 * AgileBill - Open Billing Software
 * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
 * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt
 * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
 * Agileco community forums at http://forum.agileco.com/ 
 * @link http://www.agileco.com/
 * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC.
 * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt
 * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> 
 * @package AgileBill
 * @version 1.4.93

class plg_chout_USA_EPAY extends base_checkout_plugin
	# Get the config values for this checkout plugin:
	function plg_chout_USA_EPAY($checkout_id=false) {

		$this->name 		= 'USA_EPAY';
		$this->type 		= 'gateway'; 			 // redirect, gateway, or other
		$this->recurr_only	= false;
		$this->checkout_id  = $checkout_id;
		$this->support_cur  = Array ('USD');

	# Validate the user submitted billing details at checkout:
	function validate($VAR) {
		return true;

	# Perform the checkout transaction (new purchase):
	function bill_checkout( $amount, $invoice, $currency_iso, $acct_fields, $total_recurring=false, $recurr_bill_arr=false) {

		# Validate currency
		if(!$this->validate_currency($currency_iso)) return false;
		if(!$this->validate_card_details($ret)) return false;

		$tran=new umTransaction;
		$tran->key			= $this->cfg['key'];
		$tran->testmode 	= $this->cfg['mode'];
		$tran->ip			= USER_IP;
		$tran->card			= $this->billing["cc_no"];
		$tran->exp			= $this->billing["exp_month"] . $this->billing["exp_year"];
		$tran->amount		= $amount;
		$tran->invoice		= $invoice;
		$tran->cardholder	= $this->account["first_name"] . ' ' . $this->account["last_name"];
		$tran->street		= $this->account["address1"] . ' ' . $this->account["address2"];
		$tran->zip			= $this->account["zip"];
		$tran->description	= "Invoice $invoice";
		$tran->cvv2			= $this->billing["ccv"];
		if($tran->Process()) {
			$ret['status'] = 1;
			$ret['avs'] = $tran->avs;
			$ret['msg'] = $tran->authcode . '  '.  $tran->cvv2;
		} else {
			$ret['status'] = 0;
			$ret['msg'] = "Card Declined (" . $tran->result . ")";
			$ret['msg'] .= " ". $tran->error;
			if($tran->curlerror) {
				echo "<b>Curl Error:</b> " . $tran->curlerror . "<br>";
		if($ret['status'] == 1) {
			return $ret;
		} else {
			global $VAR;
			return false;

	# Stores new billing details, & return account_billing_id (gateway only)
	function store_billing($VAR, $account=SESS_ACCOUNT) {
		return $this->saveCreditCardDetails($VAR);

	# Perform a transaction for an (new invoice):
	function bill_invoice($VAR)   {
		return true;

	# Issue a refund for a paid invoice (captured charges w/gateway)
	function refund($VAR) {
		return true;

	# Void a authorized charge (gateways only)
	function void($VAR)  {
		return true;

// USA ePay PHP Library.
//	v1.4.1 - December 27th, 2004
// 	Copyright (c) 2001-2004 USAePay
//	Written by Tim McEwen (tim@usaepay.com)

 * USAePay Transaction Class
class umTransaction {

	// Required for all transactions
	var $key;			// Source key
	var $pin;     		// Source pin (optional)
	var $amount;		// the entire amount that will be charged to the customers card
	// (including tax, shipping, etc)
	var $invoice;   	// invoice number.  must be unique.  limited to 10 digits.  use orderid if you need longer.

	// Required for Commercial Card support
	var $ponum;			// Purchase Order Number
	var $tax;			// Tax

	// Amount details (optional)
	var $tip; 			// Tip
	var $shipping;		// Shipping charge
	var $discount; 		// Discount amount (ie gift certificate or coupon code)
	var $subtotal; 		// if subtotal is set, then
	// subtotal + tip + shipping - discount + tax must equal amount
	// or the transaction will be declined.  If subtotal is left blank
	// then it will be ignored

	// Required Fields for Card Not Present transacitons (Ecommerce)
	var $card;			// card number, no dashes, no spaces
	var $exp;			// expiration date 4 digits no /
	var $cardholder; 	// name of card holder
	var $street;		// street address
	var $zip;			// zip code

	// Fields for Card Present (POS)
	var $magstripe;  	// mag stripe data.  can be either Track 1, Track2  or  Both  (Required if card,exp,cardholder,street and zip aren't filled in)
	var $cardpresent;   // Must be set to true if processing a card present transaction  (Default is false)
	var $termtype;  	// The type of terminal being used:  Optons are  POS - cash register, StandAlone - self service terminal,  Unattended - ie gas pump, Unkown  (Default:  Unknown)
	var $magsupport;  	// Support for mag stripe reader:   yes, no, unknown  (default is unknown unless magstripe has been sent)

	// fields required for check transactions
	var $account;		// bank account number
	var $routing;		// bank routing number
	var $ssn;			// social security number
	var $dlnum;			// drivers license number (required if not using ssn)
	var $dlstate;		// drivers license issuing state

