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2017-03-19 07:49:46 +10:00

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/* OpenDoors Online Software Programming Toolkit
* (C) Copyright 1991 - 1999 by Brian Pirie.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* File: ODInEx.h
* Description: OpenDoors initialization and shutdown operations
* (od_init() and od_exit()), including drop file I/O.
* Revisions: Date Ver Who Change
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Nov 22, 1995 6.00 BP Created.
* Nov 23, 1995 6.00 BP 32-bit portability.
* Dec 03, 1995 6.00 BP Win32 port.
* Jan 19, 1996 6.00 BP Don't use atexit() under Win32.
* Jan 19, 1996 6.00 BP Make ODInitError() a shared function.
* Jan 20, 1996 6.00 BP Prompt for user name if force_local.
* Feb 02, 1996 6.00 BP Added RA 2.50 EXITINFO.BBS support.
* Feb 19, 1996 6.00 BP Changed version number to 6.00.
* Feb 20, 1996 6.00 BP Added bParsedCmdLine.
* Feb 21, 1996 6.00 BP Don't override command line options.
* Feb 21, 1996 6.00 BP Force single-byte structure alignment.
* Feb 23, 1996 6.00 BP Make DTR disable code shared.
* Mar 03, 1996 6.10 BP Begin version 6.10.
#ifndef _INC_ODINEX
#define _INC_ODINEX
#include "ODPlat.h"
/* Drop file structures. */
/* Force byte alignment, if possible */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#if(__TURBOC__ >= 0x295)
#pragma option -a-
#endif /* __TURBOC__ >= 0x295 */
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(1)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
typedef struct
WORD baud;
DWORD num_calls;
char last_caller[36];
char sLastHandle[36]; /* New to RA 2.50 */
char extra1[92];
char start_date[9];
WORD busyperhour[24];
WORD busyperday[7];
char name[36];
char location[26];
char organisation[51];
char address[3][51];
char handle[36];
char comment[81];
DWORD password_crc;
char dataphone[16];
char homephone[16];
char lasttime[6];
char lastdate[9];
BYTE attrib;
BYTE attrib2;
char flags[4];
DWORD credit;
DWORD pending;
WORD posted;
WORD sec;
DWORD lastread;
DWORD nocalls;
DWORD ups;
DWORD downs;
DWORD upk;
DWORD downk;
DWORD todayk;
INT16 elapsed;
WORD screenlen;
char lastpwdchange;
WORD group;
WORD combinedrecord[200];
char firstcall[9];
char birthday[9];
char subdate[9];
BYTE screenwidth;
BYTE language;
BYTE dateformat;
char forwardto[36];
WORD msgarea;
WORD filearea;
BYTE default_protocol;
WORD file_group;
BYTE last_dob_check;
BYTE sex;
DWORD xirecord;
WORD msg_group;
BYTE btAttribute3; /* New to RA 2.50. */
char sPassword[16]; /* New to RA 2.50. */
BYTE extra2[31];
char status;
char starttime[6];
char errorlevel;
char days;
char forced;
char lasttimerun[9];
char netmailentered;
char echomailentered;
char logintime[6];
char logindate[9];
INT16 timelimit;
DWORD loginsec;
WORD userrecord;
WORD readthru;
WORD numberpages;
WORD downloadlimit;
char timeofcreation[6];
DWORD logonpasswordcrc;
BYTE wantchat;
INT16 deducted_time;
char menustack[50][9];
BYTE menustackpointer;
char extra3[200];
BYTE error_free;
BYTE sysop_next;
char emsi_session;
char emsi_crtdef[41];
char emsi_protocols[41];
char emsi_capabilities[41];
char emsi_requests[41];
char emsi_software[41];
BYTE hold_attr1;
BYTE hold_attr2;
BYTE hold_len;
char page_reason[81];
BYTE status_line;
char last_cost_menu[9];
WORD menu_cost_per_min;
BYTE has_avatar;
BYTE has_rip;
BYTE btRIPVersion; /* New to RA 2.50. */
BYTE btExtraSpace[85];
} tRA2ExitInfoRecord;
typedef struct
WORD baud;
DWORD num_calls;
char last_caller[36];
char extraspace[128];
char start_date[9];
WORD busyperhour[24];
WORD busyperday[7];
char uname[36];
char uloc[26];
char password[16];
char dataphone[13];
char homephone[13];
char lasttime[6];
