#include <cdk_int.h> /* * $Author: tom $ * $Date: 2016/11/20 20:15:53 $ * $Revision: 1.165 $ */ /* * Declare some local definitions. */ #define DOWN 0 #define UP 1 /* * Declare file local prototypes. */ static int createList (CDKVIEWER *swindow, int listSize); static int searchForWord (CDKVIEWER *viewer, char *pattern, int direction); static int jumpToLine (CDKVIEWER *viewer); static void popUpLabel (CDKVIEWER *viewer, CDK_CSTRING2 mesg); static void getAndStorePattern (CDKSCREEN *screen); static void drawCDKViewerButtons (CDKVIEWER *viewer); static void drawCDKViewerInfo (CDKVIEWER *viewer); /* * Declare file local variables. */ static char *SearchPattern = 0; static int SearchDirection = DOWN; DeclareCDKObjects (VIEWER, Viewer, setCdk, Unknown); /* * This function creates a new viewer object. */ CDKVIEWER *newCDKViewer (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, int height, int width, CDK_CSTRING2 buttons, int buttonCount, chtype buttonHighlight, boolean Box, boolean shadow) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKVIEWER *viewer = 0; int parentWidth = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window); int parentHeight = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window); int boxWidth; int boxHeight; int xpos = xplace; int ypos = yplace; int buttonAdj = 0; int x = 0; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static const struct { int from; int to; } bindings[] = { { CDK_BACKCHAR, KEY_PPAGE }, { 'b', KEY_PPAGE }, { 'B', KEY_PPAGE }, { CDK_FORCHAR, KEY_NPAGE }, { SPACE, KEY_NPAGE }, { 'f', KEY_NPAGE }, { 'F', KEY_NPAGE }, { '|', KEY_HOME }, { '$', KEY_END }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ if ((viewer = newCDKObject (CDKVIEWER, &my_funcs)) == 0) return (0); setCDKViewerBox (viewer, Box); boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0); boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0); /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */ alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight); /* Make the viewer window. */ viewer->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos); if (viewer->win == 0) { destroyCDKObject (viewer); return (0); } /* Turn the keypad on for the viewer. */ keypad (viewer->win, TRUE); /* Create the buttons. */ viewer->buttonCount = buttonCount; if (buttonCount > 0) { int buttonWidth = 0; int buttonPos = 1; if ((viewer->button = typeCallocN (chtype *, buttonCount + 1)) == 0 || (viewer->buttonLen = typeCallocN (int, buttonCount + 1)) == 0 || (viewer->buttonPos = typeCallocN (int, buttonCount + 1)) == 0) { destroyCDKObject (viewer); return (0); } for (x = 0; x < buttonCount; x++) { viewer->button[x] = char2Chtype (buttons[x], &viewer->buttonLen[x], &buttonAdj); buttonWidth += viewer->buttonLen[x] + 1; } buttonAdj = (int)((boxWidth - buttonWidth) / (buttonCount + 1)); buttonPos = 1 + buttonAdj; for (x = 0; x < buttonCount; x++) { viewer->buttonPos[x] = buttonPos; buttonPos += buttonAdj + viewer->buttonLen[x]; } } /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the rest of the variables */ ScreenOf (viewer) = cdkscreen; viewer->parent = cdkscreen->window; viewer->shadowWin = 0; viewer->buttonHighlight = buttonHighlight; viewer->boxHeight = boxHeight; viewer->boxWidth = boxWidth - 2; viewer->viewSize = height - 2; ObjOf (viewer)->inputWindow = viewer->win; initExitType (viewer); viewer->shadow = shadow; viewer->currentButton = 0; viewer->currentTop = 0; viewer->length = 0; viewer->leftChar = 0; viewer->maxLeftChar = 0; viewer->maxTopLine = 0; viewer->characters = 0; viewer->listSize = -1; viewer->showLineInfo = 1; viewer->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT; /* Do we need to create a shadow??? */ if (shadow) { viewer->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth + 1, ypos + 1, xpos + 1); if (viewer->shadowWin == 0) { destroyCDKObject (viewer); return (0); } } /* Setup the key bindings. */ for (x = 0; x < (int)SIZEOF (bindings); ++x) bindCDKObject (vVIEWER, viewer, (chtype)bindings[x].from, getcCDKBind, (void *)(long)bindings[x].to); registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vVIEWER, viewer); return (viewer); } /* * This function sets various attributes of the widget. */ int setCDKViewer (CDKVIEWER *viewer, const char *title, CDK_CSTRING2 list, int listSize, chtype buttonHighlight, boolean attrInterp, boolean showLineInfo, boolean Box) { setCDKViewerTitle (viewer, title); setCDKViewerHighlight (viewer, buttonHighlight); setCDKViewerInfoLine (viewer, showLineInfo); setCDKViewerBox (viewer, Box); return setCDKViewerInfo (viewer, list, listSize, attrInterp); } /* * This sets the title of the viewer. (A null title is allowed. * It just means that the viewer will not have a title when drawn.) */ void setCDKViewerTitle (CDKVIEWER *viewer, const char *title) { (void)setCdkTitle (ObjOf (viewer), title, -(viewer->boxWidth + 1)); viewer->titleAdj = TitleLinesOf (viewer); /* Need to set viewer->viewSize. */ viewer->viewSize = viewer->boxHeight - (TitleLinesOf (viewer) + 1) - 2; } chtype **getCDKViewerTitle (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { return TitleOf (viewer); } static void setupLine (CDKVIEWER *viewer, boolean interpret, const char *list, int x) { /* Did they ask for attribute interpretation? */ if (interpret) { viewer->list[x] = char2Chtype (list, &viewer->listLen[x], &viewer->listPos[x]); viewer->listPos[x] = justifyString (viewer->boxWidth, viewer->listLen[x], viewer->listPos[x]); } else { int len = (int)strlen (list); int pass; int y; chtype *t = 0; /* * We must convert tabs and other nonprinting characters. The curses * library normally does this, but we are bypassing it by writing * chtype's directly. */ for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) { len = 0; for (y = 0; list[y] != '\0'; ++y) { if (list[y] == '\t') { do { if (pass) t[len] = ' '; ++len; } while (len & 7); } else if (isprint (CharOf (list[y]))) { if (pass) t[len] = CharOf (list[y]); ++len; } else { const char *s = unctrl ((chtype)list[y]); while (*s != 0) { if (pass) t[len] = CharOf (*s); ++len; ++s; } } } if (!pass) { viewer->list[x] = t = typeCallocN (chtype, len + 3); if (t == 0) { len = 0; break; } } } viewer->listLen[x] = len; viewer->listPos[x] = 0; } viewer->widestLine = MAXIMUM (viewer->widestLine, viewer->listLen[x]); } static void freeLine (CDKVIEWER *viewer, int x) { if (x < viewer->listSize) { freeChtype (viewer->list[x]); viewer->list[x] = 0; } } /* * This function sets the contents of the viewer. */ int setCDKViewerInfo (CDKVIEWER *viewer, CDK_CSTRING2 list, int listSize, boolean interpret) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ char filename[CDK_PATHMAX + 2]; int currentLine = 0; int x = 0; int viewerSize; /* * If the list-size is negative, count the length of the null-terminated * list of strings. */ if (listSize < 0) { listSize = (int)CDKcountStrings (list); } /* compute the size of the resulting display */ viewerSize = listSize; if (list != 0 && interpret) { for (x = 0; x < listSize; ++x) { if (list[x] == 0) { viewerSize = x; /* oops - caller gave the wrong length */ break; } if (checkForLink (list[x], filename) == 1) { char **fileContents = 0; int fileLen = CDKreadFile (filename, &fileContents); if (fileLen >= 0) viewerSize += (fileLen - 1); CDKfreeStrings (fileContents); } } } /* Clean out the old viewer info. (if there is any) */ viewer->inProgress = TRUE; cleanCDKViewer (viewer); createList (viewer, viewerSize); /* Keep