// Array of page owners pageowners = []; // String repeat. if (!String.prototype.repeat) { String.prototype.repeat = function(count) { 'use strict'; if (this === null) { throw new TypeError('can\'t convert ' + this + ' to object'); } var str = '' + this; count = +count; if (count !== count) { count = 0; } if (count < 0) { throw new RangeError('repeat count must be non-negative: '+count); } if (count === Infinity) { throw new RangeError('repeat count must be less than infinity'); } count = Math.floor(count); if (str.length === 0 || count === 0) { return ''; } // Ensuring count is a 31-bit integer allows us to heavily optimize the // main part. But anyway, most current (August 2014) browsers can't handle // strings 1 << 28 chars or longer, so: if (str.length * count >= 1 << 28) { throw new RangeError('repeat count must not overflow maximum string size'); } var rpt = ''; for (;;) { if ((count & 1) === 1) { rpt += str; } count >>>= 1; if (count === 0) { break; } str += str; } return rpt; }; } /* // Cant enable this - problem with frame.js, line 451. c.open not a function // Group By if (!Array.prototype.groupby) { Array.prototype.groupby = function(prop) { return this.reduce(function(groups, item) { const val = item[prop] groups[val] = groups[val] || [] groups[val].push(item) return groups }, {}) }; } if (!Array.prototype.min) { Array.prototype.min = function() { return this[0]; } } if (!Array.prototype.max) { Array.prototype.max = function() { return this.reverse()[0]; } } if (!Array.prototype.pluck) { Array.prototype.pluck = function(item) { var pluck = []; for(var x in this) { if (this[x][item]) pluck.push(this[x][item]); } return pluck; } } */ /** * Convert ANSI into BIN for loading into a Frame * * @param ansi */ function ans2bin(ansi,frame) { var x = new Graphic; x.ANSI = ansi; var o = 0; // offset into 'bin' for (var yy = 0; yy < 22; yy++) { for (var xx = 0; xx < 80; xx++) { frame.setData( xx, yy, x.BIN.substr(o,1), x.BIN.substr(o+1,1).charCodeAt(0) || BG_BLACK ); o = o+2; } } } // Dynamic Field Processing // @note bbs.atcodes() cannot process modifiers, so this function is a replacement. function atcode(field,length,pad,context) { 'use strict'; pad = pad ? pad : ' '; var result = ''; switch(field) { // Get the ECHOAREA FTN AREA_TAG case 'msg_area_areatag': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = context.msgbase.cfg.area_tag; break; // Get the ECHOAREA Description case 'msg_area_desc': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = context.msgbase.cfg.description; break; // Oldest message in msgarea case 'msg_area_msgoldest_date': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } var x = context.msgbase.first_msg || 1; result = x ? context.getMessagePtr(x).date : ''; break; case 'msg_area_msgoldest_page': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } var x = context.msgbase.first_msg || 1; return x ? context.getMessagePage(x) : null; // Newest message in msgarea case 'msg_area_msgnewest_date': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = context.msgbase.last_msg ? context.getMessagePtr(context.msgbase.last_msg).date : ''; break; case 'msg_area_msgnewest_page': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } return context.msgbase.last_msg ? context.getMessagePage(context.msgbase.last_msg) : null; // First unread message case 'msg_area_msgunread_date': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } var x = context.newMsgs(); result = x.length ? x.shift().date : ''; break; case 'msg_area_msgunread_page': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } var x = context.newMsgs(); return x.length ? context.getMessagePage(x.shift().number) : null; // First unread message to me case 'msg_area_msgotome_date': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } var x = context.newMsgsToMe(); result = x.length ? x.shift().date : ''; break; case 'msg_area_msgtome_page': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } var x = context.newMsgsToMe(); return x.length ? context.getMessagePage(x.shift().number) : null; // Count of unread messages case 'msg_area_new': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = ''+context.newMsgs().length; break; // Count of unread messages to me case 'msg_area_newtome': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = ''+context.newMsgsToMe().length; break; // Is this message area in my new scan list case 'msg_area_newscan': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = (context.getUserStats().scan_ptr & SCAN_CFG_TOYOU) ? 'YES' : 'NO'; break; // Is this message area in my new scan list case 'msg_area_pending': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = ''+context.list_untagged.length; break; // Get the ECHOAREA Total Number of Messages case 'msg_area_total': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = ''+context.msgbase.total_msgs; break; // Get the ECHOAREA Group Name case 'msg_grp_name': if (typeof context !