'systel', 'n' =>'username', 'a' => 'address#', 'd' => '%date'); $fieldoptions = array('f' => array('edit' => true)); include_once('classes/vvdatabase.class.php'); include_once('classes/vv.class.php'); if (count($argv) == 1) { include_once('config/config.php'); } else { if (count($argv) == 3 && $argv[1] == '-c') { include_once('config/' . $argv[2]); } } $db = new vvdb(); // Connect to database. Returns error message if unable to connect. $r = $db->connect($config['dbserver'],$config['database'],$config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass']); if (!empty($r)) { http_response_code(500); die ($r); } /** * Connection handler */ function onConnect( $client ) { global $config; global $fieldoptions; $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die('could not fork'); } else if ($pid) { // parent process return; } $read = ''; printf( "[%s] Connected at port %d\n", $client->getaddress(), $client->getPort() ); $client->send(CLS . "Connecting.."); $db = new vvdb(); // Connect to database. Returns error message if unable to connect. $r = $db->connect($config['dbserver'],$config['database'],$config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass']); if (!empty($r)) { http_response_code(500); $client->send(CLS . UP . ERR_DATABASE); die ($r); } // $user will eventually contain validated user details. $user = array( 'systel' => '019990001', 'username' => 'DEMONSTRATION DATA USER', 'address1' => '8 HERBAL HILL', 'address2' => 'LONDON', 'address3' => 'EC1R 5EJ', 'address4' => '', 'address5' => '', 'CUGS' => array( 7800, 15500), // Closed User Groups this user has access to ); $history = array(); // backup history $cmd = ''; // current *command being typed in $mode = false; // input mode. $prevmode = false; // previous mode $timewarp = false; $action = ACTION_GOTO; // do something if set. used here to trigger a goto to the login form. if (isset($config['loginpage'])) { $page = $config['loginpage']; $subpage = 'a'; } else if (!empty($service['start_page'])) { $page = $service['start_page']; $subpage = 'a'; } else { $page = '1'; // next page $subpage = 'a'; } $curpage = ''; // current page $cursub = ''; $curfield = null; // current input field $curfp = 0; // current field, position within. $blp = 0; // botton line polluted (by this no. of characters) $resetpsn = false; // flag to reset position (used in fields) $service = $db->getServiceById($config['service_id']); $varient = $db->getAllVarients($config['service_id'], $config['varient_id']); if ($varient === false) { die ("no varient"); } $varient = reset($varient); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('@'.$service['page_format'].'@',$service['start_frame'],$matches)) { $page = $matches[1]; $subpage = $matches[2]; echo " Using start page ".$page.$subpage."\n"; } // $start = $service['start_frame']; // where to start from while( $action != ACTION_TERMINATE ) { /* This section deals with a keypress */ $read = $client->read(1); if( $read != '' ) { printf("mode:%s cmd:%s page:%s Received %s, (%s)\n",$mode, $cmd,$page,$read, ord($read)); switch($mode){ /* Currently accepting keypresses into an input field on an RF */ case MODE_FIELD: // entering data into a field $cmd = ''; $action = false; switch($pagedata['type']){ case 'a': // response frame switch ($read) { case '_': //# ends field entry $curfield ++; //skip to next field if ($curfield < count($fields)) { // skip past non-editable fields for ($i = $curfield; $i < count($fields); $i++) { if (isset($fieldoptions[$fields[$i]['type']]) && $fieldoptions[$fields[$i]['type']]['edit']) { $curfield = $i; break; } } if ($curfield !