2008-11-26 22:50:40 +00:00
< ? php
* AgileBill - Open Billing Software
* This body of work is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
* License as published at http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* For questions , help , comments , discussion , etc . , please join the
* Agileco community forums at http :// forum . agileco . com /
* @ link http :// www . agileco . com /
* @ copyright 2004 - 2008 Agileco , LLC .
* @ license http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* @ author Tony Landis < tony @ agileco . com >
* @ package AgileBill
* @ version 1.4 . 93
if ( defined ( 'PATH_MODULES' )) include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'checkout/base_checkout_plugin.class.php' ); else include_once ( '../../modules/checkout/base_checkout_plugin.class.php' );
class plg_chout_PAYPAL_RECURRING extends base_checkout_plugin
# Get the config values for this checkout plugin:
function plg_chout_PAYPAL_RECURRING ( $checkout_id = false ) {
$this -> name = 'PAYPAL_RECURRING' ;
$this -> type = 'redirect' ; // redirect, gateway, or other
$this -> recurr_only = true ;
$this -> return_url = SSL_URL . 'plugins/checkout/' . $this -> name . '.php' ;
$this -> success_url = URL . '?_page=invoice:thankyou&_next_page=invoice:user_view&id=' ;
$this -> decline_url = URL . '?_page=invoice:user_view&id=' ;
$this -> support_cur = Array ( 'AUD' , 'USD' , 'GBP' , 'EUR' , 'CAD' , 'JPY' );
$this -> getDetails ( $checkout_id );
# Validate the user submitted billing details at checkout:
function validate ( $VAR ) {
return true ;
# Perform the checkout transaction (new purchase):
function bill_checkout ( $amount , $invoice , $currency_iso , $acct_fields , $total_recurring = false , $recurr_bill_arr = false ) {
# Validate the currency:
if ( ! $this -> validate_currency ( $currency_iso )) return false ;
# Special JPY formatting:
if ( $currency_iso == 'JPY' ) $amount = round ( $amount );
# Get the regular period for this subscription:
$sched = $recurr_bill_arr [ 0 ][ " recurr_schedule " ];
if ( $sched == 0 ) {
$p3 = '1' ;
$t3 = 'W' ;
} elseif ( $sched == 1 ) {
$p3 = '1' ;
$t3 = 'M' ;
} elseif ( $sched == 2 ) {
$p3 = '3' ;
$t3 = 'M' ;
} elseif ( $sched == 3 ) {
$p3 = '6' ;
$t3 = 'M' ;
} elseif ( $sched == 4 ) {
$p3 = '1' ;
$t3 = 'Y' ;
} elseif ( $sched == 5 ) {
$p3 = '2' ;
$t3 = 'Y' ;
$url = " https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr " ;
# Get the next bill date for this subscription:
if ( $recurr_bill_arr [ 0 ][ " recurr_type " ] == " 1 " )
# Pro-rate billing:
2009-10-01 23:35:52 +00:00
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'product/product.inc.php' );
$product = new product ;
$arr = $product -> recurrDates ( $recurr_bill_arr [ 0 ][ " recurr_schedule " ], $recurr_bill_arr [ 0 ][ " recurr_weekday " ], $recurr_bill_arr [ 0 ][ " recurr_week " ]);
2008-11-26 22:50:40 +00:00
$remain_time = $arr [ 'end' ] - time ();
$period1 = round ( $remain_time / 86400 );
$subscr_date = date ( " Y-m-d " , $arr [ " end " ]);
$vals = Array (
Array ( 'cmd' , '_xclick-subscriptions' ),
Array ( 'bn' , 'Agileco.AgileBill' ),
Array ( 'business' , $this -> cfg [ 'email' ]),
Array ( 'item_name' , " Invoice No: " . $invoice ),
Array ( 'return' , $this -> success_url . $invoice ),
Array ( 'cancel_return' , $this -> decline_url . $invoice ),
Array ( 'notify_url' , $this -> return_url ),
Array ( 'currency_code' , $currency_iso ),
Array ( 'invoice' , $invoice ),
Array ( 'first_name' , $acct_fields [ 'first_name' ]),
Array ( 'last_name' , $acct_fields [ 'last_name' ]),
Array ( 'payer_business_name' , $acct_fields [ 'company' ]),
Array ( 'address_street' , $acct_fields [ 'address1' ]),
Array ( 'address_city' , $acct_fields [ 'city' ]),
Array ( 'address_state' , $acct_fields [ 'state' ]),
Array ( 'address_zip' , $acct_fields [ 'zip' ]),
Array ( 'address_country' , $acct_fields [ 'country_id' ]),
Array ( 'payer_email' , $acct_fields [ 'email' ]),
Array ( 'payer_id' , $acct_fields [ 'id' ]) ,
Array ( 'txn_type' , 'subscr_signup' ),
Array ( 'a1' , $amount ),
Array ( 'p1' , $period1 ),
Array ( 't1' , 'D' ),
Array ( 'a3' , $total_recurring ),
Array ( 'p3' , $p3 ),
Array ( 't3' , $t3 ),
Array ( 'src' , " 1 " ),
Array ( 'sra' , " 1 " )
# Bill on anniversary:
$vals = Array (
Array ( 'cmd' , '_xclick-subscriptions' ),
Array ( 'business' , $this -> cfg [ 'email' ]),
Array ( 'item_name' , " Invoice No: " . $invoice ),
Array ( 'return' , $this -> success_url . $invoice ),
Array ( 'cancel_return' , $this -> decline_url . $invoice ),
Array ( 'notify_url' , $this -> return_url ),
Array ( 'currency_code' , $currency_iso ),
Array ( 'invoice' , $invoice ),
Array ( 'first_name' , $acct_fields [ 'first_name' ]),
Array ( 'last_name' , $acct_fields [ 'last_name' ]),
Array ( 'payer_business_name' , $acct_fields [ 'company' ]),
Array ( 'address_street' , $acct_fields [ 'address1' ]),
Array ( 'address_city' , $acct_fields [ 'city' ]),
Array ( 'address_state' , $acct_fields [ 'state' ]),
