Merged updates from old site
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Just press the *Connect* button below, and create an account. The first time you
Options.Enter = '\r';
Options.Enter = '\r';
Options.Font = 'CP437';
Options.Font = 'CP437';
Options.ForceWss = true;
Options.ForceWss = true;
Options.Hostname = '';
Options.Hostname = '';
Options.LocalEcho = false;
Options.LocalEcho = false;
Options.Port = 443;
Options.Port = 443;
Options.ProxyHostname = '';
Options.ProxyHostname = '';
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Just press the *Connect* button below, and create an account. The first time you
Options.ProxyPortSecure = 443;
Options.ProxyPortSecure = 443;
Options.ScreenColumns = 80;
Options.ScreenColumns = 80;
Options.ScreenRows = 25;
Options.ScreenRows = 25;
Options.WebSocketUrlPath = '/ws/chinwag/23';
Options.WebSocketUrlPath = '/ws/alterant/23';
Options.SplashScreen = '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';
Options.SplashScreen = 'G1swbRtbMzBt2xtbMTszN23aIL/Cv7Pav9q/2sK/wr8bWzBtIBtbMW3DLdq/G1swbSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgsyAgICAgICDc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3NwNChtbMzBt2xtbMzdts7Ozw9mzsyCzs7Mgs8PZG1szMG3bG1szN22zILOzICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICCzICAgICAgIN6z8PDw8PDw8PDw8PDw8PDwsw0KG1szMG3bG1sxbcDB2cHZwMDZwNnAINnB2RtbMG0gG1sxOzMwbcDZwNkbWzBtIBtbMTszMG36+vobWzBtICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgILMgICAgICAg3rMgICAgICAgIBtbMW3c3BtbMG0gICAbWzFtLhtbMG0gsw0KG1sxOzMwbSAgG1szN23c3MS/3NzaxNzcxL/c3MS/3NzEv9zcxL/c3MS/2sTc3MS/G1swbSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgsyAgICAgICDesyAgIC4gICAbWzFt29vb2xtbMG0gICAgsw0KG1sxbSAgG1s0N22yG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gG1szN22zG1s0N22yG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gIBtbMzc7NDdtshtbMzBtsBtbNDBtICAbWzM3OzQ3bbIbWzMwbbAbWzQwbSAgG1szNzs0N22yG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gG1szN22zG1s0N22yG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gG1szN22zG1s0N22yG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gG1szN22zICAbWzQ3bbIbWzMwbbAbWzQwbSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzBtsyAgICAgICDesyAbWzFtLhtbMG0gICAgICAbWzFt398bWzBtICAgLiCzDQobWzE7MzBtICAbWzM3OzQ3bbEbWzMwbbAbWzM3OzQwbcS0G1s0N22xG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gIBtbMzc7NDdtsRtbMzBtsBtbNDBtICAbWzM3OzQ3bbEbWzMwbbAbWzM3OzQwbcQgG1s0N22xG1szMG2wG1szNzs0MG3E2RtbNDdtsRtbMzBtsBtbMzc7NDBtxLQbWzQ3bbEbWzMwbbAbWzQwbSAbWzM3bbMgIBtbNDdtsRtbMzBtsBtbNDBtICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMG2zICAgICAgIN6zICAgLiAgIBtbMW0uG1swbSAgIBtbMW0uG1swbSAgILMNChtbMTszMG0gIBtbMzc7NDdtsBtbMzBtsBtbNDBtIBtbMzdtsxtbNDdtsBtbMzBtsBtbNDBtIBtbMzdtsxtbNDdtsBtbMzBtsBtbNDBtICAbWzM3OzQ3bbAbWzMwbbAbWzQwbSAbWzM3bbMbWzQ3bbAbWzMwbbAbWzM3OzQwbcC/G1s0N22wG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gG1szN22zG1s0N22wG1szMG2wG1s0MG0gG1szN22zICAbWzQ3bbAbWzMwbbAbWzQwbSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMzZt3NwbWzMyOzQ2bdwbWzM2bdzc3BtbMzJt3BtbMzY7NDBt3NwbWzBtICAg3rMgG1sxbS4bWzBtICAgIBtbMW0uG1swbSAgIBtbMW0uG1swbSAgICCzDQogICAgICDExMTZIBtbMTszMG0uG1swbSAgxMTE2SAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1szNm3f398bWzMybd8bWzM2bd8bWzE7Mzc7NDZt3NzcG1swOzM2bd8bWzMybd8bWzM2bd/f3xtbMzdtIN6zICAgG1sxbS4bWzBtICAgICAgLiAbWzFtLhtbMG0gILMNCiAgIBtbMTszMG3Cv7/a2r/av7/av8K/ICAgICAgG1swbdrEG1sxbdwg3L8g3L8g2sTcICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzBt3rMgICAgICAgLiAgICAgICCzDQogICAbWzE7MzBt2SDB2dnZ2dnZ2dnBtPr6+htbMG0gICDAxNwg28C/28C/wMTcICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICDfwMTE3BtbMW3cG1swbdzExMTExMTExMTE2Q0KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzE7MzBtxNkgICAgICAbWzBt38QbWzE7MzBt3yDfG1szN23E2RtbMzBt3xtbMzdtxNnfxBtbMzBt3yAgICAgICAgICAbWzA7MzNt3LKy29uy29wbWzM3bSAgICAgICAgICAgG1sxOzM2bd4bWzMwOzQ3bbMbWzM3bd0bWzMwbbPdG1szN23b398bWzBt3NwNCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1szM23estuyG1sxOzMxOzQzbdwbWzQwbdsbWzQ3bSAbWzA7MzA7NDdt/htbMzc7NDBtICAgICAgICAgICAgG1sxOzM2bdsbWzMwOzQ3bbMbWzM3bd0bWzMwbbPdG1szN23dICAgICAbWzBt29wNCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1szM23estsbWzE7MzE7NDNt3BtbNDBtstvb298bWzBtICAgICAgICAgICAbWzE7MzZt2xtbMzA7NDdtsxtbMG3bG1sxOzMwOzQ3bbPdG1szN23dICAbWzA7MzA7NDdt8PAbWzM3OzQwbduysg0KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1szM23fG1sxOzMxOzQzbdwbWzQwbbKy29vcG1swbSAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMTszNm3bG1szMDs0N22zG1swbdsbWzE7MzA7NDdts90gIBtbMG3b27IbWzE7MzA7NDdt3BtbMG0NCiAgICAbWzE7MzZtVEVMTkVUOhtbMG0gG1sxbWFsdGVyYW50LmxlZW5vb2tzLm5ldBtbMG0gICAgICAgICAgICAgG1sxbdwbWzMxOzQ3bd/f3xtbMG0gICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMTszNm3eG1szMDs0N22zG1swbdsbWzE7MzA7NDdts90bWzBtshtbMTszMDs0N23c3BtbNDBtsrKy3xtbMG0NCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMTszMG3cG1szNzs0N22yG1s0MG3bG1s0N23fG1s0MG3b29wgICAgG1swOzMwbdsbWzE7MzFt3BtbMDszMG3bG1sxOzMxbdzcG1swOzMwbdsgICAbWzM3bd/fG1sxOzMwOzQ3bdwbWzQwbdyysrKy3NwbWzBtDQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzE7MzBt3BtbMzdt3BtbMzBtsrIbWzM3bdvbG1s0N23c3xtbMzFt3BtbNDBtsrLc3Nzb29/cG1swOzMwbdvb2yAbWzFtLRtbMG3bG1sxOzMwOzQ3bd0gICAgICAgG1swbbIbWzMxOzQ3bdwbWzM3OzQwbbINCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzFt3htbMzBt37IbWzM3OzQ3bbEbWzQwbdsbWzQ3bbGyG1s0MG3bIBtbMzFt39/f3yAbWzM3bdwbWzQ3bdzc3Nzc3BtbNDBt3BtbNDdt3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3NzcG1s0MG3c3BtbMG0NCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzFt3iAg39sbWzQ0bd8bWzM0bbAgsbCwG1swOzM0bdvcICAgG1sxOzM3OzQ3bdsbWzBtICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMTs0N23bG1swbQ0KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIN4bWzFt3BtbMzA7NDdt39/f39/fG1s0MG3f3xtbMzQ7NDRtsbAgG1s0MG0gICAbWzM3OzQ3bd0bWzBtICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMTs0N23dG1swbQ0KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIBtbMW3bICAgG1szNDs0NG2wILEbWzQwbSAgIBtbMzc7NDdt3RtbMG0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1sxOzQ3bd0bWzBtDQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1sxOzQ3bd0bWzQwbSAgIBtbMDszNDs0N23bG1sxOzMwOzQ0bdwbWzA7MzRt3yAgIBtbMTszNzs0N23dG1swbSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAbWzE7NDdt3RtbMG0NCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgG1sxOzMwbdwbWzM3bd8bWzBt3xtbMTszMDs0N23cG1swbd8bWzFt3xtbMzA7NDdt3BtbMzc7NDBt398bWzMwbdvbG1s0N23fG1s0MG3b29wbWzBt2xtbMW3c3NzcG1swbdzc3NzcG1sxbdwbWzBt3BtbMW3cG1swbdzcG1sxbdzcG1s0N23dG1swbQ0K';
