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2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
* Smarty Open Source Billing Plugin
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* File: block.osb.php
* Type: block
* Name: osb
* Purpose: Hooks into OSB
* -------------------------------------------------------------
function smarty_function_osb($params,&$smarty) {
if (! isset($params['f']) || ! ($f=$params['f'])) {
echo 'NO Function name used in call?';
$f = 'osb_'.$f;
if (! function_exists($f)) {
printf('Unknown Function [%s]?',$f);
function osb_html_select($val,$id,$name,$default,$module) {
if (! $val) {
printf('<input type="hidden" id="%s_hidden" name="id" value="%s"/>',$id,$default);
printf('<input type="text" id="%s" name="%s_search" size="35" value="%s" autocomplete="off"/>',$name,'account',$val);
printf('<div class="auto_complete" id="%s_auto_complete"></div>',$id);
printf('<script type="text/javascript">new Ajax.Autocompleter("%s","%s_auto_complete","ajax.php?do[]=%s:autoselect",{});</script>',$name,$id,$module);
} else {
printf('<div style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="#" onclick="\'?_page=%s:view&amp;id=%s\',\'mainFrame\',\'\')">%s</a></div>',$module,$default,$val);
printf('<input type="hidden" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s"/>',$id,$name,$default);
* HTML Account Selector
* If passed a default ID (and it exists), that will be rendered, otherwise a javascript selection box is rendered.
function osb_html_select_account($params,&$smarty) {
if (! $params['name']) {
printf('MISSING name:%s',__METHOD__);
$module = isset($params['module']) ? $params['module'] : 'account';
$default = isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : '';
$id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : sprintf('%s_id',$params['name']);
$val = '';
if ($default) {
$db = &DB();
$result = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,'account','first_name,last_name',array('id'=>$default)));
if ($result->RecordCount() > 0)
$val = sprintf('%s %s',$result->fields['first_name'],$result->fields['last_name']);
return osb_html_select($val,$id,$params['name'],$default,$module);
* HTML Affiliate Selector
* If passed a default ID (and it exists), that will be rendered, otherwise a javascript selection box is rendered.
* @todo need to create autoselect();
function osb_html_select_affiliate($params,&$smarty) {
if (! $params['name']) {
printf('MISSING name:%s',__METHOD__);
$module = isset($params['module']) ? $params['module'] : 'affiliate';
$default = isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : '';
$id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : sprintf('%s_id',$params['name']);
$val = '';
if ($default) {
$db = &DB();
$sql = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT {p},{p}account.first_name,{p}account.last_name,{p}account.username
FROM {p}account LEFT JOIN {p}affiliate ON {p}{p}affiliate.account_id
WHERE {p} AND {p}affiliate.site_id=%s AND {p}account.site_id=%s',$db->qstr($default),DEFAULT_SITE,DEFAULT_SITE);
$result = $db->Execute(str_replace('{p}',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$sql));
if ($result->RecordCount() > 0)
$val = sprintf('%s %s',$result->fields['first_name'],$result->fields['last_name']);
return osb_html_select($val,$id,$params['name'],$default,$module);
function osb_html_select_name($params,&$smarty) {
if (! $params['name']) {
printf('MISSING name:%s',__METHOD__);
$module = isset($params['module']) ? $params['module'] : '';
$table = isset($params['table']) ? $params['table'] : '';
$default = isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : '';
$id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : sprintf('%s_id',$params['name']);
$val = '';
if ($default) {
$db = &DB();
$result = $db->Execute($q=sqlSelect($db,$table,'name',array('id'=>$default)));
if ($result && $result->RecordCount() > 0)
$val = $result->fields['name'];