some semi-permanent info. */ viewer->interpret = interpret; /* Copy the information given. */ for (x = currentLine = 0; x < listSize && currentLine < viewerSize; x++) { if (list[x] == 0) { viewer->list[currentLine] = 0; viewer->listLen[currentLine] = 0; viewer->listPos[currentLine] = 0; currentLine++; } else { /* Check if we have a file link in this line. */ if (checkForLink (list[x], filename) == 1) { /* We have a link, open the file. */ char **fileContents = 0; int fileLen = 0; /* Open the file and put it into the viewer. */ fileLen = CDKreadFile (filename, &fileContents); if (fileLen == -1) { #ifdef HAVE_START_COLOR #define FOPEN_FMT "<C></16>Link Failed: Could not open the file %s" #else #define FOPEN_FMT "<C></K>Link Failed: Could not open the file %s" #endif char *temp = (char *)malloc (80 + strlen (filename)); sprintf (temp, FOPEN_FMT, filename); setupLine (viewer, TRUE, temp, currentLine++); free (temp); } else { int fileLine; /* For each line read, copy it into the viewer. */ fileLen = MINIMUM (fileLen, (viewerSize - currentLine)); for (fileLine = 0; fileLine < fileLen; fileLine++) { if (currentLine >= viewerSize) break; setupLine (viewer, FALSE, fileContents[fileLine], currentLine); viewer->characters += viewer->listLen[currentLine]; currentLine++; } CDKfreeStrings (fileContents); } } else if (currentLine < viewerSize) { setupLine (viewer, viewer->interpret, list[x], currentLine); viewer->characters += viewer->listLen[currentLine]; currentLine++; } } } /* * Determine how many characters we can shift to the right * before all the items have been viewer off the screen. */ if (viewer->widestLine > viewer->boxWidth) { viewer->maxLeftChar = (viewer->widestLine - viewer->boxWidth) + 1; } else { viewer->maxLeftChar = 0; } /* Set up the needed vars for the viewer list. */ viewer->inProgress = FALSE; viewer->listSize = viewerSize; if (viewer->listSize <= viewer->viewSize) { viewer->maxTopLine = 0; } else { viewer->maxTopLine = viewer->listSize - 1; } return viewer->listSize; } chtype **getCDKViewerInfo (CDKVIEWER *viewer, int *size) { (*size) = viewer->listSize; return viewer->list; } /* * This function sets the highlight type of the buttons. */ void setCDKViewerHighlight (CDKVIEWER *viewer, chtype buttonHighlight) { viewer->buttonHighlight = buttonHighlight; } chtype getCDKViewerHighlight (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { return viewer->buttonHighlight; } /* * This sets whether or not you want to set the viewer info line. */ void setCDKViewerInfoLine (CDKVIEWER *viewer, boolean showLineInfo) { viewer->showLineInfo = showLineInfo; } boolean getCDKViewerInfoLine (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { return viewer->showLineInfo; } /* * This sets the widgets box attribute. */ void setCDKViewerBox (CDKVIEWER *viewer, boolean Box) { ObjOf (viewer)->box = Box; ObjOf (viewer)->borderSize = Box ? 1 : 0; } boolean getCDKViewerBox (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { return ObjOf (viewer)->box; } /* * This removes all the lines inside the scrolling window. */ void cleanCDKViewer (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { int x; /* Clean up the memory used ... */ for (x = 0; x < viewer->listSize; x++) { freeLine (viewer, x); } /* *INDENT-EQLS* Reset some variables. */ viewer->listSize = 0; viewer->maxLeftChar = 0; viewer->widestLine = 0; viewer->currentTop = 0; viewer->maxTopLine = 0; /* Redraw the window. */ drawCDKViewer (viewer, ObjOf (viewer)->box); } static void PatternNotFound (CDKVIEWER *viewer, char *pattern) { CDK_CSTRING tempInfo[2]; char *temp = (char *)malloc (80 + strlen (pattern)); tempInfo[0] = temp; tempInfo[1] = 0; sprintf (temp, "</U/5>Pattern '%s' not found.