var fTelnet = new fTelnetClient('fTelnetContainer', Options);
var fTelnet = new fTelnetClient('fTelnetContainer', Options);
<script src="/libs/zoomooz/js/jquery.zoomooz.min.js"></script>
<script src="/libs/zoomooz/js/jquery.zoomooz.min.js"></script>
@ -1,30 +1,38 @@
title: About Docker
title: About Docker
date: 2018-10-30 22:43:01
date: 2020-04-01 22:43:01
thumbnail: /images/docker.png
thumbnail: /images/docker.png
comments: false
comments: false
- Docker
- Docker
Getting started with docker may seem complex, but here is some info that might help you get started.
Getting started with docker may seem complex, but here is some info that might help you get started. There are some fundamentals that you should understand too - if anything to save any heartache later. :)
## What is Docker
## What is Docker
Docker is "like" virtualisation in that your application runs in it's own space, and thinks it is the only application running in that space (as if it were on a physical machine).
Docker is "like" virtualisation in that your application runs in it's own space, and thinks it is the only application running in that space (as if it were on a physical machine).
In reality, Docker is process separation - it is your application running on the same host as docker is running, but docker puts it in a jail.
In reality, Docker is process separation - it is your application running on the same host with other applications, but docker puts each in a jail.
## Docker Components (or Terms)
## Docker Components (or Terms)
* Image - represents an application, specifically a version of an application. When an image is built with `docker build` it has everything it needs for the application to run. All dependencies (libraries, binaries, utilities, etc) are packaged up into the image.
* Image - represents an application, specifically a version of an application. When an image is built with `docker build` it has everything it needs for the application to run. All dependencies (libraries, binaries, utilities, etc) are packaged up into the image.
Generally, you use an image to run one or more containers of that image - but you don't "upgrade" the application inside the image, instead you build a new image. So its not uncommon to have images of application:v1, and application:v1.1.
Generally, you use an image to run one or more containers of that image - but you don't "upgrade" the application inside the image, instead you build a new image. So its not uncommon to have images of application:v1, and application:v1.1.
A good way to relate to this, is using a "Live CD-ROM" analogy. A live CD-ROM is an OS, and often with applications, that is burnt to a CD (or DVD). Once the CD is written, it's contents cannot be changed.
However, you can make many copies of that CD, and use it on many physical machines, to have the "same" environment across multiple physical hosts.
A docker image, is like a "Live CD-ROM". From that image, you can start many containers, and each container is exactly the same as any other - the only difference being, is that the containers can all be on the same host, or across multiple hosts.