== 'object') { log(LOG_ERROR,'Unable to render ['+field+'], no context provided'); break; } result = context.zone_name; break; case 'nodeid': result = getNodeID(); break; default: result = bbs.atcode(field); } if ((result === null) || (typeof result === 'undefined')) result = ''; length = length ? length : result.length; //log(LOG_DEBUG,' - result length ['+result.length+'] desired ('+length+')'); if (result.length < Math.abs(length)) result = (length < 0) ? padright(result,Math.abs(length),pad) : padleft(result,length,pad); else if (result.length > Math.abs(length)) result = result.substr(0,Math.abs(length)); log(LOG_DEBUG,'- ATCODE ['+field+'] ('+length+'|"'+pad+'") returns ['+result+']'); return result; } /** * Find a message base by code * * @param code * @returns {number | string|boolean} */ function findMsgBase(code) { if (! code) code = "tex_data"; // Find the actual sub-code var sub_code; for (var s in msg_area.sub) { var sub = msg_area.sub[s]; if (sub.code.substr(-code.length).toLowerCase() === code) return sub.code; } return false; } /** * Return an argument from argv, or an error if it doesnt exit * * @param key * @param error * @param abort */ function getArg(key,error,abort) { index = argv.indexOf(key); if ((index !== -1) && (! (argv[index+1] === undefined || argv[index+1].match(/^-/)))) { return argv[index+1]; } if (abort) { log(LOG_ERROR,error); exit(1); } } /** * Returns the current node number * * @returns {string} */ function getNodeID() { var regex = new RegExp('^'+SYSTEM_ZONE+':'); for each (var addr in system.fido_addr_list) { if (regex.test(addr)) { addr = addr.replace(regex,''); matches = addr.split('/',2); break; } } return padleft(matches[0],3,'0')+padleft(matches[1],3,'0')+padleft(bbs.node_num,2,'0'); } function getPageOwners() { // Load the owner configuration into memory if (! pageowners.length) { var f = new File(file_cfgname(system.mods_dir,'ansitex/ctrl/videotex.ini')); if (f.open('r')) { var logoans = f.iniGetValue('prefix','logoans'); var logovtx = f.iniGetValue('prefix','logovtx'); var users = f.iniGetValue('prefix','user'); //log(LOG_DEBUG,'+ pageOwner: users='+JSON.stringify(users)); pageowners.push({prefix: 0,logoans: logoans,logovtx: logovtx,user:users}); f.iniGetSections('prefix:').forEach(function (prefix) { var p = parseInt(prefix.substr(7)); var logoans = f.iniGetValue(prefix,'logoans',''); var logovtx = f.iniGetValue(prefix,'logovtx',''); var users = f.iniGetValue(prefix,'user',''); //log(LOG_DEBUG,'+ pageOwner: users='+JSON.stringify(users)); pageowners.push({prefix: p,logoans: logoans,logovtx: logovtx,user:users}); }); } f.close(); // Sort the pageowners ascending pageowners.sort(function(a,b) { return (a.prefix < b.prefix) ? 1 : ((b.prefix < a.prefix) ? -1 : 0); }); //log(LOG_DEBUG,'+ pageOwner: pageowners='+JSON.stringify(pageowners)); } return pageowners; } function loadOptions(option) { var f = new File(file_cfgname(system.mods_dir,'ansitex/ctrl/videotex.ini')); if (! f.open('r')) { return undefined; } val = f.iniGetObject(option); f.close(); return val; } function msgBaseImport(msgbase,page,text) { var msgbase = new MsgBase(findMsgBase(msgbase)); log(LOG_DEBUG,'Sending ['+page+'] to message base ['+msgbase.cfg.code+']'); var hdr = { to:'All', from:'Videotex', subject:'Frame: '+page }; var body = ''; body += text+"\r\n"; body += "--- " + js.exec_file + " " + '1.0' + "\r\n"; return msgbase.save_msg(hdr, body); } // Right Pad a string with char c function padright(n,width,c) { c = c || '0'; n = n + ''; return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(c) + n; } // Left Pad a string with char c function padleft(n,width,c) { c = c || '0'; n = n + ''; return n.length >= width ? n : n+new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(c); } /** * Return the frame as a string */ function pageStr(page) { if (page.frame==null) return null; if (! page.index) page.index = 'a'; return page.frame.toString()+page.index; } /** * Read our videotex.ini configuration and determine who owns a page. * If there is no prefix for the page, it is owned by the system '0' * * @param page * @returns {undefined} */ function pageOwner(page) { var BreakException = {}; var o = null; try { getPageOwners().forEach(function(owner) { var p = owner.prefix.toString(); o = owner; var re = new RegExp('^' + p, 'g'); if (page.toString().match(re)) { //log(LOG_DEBUG,'= pageOwner: p='+p+',o: '+o); throw BreakException; } }); } catch (e) { if (e !== BreakException) throw e; } //log(LOG_DEBUG,'+ pageOwner: page='+page+', owner: '+JSON.stringify(o)); return o; } /** * Can the user edit the frame * * @param page * @param user */ function pageEditor(page) { //log(LOG_DEBUG,'+ pageEditor: page='+page+', user #'+user.number); var BreakException = {}; var pageditor = false; try { getPageOwners().forEach(function(owner) { var p = owner.prefix.toString(); //log(LOG_DEBUG,' - pageEditor: '+JSON.stringify(owner)); frameusers = owner.user ? owner.user.toString().split(',') : [1]; log(LOG_DEBUG,' - pageEditor: p='+p+'('+p.length+') user ['+JSON.stringify(frameusers)+'] - :'+frameusers.indexOf(user.number.toString())); var re = new RegExp('^' + p, 'g'); if (page.toString().match(re) && (frameusers.indexOf(user.number.toString()) !== -1)) { pageditor = true; throw BreakException; } }); } catch (e) { if (e !== BreakException) throw e; } log(LOG_DEBUG,'+ pageEditor: page='+page+', editor: '+JSON.stringify(pageditor)); return pageditor; } /** * This function returns a list of zones used by this system. */ function zones() { var z = []; var ftn = /([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))?/; for(var g=0;gb); }); } this;