#include <cdk_int.h> /* * $Author: tom $ * $Date: 2016/11/20 19:12:46 $ * $Revision: 1.92 $ */ DeclareCDKObjects (HISTOGRAM, Histogram, setCdk, Unknown); /* * Create a histogram widget. */ CDKHISTOGRAM *newCDKHistogram (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, int height, int width, int orient, const char *title, boolean Box, boolean shadow) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = 0; int parentWidth = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window); int parentHeight = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window); int boxWidth; int boxHeight; int xpos = xplace; int ypos = yplace; int oldWidth = 0; int oldHeight = 0; if ((widget = newCDKObject (CDKHISTOGRAM, &my_funcs)) == 0) return (0); setCDKHistogramBox (widget, Box); boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 2); oldHeight = boxHeight; boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0); oldWidth = boxWidth; boxWidth = setCdkTitle (ObjOf (widget), title, -(boxWidth + 1)); /* Increment the height by the number of lines in the title. */ boxHeight += TitleLinesOf (widget); /* * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window. */ boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth ? oldWidth : boxWidth); boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight ? oldHeight : boxHeight); /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */ alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Create the histogram pointer. */ ScreenOf (widget) = cdkscreen; widget->parent = cdkscreen->window; widget->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos); widget->shadowWin = 0; widget->boxWidth = boxWidth; widget->boxHeight = boxHeight; widget->fieldWidth = boxWidth - 2 * BorderOf (widget); widget->fieldHeight = boxHeight - TitleLinesOf (widget) - 2 * BorderOf (widget); widget->orient = orient; widget->shadow = shadow; /* Is the window null. */ if (widget->win == 0) { destroyCDKObject (widget); return (0); } keypad (widget->win, TRUE); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set up some default values. */ widget->filler = '#' | A_REVERSE; widget->statsAttr = A_NORMAL; widget->statsPos = TOP; widget->viewType = vREAL; widget->high = 0; widget->low = 0; widget->value = 0; widget->lowx = 0; widget->lowy = 0; widget->highx = 0; widget->highy = 0; widget->curx = 0; widget->cury = 0; widget->lowString = 0; widget->highString = 0; widget->curString = 0; /* Do we want a shadow? */ if (shadow) { widget->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1); } registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vHISTOGRAM, widget); return (widget); } /* * This was added for the builder. */ void activateCDKHistogram (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, chtype *actions GCC_UNUSED) { drawCDKHistogram (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box); } /* * Set various widget attributes. */ void setCDKHistogram (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, EHistogramDisplayType viewType, int statsPos, chtype statsAttr, int low, int high, int value, chtype filler, boolean Box) { setCDKHistogramDisplayType (widget, viewType); setCDKHistogramStatsPos (widget, statsPos); setCDKHistogramValue (widget, low, high, value); setCDKHistogramFillerChar (widget, filler); setCDKHistogramStatsAttr (widget, statsAttr); setCDKHistogramBox (widget, Box); } /* * Set the values for the widget. */ void setCDKHistogramValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, int low, int high, int value) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* We should error check the information we have. */ widget->low = (low <= high ? low : 0); widget->high = (low <= high ? high : 0); widget->value = (low <= value && value <= high ? value : 0); /* Determine the percentage of the given value. */ widget->percent = ((widget->high == 0) ? 0 : ((float)widget->value / (float)widget->high)); /* Determine the size of the histogram bar. */ if (widget->orient == VERTICAL) { widget->barSize = (int)(widget->percent * (float)widget->fieldHeight); } else { widget->barSize = (int)(widget->percent * (float)widget->fieldWidth); } /* * We have a number of variables which determine the personality of the * histogram. We have to go through each one methodically, and set them * correctly. This section does this. */ if (widget->viewType != vNONE) { char string[100]; int len; if (widget->orient == VERTICAL) { if (widget->statsPos == LEFT || widget->statsPos == BOTTOM) { /* Free the space used by the character strings. */ freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); freeChar (widget->curString); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low); len = (int)strlen (string); widget->lowString = copyChar (string); widget->lowx = 1; widget->lowy = widget->boxHeight - len - 1; /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high); widget->highString = copyChar (string); widget->highx = 1; widget->highy = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; /* Set the current value attributes. */ if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT) { sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100)); } else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION) { sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high); } else { sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value); } len = (int)strlen (string); widget->curString = copyChar (string); widget->curx = 1; widget->cury = (((widget->fieldHeight - len) / 2) + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1); } else if (widget->statsPos == CENTER) { /* Set the character strings correctly. */ freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); freeChar (widget->curString); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low); len = (int)strlen (string); widget->lowString = copyChar (string); widget->lowx = (widget->fieldWidth / 2) + 1; widget->lowy = widget->boxHeight - len - 1; /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high); widget->highString = copyChar (string); widget->highx = (widget->fieldWidth / 2) + 1; widget->highy = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; /* Set the stats label attributes. */ if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT) { sprintf (string, "%3.2f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100)); } else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION) { sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high); } else { sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value); } /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ len = (int)strlen (string); widget->curString = copyChar (string); widget->curx = (widget->fieldWidth / 2) + 1; widget->cury = (((widget->fieldHeight - len) / 2) + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1); } else if (widget->statsPos == RIGHT || widget->statsPos == TOP) { /* Set the character strings correctly. */ freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); freeChar (widget->curString); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low); len = (int)strlen (string); widget->lowString = copyChar (string); widget->lowx = widget->fieldWidth; widget->lowy = widget->boxHeight - len - 1; /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high); widget->highString = copyChar (string); widget->highx = widget->fieldWidth; widget->highy = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; /* Set the stats label attributes. */ if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT) { sprintf (string, "%3.2f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100)); } else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION) { sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high); } else { sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value); } /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ len = (int)strlen (string); widget->curString = copyChar (string); widget->curx = widget->fieldWidth; widget->cury = (((widget->fieldHeight - len) / 2) + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1); } } else { /* Alignment is HORIZONTAL. */ if (widget->statsPos == TOP || widget->statsPos == RIGHT) { /* Set the character strings correctly. */ freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); freeChar (widget->curString); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low); widget->lowString = copyChar (string); widget->lowx = 1; widget->lowy = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high); len = (int)strlen (string); widget->highString = copyChar (string); widget->highx = widget->boxWidth - len - 1; widget->highy = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; /* Set the stats label attributes. */ if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT) { sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100)); } else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION) { sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high); } else { sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value); } /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ len = (int)strlen (string); widget->curString = copyChar (string); widget->curx = (widget->fieldWidth - len) / 2 + 1; widget->cury = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; } else if (widget->statsPos == CENTER) { /* Set the character strings correctly. */ freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); freeChar (widget->curString); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low); widget->lowString = copyChar (string); widget->lowx = 1; widget->lowy = ((widget->fieldHeight / 2) + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high); len = (int)strlen (string); widget->highString = copyChar (string); widget->highx = widget->boxWidth - len - 1; widget->highy = ((widget->fieldHeight / 2) + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1); /* Set the stats label attributes. */ if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT) { sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100)); } else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION) { sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high); } else { sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value); } /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ len = (int)strlen (string); widget->curString = copyChar (string); widget->curx = (widget->fieldWidth - len) / 2 + 1; widget->cury = ((widget->fieldHeight / 2) + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1); } else if (widget->statsPos == BOTTOM || widget->statsPos == LEFT) { /* Set the character strings correctly. */ freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); freeChar (widget->curString); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low); widget->lowString = copyChar (string); widget->lowx = 1; widget->lowy = widget->boxHeight - 2 * BorderOf (widget); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */ sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high); len = (int)strlen (string); widget->highString = copyChar (string); widget->highx = widget->boxWidth - len - 1; widget->highy = widget->boxHeight - 2 * BorderOf (widget); /* Set the stats label attributes. */ if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT) { sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100)); } else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION) { sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high); } else { sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value); } /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ widget->curString = copyChar (string); widget->curx = (widget->fieldWidth - len) / 2 + 1; widget->cury = widget->boxHeight - 2 * BorderOf (widget); } } } } int getCDKHistogramValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->value; } int getCDKHistogramLowValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->low; } int getCDKHistogramHighValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->high; } /* * Set the histogram display