.\" $Id: cdk_marquee.3,v 1.18 2016/12/10 17:06:13 tom Exp $
.de bP
.IP \(bu 4
.de XX
.TH cdk_marquee 3
.XX activateCDKMarquee
.XX deactivateCDKMarquee
.XX destroyCDKMarquee
.XX drawCDKMarquee
.XX eraseCDKMarquee
.XX getCDKMarqueeBox
.XX moveCDKMarquee
.XX newCDKMarquee
.XX positionCDKMarquee
.XX setCDKMarqueeBackgroundAttrib
.XX setCDKMarqueeBackgroundColor
.XX setCDKMarqueeBox
.XX setCDKMarqueeBoxAttribute
.XX setCDKMarqueeHorizontalChar
.XX setCDKMarqueeLLChar
.XX setCDKMarqueeLRChar
.XX setCDKMarqueeULChar
.XX setCDKMarqueeURChar
.XX setCDKMarqueeVerticalChar
cdk_marquee \- curses marquee widget
.B cc
.RI "[ " "flag" " \|.\|.\|. ] " "file" " \|.\|.\|."
.B \-lcdk
.RI "[ " "library" " \|.\|.\|. ]"
#include <cdk.h>
.TP 15
.B "int activateCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "const char *" "message",
.BI "int " "delay",
.BI "int " "repeat",
.BI "boolean " "box");
.TP 15
.B "void deactivateCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee");
.TP 15
.B "void destroyCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee");
.TP 15
.B "void drawCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "boolean " "box");
.TP 15
.B "void eraseCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee");
.TP 15
.B "boolean getCDKMarqueeBox ("
.BI "CDKMENTRY *" "mentry");
.TP 15
.B "void moveCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "int " "xpos",
.BI "int " "ypos",
.BI "boolean " "relative",
.BI "boolean " "refresh");
.TP 15
.B "CDKMARQUEE *newCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKSCREEN *" "cdkscreen",
.BI "int " "xpos",
.BI "int " "ypos",
.BI "int " "fieldWidth",
.BI "boolean " "box",
.BI "boolean " "shadow");
.TP 15
.B "void positionCDKMarquee ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeBackgroundAttrib ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "attribute");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeBackgroundColor ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "const char * " "color");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeBox ("
.BI "CDKMENTRY *" "mentry",
.BI "boolean " "boxWidget");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeBoxAttribute ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeHorizontalChar ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeLLChar ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeLRChar ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeULChar ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeURChar ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.TP 15
.B "void setCDKMarqueeVerticalChar ("
.BI "CDKMARQUEE *" "marquee",
.BI "chtype " "character");
The Cdk marquee widget creates a pop-up marquee window.
The following functions create or manipulate the Cdk marquee widget.
.TP 5
.B activateCDKMarquee
activates the marquee widget.
The \fBmarquee\fR parameter is a
pointer to a defined marquee widget.
The \fBdelay\fR parameter states how long
to wait between movements.
This value is highly dependent on each machine the
program runs on.
The \fBrepeat\fR value tells the marquee widget how many times
to display the given message.
The \fBbox\fR option draws the widget with or
without a box.
This function returns -1 if the message passed is \fINULL\fR,
0 otherwise.
.TP 5
.B deactivateCDKMarquee
deactivates the marquee widget.
.TP 5
.B destroyCDKMarquee
removes the widget from the screen and frees memory the object used.
.TP 5
.B drawCDKMarquee
draws the marquee widget on the screen.
If the \fBbox\fR parameter is true, the widget is drawn with a box.
.TP 5
.B eraseCDKMarquee
removes the widget from the screen.
This does \fINOT\fR destroy the widget.
.TP 5
.B getCDKMarqueeBox
returns true if the widget will be drawn with a box around it.
.TP 5
.B moveCDKMarquee
moves the given widget to the given position.
The parameters \fBxpos\fR and \fBypos\fR are the new position of the widget.
The parameter \fBxpos\fR may be an integer or one of the pre-defined values
\fITOP\fR, \fIBOTTOM\fR, and \fICENTER\fR.
The parameter \fBypos\fR may be an integer or one of the pre-defined values \fILEFT\fR,
\fIRIGHT\fR, and \fICENTER\fR.
The parameter \fBrelative\fR states whether
the \fBxpos\fR/\fBypos\fR pair is a relative move or an absolute move.
For example, if \fBxpos\fR = 1 and \fBypos\fR = 2 and \fBrelative\fR = \fBTRUE\fR,
then the widget would move one row down and two columns right.
If the value of \fBrelative\fR was \fBFALSE\fR then the widget would move to the position (1,2).
Do not use the values \fITOP\fR, \fIBOTTOM\fR, \fILEFT\fR,
\fIRIGHT\fR, or \fICENTER\fR when \fBrelative\fR = \fITRUE\fR.
(weird things may happen).
The final parameter \fBrefresh\fR is a boolean value which
states whether the widget will get refreshed after the move.
.TP 5
.B newCDKMarquee
creates a marquee widget and returns a pointer to it.
.TP 5
is the screen you wish this widget to be placed in.
.TP 5
controls the placement of the object along the horizontal axis.
It may be an integer or one of the pre-defined values
\fILEFT\fR, \fIRIGHT\fR, and \fICENTER\fR.
.TP 5
controls the placement of the object along the vertical axis.
It may be an integer or one of the pre-defined values
\fITOP\fR, \fIBOTTOM\fR, and \fICENTER\fR.
.TP 5
controls the width of the field.
If you provide a value of zero for the width,
the widget uses the width of the screen.
If a negative value is provided,
then the widget uses the width of the screen less the value provided.
.TP 5
turns the shadow on or off around this widget.
If the widget could not be created then a \fINULL\fR pointer is returned.
.TP 5
.B positionCDKMarquee
allows the user to move the widget around the screen via the cursor/keypad keys.
See \fBcdk_position (3)\fR for key bindings.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeBackgroundAttrib
sets the background attribute of the widget.
The parameter \fBattribute\fR is a curses attribute, e.g., A_BOLD.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeBackgroundColor
sets the background color of the widget.
The parameter \fBcolor\fR is in the format of the Cdk format strings.
For more information see \fIcdk_display (3)\fR.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeBox
sets whether the widget will be drawn with a box around it.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeBoxAttribute
sets the attribute of the box.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeHorizontalChar
sets the horizontal drawing character for the box to the given character.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeLLChar
sets the lower left hand corner of the widget's box to the given character.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeLRChar
sets the lower right hand corner of the widget's box to the given character.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeULChar
sets the upper left hand corner of the widget's box to the given character.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeURChar
sets the upper right hand corner of the widget's box to the given character.
.TP 5
.B setCDKMarqueeVerticalChar
sets the vertical drawing character for the box to the given character.
.BR cdk (3),
.BR cdk_binding (3),
.BR cdk_display (3),
.BR cdk_position (3),
.BR cdk_screen (3)