== false) { $client->send(outputPosition($fields[$curfield]['x'],$fields[$curfield]['y']).CON); $mode = MODE_FIELD; $fielddate[$curfield] = ''; } else { // there were no (more) editable fields. $action = ACTION_SUBMITRF; } } else { // done them all editable fields. $action = ACTION_SUBMITRF; } break; case '*': $prevmode = MODE_FIELD; $action = ACTION_STAR; break; case chr(8): // left if ($curfp) { $client->send($read); $curfp--; }; break; case chr(9): // right if ($curfp < $fields[$curfield]['length']) { $client->send($read); $curfp++; }; break; case chr(10): // down if ($curfp + 40 < $fields[$curfield]['length']) { $client->send($read); $curfp = $curfp + 40; }; break; case chr(11): // up if ($curfp - 40 >= 0) { $client->send($read); $curfp = $curfp - 40; }; break; case chr(13): // CR if ($curfp + $fields[$curfield]['x'] > 40) { // on second or later line of a field $client->send($read); $curfp = (($curfp + $fields[$curfield]['x'])%40)*40; } else { $client->send(outputPosition($fields[$curfield]['x'],$fields[$curfield]['y']).CON); $curfp = 0; } break; case chr(27): // Escape ? break; ; default: if (ord($read) > 31 && $curfp < $fields[$curfield]['length']) { $fielddata[$curfield]{$curfp} = $read; $curfp++; $client->send($read); } } // switch character pressed break; default: // other frame types ... shouldn't get here ; } // switch frame types break; /* Currently waiting at the Key 1 to send, 2 not to send prompt. */ case MODE_SUBMITRF: switch($read){ case '1': if(mail('robert@irrelevant.com', $service['service_name'], implode("\n",$fielddata))) { sendBaseline($client, $blp, MSG_SENT); $mode = MODE_RFSENT; } else { sendBaseline($client, $blp, ERR_NOTSENT); $mode = MODE_RFERROR; } break; case '2': sendBaseline($client, $blp, MSG_NOTSENT);; $mode = MODE_RFNOTSENT; break; case '*': $action = ACTION_STAR; break; default: ; } // switch; break; /* Message sent key # to continue */ case MODE_RFSENT: $client->send(COFF); if ($read == '_') { if (!empty($pagedata['route1'])) { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $pagedata['route1']; $subpage = 'a'; } else if ($r = $db->getFrame($service['service_id'],$varient['varient_id'],$page,chr(1+ord($subpage)))) { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $curpage; $subpage = chr(1+ord($subpage)); } else if (!empty($pagedata['route0'])) { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $pagedata['route0']; $subpage = 'a'; } else { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = '0'; $subpage = 'a'; } } else if ($read == '*') { $action = ACTION_STAR; break; } break; /* message not sent, key # to continue */ case MODE_RFNOTSENT: case MODE_RFERROR: $client->send(COFF); if ($read == '_') { if (!empty($pagedata['route2'])) { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $pagedata['route2']; $subpage = 'a'; } else if ($r = $db->getFrame($service['service_id'],$varient['varient_id'],$page,chr(1+ord($subpage)))) { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $curpage; $subpage = chr(1+ord($subpage)); } else if (!empty($pagedata['route0'])) { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $pagedata['route0']; $subpage = 'a'; } else { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = '0'; $subpage = 'a'; } } else if ($read == '*') { $action = ACTION_STAR; break; } break; /* List of alternate options has been presented */ case MODE_WARPTO: // expecting a timewarp selection if (isset($alts[$read - 1 ])) { $v = $db->getAllVarients($config['service_id'], $alts[$read - 1]['varient_id']); if (!empty($v)) { $varient = reset($v); $page = $curpage; $subpage = $cursub; $action = ACTION_GOTO; break; } } // if wasn't a valid warpto keypress, //drop into /* Not currently doing anything special. Should look for route keypresses, * commands, etc. */ case false: // not currently doing anything in particular $cmd = ''; echo "Was idle\n"; switch($read){ case '_': // hash for next subpage $action = ACTION_NEXT; break; case '*': // start a star command! $action = ACTION_STAR; break; case '0': // routing case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (isset($pagedata['route' . $read]) && $pagedata['route' . $read] != '*') { $action = ACTION_GOTO; $page = $pagedata['route' . $read]; $subpage = 'a'; break; } else { sendBaseline($client, $blp, ERR_ROUTE); $mode = $action = false; } break; default: ; } // switch; break; /* currently accepting baseline imput after a * was received */ case MODE_BL: // entering a baseline command echo "was waiting for page number\n"; // if it's a number, continue entry if (strpos('0123456789',$read) !