/* OpenDoors Online Software Programming Toolkit * (C) Copyright 1991 - 1999 by Brian Pirie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * File: ODLog.c * * Description: Implements the logfile subsystem. * * Revisions: Date Ver Who Change * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Oct 13, 1994 6.00 BP New file header format. * Dec 09, 1994 6.00 BP Standardized coding style. * Aug 19, 1995 6.00 BP 32-bit portability. * Nov 16, 1995 6.00 BP Removed oddoor.h, added odcore.h. * Dec 30, 1995 6.00 BP Added ODCALL for calling convention. * Feb 19, 1996 6.00 BP Changed version number to 6.00. * Mar 03, 1996 6.10 BP Begin version 6.10. * Aug 10, 2003 6.23 SH *nix support */ #define BUILDING_OPENDOORS #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include "OpenDoor.h" #include "ODCore.h" #include "ODGen.h" #include "ODInEx.h" #include "ODKrnl.h" /* Private logfile file handle */ static FILE *logfile_pointer; /* Private helper functions. */ static BOOL ODLogWriteStandardMsg(INT nLogfileMessage); static void ODLogClose(INT nReason); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODLogEnable() * * This function is called from od_init() when the user explicitly includes the * OpenDoors logfile option using the od_control.od_logfile setting. * * Parameters: None. * * Return: void */ ODAPIDEF void ODCALL ODLogEnable(void) { /* At this time, this function simply maps to a call to od_log_open(). */ od_log_open(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_log_open() * * Called to begin logfile operations. This is when the first message is * written to the logfile, indicating that the user is entering OpenDoors. * * Parameters: None. * * Return: TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_log_open() { time_t nUnixTime; struct tm *ptmTimeRecord; /* Log function entry if running in trace mode. */ TRACE(TRACE_API, "od_log_open()"); /* Initialize OpenDoors if not already done. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); /* Don't open logfile if it has been disabled in config file, etc. */ if(od_control.od_logfile_disable) return(TRUE); /* Open actual logfile. */ if((logfile_pointer=fopen(od_control.od_logfile_name, "a")) == NULL) { return(FALSE); } /* Get the current time. */ nUnixTime = time(NULL); ptmTimeRecord = localtime(&nUnixTime); /* Print logfile tear line. */ fprintf(logfile_pointer, "\n---------- %s %02d %s %02d, %s\n", od_control.od_day[ptmTimeRecord->tm_wday], ptmTimeRecord->tm_mday, od_control.od_month[ptmTimeRecord->tm_mon], ptmTimeRecord->tm_year, od_program_name); /* Print message of door start up. */ sprintf(szODWorkString, (char *)od_control.od_logfile_messages[11], od_control.user_name); od_log_write(szODWorkString); /* Set internal function hooks to enable calling of logfile features */ /* from elsewhere in OpenDoors. */ pfLogWrite = ODLogWriteStandardMsg; pfLogClose = ODLogClose; return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODLogWriteStandardMsg() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Function called to write a standard message to the logfile. * * Parameters: nLogfileMessage - Index of the standard message to write to * the logfile. * * Return: TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ static BOOL ODLogWriteStandardMsg(INT nLogfileMessage) { if(nLogfileMessage < 0 || nLogfileMessage > 11) { return(FALSE); } od_log_write((char *)od_control.od_logfile_messages[nLogfileMessage]); if(nLogfileMessage == 8) { sprintf(szODWorkString, od_control.od_logfile_messages[12], od_control.user_reasonforchat); szODWorkString[67] = '\0'; od_log_write(szODWorkString); } return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * od_log_write() * * Called to write a message to the logfile. * * Parameters: pszMessage - Pointer to a string containing the message text. * * Return: TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ ODAPIDEF BOOL ODCALL od_log_write(char *pszMessage) { char *pszFormat; time_t nUnixTime; struct tm *ptmTimeRecord; /* Verify that OpenDoors has been initialized. */ if(!bODInitialized) od_init(); OD_API_ENTRY(); /* Stop if logfile has been disabled in config file, etc. */ if(od_control.od_logfile_disable) { OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* If logfile has not yet been opened, then open it. */ if(logfile_pointer==NULL) { if(!od_log_open()) { OD_API_EXIT(); return(FALSE); } } /* Get the current system time. */ nUnixTime=time(NULL); ptmTimeRecord=localtime(&nUnixTime); /* Determine which logfile format string to use. */ if(ptmTimeRecord->tm_hour<10) { pszFormat=(char *)"> %1.1d:%02d:%02d %s\n"; } else { pszFormat=(char *)"> %2.2d:%02d:%02d %s\n"; } /* Write a line to the logfile. */ fprintf(logfile_pointer, pszFormat, ptmTimeRecord->tm_hour, ptmTimeRecord->tm_min, ptmTimeRecord->tm_sec, pszMessage); OD_API_EXIT(); return(TRUE); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ODLogClose() *** PRIVATE FUNCTION *** * * Writes final entry to the logfile when OpenDoors is exiting. * * Parameters: nReason - Specifies the reason why OpenDoors is exiting. * * Return: void */ static void ODLogClose(INT nReason) { /* Stop if logfile has been disabled in the config file, etc. */ if(od_control.od_logfile_disable) return; /* If logfile has not been opened, then abort. */ if(logfile_pointer==NULL) return; if(bPreOrExit) { od_log_write((char *)od_control.od_logfile_messages[13]); } else if(btExitReason<=5 && btExitReason>=1) { od_log_write((char *)od_control.od_logfile_messages[btExitReason-1]); } else { sprintf(szODWorkString,(char *)od_control.od_logfile_messages[5],nReason); od_log_write(szODWorkString); } /* Close the logfile. */ fclose(logfile_pointer); /* Prevent further use of logfile without first re-opening it. */ pfLogWrite = NULL; pfLogClose = NULL; logfile_pointer = NULL; }