* @copyright Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Jesper Veggerby Hansen * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1 * @version CVS: $Id: Tool.php,v 1.4 2005/09/14 20:27:24 nosey Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Image_Graph */ /** * This class contains a set of tool-functions. * * These functions are all to be called statically * * @category Images * @package Image_Graph * @author Jesper Veggerby * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Jesper Veggerby Hansen * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Image_Graph */ class Image_Graph_Tool { /** * Return the average of 2 points * * @param double P1 1st point * @param double P2 2nd point * @return double The average of P1 and P2 * @static */ function mid($p1, $p2) { return ($p1 + $p2) / 2; } /** * Mirrors P1 in P2 by a amount of Factor * * @param double $p1 1st point, point to mirror * @param double $o2 2nd point, mirror point * @param double $factor Mirror factor, 0 returns $p2, 1 returns a pure * mirror, ie $p1 on the exact other side of $p2 * @return double $p1 mirrored in $p2 by Factor * @static */ function mirror($p1, $p2, $factor = 1) { return $p2 + $factor * ($p2 - $p1); } /** * Calculates a Bezier control point, this function must be called for BOTH * X and Y coordinates (will it work for 3D coordinates!?) * * @param double $p1 1st point * @param double $p2 Point to * @param double $factor Mirror factor, 0 returns P2, 1 returns a pure * mirror, i.e. P1 on the exact other side of P2 * @return double P1 mirrored in P2 by Factor * @static */ function controlPoint($p1, $p2, $factor, $smoothFactor = 0.75) { $sa = Image_Graph_Tool::mirror($p1, $p2, $smoothFactor); $sb = Image_Graph_Tool::mid($p2, $sa); $m = Image_Graph_Tool::mid($p2, $factor); $pC = Image_Graph_Tool::mid($sb, $m); return $pC; } /** * Calculates a Bezier point, this function must be called for BOTH X and Y * coordinates (will it work for 3D coordinates!?) * * @param double $t A position between $p2 and $p3, value between 0 and 1 * @param double $p1 Point to use for calculating control points * @param double $p2 Point 1 to calculate bezier curve between * @param double $p3 Point 2 to calculate bezier curve between * @param double $p4 Point to use for calculating control points * @return double The bezier value of the point t between $p2 and $p3 using * $p1 and $p4 to calculate control points * @static */ function bezier($t, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) { // (1-t)^3*p1 + 3*(1-t)^2*t*p2 + 3*(1-t)*t^2*p3 + t^3*p4 return pow(1 - $t, 3) * $p1 + 3 * pow(1 - $t, 2) * $t * $p2 + 3 * (1 - $t) * pow($t, 2) * $p3 + pow($t, 3) * $p4; } /** * For a given point (x,y) return a point rotated by a given angle aroung the center (xy,yc) * * @param int $x x coordinate of the point to rotate * @param int $y y coordinate of the point to rotate * @param int $xc x coordinate of the center of the rotation * @param int $yc y coordinate of the center of the rotation * @param int $angle angle of the rotation * @return array the coordinate of the new point * @static */ function rotate($x, $y, $xc, $yc, $angle) { $cos = cos(deg2rad($angle)); $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle)); $xr= $x - $xc; $yr= $y - $yc; $x1= $xc + $cos * $xr - $sin * $yr; $y1= $yc + $sin * $xr + $cos * $yr; return array((int) $x1,(int) $y1); } /** * If a number is close 0 zero (i.e. 0 within $decimal decimals) it is rounded down to zero * * @param double $value The value to round * @param int $decimal The number of decimals * @return double The