== false) { // numeric $cmd .= $read; $client->send($read); $blp++; } // if we hit a special numeric command, deal with it. if ($cmd === '00') { // refresh page $client->send(COFF); $action = ACTION_RELOAD; $cmd = ''; break; } if ($cmd === '09') { // reload page $client->send(COFF); $action = ACTION_GOTO; $cmd = ''; break; } if ($cmd === '02') { // new for emulator $client->send(COFF); $action = ACTION_INFO; $cmd = ''; break; } if (($cmd === '01')) { // new for emulator $client->send(COFF); $timewarp = !$timewarp; sendBaseline($client, $blp, ( $timewarp ? MSG_TIMEWARP_ON : MSG_TIMEWARP_OFF)); $cmd = ''; $action = $mode = false; } // another star aborts the command. if ($read === "*") { // abort command or reset input field. $action = false; sendBaseline($client, $blp, ''); $cmd = ''; if ($prevmode == MODE_FIELD) { $mode = $prevmode; $prevmode = false; $client->send(outputPosition($fields[$curfield]['x'],$fields[$curfield]['y']).CON); $client->send(str_repeat(' ',$fields[$curfield]['length'])); // tood reset stored entered text $resetpsn = $curfield; } else { $mode = false; } break; } // user hit # to complete request if ($read === '_') { // really the # key, $client->send(COFF); if ($cmd === '') { // nothing typed between * and # $action = ACTION_BACKUP; } else { // *# means go back $page = $cmd; $subpage = 'a'; $action = ACTION_GOTO; } $cmd = ''; // finished with this now break; } break; default: echo "not sure what we were doing\n"; } // switch $mode } // something in $read /* This section performs some action if it is deemed necessary */ if ($action) { echo "Performing action $action\n"; } switch($action){ case ACTION_STAR: echo " star command started\n"; sendBaseline($client, $blp, GREEN . '*', true); $client->send(CON); $action = false; $mode = MODE_BL; break; case ACTION_SUBMITRF: $action = false; sendBaseline($client, $bpl, MSG_SENDORNOT); $mode = MODE_SUBMITRF; break; case ACTION_BACKUP: // do we have anywhere to go? if (count($history) > 1) { // because current page should always be in there. array_pop($history); // drop current page to reveal previous } list($page, $subpage) = end($history); // get new last entry, echo "Backing up to $page$subpage\n"; // drop into case ACTION_NEXT: if ($action == ACTION_NEXT) { $cursub = $subpage; $subpage = chr(ord($subpage)+1); } case ACTION_GOTO: // $client->send(HOME . UP . GREEN . "Searching for page $page"); // $blp = 20 + strlenv($page); // look for requested page $r = $db->getFrame($service['service_id'],$varient['varient_id'],$page,$subpage); if (empty($r) && $timewarp) { $r = $db->getFrame($service['service_id'],null,$page,$subpage); } if (empty($r)) { echo "Couldn't fetch $page$subpage\n"; if ($action == ACTION_NEXT) { $subpage = $cursub; // put subpage back as it was } sendBaseline($client, $blp, ERR_PAGE); $mode = $action = false; break; } $v = array_merge($varient, array_intersect_key($r, $varient)); $m = $db->getFrameMeta($r['frameunique']); // set some defaults in case it's an incomplete record if (!isset($m['type']) || $m['type'] == ' ') { $m['type'] = 'i'; } // return array_merge($pagerecord,$pagemeta); // validate if we have access top it /* if (isset($m['access']) && $m['access'] == 'n') { sendBaseline($client, $blp, ERR_PAGE); $mode = $action = false; break; } if (isset($m['cug']) && is_numeric($m['cug']) && $m['cug'] && !in_array($m['cug'],$usercugs)) { sendBaseline($client, $blp, ERR_PRIVATE); $mode = $action = false; break; } */ // we have access... if ($r['varient_id'] != $varient['varient_id']) { if (empty($v['varient_date'])) { sendBaseline($client, $blp, sprintf(MSG_TIMEWARP_TO, 