Hope I didn't break things!
magimail is derived from... CrashMail II The Next Generation! ...a stranger in a strange land... ============ Introduction ============ Welcome to CrashMail II! CrashMail II is basically a more portable version of CrashMail, a tosser for Amiga computers. Users of the old Amiga version will probably find some things familiar while some features are gone such as the ARexx port (for obvious reasons!) and the GUI configuration editor. The only feature that CrashMail II has and the old CrashMail hasn't is support for JAM messagebases. Homepage: Code: Downloads: ========= Copyright ========= Copyright (C) 1998-2004, Johan Billing <> Copyright (C) 1999-2010, Peter Krefting <> Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Robert James Clay <> Copyright (C) 2013, Lars Kellogg-Stedman <> JAMLIB is copyright (c) 1999 Björn Stenberg. JAMLIB is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, See src/jamlib/jamlib.doc for more information. tests/roundup is copyright (c) 2010 Blake Mizerany - MIT License Except where explicitly stated otherwise, all other parts of CrashMail are copyright 1998-2004 Johan Billing. Permission to use, copy and distribute CrashMail is granted provided that this copyright notice is included. Permission to modify CrashMail is granted. Distributing modified versions of CrashMail is allowed provided that the documentation clearly states that it is a modified version. Parts of CrashMail may be freely used in other projects as long as the documentation mentions the original copyright holder. ================ Acknowledgements ================ Many thanks to Björn Stenberg for creating the excellent subroutine library JAMLIB which CrashMail uses for handling JAM messagebases. Thanks for Peter Karlsson for porting CrashMail II to OS/2 and the man pages. ============= Documentation ============= The documentation is very brief and CrashMail probably isn't the ideal choice for Fidonet beginners. All documentation of the available keywords in the configuration file can be found in the doc/example.prefs file, and other information can be found in the doc/ReadMe.txt file.. ========= Platforms ========= This version of CrashMail can be compiled for Win32, Linux and OS/2; see the INSTALL file for details. If you are interested in running CrashMail on another platform, please contact me if you are willing to do the work necessary to adapt CrashMail to your platform. The amount of work required mostly depends on whether your C-compiler supports some common POSIX-functions which CrashMail uses.