Also like a "Live CD-ROM" - the containers contents can be changed while it's running (just like you can author a document on a live CD-ROM environment, if it contains a word processor). But when you destroy the container (like powering of the live CD-ROM PC) - all changed data is lost, unless you store it on a specific persistent storage volume.
* Container - represents a running instance of an image - like a "virtual machine". You can run many containers of the same image, and it would be like running many "instances" of the application on the same computing cluster.
* Container - represents a running instance of an image - like a "virtual machine". You can run many containers of the same image, and it would be like running many "instances" of the application on the same computing cluster.
By design, containers are intended to be created and destroyed often. In fact, when you get into using "clustering" (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, etc) - your containers are often destroyed as they float between physical machines.
By design, containers are intended to be created and destroyed often. In fact, when you get into using "clustering" (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, etc) - your containers are often destroyed as they float between physical machines. Your container is also destroyed, when you use an "updated" image (which might represent an updated version of an application).
Because of this, there are important considerations relating to the data inside your container - if you need that data to persist between invocations of a container.
Because of this, there are important considerations relating to the data inside your container - if you need that data to persist between invocations of a container.
* Registry - this is an "App Store" of Images.
* Registry - this is an "App Store" of "Docker Images" (where built images can be stored for easily deployment).
## Why Docker
## Why Docker
Docker is great for many reasons:
Docker is great for many reasons:
@ -10,7 +10,14 @@ tags:
date: 2018-09-01 12:00:00
date: 2018-09-01 12:00:00
[Mystic BBS]( is great software to get up and running and get (back) into the BBS scene.
<div class="badge btn-danger" style="background-color: #ac2925;color: white; padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em;padding-top: 0.4em;padding-bottom: 0.4em;">UPDATE: I no longer maintain these docker images. I've fallen out of love with Mystic, and while it is a good software package to get "back into" BBSING, it has a few bugs that impacted how I wanted to use it, that the author may fix one day (or may not).
The author also is not very responsive to feedback, and IMHO too hot headed (so its not worth the grief). There are other BBS packages out there that are well supported (for example Synchronet) and still have a wide usage base and updated often.
That said, there are a wealth of mods created by the BBS community, that do make for some interesting Mystic BBSes.</div>
[Mystic BBS]( is good software to get up and running and get (back) into the BBS scene.
There is a wealth of information on the [wiki](, or you can even go through [*Mystic Guy's* YouTube videos](
There is a wealth of information on the [wiki](, or you can even go through [*Mystic Guy's* YouTube videos](
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
@ -2,21 +2,22 @@
title: FidoNet Networks
title: FidoNet Networks
date: 2018-09-03 17:24:36
date: 2018-09-03 17:24:36
My BBS's are a member of the following networks.
My BBS's are a member of the following FTN networks.
| Network | Address |
| Network | Address |
| - | - |
| - | - |
| DoreNet | 44:61/1 [*] |
| DoreNet | 44:61/0 |
| FidoNet | 3:633/509 |
| FidoNet | 3:633/509 |
| fsxNet | 21:2/116 |
| fsxNet | 21:2/116 |
| GameNet | 32:10/1 [*] |
| GameNet | 32:10/1 |
| LinuxNet | 110:40/2 [*] |
| microNet | 618:510/10 |
| microNet | 618:510/10 [*] |
| piNet | 314:314/180 |
| piNet | 314:314/180 |
| RetroNet | 80:774/87 |
| RetroNet | 80:774/87 |
| Sysop Tech Net | 111:8613/1 [*] |
| SciNet | 77:3/101 |
| tqwNet | 1337:2/101 [*] |
| tqwNet | 1337:2/101 |
| VKRadio | 432:1/142 |
| VideotexNet | 516:1/1 |
[*] I hub for these networks, so you can connect to join these networks and also get some echos from me!
I also pick up mail from DoveNet and DevelopmentNet using QWK.
If you want to send me a message, address it to `deon` at one of those network addresses above.
If you want to send me a message, address it to `deon` at one of those network addresses above.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user