type. */ void setCDKHistogramDisplayType (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, EHistogramDisplayType viewType) { widget->viewType = viewType; } EHistogramDisplayType getCDKHistogramViewType (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->viewType; } /* * Set the position of the statistics information. */ void setCDKHistogramStatsPos (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, int statsPos) { widget->statsPos = statsPos; } int getCDKHistogramStatsPos (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->statsPos; } /* * Set the attribute of the statistics. */ void setCDKHistogramStatsAttr (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, chtype statsAttr) { widget->statsAttr = statsAttr; } chtype getCDKHistogramStatsAttr (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->statsAttr; } /* * Set the character to use when drawing the widget. */ void setCDKHistogramFillerChar (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, chtype character) { widget->filler = character; } chtype getCDKHistogramFillerChar (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return widget->filler; } /* * Set the widget box attribute. */ void setCDKHistogramBox (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, boolean Box) { ObjOf (widget)->box = Box; ObjOf (widget)->borderSize = Box ? 1 : 0; } boolean getCDKHistogramBox (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget) { return ObjOf (widget)->box; } /* * Set the background attribute of the widget. */ static void _setBKattrHistogram (CDKOBJS *object, chtype attrib) { if (object != 0) { CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object; wbkgd (widget->win, attrib); } } /* * Move the histogram field to the given location. */ static void _moveCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object, int xplace, int yplace, boolean relative, boolean refresh_flag) { CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object; /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ int currentX = getbegx (widget->win); int currentY = getbegy (widget->win); int xpos = xplace; int ypos = yplace; int xdiff = 0; int ydiff = 0; /* * If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want * to move to. */ if (relative) { xpos = getbegx (widget->win) + xplace; ypos = getbegy (widget->win) + yplace; } /* Adjust the window if we need to. */ alignxy (WindowOf (widget), &xpos, &ypos, widget->boxWidth, widget->boxHeight); /* Get the difference. */ xdiff = currentX - xpos; ydiff = currentY - ypos; /* Move the window to the new location. */ moveCursesWindow (widget->win, -xdiff, -ydiff); moveCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin, -xdiff, -ydiff); /* Touch the windows so they 'move'. */ refreshCDKWindow (WindowOf (widget)); /* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */ if (refresh_flag) { drawCDKHistogram (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box); } } /* * Draw the widget. */ static void _drawCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box) { CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object; /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ chtype battr = 0; chtype bchar = 0; chtype fattr = widget->filler & A_ATTRIBUTES; int histX = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1; int histY = widget->barSize; int x, y; /* Erase the window. */ werase (widget->win); /* Box the widget if asked. */ if (Box) { drawObjBox (widget->win, ObjOf (widget)); } /* Do we have a shadow to draw? */ if (widget->shadowWin != 0) { drawShadow (widget->shadowWin); } drawCdkTitle (widget->win, object); /* If the user asked for labels, draw them in. */ if (widget->viewType != vNONE) { /* Draw in the low label. */ if (widget->lowString != 0) { int len = (int)strlen (widget->lowString); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, widget->lowx, widget->lowy, widget->lowString, widget->statsAttr, widget->orient, 0, len); } /* Draw in the current value label. */ if (widget->curString != 0) { int len = (int)strlen (widget->curString); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, widget->curx, widget->cury, widget->curString, widget->statsAttr, widget->orient, 0, len); } /* Draw in the high label. */ if (widget->highString != 0) { int len = (int)strlen (widget->highString); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, widget->highx, widget->highy, widget->highString, widget->statsAttr, widget->orient, 0, len); } } if (widget->orient == VERTICAL) { histX = widget->boxHeight - widget->barSize - 1; histY = widget->fieldWidth; } /* Draw the histogram bar. */ for (x = histX; x < widget->boxHeight - 1; x++) { for (y = 1; y <= histY; y++) { battr = mvwinch (widget->win, x, y); bchar = CharOf (battr); if (bchar == ' ') { (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, x, y, widget->filler); } else { (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, x, y, battr | fattr); } } } /* Refresh the window. */ wrefresh (widget->win); } /* * Destroy the widget. */ static void _destroyCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object) { if (object != 0) { CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object; freeChar (widget->curString); freeChar (widget->lowString); freeChar (widget->highString); cleanCdkTitle (object); /* Clean up the windows. */ deleteCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin); deleteCursesWindow (widget->win); /* Clean the key bindings. */ cleanCDKObjectBindings (vHISTOGRAM, widget); /* Unregister this object. */ unregisterCDKObject (vHISTOGRAM, widget); } } /* * Erase the widget from the screen. */ static void _eraseCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object) { if (validCDKObject (object)) { CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object; eraseCursesWindow (widget->win); eraseCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin); } } dummyInject (Histogram) dummyFocus (Histogram) dummyUnfocus (Histogram) dummyRefreshData (Histogram) dummySaveData (Histogram)