	// Option parameters
	var $origauthcode;	// required if running postauth transaction.
	var $command;		// type of command to run; Possible values are:
	// sale, credit, void, preauth, postauth, check and checkcredit.
	// Default is sale.
	var $orderid;		// Unique order identifier.  This field can be used to reference
	// the order for which this transaction corresponds to. This field
	// can contain up to 64 characters and should be used instead of
	// UMinvoice when orderids longer that 10 digits are needed.
	var $custid;   // Alpha-numeric id that uniquely identifies the customer.
	var $description;	// description of charge
	var $cvv2;			// cvv2 code
	var $custemail;		// customers email address
	var $custreceipt;	// send customer a receipt
	var $ip;			// ip address of remote host
	var $testmode;		// test transaction but don't process it
	var $timeout;       // transaction timeout.  defaults to 45 seconds
	var $gatewayurl;   	// url for the gateway
	var $ignoresslcerterrors;  // Bypasses ssl certificate errors.  It is highly recommended that you do not use this option.  Fix your openssl installation instead!

	// Card Authorization - Verified By Visa and Mastercard SecureCode
	var $cardauth;    	// enable card authentication
	var $pares; 		//

	// Third Party Card Authorization
	var $xid;
	var $cavv;
	var $eci;

	// Recurring Billing
	var $recurring;		//  Save transaction as a recurring transaction:  yes/no
	var $schedule;		//  How often to run transaction: daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, annually.  Default is monthly.
	var $numleft; 		//  The number of times to run. Either a number or * for unlimited.  Default is unlimited.
	var $start;			//  When to start the schedule.  Default is tomorrow.  Must be in YYYYMMDD  format.
	var $end;			//  When to stop running transactions. Default is to run forever.  If both end and numleft are specified, transaction will stop when the ealiest condition is met.
	var $billamount;	//  Optional recurring billing amount.  If not specified, the amount field will be used for future recurring billing payments

	// Billing Fields
	var $billfname;
	var $billlname;
	var $billcompany;
	var $billstreet;
	var $billstreet2;
	var $billcity;
	var $billstate;
	var $billzip;
	var $billcountry;
	var $billphone;
	var $email;
	var $fax;
	var $website;

	// Shipping Fields
	var $shipfname;
	var $shiplname;
	var $shipcompany;
	var $shipstreet;
	var $shipstreet2;
	var $shipcity;
	var $shipstate;
	var $shipzip;
	var $shipcountry;
	var $shipphone;

	var $software; // Allows developers to identify their application to the gateway (for troubleshooting purposes)

	// response fields
	var $rawresult;		// raw result from gateway
	var $result;		// full result:  Approved, Declined, Error
	var $resultcode; 	// abreviated result code: A D E
	var $authcode;		// authorization code
	var $refnum;		// reference number
	var $batch;		// batch number
	var $avs_result;		// avs result
	var $avs_result_code;		// avs result
	var $avs;  					// obsolete avs result
	var $cvv2_result;		// cvv2 result
	var $cvv2_result_code;		// cvv2 result

	// Cardinal Response Fields
	var $acsurl;	// card auth url
	var $pareq;		// card auth request
	var $cctransid; // cardinal transid

	// Errors Response Feilds
	var $error; 		// error message if result is an error
	var $errorcode; 	// numerical error code
	var $blank;			// blank response
	var $curlerror; 	// curl error

	// Constructor
	function umTransaction()
		// Set default values.
		$this->error="Transaction not processed yet.";
		if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $this->ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		$this->software="USAePay PHP API v1.4.0";


	 * Verify that all required data has been set
	 * @return string
	function CheckData()
		if(!$this->key) return "Source Key is required";
			if(!$this->refnum) return "Reference Number is required";
		}  else {
			if($this->command=="check" || $this->command=="checkcredit") {
				if(!$this->account) return "Account Number is required";
				if(!$this->routing) return "Routing Number is required";
			} else {
				if(!$this->magstripe) {
					if(!$this->card) return "Credit Card Number is required";
					if(!$this->exp) return "Expiration Date is required";
			if(!$this->amount) return "Amount is required";
			if(!$this->invoice && !$this->orderid) return "Invoice number or Order ID is required";
			if(!$this->magstripe) {
				if(!$this->cardholder) return "Cardholder Name is required";
				if(!$this->street) return "Street Address is required";
				if(!$this->zip) return "Zipcode is required";
		return 0;

	 * Send transaction to the USAePay Gateway and parse response
	 * @return boolean
	function Process()
		// check that we have the needed data
			return false;

		// check to make sure we have curl
			$this->error="Libary Error: CURL support not found";
			return false;

		//init the connection
		$ch = curl_init(($this->gatewayurl?$this->gatewayurl:"https://www.usaepay.com/secure/gate.php"));
			$this->error="Libary Error: Unable to initialize CURL ($ch)";
			return false;

		// set some options for the connection
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, ($this->timeout>0?$this->timeout:45));