value or zero if "close enough" to zero * @static */ function close2zero($value, $decimal) { if (abs($value) < pow(10, -$decimal)) { return 0; } else { return $value; } } /** * Calculate the dimensions and center point (of gravity) for an arc * * @param int $v1 The angle at which the arc starts * @param int $v2 The angle at which the arc ends * @return array An array with the dimensions in a fraction of a circle width radius 1 'rx', 'ry' and the * center point of gravity ('cx', 'cy') * @static */ function calculateArcDimensionAndCenter($v1, $v2) { // $v2 always larger than $v1 $r1x = Image_Graph_Tool::close2zero(cos(deg2rad($v1)), 3); $r2x = Image_Graph_Tool::close2zero(cos(deg2rad($v2)), 3); $r1y = Image_Graph_Tool::close2zero(sin(deg2rad($v1)), 3); $r2y = Image_Graph_Tool::close2zero(sin(deg2rad($v2)), 3); // $rx = how many percent of the x-diameter of the entire ellipse does the arc x-diameter occupy: 1 entire width, 0 no width // $cx = at what percentage of the diameter does the center lie // if the arc passes through 0/360 degrees the "highest" of r1x and r2x is replaced by 1! if ((($v1 <= 0) && ($v2 >= 0)) || (($v1 <= 360) && ($v2 >= 360))) { $r1x = min($r1x, $r2x); $r2x = 1; } // if the arc passes through 180 degrees the "lowest" of r1x and r2x is replaced by -1! if ((($v1 <= 180) && ($v2 >= 180)) || (($v1 <= 540) && ($v2 >= 540))) { $r1x = max($r1x, $r2x); $r2x = -1; } if ($r1x >= 0) { // start between [270; 360] or [0; 90] if ($r2x >= 0) { $rx = max($r1x, $r2x) / 2; $cx = 0; // center lies 0 percent along this "vector" } else { $rx = abs($r1x - $r2x) / 2; $cx = abs($r2x / 2) / $rx; } } else { // start between ]90; 270[ if ($r2x < 0) { $rx = max(abs($r1x), abs($r2x)) / 2; $cx = $rx; } else { $rx = abs($r1x - $r2x) / 2; $cx = abs($r1x / 2) / $rx; } } // $ry = how many percent of the y-diameter of the entire ellipse does the arc y-diameter occupy: 1 entire, 0 none // $cy = at what percentage of the y-diameter does the center lie // if the arc passes through 90 degrees the "lowest" of r1x and r2x is replaced by -1! if ((($v1 <= 90) && ($v2 >= 90)) || (($v1 <= 450) && ($v2 >= 450))) { $r1y = min($r1y, $r2y); $r2y = 1; } // if the arc passes through 270 degrees the "highest" of r1y and r2y is replaced by -1! if ((($v1 <= 270) && ($v2 >= 270)) || (($v1 <= 630) && ($v2 >= 630))) { $r1y = max($r1y, $r2y); $r2y = -1; } if ($r1y >= 0) { // start between [0; 180] if ($r2y >= 0) { $ry = max($r1y, $r2y) / 2; $cy = 0; // center lies 0 percent along this "vector" } else { $ry = abs($r1y - $r2y) / 2; $cy = abs($r2y / 2) / $ry; } } else { // start between ]180; 360[ if ($r2y < 0) { $ry = max(abs($r1y), abs($r2y)) / 2; $cy = $ry; } else { $ry = abs($r1y - $r2y) / 2; $cy = abs($r1y / 2) / $ry; } } return array( 'rx' => $rx, 'cx' => $cx, 'ry' => $ry, 'cy' => $cy ); } /** * Calculate linear regression on a dataset * @param array $data The data to calculate regression upon * @return array The slope and intersection of the "best-fit" line * @static */ function calculateLinearRegression(&$data) { $sumX = 0; $sumY = 0; foreach ($data as $point) { $sumX += $point['X']; $sumY += $point['Y']; } $meanX = $sumX / count($data); $meanY = $sumY / count($data); $sumXX = 0; $sumYY = 0; $sumXY = 0; foreach ($data as $point) { $sumXX += ($point['X'] - $meanX) * ($point['X'] - $meanX); $sumYY += ($point['Y'] - $meanY) * ($point['Y'] - $meanY); $sumXY += ($point['X'] - $meanX) * ($point['Y'] - $meanY); } $result = array(); $result['slope'] = ($sumXY / $sumXX); $result['intersection'] = $meanY - ($result['slope'] * $meanX); return $result; } } ?>