beep ();
	    popupLabel (ScreenOf (calendar), (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 2);
	 monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year - 1, 12);
	 monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month - 1);

      calendar->day = monthLength - (adjust - calendar->day);

      /* Have to decrement the month by one. */
      decrementCalendarMonth (calendar, 1);
      calendar->day -= adjust;
      drawCDKCalendarField (calendar);

 * This increments the current month by the given value.
static void incrementCalendarMonth (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust)
   int monthLength;

   /* Are we at the end of the year. */
   if (calendar->month + adjust > 12)
      calendar->month = (calendar->month + adjust) - 12;
      calendar->month += adjust;

   /* Get the length of the current month. */
   monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);
   if (calendar->day > monthLength)
      calendar->day = monthLength;

   /* Get the start of the current month. */
   calendar->weekDay = getMonthStartWeekday (calendar->year, calendar->month);

   /* Redraw the calendar. */
   eraseCDKCalendar (calendar);
   drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

 * This decrements the current month by the given value.
static void decrementCalendarMonth (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust)
   int monthLength;

   /* Are we at the end of the year. */
   if (calendar->month <= adjust)
      if (calendar->year == 1900)
	 const char *mesg[] =
	    "Can not go past the year 1900"
	 Beep ();
	 popupLabel (ScreenOf (calendar), (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 2);
	 calendar->month = 13 - adjust;
      calendar->month -= adjust;

   /* Get the length of the current month. */
   monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);
   if (calendar->day > monthLength)
      calendar->day = monthLength;

   /* Get the start of the current month. */
   calendar->weekDay = getMonthStartWeekday (calendar->year, calendar->month);

   /* Redraw the calendar. */
   eraseCDKCalendar (calendar);
   drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

 * This increments the current year by the given value.
static void incrementCalendarYear (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust)
   /* Increment the year. */
   calendar->year += adjust;

   /* If we are in Feb make sure we don't trip into voidness. */
   if (calendar->month == 2)
      int monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);
      if (calendar->day > monthLength)
	 calendar->day = monthLength;

   /* Get the start of the current month. */
   calendar->weekDay = getMonthStartWeekday (calendar->year, calendar->month);

   /* Redraw the calendar. */
   eraseCDKCalendar (calendar);
   drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

 * This decrements the current year by the given value.
static void decrementCalendarYear (CDKCALENDAR *calendar, int adjust)
   /* Make sure we don't go out of bounds. */
   if (calendar->year - adjust < 1900)
      const char *mesg[] =
	 "Can not go past the year 1900"
      Beep ();
      popupLabel (ScreenOf (calendar), (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 2);

   /* Decrement the year. */
   calendar->year -= adjust;

   /* If we are in Feb make sure we don't trip into voidness. */
   if (calendar->month == 2)
      int monthLength = getMonthLength (calendar->year, calendar->month);
      if (calendar->day > monthLength)
	 calendar->day = monthLength;

   /* Get the start of the current month. */
   calendar->weekDay = getMonthStartWeekday (calendar->year, calendar->month);

   /* Redraw the calendar. */
   eraseCDKCalendar (calendar);
   drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

 * This returns the length of the current month.
static int getMonthLength (int year, int month)
   int monthLength = daysOfTheMonth[month];

   if (month == 2)
      monthLength += isLeapYear (year);
   return monthLength;

 * This returns what day of the week the month starts on.
static time_t getCurrentTime (CDKCALENDAR *calendar)
   struct tm Date, *dateInfo;
   time_t clck;

   /* Determine the current time and determine if we are in DST. */
   time (&clck);
   dateInfo = gmtime (&clck);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the tm structure correctly. */
   Date.tm_sec   = 0;
   Date.tm_min   = 0;
   Date.tm_hour  = 0;
   Date.tm_mday  = calendar->day;
   Date.tm_mon   = calendar->month - 1;
   Date.tm_year  = YEAR2INDEX (calendar->year);
   Date.tm_isdst = dateInfo->tm_isdst;

   /* Call the mktime function to fill in the holes. */
   return mktime (&Date);

static void _focusCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object)
   CDKCALENDAR *widget = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;

   drawCDKFScale (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);

static void _unfocusCDKCalendar (CDKOBJS *object)
   CDKCALENDAR *widget = (CDKCALENDAR *)object;

   drawCDKFScale (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);

dummyRefreshData (Calendar)

dummySaveData (Calendar)