#include <cdk_int.h> /* * $Author: tom $ * $Date: 2013/06/16 15:05:27 $ * $Revision: 1.86 $ */ DeclareCDKObjects (GRAPH, Graph, setCdk, Unknown); #define TITLE_LM 3 /* * Create a graph widget. */ CDKGRAPH *newCDKGraph (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, int height, int width, const char *title, const char *xtitle, const char *ytitle) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKGRAPH *widget = 0; int parentWidth = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window); int parentHeight = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window); int boxWidth; int boxHeight; int xpos = xplace; int ypos = yplace; if ((widget = newCDKObject (CDKGRAPH, &my_funcs)) == 0) return (0); setCDKGraphBox (widget, FALSE); /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 3); boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0); boxWidth = setCdkTitle (ObjOf (widget), title, boxWidth); boxHeight += TitleLinesOf (widget); boxWidth = MINIMUM (boxWidth, parentWidth); boxHeight = MINIMUM (boxHeight, parentHeight); /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */ alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight); /* *INDENT-EQLS* Create the widget pointer. */ ScreenOf (widget) = cdkscreen; widget->parent = cdkscreen->window; widget->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos); widget->boxHeight = boxHeight; widget->boxWidth = boxWidth; widget->minx = 0; widget->maxx = 0; widget->xscale = 0; widget->yscale = 0; widget->count = 0; widget->displayType = vLINE; if (widget->win == 0) { destroyCDKObject (widget); return (0); } keypad (widget->win, TRUE); /* Translate the X Axis title char * to a chtype * */ if (xtitle != 0) { widget->xtitle = char2Chtype (xtitle, &widget->xtitleLen, &widget->xtitlePos); widget->xtitlePos = justifyString (widget->boxHeight, widget->xtitleLen, widget->xtitlePos); } else { widget->xtitle = char2Chtype ("<C></5>X Axis", &widget->xtitleLen, &widget->xtitlePos); widget->xtitlePos = justifyString (widget->boxHeight, widget->xtitleLen, widget->xtitlePos); } /* Translate the Y Axis title char * to a chtype * */ if (ytitle != 0) { widget->ytitle = char2Chtype (ytitle, &widget->ytitleLen, &widget->ytitlePos); widget->ytitlePos = justifyString (widget->boxWidth, widget->ytitleLen, widget->ytitlePos); } else { widget->ytitle = char2Chtype ("<C></5>Y Axis", &widget->ytitleLen, &widget->ytitlePos); widget->ytitlePos = justifyString (widget->boxWidth, widget->ytitleLen, widget->ytitlePos); } widget->graphChar = 0; registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vGRAPH, widget); return (widget); } /* * This was added for the builder. */ void activateCDKGraph (CDKGRAPH *widget, chtype *actions GCC_UNUSED) { drawCDKGraph (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box); } /* * Set multiple attributes of the widget. */ int setCDKGraph (CDKGRAPH *widget, int *values, int count, const char *graphChar, boolean startAtZero, EGraphDisplayType displayType) { int ret; ret = setCDKGraphValues (widget, values, count, startAtZero); setCDKGraphCharacters (widget, graphChar); setCDKGraphDisplayType (widget, displayType); return ret; } /* * Set the scale factors for the graph after we have loaded new values. */ static void setScales (CDKGRAPH *widget) { widget->xscale = ((widget->maxx - widget->minx) / MAXIMUM (1, (widget->boxHeight - TitleLinesOf (widget) - 5))); if (widget->xscale <= 0) widget->xscale = 1; widget->yscale = ((widget->boxWidth - 4) / MAXIMUM (1, widget->count)); if (widget->yscale <= 0) widget->yscale = 1; } /* * Set the values of the graph. */ int setCDKGraphValues (CDKGRAPH *widget, int *values, int count, boolean startAtZero) { int min = INT_MAX; int max = INT_MIN; int x; /* Make sure everything is happy. */ if (count < 0) return (FALSE); if (widget->values != 0) { free (widget->values); widget->values = 0; widget->count = 0; } if ((widget->values = typeCallocN (int, count + 1)) == 0) return FALSE; /* Copy the X values. */ for (x = 0; x < count; x++) { /* Determine the min/max values of the graph. */ min = MINIMUM (values[x], widget->minx); max = MAXIMUM (values[x], widget->maxx); /* Copy the value. */ widget->values[x] = values[x]; } /* Keep the count and min/max values. */ widget->count = count; widget->minx = min; widget->maxx = max; /* Check the start at zero status. */ if (startAtZero) { widget->minx = 0; } setScales (widget); return (TRUE); } int *getCDKGraphValues (CDKGRAPH *widget, int *size) { (*size) = widget->count; return widget->values; } /* * Set the value of the graph at the given index. */ int setCDKGraphValue (CDKGRAPH *widget, int Index, int value, boolean startAtZero) { /* Make sure the index is within range. */ if (Index < 0 || Index >= widget->count) { return (FALSE); } /* Set the min, max, and value for the graph. */ widget->minx = MINIMUM (value, widget->minx); widget->maxx = MAXIMUM (value, widget->maxx); widget->values[Index] = value; /* Check the start at zero status. */ if (startAtZero) { widget->minx = 0; } setScales (widget); return (TRUE); } int getCDKGraphValue (CDKGRAPH *widget, int Index) { return Index >= 0 && Index < widget->count ? widget->values[Index] : 0; } /* * Set the characters of the graph widget. */ int setCDKGraphCharacters (CDKGRAPH *widget, const char *characters) { chtype *newTokens = 0; int charCount, junk; newTokens = char2Chtype (characters, &charCount, &junk); if (charCount != widget->count) { freeChtype (newTokens); return (FALSE); } freeChtype (widget->graphChar); widget->graphChar = newTokens; return (TRUE); } chtype *getCDKGraphCharacters (CDKGRAPH *widget) { return widget->graphChar; } /* * Set the character of the graph widget of the given index. */ int setCDKGraphCharacter (CDKGRAPH *widget, int Index, const char *character) { chtype *newTokens = 0; int charCount, junk; /* Make sure the index is within range. */ if (Index < 0 || Index > widget->count) { return (FALSE); } /* Convert the string given to us. */ newTokens = char2Chtype (character, &charCount, &junk); /* * Check if the number of characters back is the same as the number * of elements in the list. */ if (charCount != widget->count) { freeChtype (newTokens); return (FALSE); } /* Everything OK so far. Set the value of the array. */ widget->graphChar[Index] = newTokens[0]; freeChtype (newTokens); return (TRUE); } chtype getCDKGraphCharacter (CDKGRAPH *widget, int Index) { return widget->graphChar[Index]; } /* * Set the display type of the graph. */ void setCDKGraphDisplayType (CDKGRAPH *widget, EGraphDisplayType type) { widget->displayType = type; } EGraphDisplayType getCDKGraphDisplayType (CDKGRAPH *widget) { return widget->displayType; } /* * Set the background attribute of the widget. */ static void _setBKattrGraph (CDKOBJS *object, chtype attrib) { if (object != 0) { CDKGRAPH *widget = (CDKGRAPH *)object; wbkgd (widget->win, attrib); } } /* * Move the graph field to the given location. */ static void _moveCDKGraph (CDKOBJS *object, int xplace, int yplace, boolean relative, boolean refresh_flag) { CDKGRAPH *widget = (CDKGRAPH *)object; /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ int currentX = getbegx (widget->win); int currentY = getbegy (widget->win); int xpos = xplace; int ypos = yplace; int xdiff = 0; int ydiff = 0; /* * If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want * to move to. */ if (relative) { xpos = getbegx (widget->win) + xplace; ypos = getbegy (widget->win) + yplace; } /* Adjust the window if we need to. */ alignxy (WindowOf (widget), &xpos, &ypos, widget->boxWidth, widget->boxHeight); /* Get the difference. */ xdiff = currentX - xpos; ydiff = currentY - ypos; /* Move the window to the new location. */ moveCursesWindow (widget->win, -xdiff, -ydiff); moveCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin, -xdiff, -ydiff); /* Touch the windows so they 'move'. */ refreshCDKWindow (WindowOf (widget)); /* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */ if (refresh_flag) { drawCDKGraph (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box); } } /* * Set whether or not the graph will be boxed. */ void setCDKGraphBox (CDKGRAPH *widget, boolean Box) { ObjOf (widget)->box = Box; ObjOf (widget)->borderSize = Box ? 