'unknown date') ); } else { sendBaseline($client, $blp, sprintf(MSG_TIMEWARP_TO,date('j f Y',strtotime($v['varient_date']))) ); } $varient = array_merge($varient, array_intersect_key($r, $varient)); } $pagedata = array_merge($r, $m); $varient = $v; $curpage = $page; $cursub = $subpage; $cufield = 0; $curfp = 0; $pageflags = $db->getFrameTypeFlags($pagedata['type']); if ($action == ACTION_GOTO || $action == ACTION_NEXT) { // only if new location, not going backwards $history[] = array($page,$subpage); } // drop into case ACTION_RELOAD: // /* if ($pageflags['clear']) { $output = CLS; $blp = 0; } else { $output = HOME; } */ // print_r($pageflags); print_r($pagedata); switch($pagedata['type']){ default: case 'i': // standard frame if ($timewarp && 1 < count( $alts = $db->getAlternateFrames($service['service_id'],$varient['varient_id'],$curpage,$cursub) )) { $msg = MSG_TIMEWARP; } else { $msg = ''; } $output = getOutput($curpage, $cursub, $pagedata, $pageflags, $msg); $blp = strlenv($msg); $client->send($output); $mode = $action = false; break; case 'a': // active frame. Prestel uses this for Response Framea. if ($timewarp && 1 < count( $alts = $db->getAlternateFrames($service['service_id'],$varient['varient_id'],$curpage,$cursub) )) { $msg = MSG_TIMEWARP; } else { $msg = ''; } // this is a glorious hack to fix three out of 30,000 pages but might // break lots more. $pagedata = str_replace(chr(12),chr(27),$pagedata); // holds data entered by user. $fielddata = array(); $fields = array(); $output = getOutput($curpage, $cursub, $pagedata, $pageflags, $msg, $user, $fields); $blp = strlenv($msg); $client->send($output); if (count($fields)) { // need t skip to first field that is.. // of a field type that is editable // or finish. $curfield = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) { if (isset($fieldoptions[$fields[$i]['type']]) && $fieldoptions[$fields[$i]['type']]['edit']) { $curfield = $i; break; } } $resetpsn = $curfield; if ($curfield !== false) { $mode = MODE_FIELD; } else { // there were no editable fields. $mode = MODE_COMPLETE; } $curfp = 0; } break; case 't': // terminate $output = getOutput($curpage, $cursub, $pagedata, $pageflags); $client->send($output); $action = ACTION_TERMINATE; break; } // switch break; case ACTION_INFO: // special emulator command $mode = false; $cmd=''; $action = false; $output = outputPosition(0,0) . WHITE . NEWBG . RED . 'TIMEWARP INFO FOR Pg.' . BLUE . $curpage . $cursub . WHITE; $output .= outputPosition(0,1) . WHITE . NEWBG . BLUE . 'Service : ' . substr($service['service_name'] . str_repeat(' ',27),0,27) ; $output .= outputPosition(0,2) . WHITE . NEWBG . BLUE . 'Varient : ' . substr($varient['varient_name'] . str_repeat(' ',27),0,27) ; $output .= outputPosition(0,3) . WHITE . NEWBG . BLUE . 'Dated : ' . substr(date('j F Y',strtotime($varient['varient_date'])) . str_repeat(' ',27),0,27); $alts = $db->getAlternateFrames($service['service_id'],$varient['varient_id'],$curpage,$cursub); if (count($alts) > 1) { $n = 1; $output .= outputPosition(0,4) . WHITE . NEWBG . RED . 'ALTERNATIVE VERSIONS:' . str_repeat(' ',16); $y = 5; foreach ($alts as $ss){ // if (is_numeric($ss['varient_date'])) { $date = date('d M Y', strtotime($ss['varient_date'])); // } else { // $date = 'unknown'; // } $line = WHITE . NEWBG; if ($timewarp) { $line .= RED . $n; } $line .= BLUE . $date . ' ' . $ss['varient_name']; $output .= outputPosition(0,$y) . $line . str_repeat(' ',40-strlenv($line)); $y++; $n++; } if ($timewarp) { $mode = MODE_WARPTO; } } $client->send($output); break; default: ; } // switch $action if ($resetpsn !