namespace App\Classes\Frame;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use App\Classes\Frame as AbstractFrame;
use App\Classes\Parser\Videotex as VideotexParser;
class Videotex extends AbstractFrame
public static $frame_length = 22;
public static $frame_width = 40;
public static $header_length = 20;
public static $pagenum_length = 9;
public static $cost_length = 7;
public static $cost_unit = 'u';
public static $if_filler = '.';
public function __construct(\App\Models\Frame $o,string $msg='')
// If we have a message to display on the bottom line.
if ($msg)
$this->output .= HOME.UP.$msg.HOME;
// @todo Change to use a Parser, like we do for ANSI
public function fields($startline=1)
$o = new VideotexParser($this->frame->content,$startline);
$this->output .= (string)$o;
$this->fields = $o->fields;
public function strlenv($text):int {
return strlen($text)-substr_count($text,ESC);