#include <sqlite3.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "bbs.h" extern struct bbs_config conf; struct email_msg { int id; char *from; char *subject; int seen; time_t date; char *body; }; void send_email(struct user_record *user) { char buffer[256]; sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *res; int rc; char *recipient; char *subject; char *msg; char *csql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS email (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "sender TEXT COLLATE NOCASE," "recipient TEXT COLLATE NOCASE," "subject TEXT," "body TEXT," "date INTEGER," "seen INTEGER);"; char *isql = "INSERT INTO email (sender, recipient, subject, body, date, seen) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0)"; char *err_msg = 0; s_printf(get_string(54)); s_readstring(buffer, 16); if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { s_printf(get_string(39)); return; } if (check_user(buffer)) { s_printf(get_string(55)); return; } recipient = strdup(buffer); s_printf(get_string(56)); s_readstring(buffer, 25); if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { free(recipient); s_printf(get_string(39)); return; } subject = strdup(buffer); // post a message msg = external_editor(user, user->loginname, recipient, NULL, 0, NULL, subject, 1); if (msg != NULL) { sprintf(buffer, "%s/email.sq3", conf.bbs_path); rc = sqlite3_open(buffer, &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dolog("Cannot open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, csql, 0, 0, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK ) { dolog("SQL error: %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); sqlite3_close(db); return; } rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, isql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_bind_text(res, 1, user->loginname, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res, 2, recipient, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res, 3, subject, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res, 4, msg, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(res, 5, time(NULL)); } else { dolog("Failed to execute statement: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); s_printf("\r\nNo such email\r\n"); return; } sqlite3_step(res); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); free(msg); } free(subject); free(recipient); } void show_email(struct user_record *user, int msgno, int email_count, struct email_msg **emails) { char buffer[256]; sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *res; int rc; char *dsql = "DELETE FROM email WHERE id=?"; char *isql = "INSERT INTO email (sender, recipient, subject, body, date, seen) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0)"; char *ssql = "UPDATE email SET seen=1 WHERE id=?"; int id; char *sender; char *subject; time_t date; struct tm msg_date; int z; int lines; char c; char *replybody; int chars; int start_line; int msg_line_count; char **msg_lines; int i, j; int position; int should_break; int quit = 0; while (!quit) { s_printf(get_string(57), emails[msgno]->from); s_printf(get_string(58), emails[msgno]->subject); localtime_r(&emails[msgno]->date, &msg_date); sprintf(buffer, "%s", asctime(&msg_date)); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; s_printf(get_string(59), buffer); s_printf(get_string(60)); lines = 0; chars = 0; msg_line_count = 0; start_line = 0; // count the number of lines... for (z=0;z<strlen(emails[msgno]->body);z++) { if (emails[msgno]->body[z] == '\r' || chars == 79) { if (msg_line_count == 0) { msg_lines = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)); } else { msg_lines = (char **)realloc(msg_lines, sizeof(char *) * (msg_line_count + 1)); } msg_lines[msg_line_count] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (z - start_line + 1)); if (z == start_line) { msg_lines[msg_line_count][0] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(msg_lines[msg_line_count], &emails[msgno]->body[start_line], z - start_line); msg_lines[msg_line_count][z-start_line] = '\0'; } msg_line_count++; if (emails[msgno]->body[z] == '\r') { start_line = z + 1; } else { start_line = z; } chars = 0; } else { chars ++; } } lines = 0; position = 0; should_break = 0; while (!should_break) { s_printf("\e[5;1H\e[0J"); for (z=position;z<msg_line_count;z++) { s_printf("%s\e[K\r\n", msg_lines[z]); if (z - position >= 17) { break; } } s_printf(get_string(187)); s_printf(get_string(191)); c = s_getchar(); if (tolower(c) == 'r') { should_break = 1; } else if (tolower(c) == 'q') { should_break = 1; quit = 1; } else if (tolower(c) == 'd') { should_break = 1; } else if (c == '\e') { c = s_getchar(); if (c == 91) { c = s_getchar(); if (c == 65) { position--; if (position < 0) { position = 0; } } else if (c == 66) { position++; if (position + 17 > msg_line_count) { position--; } } else if (c == 67) { c = ' '; should_break = 1; } else if (c == 68) { c = 'b'; should_break = 1; } } } } for (i=0;i<msg_line_count;i++) { free(msg_lines[i]); } free(msg_lines); msg_line_count = 0; sprintf(buffer, "%s/email.sq3", conf.bbs_path); rc = sqlite3_open(buffer, &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dolog("Cannot open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, ssql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_bind_int(res, 1, emails[msgno]->id); } else { dolog("Failed to execute statement: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); return; } sqlite3_step(res); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); if (tolower(c) == 'r') { if (emails[msgno]->subject != NULL) { if (strncasecmp(emails[msgno]->subject, "RE:", 3) != 0) { snprintf(buffer, 256, "RE: %s", emails[msgno]->subject); } else { snprintf(buffer, 256, "%s", emails[msgno]->subject); } } subject = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); strcpy(subject, buffer); replybody = external_editor(user, user->loginname, emails[msgno]->from, emails[msgno]->body, strlen(emails[msgno]->body), emails[msgno]->from, subject, 1); if (replybody != NULL) { sprintf(buffer, "%s/email.sq3", conf.bbs_path); rc = sqlite3_open(buffer, &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dolog("Cannot open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, isql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_bind_text(res, 1, user->loginname, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res, 2, emails[msgno]->from, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res, 3, subject, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_text(res, 4, replybody, -1, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(res, 5, time(NULL)); } else { dolog("Failed to execute statement: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); free(replybody); free(subject); return; } sqlite3_step(res); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); free(replybody); } free(subject); } else