return osb_html_select($val,$id,$params['name'],$default,$module);
function osb_autoselect($params,&$smarty) {
$module = isset($params['module']) ? $params['module'] : (isset($smarty->_tpl_vars['meth'][0]) ? $smarty->_tpl_vars['meth'][0] : '');
$field = isset($params['field']) ? $params['field'] : '';
$return = isset($params['return']) ? $params['return'] : '';
$default = isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : '';
$val = '';
if (! $module || ! $field || ! $return) {
printf('MISSING module (%s),field (%s) OR return (%s):%s',$module,$field,$return,__METHOD__);
if ($default) {
$db = &DB();
$result = $db->Execute($q=sqlSelect($db,$module,$return.',first_name,last_name',array($return=>$default)));
if ($result && $result->RecordCount() == 1)
$val = sprintf('%s %s',$result->fields['first_name'],$result->fields['last_name']);
printf('<input type="hidden" id="autoselect_%s_hidden" name="%s" size="35" value="%s"/>',$field,$field,$default);
printf('<input type="text" id="autoselect_%s" name="autosearch_%s" size="35" value="%s" autocomplete="off"/>',$field,$field,$val);
printf('<div class="auto_complete" id="%s_auto_complete"></div>',$field);
echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--'."\n";
printf('new Ajax.Autocompleter("autoselect_%s","%s_auto_complete","ajax.php?do[]=%s:autoselect&return=%s&field=%s",{});',$field,$field,$module,$return,$field);
echo "\n";
echo '//--></script>'."\n";
* Get list of files from the filesystem, and present in a select list
function osb_html_menu_files($params,&$smarty) {
if (! $params['name'] || ! $params['path']) {
printf('MISSING name OR path:%s',__METHOD__);
$id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : $params['name'];
$ext = '';
switch ($params['path']) {
case 'affiliate_plugin': $path = sprintf('%s/affiliate/',PATH_PLUGINS); break;
case 'checkout_plugin': $path = sprintf('%s/checkout/',PATH_PLUGINS); break;
case 'invoice_pdf': $path = sprintf('%s/invoice/PDF/',PATH_MODULES); $ext = '.inc.php'; $pre = 'pdf_invoice_'; break;
case 'invoice_pagetype': $path = sprintf('%s%s/invoice/',PATH_THEMES,DEF_THEME_N); $ext = '.pdf'; $pre = 'invoice-'; break;
case 'language': $path = sprintf('%s/core/',PATH_LANGUAGE); $ext = '_core.xml'; $cap=1; break;
case 'product' : $path = sprintf('%s/product',PATH_PLUGINS); break;
case 'product_cat' : $path = sprintf('%s%s/blocks/product_cat',PATH_THEMES,DEF_THEME_N); break;
case 'provision_plugin': $path = sprintf('%s/provision/',PATH_PLUGINS); break;
case 'static_template': $path = sprintf('%s/default/blocks/static_page/',PATH_THEMES); $ext = '_template.tpl'; $cap=1; break;
case 'theme' : $path = PATH_THEMES; break;
case 'whois_plugin': $path = sprintf('%s/whois/',PATH_PLUGINS); break;
printf('Unkonwn path: %s',$params['path']);
$count = 0;
$arr = array();
$dir = opendir($path);
while ($file_name = readdir($dir)) {
$display = true;
if (! in_array($file_name,array('.','..'))) {
if ($ext) {
$cute = preg_replace("/{$ext}$/",'',$file_name);
if (! preg_match("/{$ext}$/",$file_name))
$display = false;
if ($pre) {
$cute = preg_replace("/^{$pre}/",'',$cute);
if (! preg_match("/^{$pre}/",$file_name))
$display = false;
if ($display) {
$value = str_replace('_',' ',str_replace('-',' ',$cute));
if ($cap==1)
$value = ucfirst(strtolower($value));
elseif ($cap==2)
$value = ucwords(strtolower($value));
$value = strtoupper($value);
$arr[$cute] = $value;
$return = sprintf('<select id="%s" name="%s">',$id,$params['name']);
if ($params['default'] == 'all')
$return .= '<option value="" selected>&nbsp;</option>';
if (count($arr))
foreach ($arr as $index => $value)
$return .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',$index,($params['default'] == $index) ? ' selected' : '',$value);
$return .= '</select>';
echo $return;
function osb_html_link($params,&$smarty) {
$name = 'submit';
$module = 'CORE';
$_ignore['show'] = true;
$_ignore['hide'] = true;
$_ignore['name'] = true;