Array ( 'address_zip' , $acct_fields [ 'zip' ]),
Array ( 'address_country' , $acct_fields [ 'country_id' ]),
Array ( 'payer_email' , $acct_fields [ 'email' ]),
Array ( 'payer_id' , $acct_fields [ 'id' ]) ,
Array ( 'txn_type' , 'subscr_signup' ),
Array ( 'a1' , $amount ),
Array ( 'p1' , $p3 ),
Array ( 't1' , $t3 ),
Array ( 'a3' , $total_recurring ),
Array ( 'p3' , $p3 ),
Array ( 't3' , $t3 ),
Array ( 'src' , " 1 " ),
Array ( 'sra' , " 1 " )
$this -> post_vars ( $url , $vals );
return true ;
# Stores new billing details, & return account_billing_id (gateway only)
function store_billing ( $VAR ) {
return 0 ;
# Perform a transaction for an (new invoice):
function bill_invoice ( $VAR ) {
return true ;
# Issue a refund for a paid invoice (captured charges w/gateway)
function refund ( $VAR ) {
return true ;
# Void a authorized charge (gateways only)
function void ( $VAR ) {
return true ;
# Postback Validation
function postback ()
# read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd'
global $_POST , $C_debug ;
# Log paypal postback:
foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value ) @ $debug .= " \r \n $key = $value " ;
$C_debug -> error ( 'PAYPAL_RECUR:' . $_POST [ 'txn_type' ], 'Invoice: ' . $_POST [ 'invoice' ], " $debug " );
# Assemble postback string
$req = 'cmd=_notify-validate' ;
foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value ) {
$value = urlencode ( stripslashes ( $value ));
$req .= " & $key = $value " ;
# post back to PayPal system to validate
$header = " POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0 \r \n " ;
$header .= " Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded \r \n " ;
$header .= " Content-Length: " . strlen ( $req ) . " \r \n \r \n " ;
$domain = 'www.paypal.com' ;
#$domain = 'www.sandbox.paypal.com';
$fp = fsockopen ( $domain , 80 , $errno , $errstr , 30 );
# needed for validation
$ret [ 'invoice_id' ] = $_POST [ 'invoice' ];
$ret [ 'transaction_id' ] = $_POST [ 'txn_id' ];
$ret [ 'currency' ] = $_POST [ 'mc_currency' ];
$ret [ 'subscription_id' ] = $_POST [ 'subscr_id' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'mc_gross' ]))
$ret [ 'amount' ] = $_POST [ 'mc_gross' ];
$ret [ 'amount' ] = $_POST [ 'payment_gross' ];
# validate
$do = true ;
$force = true ; // force approved reply
if ( ! $fp )
$C_debug -> error ( 'PAYPAL_RECURRING.php' , 'postback()' , " Unable to connect to domain $domain " );
fputs ( $fp , $header . $req );
while ( ! feof ( $fp ))
$res = fgets ( $fp , 1024 );
if ( ! $force && strcmp ( $res , " INVALID " ) == 0 )
# Log for manual investigation:
$C_debug -> error ( 'PAYPAL_RECURRING.php' , 'postback()' , " Postback for Invoice { $ret [ 'invoice_id' ] } is INVALID, PayPal subscription id { $ret [ 'subscription_id' ] } " );
header ( " HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found " );
return false ;
else if ( $force || strcmp ( $res , " VERIFIED " ) == 0 )
# get the payment status
$ret [ 'status' ] = true ;
switch ( $_POST [ 'txn_type' ]) {
case " subscr_cancel " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
case " subscr_failed " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
case " subscr_eot " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
if ( $ret [ 'status' ] != false ) {
switch ( $_POST [ 'payment_status' ]) {
case " Canceled_Reversal " : $ret [ 'status' ] = true ; break ;
case " Completed " : $ret [ 'status' ] = true ; break ;
case " Denied " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
case " Failed " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
case " Pending " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
case " Refunded " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
case " Reversed " : $ret [ 'status' ] = false ; break ;
# get the processor details:
$db = & DB ();
$q = " SELECT id,active,plugin_data FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " checkout WHERE
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE). " AND
checkout_plugin = " . $db->qstr ( $this->name );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $q );
while ( ! $rs -> EOF )
$ret [ 'checkout_id' ] = $rs -> fields [ " id " ];
$this -> cfg = unserialize ( $rs -> fields [ " plugin_data " ]);
if ( $_POST [ 'business' ] == $this -> cfg [ 'email' ])
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'checkout/checkout.inc.php' );
$checkout = new checkout ;
$checkout -> postback ( $ret );
header ( " HTTP/1.1 200 OK " );
header ( " Status: 200 OK " );
fclose ( $fp );
return ;
$rs -> MoveNext ();
fclose ( $fp );
header ( " HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found " );
# Postback Function
if ( empty ( $VAR ) && empty ( $VAR [ 'do' ])) {
include_once ( '../../config.inc.php' );
require_once ( PATH_ADODB . 'adodb.inc.php' );
require_once ( PATH_CORE . 'database.inc.php' );
require_once ( PATH_CORE . 'setup.inc.php' );
$C_debug = new CORE_debugger ;
$C_db = & DB ();
$C_setup = new CORE_setup ;
$plg = new plg_chout_PAYPAL_RECURRING ;
$plg -> postback ();