; Your Node Number MYNODE 4 ; If you are the hub or not (TRUE/FALSE) IMHUB FALSE ; The node number of your uplink (required if IMHUB = FALSE) UPLINK 1 ; The MnetFTPd Host and port of your uplink FTPHOST exoticabbs.com:2121 ; The MnetFTPd Username FTPUSER apam ; The MnetFTPd Password FTPPASS secret ; Your inbound directory INDIR /home/pi/mys_in ; Your outbound directory OUTDIR /home/pi/mys_out ; An origin line For your Messages ORIGINLINE A Cool Mystic BBS! ; Area definitions AreaNo, HostNo, Jam Path, Exports... ; Unless you are a host, this should be filled in by mnetsubunsub ;MSGAREA 1, 1, /home/andrew/mystic/msgs/mn_gen, 2, 3, 4