<!U!5>", pattern); popUpLabel (viewer, tempInfo); free (temp); } /* * This function actually controls the viewer... */ int activateCDKViewer (CDKVIEWER *widget, chtype *actions GCC_UNUSED) { char *fileInfo[10]; CDK_CSTRING tempInfo[2]; char temp[500]; chtype input; boolean functionKey; int x; /* Create the information about the file stats. */ sprintf (temp, "</5> </U>File Statistics<!U> <!5>"); fileInfo[0] = copyChar (temp); sprintf (temp, "</5> <!5>"); fileInfo[1] = copyChar (temp); sprintf (temp, "</5/R>Character Count:<!R> %-4ld <!5>", widget->characters); fileInfo[2] = copyChar (temp); sprintf (temp, "</5/R>Line Count :<!R> %-4d <!5>", widget->listSize); fileInfo[3] = copyChar (temp); sprintf (temp, "</5> <!5>"); fileInfo[4] = copyChar (temp); sprintf (temp, "<C></5>Press Any Key To Continue.<!5>"); fileInfo[5] = copyChar (temp); fileInfo[6] = 0; tempInfo[0] = temp; tempInfo[1] = 0; /* Set the current button. */ widget->currentButton = 0; /* Draw the widget list. */ drawCDKViewer (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box); /* Do this until KEY_ENTER is hit. */ for (;;) { /* Reset the refresh flag. */ int REFRESH = FALSE; input = (chtype)getchCDKObject (ObjOf (widget), &functionKey); if (!checkCDKObjectBind (vVIEWER, widget, input)) { switch (input) { case KEY_TAB: if (widget->buttonCount > 1) { if (widget->currentButton == (widget->buttonCount - 1)) { widget->currentButton = 0; } else { widget->currentButton++; } /* Redraw the buttons. */ drawCDKViewerButtons (widget); } break; case CDK_PREV: if (widget->buttonCount > 1) { if (widget->currentButton == 0) { widget->currentButton = widget->buttonCount - 1; } else { widget->currentButton--; } /* Redraw the buttons. */ drawCDKViewerButtons (widget); } break; case KEY_UP: if (widget->currentTop > 0) { widget->currentTop--; REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (widget->currentTop < widget->maxTopLine) { widget->currentTop++; REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (widget->leftChar < widget->maxLeftChar) { widget->leftChar++; REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (widget->leftChar > 0) { widget->leftChar--; REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case KEY_PPAGE: if (widget->currentTop > 0) { if ((widget->currentTop - (widget->viewSize - 1)) > 0) { widget->currentTop = (widget->currentTop - (widget->viewSize - 1)); } else { widget->currentTop = 0; } REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case KEY_NPAGE: if (widget->currentTop < widget->maxTopLine) { if ((widget->currentTop + widget->viewSize) < widget->maxTopLine) { widget->currentTop = widget->currentTop + (widget->viewSize - 1); } else { widget->currentTop = widget->maxTopLine; } REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case KEY_HOME: widget->leftChar = 0; REFRESH = TRUE; break; case KEY_END: widget->leftChar = widget->maxLeftChar; REFRESH = TRUE; break; case 'g': case '1': case '<': widget->currentTop = 0; REFRESH = TRUE; break; case 'G': case '>': widget->currentTop = widget->maxTopLine; REFRESH = TRUE; break; case 'L': x = (int)((widget->listSize + widget->currentTop) / 2); if (x < widget->maxTopLine) { widget->currentTop = x; REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case 'l': x = (int)(widget->currentTop / 2); if (x >= 0) { widget->currentTop = x; REFRESH = TRUE; } else { Beep (); } break; case '?': SearchDirection = UP; getAndStorePattern (ScreenOf (widget)); if (!searchForWord (widget, SearchPattern, SearchDirection)) { PatternNotFound (widget, SearchPattern); } REFRESH = TRUE; break; case '/': SearchDirection = DOWN; getAndStorePattern (ScreenOf (widget)); if (!searchForWord (widget, SearchPattern, SearchDirection)) { PatternNotFound (widget, SearchPattern); } REFRESH = TRUE; break; case 'N': case 'n': if (SearchPattern == 0) { sprintf (temp, "</5>There is no pattern in the buffer.