var FRAME_ANSI = (1<<1); load('ansitex/load/frame-page.js'); // Our frame object function FrameAnsi() { PageFrame.apply(this,arguments); /* File Extension used for frames */ this.settings.ext = 'tex'; /* Length of a frame */ this.settings.FRAME_LENGTH = 22; /* Width of a frame */ this.settings.FRAME_WIDTH = 80; /* Size of page owner (length) */ this.settings.FRAME_HEADER = 56; /* Size of page number (length with a-z) */ this.settings.FRAME_PAGENUM = 12; /* Size of cost (length without unit) */ this.settings.FRAME_COST = 9; this.settings.MSG_SENDORNOT = '\1n\1h\1GKEY 1 TO SEND, 2 NOT TO SEND'; this.settings.MSG_LOGON = '\1n\1h\1GKEY 1 TO LOGON, 2 TO RETURN'; this.settings.MSG_SENT = '\1n\1h\1GMESSAGE SENT - KEY # TO CONTINUE'; this.settings.MSG_NOTSENT = '\1n\1h\1GMESSAGE NOT SENT - KEY # TO CONTINUE'; this.settings.ERR_NO_PARENT = '\1n\1h\1RPARENT FRAME DOESNT EXIST'; this.settings.ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = '\1n\1h\1RNOT IMPLEMENTED YET?'; this.settings.ERR_ROUTE = '\1n\1h\1WMISTAKE? \1GTRY AGAIN OR TELL US ON *08'; this.settings.ERR_METHOD_NOT_EXIST = '\1n\1h\1WMISTAKE? \1GTRY AGAIN OR TELL US ON *08'; this.settings.ACCESS_DENIED = '\1n\1h\1RACCESS DENIED. MISTAKE? TRY AGAIN OR TELL US *08'; this.settings.ALREADY_MEMBER = '\1n\1h\1RALREADY MEMBER OF CUG' this.settings.INACTIVITY = '\1n\1h\1RINACTIVITY ALERT, DISCONNECT PENDING...'; this.settings.INACTIVE = '\1n\1h\1RINACTIVITY DISCONNECT'; this.settings.NOACTION = '\1n\1h\1RNO ACTION PERFORMED'; this.settings.BASESTAR = '\1N\1G\1H*'; this.settings.INVALID_CODE = '\1n\1h\1RINVAID CODE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.TOKEN_EMAIL = '\1n\1h\1RTOKEN EMAILED TO YOU...'; this.settings.TOKEN_SENT = '\1n\1h\1RTOKEN SENT, PLEASE ENTER TOKEN'; this.settings.INVALID_EMAIL = '\1n\1h\1RINVAID EMAIL, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.INVALID_UID = '\1n\1h\1RINVAID USER ID, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.CANNOT_SEND_TOKEN = '\1n\1h\1RCANNOT SEND VALIDATION CODE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.USER_EXISTS = '\1n\1h\1RERROR USER EXISTS, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.USER_CREATE_ERROR = '\1n\1h\1RERROR CREATING USER, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.LOGIN_ERROR = '\1n\1h\1RERROR LOGGING IN, PLEASE TRY AGAIN *00'; this.settings.CANCEL_MSG = '\1n\1h\1GPRESS 2 TO CANCEL'; /** * Set the attribute at the current position */ this.attr=function(field) { console.write(ascii(27)+'['+field.i+';'+field.f+';'+field.b+'m'); } /** * Turn off the cursor */ this.cursorOff=function() { ansi.send('ext_mode','clear','cursor'); this.gotoxy(0,24); } this.cursorOn=function(x,y) { ansi.send('ext_mode','set','cursor'); this.gotoxy(x,y); } // Field backspace, that leaves the field filler char this.fieldbs=function(char) { console.write(ascii(27)+'[D'+char+ascii(27)+'[D'); } this.gotoxy=function(x,y) { console.gotoxy(x,y); } // Render the frame to the user this.render=function(withoutHeader) { log(LOG_DEBUG,'- ANSI FRAME'); owner = base64_decode(this.owner); const frame = new Frame(1,1,this.settings.FRAME_WIDTH,this.settings.FRAME_LENGTH+2,LIGHTGRAY);; // Dont show the page number on system login page if ((! withoutHeader) && (user.number || (this.type !== FRAME_TYPE_LOGIN && NO_HISTORY_FRAMES.indexOf( === -1))) { log(LOG_DEBUG,' - Owner: ['+this.pageowner+']'); cost = (this.isAccessible ? this.cost+FRAME_COSTUNIT : ' -'); header = '\1n'+this.pageownerlogo+' '.repeat(this.settings.FRAME_HEADER-console.strlen(this.pageownerlogo))+'\1n '+ (this.isAccessible ? 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'\n\r' : ''); frame.putmsg(header); } contentgraphic = new Graphic(this.settings.FRAME_WIDTH); contentgraphic.auto_extend = true; contentgraphic.atcodes = false; contentgraphic.ANSI = this.parse(base64_decode(this.content)); var contentframe = new Frame(1,2,this.settings.FRAME_WIDTH,this.settings.FRAME_LENGTH,LIGHTGRAY,frame);; contentframe.lf_strict = false; contentframe.atcodes = false; contentframe.word_wrap = false contentframe.putmsg(contentgraphic.MSG) contentframe.scrollTo(0,0); frame.cycle(); return contentframe; }; this.qrcode=function(qr,subframe) { // SMALL Image var full = ascii(0xdb); var top = ascii(0xdf); var bot = ascii(0xdc); var blank = ' '; var qrcode = ''; /* // Render the top line var line = ascii(27)+'[1;37m'+bot; for (var y = 0; y < qr.size; y++) { line += bot; } qrcode += line+bot+bot+ascii(27)+'[0m'+"\r\n"; */ // Render the body for (var x = -1; x < qr.size; x=x+2) { line = ascii(27)+'[1;37m'+full; for (var y = 0; y < qr.size; y++) { // Top is white if (! 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ERROR: Unable to create TEX file for '; exit(1); } w.write(JSON.stringify(this)); w.close(); log(LOG_DEBUG,'Saved file: ''.tex'); } /** * Send a message to the baseline. * * @param text * @param reposition */ this.sendBaseline=function(text,reposition) { console.pushxy(); console.gotoxy(0,24); console.print(this.getMessage(text)); console.cleartoeol(); if (! reposition) { console.popxy(); } } this.clearBaseline=function(reposition) { console.pushxy(); console.gotoxy(0,24); console.print(''); console.cleartoeol(); if (! reposition) { console.popxy(); } } } FrameAnsi.prototype = PageFrame.prototype; FrameAnsi.prototype.constructor = FrameAnsi;