1 : 0; } boolean getCDKGraphBox (CDKGRAPH *widget) { return ObjOf (widget)->box; } /* * Draw the graph widget. */ static void _drawCDKGraph (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKGRAPH *widget = (CDKGRAPH *)object; int adj = 2 + (widget->xtitle == 0 ? 0 : 1); int spacing = 0; chtype attrib = ' ' | A_REVERSE; char temp[100]; int x, y, xpos, ypos, len; /* Box it if needed. */ if (Box) { drawObjBox (widget->win, ObjOf (widget)); } /* Draw in the vertical axis. */ drawLine (widget->win, 2, TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1, 2, widget->boxHeight - 3, ACS_VLINE); /* Draw in the horizontal axis. */ drawLine (widget->win, 3, widget->boxHeight - 3, widget->boxWidth, widget->boxHeight - 3, ACS_HLINE); drawCdkTitle (widget->win, object); /* Draw in the X axis title. */ if (widget->xtitle != 0) { writeChtype (widget->win, 0, widget->xtitlePos, widget->xtitle, VERTICAL, 0, widget->xtitleLen); attrib = widget->xtitle[0] & A_ATTRIBUTES; } /* Draw in the X axis high value. */ sprintf (temp, "%d", widget->maxx); len = (int)strlen (temp); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, 1, TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1, temp, attrib, VERTICAL, 0, len); /* Draw in the X axis low value. */ sprintf (temp, "%d", widget->minx); len = (int)strlen (temp); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, 1, widget->boxHeight - 2 - len, temp, attrib, VERTICAL, 0, len); /* Draw in the Y axis title. */ if (widget->ytitle != 0) { writeChtype (widget->win, widget->ytitlePos, widget->boxHeight - 1, widget->ytitle, HORIZONTAL, 0, widget->ytitleLen); attrib = widget->ytitle[0] & A_ATTRIBUTES; } /* Draw in the Y axis high value. */ sprintf (temp, "%d", widget->count); len = (int)strlen (temp); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, widget->boxWidth - len - adj, widget->boxHeight - 2, temp, attrib, HORIZONTAL, 0, len); /* Draw in the Y axis low value. */ sprintf (temp, "0"); writeCharAttrib (widget->win, 3, widget->boxHeight - 2, temp, attrib, HORIZONTAL, 0, (int)strlen (temp)); /* If the count is zero, then there aren't any points. */ if (widget->count == 0) { wrefresh (widget->win); return; } spacing = (widget->boxWidth - TITLE_LM) / widget->count; /* Draw in the graph line/plot points. */ for (y = 0; y < widget->count; y++) { int colheight = (widget->values[y] / widget->xscale) - 1; /* Add the marker on the Y axis. */ (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, widget->boxHeight - 3, (y + 1) * spacing + adj, ACS_TTEE); /* If this is a plot graph, all we do is draw a dot. */ if (widget->displayType == vPLOT) { xpos = widget->boxHeight - 4 - colheight; ypos = (y + 1) * spacing + adj; (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, xpos, ypos, widget->graphChar[y]); } else { for (x = 0; x <= widget->yscale; x++) { xpos = widget->boxHeight - 3; ypos = (y + 1) * spacing + adj; drawLine (widget->win, ypos, xpos - colheight, ypos, xpos, widget->graphChar[y]); } } } /* Draw in the axis corners. */ (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, TitleLinesOf (widget), 2, ACS_URCORNER); (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, widget->boxHeight - 3, 2, ACS_LLCORNER); (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, widget->boxHeight - 3, widget->boxWidth, ACS_URCORNER); /* Refresh and lets see 'er. */ wrefresh (widget->win); } /* * Destroy the graph widget. */ static void _destroyCDKGraph (CDKOBJS *object) { if (object != 0) { CDKGRAPH *widget = (CDKGRAPH *)object; cleanCdkTitle (object); freeChtype (widget->xtitle); freeChtype (widget->ytitle); freeChtype (widget->graphChar); freeChecked (widget->values); /* Clean the key bindings. */ cleanCDKObjectBindings (vGRAPH, widget); /* Unregister this object. */ unregisterCDKObject (vGRAPH, widget); /* Clean up the windows. */ deleteCursesWindow (widget->win); } } /* * Erase the graph widget from the screen. */ static void _eraseCDKGraph (CDKOBJS *object) { if (validCDKObject (object)) { CDKGRAPH *widget = (CDKGRAPH *)object; eraseCursesWindow (widget->win); } } dummyInject (Graph) dummyFocus (Graph) dummyUnfocus (Graph) dummyRefreshData (Graph) dummySaveData (Graph)