#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sqlite3.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <openssl/sha.h> char *hash_sha256(char *pass, char *salt) { char *buffer = (char *)malloc(strlen(pass) + strlen(salt) + 1); char *shash = (char *)malloc(66); unsigned char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; if (!buffer) { printf("Out of memory!"); exit(-1); } sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", pass, salt); SHA256_CTX sha256; SHA256_Init(&sha256); SHA256_Update(&sha256, buffer, strlen(buffer)); SHA256_Final(hash, &sha256); int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) { sprintf(shash + (i * 2), "%02x", hash[i]); } shash[64] = 0; free(buffer); return shash; } void gen_salt(char **s) { FILE *fptr; int i; char c; *s = (char *)malloc(11); char *salt = *s; if (!salt) { printf("Out of memory.."); exit(-1); } fptr = fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb"); if (!fptr) { printf("Unable to open /dev/urandom!"); exit(-1); } for (i=0;i<10;i++) { fread(&c, 1, 1, fptr); salt[i] = (char)((abs(c) % 93) + 33); } fclose(fptr); salt[10] = '\0'; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *res; sqlite3_stmt *res2; char *alter_table_sql = "ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN salt TEXT"; char *select_sql = "SELECT Id,password FROM users"; char *update_sql = "UPDATE users SET password=?, salt=? WHERE Id=?"; char *err_msg = 0; int id; int rc; char *password; char *hash; char *salt; rc = sqlite3_open(argv[1], &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { printf("Error opening database\n"); return -1; } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, alter_table_sql, 0, 0, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("SQL error: %s\n", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); sqlite3_close(db); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, select_sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { printf("Cannot prepare statement: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { id = sqlite3_column_int(res, 0); password = strdup(sqlite3_column_text(res, 1)); gen_salt(&salt); hash = hash_sha256(password, salt); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, update_sql, -1, &res2, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { printf("Cannot prepare statement: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_bind_text(res2, 1, hash, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res2, 2, salt, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(res2, 3, id); rc = sqlite3_step(res2); if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { printf("Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); exit(1); } sqlite3_finalize(res2); } printf("Converted!\n"); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); }