# Get the values passed...
$vals = '';
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val)
if (empty($_ignore[$_key]))
$vals .= sprintf(' %s="%s"',$_key,$_val);
$$_key = $_val;
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val)
$$_key = $_val;
# Change state(s) (hide)
$t = 0;
if ($hide) {
if (preg_match('/,/',$hide))
$hides = explode(',',$hide);
$hides = array($hide);
foreach ($hides as $element)
if (preg_match('/\|/',$element)) {
$el = explode('|',$element);
$action .= sprintf("new Effect.%s('%s',{duration: %s});",$el[2],$el[0],$el[1]);
} else {
$action .= sprintf("$('%s').style.display='none';",$element);
# Change state(s) (show)
if ($show) {
if (preg_match('/,/',$show))
$shows = explode(',',$show);
$shows = array($show);
foreach ($shows as $element) {
if (preg_match('/\|/',$element)) {
$el = explode('|',$element);
$action .= sprintf("new Effect.%s('%s',{duration: %s});",$el[2],$el[0],$el[1]);
} else {
$action .= sprintf("$('%s').style.display='block';",$element);
# translate name
global $C_translate;
$trans = $C_translate->translate($name,$module);
if (! empty($trans))
$name = $trans;
if (empty($link))
$link = '#';
return sprintf('<a href="%s"%s%s>%s</a>',$link,$vals,$action ? sprintf(' onclick="%s"',$action) : '',$name);
* Hides a div/span element without disabling the view
function osb_style_hide($params,&$smarty) {
echo 'style="display:none;"';
* Displays & Populates an Plug In template
* @todo change this to be dynmaic, ie: defined by the instalation of a module and calling a method.
function osb_plugin($params,&$smarty) {
# Some Validation
if ((! isset($params['type']) || ! trim($params['type'])) || (! isset($params['name']) || ! trim($params['name'])))
if (! isset($params['name_prefix']))
$params['name_prefix'] = '';
if (! isset($params['data']) && $params['data'])
# Pass any other vars to smarty
foreach ($params as $var=>$val)
# Get full template file-path:
switch ($params['type']) {
case 'affiliate':
$meth = 'affiliate:plugin';
case 'checkout':
$meth = 'checkout_plugin:plugin';
case 'import':
$meth = ''; // @todo
case 'product':
$meth = 'product_plugin:plugin';
case 'provision':
$meth = 'host_provision_plugin:plugin';
case 'registrar':
$meth = 'host_registrar_plugin:plugin';
case 'whois':
$meth = 'host_whois_plugin:plugin';
case 'voip_did':
$meth = 'voip_did_plugin:config';
$_tpl = sprintf('%s_%s%s',$meth,$params['name_prefix'],$params['name']);
# Check if file exists:
$_template_full = sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s.tpl',PATH_THEMES,DEF_THEME_N,str_replace(':','/',$_tpl));
if (! is_file($_template_full)) {
$_template_full = sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s.tpl',PATH_THEMES,'default',str_replace(':','/',$_tpl));
if (! is_file($_template_full)) {
if ($debug)
printf('Error loading plugin template: %s',$_template_full);
// Load file
* Translate a table title
function osb_tt($params,&$smarty) {
$C_translate = new CORE_translate;
echo $C_translate->tt($params,$smarty);
* Translate a table field
function osb_tf($params,&$smarty) {
$C_translate = new CORE_translate;
echo $C_translate->tf($params,$smarty);
function osb_html_menu_product_host($params,&$smarty) {
$id = $params['id'];
$default = unserialize($params['default']);
if (empty($id))
$id = $params['name'];
$db = &DB();
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
$result = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,'product','id,sku',sprintf('host=1 AND active=1 AND price_type=1 AND id!=%s',$params['exclude'])));
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
if ($result && $result->RecordCount()) {
printf('<select id="%s" name="%s[]" size="%s" multiple="multiple">',$id,$params['name'],$params['size']);
while(!$result->EOF) {
$sel = '';
foreach ($default as $cur)
if ($cur == $result->fields['id'])
$sel = ' selected="selected"';
printf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',$result->fields['id'],$sel,$result->fields['sku']);
echo '</select>';
function osb_html_menu_product_subscription($params,&$smarty) {
$id = $params['id'];
$default = unserialize($params['default']);
if (empty($id))
$id = $params['name'];
$db = &DB();
$result = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,'product','id,sku',sprintf('(host=0 OR host IS NULL) AND active=1 AND price_type=1 AND id!=%s',$params['exclude']),'sku'));
if ($result && $result->RecordCount()) {
printf('<select id="%s" name="%s[]" size="%s" multiple="multiple">',$id,$params['name'],$params['size']);
while (! $result->EOF) {
$sel = '';
foreach ($default as $cur)
if ($cur == $result->fields['id'])
$sel = ' selected="selected"';
printf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',$result->fields['id'],$sel,$result->fields['sku']);
echo '</select>';