#!/usr/bin/env perl # Contains code by Robert James Clay's FTNDB project. Licensed under the # same license as perl. # https://metacpan.org/source/JAME/App-FTNDB-0.39/bin/ftndb-nodelist use DBI; use strict; if ($#ARGV < 2) { print "Usage ./nodelistp.pl nodelist database.sq3 domain\n"; exit(0); } my $nodelist = $ARGV[0]; my $database = $ARGV[1]; my $domain = $ARGV[2]; my $driver = "SQLite"; my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database"; my $userid = ""; my $password = ""; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr; my $stmt = qq(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nodelist ( Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, domain TEXT COLLATE NOCASE, nodeno TEXT, sysop TEXT, location TEXT, bbsname TEXT);); my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt); if($rv < 0){ print $DBI::errstr; exit(0); } open NODELIST, $nodelist or die print "Cannot open $nodelist"; $stmt = 'DELETE FROM nodelist WHERE domain=$1;'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $stmt ); $rv = $sth->execute($domain) or die $DBI::errstr; if($rv < 0){ print $DBI::errstr; } my $nodelistcount = 0; my $zone = 1; my $net = 0; my $node = 0; my $region = 0; my $location; my $sysop; my $name; my $type; my $number; my $phone; my $bps; my $flags; my $zone_number; my $nodeno; while (<NODELIST>) { if ( /^;/ || /^\cZ/ ) { # print; next; } ( $type, $number, $name, $location, $sysop, $phone, $bps, $flags ) = split /,/, $_, 8 ; # if $flags is undefined (i.e., nothing after the baud rate) if ( !defined $flags ) { $flags = q{ }; } else { $flags =~ s/\r?\n$//; # else remove EOL (removes \r\n or \n but not \r) from $flags } if ( $type eq 'Zone' ) { # Zone line $zone = $number; $net = $number; $node = 0; } # elsif ( $type eq 'Region' ) { # Region line $region = $number; $net = $number; $node = 0; } elsif ( $type eq 'Host' ) { # Host line $net = $number; $node = 0; } else { $node = $number; } # If zone_number is defined, then go to the next line if the zone # number is not the same as zone_number if (defined $zone_number) { if ($zone != $zone_number) { next; } } $name =~ s/\_/ /g; $sysop =~ s/\_/ /g; $location =~ s/\_/ /g; $nodeno = "$zone:$net/$node"; $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO nodelist (domain, nodeno, sysop, location, bbsname) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)'); $sth->execute($domain, $nodeno, $sysop, $location, $name); $nodelistcount++; } close NODELIST; print "Processed $nodelistcount nodes.\n";