if (tolower(c) == 'd') { sprintf(buffer, "%s/email.sq3", conf.bbs_path); rc = sqlite3_open(buffer, &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dolog("Cannot open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, dsql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_bind_int(res, 1, emails[msgno]->id); } else { dolog("Failed to execute statement: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); return; } sqlite3_step(res); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); quit = 1; } else if (tolower(c) == ' ') { msgno ++; if (msgno == email_count) { quit = 1; } } else if (tolower(c) == 'b') { msgno--; if (msgno < 0) { quit = 1; } } } } void list_emails(struct user_record *user) { char buffer[256]; sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *res; int rc; char *sql = "SELECT sender,subject,seen,date,body,id FROM email WHERE recipient LIKE ?"; struct email_msg **emails; int email_count; int msgid; int msgtoread; struct tm msg_date; int redraw; int start; int position; int i; char c; int closed = 0; sprintf(buffer, "%s/email.sq3", conf.bbs_path); rc = sqlite3_open(buffer, &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dolog("Cannot open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_bind_text(res, 1, user->loginname, -1, 0); } else { dolog("Failed to execute statement: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); s_printf(get_string(62)); return; } msgid = 0; s_printf(get_string(63)); email_count = 0; while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { if (email_count == 0) { emails = (struct email_msg **)malloc(sizeof(struct email_msg *)); } else { emails = (struct email_msg **)realloc(emails, sizeof(struct email_msg *) * (email_count + 1)); } emails[email_count] = (struct email_msg *)malloc(sizeof(struct email_msg)); emails[email_count]->from = strdup((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)); emails[email_count]->subject = strdup((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 1)); emails[email_count]->seen = sqlite3_column_int(res, 2); emails[email_count]->date = (time_t)sqlite3_column_int(res, 3); emails[email_count]->body = strdup((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 4)); emails[email_count]->id = sqlite3_column_int(res, 5); email_count++; } sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); if (email_count == 0) { s_printf(get_string(194)); return; } redraw = 1; start = 0; position = 0; while (!closed) { if (redraw) { s_printf(get_string(126)); for (i=start;i<start + 22 && i<email_count;i++) { localtime_r((time_t *)&emails[i]->date, &msg_date); if (i == position) { if (!emails[i]->seen) { s_printf(get_string(192), i + 1, emails[i]->subject, emails[i]->from,msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } else { s_printf(get_string(193), i + 1, emails[i]->subject, emails[i]->from,msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } } else { if (!emails[i]->seen) { s_printf(get_string(64), i + 1, emails[i]->subject, emails[i]->from,msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } else { s_printf(get_string(65), i + 1, emails[i]->subject, emails[i]->from,msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } } } s_printf(get_string(190)); s_printf("\e[%d;5H", position - start + 2); redraw = 0; } c = s_getchar(); if (tolower(c) == 'q') { closed = 1; } else if (c == 27) { c = s_getchar(); if (c == 91) { c = s_getchar(); if (c == 66) { // down position++; if (position >= start + 22) { start += 22; if (start >= email_count) { start = email_count - 22; } redraw = 1; } if (position == email_count) { position--; s_printf("\e[%d;5H", position - start + 2); } else if (!redraw) { s_printf("\e[%d;1H", position - start + 1); localtime_r((time_t *)&emails[position-1]->date, &msg_date); if (!emails[position - 1]->seen) { s_printf(get_string(64), position, emails[position-1]->subject, emails[position-1]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } else { s_printf(get_string(65), position, emails[position-1]->subject, emails[position-1]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } s_printf("\e[%d;1H", position - start + 2); localtime_r((time_t *)&emails[position]->date, &msg_date); if (!emails[position]->seen) { s_printf(get_string(192), position + 1, emails[position]->subject, emails[position]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } else { s_printf(get_string(193), position + 1, emails[position]->subject, emails[position]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } s_printf("\e[%d;5H", position - start + 2); } } else if (c == 65) { // up position--; if (position < start) { start -=22; if (start < 0) { start = 0; } redraw = 1; } if (position <= 0) { start = 0; position = 0; redraw = 1; } else if (!redraw) { s_printf("\e[%d;1H", position - start + 3); localtime_r((time_t *)&emails[position + 1]->date, &msg_date); if (!emails[position + 1]->seen) { s_printf(get_string(64), position + 2, emails[position + 1]->subject, emails[position + 1]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } else { s_printf(get_string(65), position + 2, emails[position + 1]->subject, emails[position + 1]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } s_printf("\e[%d;1H", position - start + 2); localtime_r((time_t *)&emails[position]->date, &msg_date); if (!emails[position]->seen) { s_printf(get_string(192), position + 1, emails[position]->subject, emails[position]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } else { s_printf(get_string(193), position + 1, emails[position]->subject, emails[position]->from, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); } s_printf("\e[%d;5H", position - start + 3); } } } } else if (c == 13) { closed = 1; show_email(user, position, email_count, emails); } } for (i=0;i<email_count;i++) { free(emails[i]->from); free(emails[i]->subject); free(emails[i]->body); free(emails[i]); } free(emails); } int mail_getemailcount(struct user_record *user) { char *sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email WHERE recipient LIKE ?"; int count; char buffer[256]; sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *res; int rc; sprintf(buffer, "%s/email.sq3", conf.bbs_path); rc = sqlite3_open(buffer, &db); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { dolog("Cannot open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 5000); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_bind_text(res, 1, user->loginname, -1, 0); } else { dolog("Failed to execute statement: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); return 0; } count = 0; if (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { count = sqlite3_column_int(res, 0); } sqlite3_finalize(res); sqlite3_close(db); return count; }