/* OpenDoors 6.10 * (C) Copyright 1991 - 1997 by Brian Pirie. All Rights Reserved. * * * File: ODRes.rc * * Description: OpenDoors resource script. Contains defintions for OpenDoors * menus, dialog boxes, icons, bitmaps, accelerator table and * string resources. This file is only applicable when building * the Win32 version of OpenDoors. * * Revisions: Date Ver Who Change * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Dec 02, 1995 6.00 BP Created. * Jan 01, 1996 6.00 BP Changed copyright to 1996 in About Box * Jan 20, 1996 6.00 BP Added login dialog box. * Jan 21, 1996 6.00 BP Added message dialog box. * Jan 21, 1996 6.00 BP Renamed opendoor.ico to odapp.ico. * Feb 19, 1996 6.00 BP Changed version number to 6.00. * Mar 03, 1996 6.10 BP Begin version 6.10. * Mar 14, 1996 6.10 BP Added configuration menu option. */ #include "windows.h" #include "ODRes.h" /* ========================================================================= */ /* The OpenDoors frame window menu. */ /* ========================================================================= */ IDR_FRAME_MENU MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&Door" BEGIN MENUITEM "C&onfigure..." ID_DOOR_CONFIG MENUITEM "&Chat Mode\tAlt+C", ID_DOOR_CHATMODE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "User &Keyboard Off\tAlt+K", ID_DOOR_USERKEYBOARDOFF MENUITEM "Sysop &Next\tAlt+N", ID_DOOR_SYSOPNEXT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Hangup\tAlt+H", ID_DOOR_HANGUP MENUITEM "&Lockout\tAlt+L", ID_DOOR_LOCKOUT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit To BBS\tAlt+X", ID_DOOR_EXIT END POPUP "&View" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Toolbar", ID_VIEW_TOOL_BAR, CHECKED MENUITEM "Status Bar", ID_VIEW_STAT_BAR, CHECKED END POPUP "&User" BEGIN MENUITEM "Add &One Minute\tShift+Up Arrow", ID_USER_ADDONEMINUTE MENUITEM "Add &Five Minutes\tAlt+Up Arrow", ID_USER_ADDFIVEMINUTES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Subtract One Minute\tShift+Down Arrow", ID_USER_SUBTRACTONEMINUTE MENUITEM "S&ubtract Five Minutes\tAlt+Down Arrow", ID_USER_SUBTRACTFIVEMINUTES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Inactivity Timer", ID_USER_INACTIVITYTIMER , CHECKED END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Contents\tF1" ID_HELP_CONTENTS MENUITEM "&About...", ID_HELP_ABOUT END END /* ========================================================================= */ /* Dialog Boxes. */ /* ========================================================================= */ IDD_ABOUT DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 217, 89 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "About" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN ICON IDI_OPENDOORS,-1,6,7,18,20 LTEXT "BBS Door Program",IDC_DOORNAME,32,5,120,8 LTEXT "",IDC_VERSION,32,14,123,7 LTEXT "",IDC_COPYRIGHT,32,23,119,8 LTEXT "Written using:",-1,31,48,69,8 LTEXT "OpenDoors 6.24, Win32 Edition",-1,31,57,127,8 LTEXT "Copyright \251 1991-1997 by Brian Pirie.",-1,31, 66,139,8,SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "All Rights Reserved.",-1,31,75,90,8 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,161,6,50,14 END IDD_LOGIN DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 194, 80 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "OpenDoors" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "This program has been started in local",-1,6,6,128,8 LTEXT "mode, independently of a BBS system.",-1,6,14,128,8 LTEXT "When operating in this mode, you may",-1,6,22,128,8 LTEXT "specify what name you should be",-1,6,30,128,8 LTEXT "known to the program by.",-1,6,38,128,8 LTEXT "Your &name:",-1,6,52,42,8 EDITTEXT IDC_USER_NAME,6,61,121,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,138,6,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,138,23,50,14 END IDD_MESSAGE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 186, 31 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "OpenDoors" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN ICON IDI_MESSAGE_INFO,IDC_MESSAGE_ICON,6,6,18,20 LTEXT "",IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT1,32,10,149,8 END /* ========================================================================= */ /* Icons. */ /* ========================================================================= */ IDI_OPENDOORS ICON DISCARDABLE "odapp.ico" IDI_MESSAGE_INFO ICON DISCARDABLE "odinfo.ico" /* ========================================================================= */ /* Bitmaps. */ /* ========================================================================= */ IDB_TOOLBAR BITMAP DISCARDABLE "toolbar.bmp" /* ========================================================================= */ /* Accelerator Table. */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* Dumb dumb dumb. IDR_FRAME ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "C", ID_DOOR_CHATMODE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "H", ID_DOOR_HANGUP, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "K", ID_DOOR_USERKEYBOARDOFF, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "L", ID_DOOR_LOCKOUT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", ID_DOOR_SYSOPNEXT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "X", ID_DOOR_EXIT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_DOWN, ID_USER_SUBTRACTFIVEMINUTES, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_DOWN, ID_USER_SUBTRACTONEMINUTE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT VK_F1, ID_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_UP, ID_USER_ADDFIVEMINUTES, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_UP, ID_USER_ADDONEMINUTE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT END */ IDR_FRAME ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "C", ID_DOOR_CHATMODE, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "H", ID_DOOR_HANGUP, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "K", ID_DOOR_USERKEYBOARDOFF, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "L", ID_DOOR_LOCKOUT, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "N", ID_DOOR_SYSOPNEXT, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "X", ID_DOOR_EXIT, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_DOWN, ID_USER_SUBTRACTFIVEMINUTES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_DOWN, ID_USER_SUBTRACTONEMINUTE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT VK_F1, ID_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_UP, ID_USER_ADDFIVEMINUTES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_UP, ID_USER_ADDONEMINUTE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT END /* ========================================================================= */ /* String Resources. */ /* ========================================================================= */ STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN ID_DOOR_CHATMODE "Enters or exits chat mode, allowing you to communicate with the remote user." ID_DOOR_USERKEYBOARDOFF "Causes any keys or commands from the remote user to be ignored." ID_DOOR_SYSOPNEXT "Reserves the system for the sysop after this user logs off (if supported by BBS)." ID_DOOR_HANGUP "Hangs up the modem and exits the door." ID_USER_ADDONEMINUTE "Increases the user's time remaining by one minute." ID_USER_ADDFIVEMINUTES "Increases the user's time remaining by five minutes." ID_USER_SUBTRACTONEMINUTE "Decreases the user's time remaining by one minute." ID_USER_SUBTRACTFIVEMINUTES "Decreases the user's time remaining by five minutes." ID_USER_INACTIVITYTIMER "Enables the timer that will log off the user after a long period of no activity." ID_HELP_ABOUT "Displays program information and copyright." ID_VIEW_TOOL_BAR "Shows or hides the toolbar." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN ID_DOOR_EXIT "Exits the door without hanging up." ID_DOOR_LOCKOUT "Hangs up the modem, denying any further access to the user (if supported by BBS)." ID_VIEW_STAT_BAR "Shows or hides the status bar." END