char lastdate[9];
BYTE attrib;
BYTE flags[4];
WORD credit;
WORD pending;
WORD posted;
WORD lastread;
WORD sec;
WORD nocalls;
WORD ups;
WORD downs;
WORD upk;
WORD downk;
WORD todayk;
WORD elapsed;
WORD screenlen;
BYTE lastpwdchange;
BYTE attrib2;
BYTE group;
WORD xirecord;
char extra2[3];
char status;
char starttime[6];
char errorlevel;
char days;
char forced;
char lasttimerun[9];
char netmailentered;
char echomailentered;
char logintime[6];
char logindate[9];
WORD timelimit;
DWORD loginsec;
DWORD net_credit;
WORD userrecord;
WORD readthru;
WORD numberpages;
WORD downloadlimint;
char timeofcreation[6];
char logonpassword[16];
char wantchat;
} ra;
char qwantchat;
char gosublevel;
char menustack[20][9];
char menu[9];
BYTE screenclear;
BYTE moreprompts;
BYTE graphicsmode;
BYTE externedit;
INT16 screenlength;
BYTE mnpconnect;
char chatreason[49];
BYTE externlogoff;
BYTE ansicapable;
BYTE ripactive;
BYTE extraspace[199];
} qbbs;
} bbs;
} tExitInfoRecord;
typedef struct
INT16 deducted_time;
char menustack[50][9];
char menustackpointer;
char userhandle[36];
char comment[81];
char firstcall[9];
char combinedrecord[25];
char birthday[9];
char subdate[9];
BYTE screenwidth;
BYTE msgarea;
BYTE filearea;
BYTE language;
BYTE dateformat;
char forwardto[36];
char extra_space[43];
char error_free;
char sysop_next;
char emsi_session;
char emsi_crtdef[41];
char emsi_protocols[41];
char emsi_capabilities[41];
char emsi_requests[41];
char emsi_software[41];
char hold_attr1;
char hold_attr2;
char hold_len;
char extr_space[100];
} tExtendedExitInfo;
struct _pcbsys
char display[2]; /* "-1" = On, " 0" = Off */
char printer[2];
char pagebell[2];
char calleralarm[2];
char sysopflag; /* ' ', 'N'=sysop next, 'X'=exit to dos */
char errorcorrection[2];
char graphicsmode; /* 'Y'=Yes, 'N'=No, '7'=7E1 */
char nodechat; /* 'A'=available, 'U'=unavailable */
char dteportspeed[5];
char connectspeed[5]; /* "Local"=local mode */
WORD recordnum;
char firstname[15];
char password[15];
INT16 logontimeval; /* minutes since midnight */
INT16 todayused; /* -ve # of minutes */
char logontime[5];
INT16 timeallowed;
WORD kallowed;
char conference;
char joined[5];
char scanned[5];
INT16 conferenceaddtime;
INT16 creditminutes;
char languageext[4];
char fullname[25];
INT16 minutesremaining;
char node; /* ' ' if no network */
char eventtime[5];
char eventactive[2];
char slideevent[2];
DWORD memmessage;
char comport; /* 0=none, 1-8 */
char reserved1[2];
char useansi; /* 1 = yes, 0 = no */
char lasteventdate[8];
WORD lasteventminute;
char dosexit;
char eventupcoming;
char stopuploads;
WORD conferencearea;
struct _userssyshdr
WORD Version; /* PCBoard version number (i.e. 145) */
DWORD RecNo; /* Record number from USER's file */
WORD SizeOfRec; /* Size of "fixed" user record */
WORD NumOfAreas; /* Number of conference areas (Main=1) */
WORD NumOfBitFields; /* Number of Bit Map fields for conferences */
WORD SizeOfBitFields; /* Size of each Bit Map field */
char AppName[15]; /* Name of the Third Party Application */
WORD AppVersion; /* Version number for the application */
WORD AppSizeOfRec; /* Size of a "fixed length" record (if any) */
WORD AppSizeOfConfRec; /* Size of each conference record (if any) */
DWORD AppRecOffset; /* Offset of AppRec into USERS.INF record */
char Updated; /* TRUE if USERS.SYS has been updated */
struct _pcbflags
int Dirty :1; /* Dirty Flag (meaning file has been updated) */
int MsgClear :1; /* User's choice for screen clear after messages */
int HasMail :1; /* Indicates if NEW mail has been left for user */
int Reserved :5;
struct _pcbdate
int Day :5; /* 5 bit integer representing the Day */
int Month :4; /* 4 bit integer representing the Month */