<!5>"); popUpLabel (widget, tempInfo); } else if (!searchForWord (widget, SearchPattern, ((input == 'n') ? SearchDirection : !SearchDirection))) { PatternNotFound (widget, SearchPattern); } REFRESH = TRUE; break; case ':': widget->currentTop = jumpToLine (widget); REFRESH = TRUE; break; case 'i': case 's': case 'S': popUpLabel (widget, (CDK_CSTRING2)fileInfo); REFRESH = TRUE; break; case KEY_ESC: freeCharList (fileInfo, 6); setExitType (widget, input); return -1; case KEY_ERROR: freeCharList (fileInfo, 6); setExitType (widget, input); return -1; case KEY_ENTER: freeCharList (fileInfo, 6); setExitType (widget, input); return widget->currentButton; case CDK_REFRESH: eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget)); refreshCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget)); break; default: Beep (); break; } } /* Do we need to redraw the screen??? */ if (REFRESH) { drawCDKViewerInfo (widget); } } } /* * This searches the document looking for the given word. */ static void getAndStorePattern (CDKSCREEN *screen) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKENTRY *getPattern = 0; const char *temp = 0; char *list = 0; /* Check the direction. */ if (SearchDirection == UP) { temp = "</5>Search Up : <!5>"; } else { temp = "</5>Search Down: <!5>"; } /* Pop up the entry field. */ getPattern = newCDKEntry (screen, CENTER, CENTER, 0, temp, COLOR_PAIR (5) | A_BOLD, '.' | COLOR_PAIR (5) | A_BOLD, vMIXED, 10, 0, 256, TRUE, FALSE); /* Is there an old search pattern? */ if (SearchPattern != 0) { setCDKEntry (getPattern, SearchPattern, getPattern->min, getPattern->max, ObjOf (getPattern)->box); } freeChar (SearchPattern); /* Activate this baby. */ list = activateCDKEntry (getPattern, 0); /* Save the list. */ if ((list != 0) && (strlen (list) != 0)) { SearchPattern = copyChar (list); } /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKEntry (getPattern); } /* * This searches for a line containing the word and realigns the value on the * screen. */ static int searchForWord (CDKVIEWER *viewer, char *pattern, int direction) { int found = 0; int plen; /* If the pattern is empty then return. */ if (pattern != 0 && (plen = (int)strlen (pattern)) != 0) { int x, y, pos, len; if (direction == DOWN) { /* Start looking from 'here' down. */ for (x = viewer->currentTop + 1; !found && (x < viewer->listSize); x++) { len = chlen (viewer->list[x]); for (y = pos = 0; y < len; y++) { int plainChar = CharOf (viewer->list[x][y]); if (CharOf (pattern[pos]) != plainChar) { y -= pos; pos = 0; } else if (++pos == plen) { viewer->currentTop = (x < viewer->maxTopLine ? x : viewer->maxTopLine); viewer->leftChar = (y < viewer->boxWidth ? 0 : viewer->maxLeftChar); found = 1; break; } } } } else { /* Start looking from 'here' up. */ for (x = viewer->currentTop - 1; !found && (x >= 0); x--) { len = chlen (viewer->list[x]); for (y = pos = 0; y < len; y++) { int plainChar = CharOf (viewer->list[x][y]); if (CharOf (pattern[pos]) != plainChar) { y -= pos; pos = 0; } else if (++pos == plen) { viewer->currentTop = x; viewer->leftChar = (y < viewer->boxWidth ? 