== false && isset($fields[$resetpsn])) { $client->send(outputPosition($fields[$resetpsn]['x'],$fields[$resetpsn]['y']).CON); $resetpsn = false; } if( $read === null || socket_last_error()) { printf( "[%s] Disconnected\n", $client->getaddress() ); return false; } } $client->close(); printf( "[%s] Disconnected\n", $client->getaddress() ); } function strlenv($text){ return strlen($text) - substr_count($text, ESC); } function sendBaseline($client, &$blp, $text, $reposition = false){ $client->send(HOME . UP . $text . ( $blp > strlenv($text) ? str_repeat(' ',$blp-strlenv($text)) . ( $reposition ? HOME . UP . str_repeat(RIGHT, strlenv($text)) : '' ) : '') ); $blp = strlenv($text); return; } function outputPosition($x,$y){ if ($y < 12) { if ($x < 21) { return HOME . str_repeat(DOWN, $y) . str_repeat(RIGHT, $x); } else { return HOME . str_repeat(DOWN, $y+1) . str_repeat(LEFT, 40-$x); } } else { if ($x < 21) { return HOME . str_repeat(UP, 24-$y) . str_repeat(RIGHT, $x); } else { return HOME . str_repeat(UP, 24-$y) . str_repeat(LEFT, 40-$x); } } } /* return a screen output ... $msg sent on baseline just after the cls. remember to update $blp manually after calling this. */ function getOutput($page, $subpage, $pagedata, $pageflags, $msg = '', $user = array(), &$fields = null, &$frame_content = null) { global $blp; global $fieldmap; $price = isset($pagerecord['price']) ? $pagerecord['price'] : 0; // get textual content. $text = $pagedata['frame_content']; if ($pageflags['clear']) { $output = CLS; } else { $output = HOME; } if ($msg) { $output .= UP . $msg . HOME ; } $startline = 0; if ($pageflags['ip']) { // generate page header (but leave ISP as per frame) $header = chr(7) . $page . $subpage; $header .= str_repeat(' ', 12-strlenv($header)); $header .= ($price < 5 ? chr(3) : chr(1)) . substr(" $price",-2) . 'p'; $text = substr_replace($text,$header, 24, 16); } else { $startline = 1; } if ($startline) { $output .= str_repeat(DOWN, $startline); } $infield = false; $fieldtype = ''; $fieldlength = '';; $fieldx = false; $fieldy = false; $fieldadrline = 1; for ($y=$startline; $y<23; $y++ ) { for ($x=0; $x<40; $x++) { $posn = $y*40+$x; $byte = ord($text{$posn})%128; // check for start-of-field if ( $byte == 27 ) { // Esc designates start of field (Esc-K is end of edit) $infield = true; $fieldtype = ord(substr( $text, $posn + 1, 1))%128; $fieldlength = 0; $byte = 32; // display a space there. } else { if ($infield) { if ($byte == $fieldtype) { $byte = 32; // blank out fields if ($fieldx === false) { $fieldx = $x; $fieldy = $y; } $fieldlength++; // but is it a field that needs filling in? if (isset($fieldmap[chr($fieldtype)]) ) { $field = $fieldmap[chr($fieldtype)]; // address field has many lines. increment when hit on first character. if ($fieldlength == 1 && strpos($field,'#') !== false) { $field = str_replace('#',$fieldadrline,$field); $fieldadrline++; } // user data if ($field == '%date') { $datetime = strtoupper(date('D d M Y H:i:s')); if ($fieldlength <= strlen($datetime)) { $byte = ord($datetime{$fieldlength-1}); } } else if (isset($user[$field])) { if ($fieldlength <= strlen($user[$field])) { $byte = ord($user[$field]{$fieldlength-1}); } } /*else // pre-load field contents. PAM or *00 ? if (isset($fields[what]['value'])) { } */ } } else { $infield = false; echo "Field at $fieldx, $fieldy type $fieldtype length $fieldlength \n"; if (is_array($fields)) { $fields[] = array('type' => chr($fieldtype), 'length' => $fieldlength, 'y' => $fieldy, 'x' => $fieldx); } $infield = false; $fieldx = false; } } } // truncate end of lines if ($pageflags['tru'] && substr($text,$y*40+$x,40-$x) === str_repeat(' ',40-$x)) { $output .= CR . LF; break; } if ($byte < 32) { $output .= ESC . chr($byte+64); // echo '^'. chr($byte-64); } else { $output .= chr($byte); //echo "($byte)".chr($byte); } $text{$posn} = $byte; } //echo "\n"; } // if we were asked to return the frame content, do so, but modified with any fields // that were filled in (or blanked) if (!is_null($frame_content)) { $frame_content = $text; } return $output; } require "sock/SocketServer.php"; $server = new \Sock\SocketServer($config['port'], ""); $server->init(); $server->setConnectionHandler( 'onConnect' ); $server->listen();