int Year :7; /* 7 bit integer representing the Year MINUS 80 */
struct _userssysrec
char Name[26]; /* Name (NULL terminated) */
char City[25]; /* City (NULL terminated) */
char Password[13]; /* Password (NULL terminated) */
char BusDataPhone[14]; /* Business or Data Phone (NULL terminated) */
char HomeVoicePhone[14];/* Home or Voice Phone (NULL terminated) */
WORD LastDateOn; /* Julian date for the Last Date On */
char LastTimeOn[6]; /* Last Time On (NULL Terminated) */
char ExpertMode; /* 1=Expert, 0=Novice */
char Protocol; /* Protocol (A thru Z) */
struct _pcbflags PackedFlags;
struct _pcbdate DateLastDirRead;
INT16 SecurityLevel; /* Security Level */
WORD NumTimesOn; /* Number of times the caller has connected */
char PageLen; /* Page Length when display data on the screen */
WORD NumUploads; /* Total number of FILES uploaded */
WORD NumDownloads; /* Total number of FILES downloaded */
DWORD DailyDnldBytes; /* Number of BYTES downloaded so far today */
char UserComment[31]; /* Comment field #1 (NULL terminated) */
char SysopComment[31]; /* Comment field #1 (NULL terminated) */
INT16 ElapsedTimeOn; /* Number of minutes online */
WORD RegExpDate; /* Julian date for Registration Expiration Date */
INT16 ExpSecurityLevel; /* Expired Security Level */
WORD LastConference; /* Number of the conference the caller was in */
DWORD TotDnldBytes; /* Total number of BYTES downloaded */
DWORD TotUpldBytes; /* Total number of BYTES uploaded */
char DeleteFlag; /* 1=delete this record, 0=keep */
DWORD RecNum; /* Record Number in USERS.INF file */
char Reserved[9]; /* Bytes 391-399 from the USERS file */
DWORD MsgsRead; /* Number of messages the user has read in PCB */
DWORD MsgsLeft; /* Number of messages the user has left in PCB */
/* Restore original structure alignment, if possible. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack()
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
/* od_init() and od_exit() global helper functons. */
#ifndef ODPLAT_WIN32
void ODAtExitCallback(void);
#endif /* !ODPLAT_WIN32 */
INT ODWriteExitInfoPrimitive(FILE *pfDropFile, INT nCount);
BOOL ODReadExitInfoPrimitive(FILE *pfDropFile, INT nCount);
INT ODSearchForDropFile(char **papszFileNames, INT nNumFileNames,
char *pszFound, char *pszDirectory);
void ODInitError(char *pszErrorText);
#ifdef ODPLAT_WIN32
BOOL CALLBACK ODInitLoginDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
void ODInExDisableDTR(void);
#endif /* ODPLAT_WIN32 */
/* Global variables. */
extern WORD wODNodeNumber;
extern BOOL bIsCoSysop;
extern BOOL bIsSysop;
extern char *apszDropFileInfo[25];
extern BYTE btExitReason;
extern DWORD dwForcedBPS;
extern INT nForcedPort;
extern DWORD dwFileBPS;
extern char szDropFilePath[120];
extern char szExitinfoBBSPath[120];
extern INT16 nInitialElapsed;
extern char *szOriginalDir;
extern BYTE btDoorSYSLock;
extern time_t nStartupUnixTime;
extern INT16 nInitialRemaining;
extern BOOL bSysopNameSet;
extern char szForcedSysopName[40];
extern BOOL bSystemNameSet;
extern char szForcedSystemName[40];
extern BOOL bUserFull;
extern BOOL bCalledFromConfig;
extern tRA2ExitInfoRecord *pRA2ExitInfoRecord;
extern tExitInfoRecord *pExitInfoRecord;
extern tExtendedExitInfo *pExtendedExitInfo;
extern struct _pcbsys *pPCBoardSysRecord;
extern struct _userssyshdr *pUserSysHeader;
extern struct _userssysrec *pUserSysRecord;
extern BOOL bPreOrExit;
extern BOOL bRAStatus;
extern BOOL bPromptForUserName;
extern BOOL bParsedCmdLine;
extern WORD wPreSetInfo;
#ifdef ODPLAT_WIN32
extern tODThreadHandle hFrameThread;
#endif /* ODPLAT_WIN32 */
/* wPreSetInfo flags. */
#define PRESET_BPS 0x0001
#define PRESET_PORT 0x0002
#endif /* _INC_ODINEX */