0 : viewer->maxLeftChar); found = 1; break; } } } } } return (found); } /* * This allows us to 'jump' to a given line in the file. */ static int jumpToLine (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ int line = 0; CDKSCALE *newline = newCDKScale (ScreenOf (viewer), CENTER, CENTER, "<C>Jump To Line", "</5>Line :", A_BOLD, intlen (viewer->listSize) + 1, viewer->currentTop + 1, 0, viewer->maxTopLine + 1, 1, 10, TRUE, TRUE); line = activateCDKScale (newline, 0); destroyCDKScale (newline); return ((line - 1)); } /* * This pops a little message up on the screen. */ static void popUpLabel (CDKVIEWER *viewer, CDK_CSTRING2 mesg) { CDKLABEL *label; boolean functionKey; /* Set up variables. */ label = newCDKLabel (ScreenOf (viewer), CENTER, CENTER, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, (int)CDKcountStrings (mesg), TRUE, FALSE); /* Draw the label and wait. */ drawCDKLabel (label, TRUE); getchCDKObject (ObjOf (label), &functionKey); /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKLabel (label); } /* * This moves the viewer field to the given location. */ static void _moveCDKViewer (CDKOBJS *object, int xplace, int yplace, boolean relative, boolean refresh_flag) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKVIEWER *viewer = (CDKVIEWER *)object; int currentX = getbegx (viewer->win); int currentY = getbegy (viewer->win); int xpos = xplace; int ypos = yplace; int xdiff = 0; int ydiff = 0; /* * If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want * to move to. */ if (relative) { xpos = getbegx (viewer->win) + xplace; ypos = getbegy (viewer->win) + yplace; } /* Adjust the window if we need to. */ alignxy (WindowOf (viewer), &xpos, &ypos, viewer->boxWidth, viewer->boxHeight); /* Get the difference. */ xdiff = currentX - xpos; ydiff = currentY - ypos; /* Move the window to the new location. */ moveCursesWindow (viewer->win, -xdiff, -ydiff); moveCursesWindow (viewer->shadowWin, -xdiff, -ydiff); /* Touch the windows so they 'move'. */ refreshCDKWindow (WindowOf (viewer)); /* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */ if (refresh_flag) { drawCDKViewer (viewer, ObjOf (viewer)->box); } } /* * This function draws the viewer widget. */ static void _drawCDKViewer (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box) { CDKVIEWER *viewer = (CDKVIEWER *)object; /* Do we need to draw in the shadow??? */ if (viewer->shadowWin != 0) { drawShadow (viewer->shadowWin); } /* Box it if it was asked for. */ if (Box) { drawObjBox (viewer->win, ObjOf (viewer)); wrefresh (viewer->win); } /* Draw the info in the viewer. */ drawCDKViewerInfo (viewer); } /* * This redraws the viewer buttons. */ static void drawCDKViewerButtons (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { chtype character; int x; /* No buttons, no drawing. */ if (viewer->buttonCount == 0) { return; } /* Redraw the buttons. */ for (x = 0; x < viewer->buttonCount; x++) { writeChtype (viewer->win, viewer->buttonPos[x], viewer->boxHeight - 2, viewer->button[x], HORIZONTAL, 0, viewer->buttonLen[x]); } /* Highlight the current button. */ for (x = 0; x < viewer->buttonLen[viewer->currentButton]; x++) { /* Strip the character of any extra attributes. */ character = CharOf (viewer->button[viewer->currentButton][x]); /* Add the character into the window. */ (void)mvwaddch (viewer->win, viewer->boxHeight - 2, viewer->buttonPos[viewer->currentButton] + x, character | viewer->buttonHighlight); } /* Refresh the window. */ wrefresh (viewer->win); } /* * This sets the background attribute of the widget. */ static void _setBKattrViewer (CDKOBJS *object, chtype attrib) { if (object != 0) { CDKVIEWER *widget = (CDKVIEWER *)object; wbkgd (widget->win, attrib); } } /* * Free any storage associated with the info-list. */ static void destroyInfo (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { CDKfreeChtypes (viewer->list); freeChecked (viewer->listPos); freeChecked (viewer->listLen); viewer->list = 0; viewer->listPos = 0; viewer->listLen = 0; } /* * This function destroys the viewer widget. */ static void _destroyCDKViewer (CDKOBJS *object) { if (object != 0) { CDKVIEWER *viewer = (CDKVIEWER *)object; destroyInfo (viewer); cleanCdkTitle (object); CDKfreeChtypes (viewer->button); freeChecked (viewer->buttonLen); freeChecked (viewer->buttonPos); /* Clean up the windows. */ deleteCursesWindow (viewer->shadowWin); deleteCursesWindow (viewer->win); /* Clean the key bindings. */ cleanCDKObjectBindings (vVIEWER, viewer); /* Unregister this object. */ unregisterCDKObject (vVIEWER, viewer); } } /* * This function erases the viewer widget from the screen. */ static void _eraseCDKViewer (CDKOBJS *object) { if (validCDKObject (object)) { CDKVIEWER *viewer = (CDKVIEWER *)object; eraseCursesWindow (viewer->win); eraseCursesWindow (viewer->shadowWin); } } /* * This draws the viewer info lines. */ static void drawCDKViewerInfo (CDKVIEWER *viewer) { int listAdjust = 0; int lastLine = 0; int x; /* Clear the window. */ werase (viewer->win); drawCdkTitle (viewer->win, ObjOf (viewer)); /* Draw in the current line at the top. */ if (viewer->showLineInfo == TRUE) { char temp[256]; /* Set up the info line and draw it. */ if (viewer->inProgress) { strcpy (temp, "processing..."); } else if (viewer->listSize != 0) { sprintf (temp, "%d/%d %2.0f%%", (viewer->currentTop + 1), viewer->listSize, ((float)(viewer->currentTop + 1) / (float)viewer->listSize) * 100); } else { sprintf (temp, "%d/%d %2.0f%%", 0, 0, 0.0); } /* * The listAdjust variable tells us if we have to shift down one line * because the person asked for the line X of Y line at the top of the * screen. We only want to set this to 1 if they asked for the info line * and there is no title, or if the two items overlap. */ if (TitleLinesOf (viewer) == 0 || TitlePosOf (viewer)[0] < ((int)strlen (temp) + 2)) { listAdjust = 1; } writeChar (viewer->win, 1, (listAdjust ? TitleLinesOf (viewer) : 0) + 1, temp, HORIZONTAL, 0, (int)strlen (temp)); } /* Determine the last line to draw. */ lastLine = ((viewer->listSize <= viewer->viewSize) ? viewer->listSize : viewer->viewSize); lastLine -= listAdjust; /* Redraw the list. */ for (x = 0; x < lastLine; x++) { if (viewer->currentTop + x < viewer->listSize) { int screenPos = viewer->listPos[viewer->currentTop + x] + 1 - viewer->leftChar; writeChtype (viewer->win, ((screenPos >= 0) ? screenPos : 1), x + TitleLinesOf (viewer) + listAdjust + 1, viewer->list[x + viewer->currentTop], HORIZONTAL, ((screenPos >= 0) ? 0 : (viewer->leftChar - viewer->listPos[viewer->currentTop + x])), viewer->listLen[x + viewer->currentTop]); } } /* Box it if we have to. */ if (ObjOf (viewer)->box) { drawObjBox (viewer->win, ObjOf (viewer)); wrefresh (viewer->win); } /* Draw the separation line. */ if (viewer->buttonCount > 0) { chtype boxattr = BXAttrOf (viewer); for (x = 1; x <= viewer->boxWidth; x++) { (void)mvwaddch (viewer->win, viewer->boxHeight - 3, x, HZCharOf (viewer) | boxattr); } (void)mvwaddch (viewer->win, viewer->boxHeight - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE | boxattr); (void)mvwaddch (viewer->win, viewer->boxHeight - 3, getmaxx (viewer->win) - 1, ACS_RTEE | boxattr); } /* Draw the buttons. This will call refresh on the viewer win. */ drawCDKViewerButtons (viewer); } /* * The listSize may be negative, to assign no definite limit. */ static int createList (CDKVIEWER *swindow, int listSize) { int status = 0; if (listSize >= 0) { chtype **newList = typeCallocN (chtype *, listSize + 1); int *newPos = typeCallocN (int, listSize + 1); int *newLen = typeCallocN (int, listSize + 1); if (newList != 0 && newPos != 0 && newLen != 0) { status = 1; destroyInfo (swindow); swindow->list = newList; swindow->listPos = newPos; swindow->listLen = newLen; } if (!status) { CDKfreeChtypes (newList); freeChecked (newPos); freeChecked (newLen); } } else { destroyInfo (swindow); } return status; } dummyInject (Viewer) dummyFocus (Viewer) dummyUnfocus (Viewer) dummyRefreshData (Viewer) dummySaveData (Viewer)