		#		// Bypass ssl errors - A VERY BAD IDEA
		#		if($this->ignoresslcerterrors)
		#		{
		curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
		curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
		#		}

		// format the data
		$data = "UMkey=" . rawurlencode($this->key) . "&" .
		"UMcommand=" . rawurlencode($this->command) . "&" .
		"UMauthCode=" . rawurlencode($this->origauthcode) . "&" .
		"UMcard=" . rawurlencode($this->card) . "&" .
		"UMexpir=" . rawurlencode($this->exp) . "&" .
		"UMbillamount=" . rawurlencode($this->billamount) . "&" .
		"UMamount=" . rawurlencode($this->amount) . "&" .
		"UMinvoice=" . rawurlencode($this->invoice) . "&" .
		"UMorderid=" . rawurlencode($this->orderid) . "&" .
		"UMponum=" . rawurlencode($this->ponum) . "&" .
		"UMtax=" . rawurlencode($this->tax) . "&" .
		"UMtip=" . rawurlencode($this->tip) . "&" .
		"UMshipping=" . rawurlencode($this->shipping) . "&" .
		"UMdiscount=" . rawurlencode($this->discount) . "&" .
		"UMsubtotal=" . rawurlencode($this->subtotal) . "&" .
		"UMname=" . rawurlencode($this->cardholder) . "&" .
		"UMstreet=" . rawurlencode($this->street) . "&" .
		"UMzip=" . rawurlencode($this->zip) . "&" .
		"UMdescription=" . rawurlencode($this->description) . "&" .
		"UMcvv2=" . rawurlencode($this->cvv2) . "&" .
		"UMip=" . rawurlencode($this->ip) . "&" .
		"UMtestmode=" . rawurlencode($this->testmode) . "&" .
		"UMcustemail=" . rawurlencode($this->custemail) . "&" .
		"UMcustreceipt=" . rawurlencode($this->custreceipt) . "&" .
		"UMrouting=" . rawurlencode($this->routing) . "&" .
		"UMaccount=" . rawurlencode($this->account) . "&" .
		"UMssn=" . rawurlencode($this->ssn) . "&" .
		"UMdlstate=" . rawurlencode($this->dlstate) . "&" .
		"UMdlnum=" . rawurlencode($this->dlnum) . "&" .
		"UMrecurring=" . rawurlencode($this->recurring) . "&" .
		"UMbillamount=" . rawurlencode($this->billamount) . "&" .
		"UMschedule=" . rawurlencode($this->schedule) . "&" .
		"UMnumleft=" . rawurlencode($this->numleft) . "&" .
		"UMstart=" . rawurlencode($this->start) . "&" .
		"UMexpire=" . rawurlencode($this->end) . "&" .
		"UMbillfname=" . rawurlencode($this->billfname) . "&" .
		"UMbilllname=" . rawurlencode($this->billlname) . "&" .
		"UMbillcompany=" . rawurlencode($this->billcompany) . "&" .
		"UMbillstreet=" . rawurlencode($this->billstreet) . "&" .
		"UMbillstreet2=" . rawurlencode($this->billstreet2) . "&" .
		"UMbillcity=" . rawurlencode($this->billcity) . "&" .
		"UMbillstate=" . rawurlencode($this->billstate) . "&" .
		"UMbillzip=" . rawurlencode($this->billzip) . "&" .
		"UMbillcountry=" . rawurlencode($this->billcountry) . "&" .
		"UMbillphone=" . rawurlencode($this->billphone) . "&" .
		"UMemail=" . rawurlencode($this->email) . "&" .
		"UMfax=" . rawurlencode($this->fax) . "&" .
		"UMwebsite=" . rawurlencode($this->website) . "&" .
		"UMshipfname=" . rawurlencode($this->shipfname) . "&" .
		"UMshiplname=" . rawurlencode($this->shiplname) . "&" .
		"UMshipcompany=" . rawurlencode($this->shipcompany) . "&" .
		"UMshipstreet=" . rawurlencode($this->shipstreet) . "&" .
		"UMshipstreet2=" . rawurlencode($this->shipstreet2) . "&" .
		"UMshipcity=" . rawurlencode($this->shipcity) . "&" .
		"UMshipstate=" . rawurlencode($this->shipstate) . "&" .
		"UMshipzip=" . rawurlencode($this->shipzip) . "&" .
		"UMshipcountry=" . rawurlencode($this->shipcountry) . "&" .
		"UMshipphone=" . rawurlencode($this->shipphone) . "&" .
		"UMcardauth=" . rawurlencode($this->cardauth) . "&" .
		"UMpares=" . rawurlencode($this->pares) . "&" .
		"UMxid=" . rawurlencode($this->xid) . "&" .
		"UMcavv=" . rawurlencode($this->cavv) . "&" .
		"UMeci=" . rawurlencode($this->eci) . "&" .
		"UMcustid=" . rawurlencode($this->custid) . "&" .
		"UMcardpresent=" . ($this->cardpresent?"1":"0") . "&" .
		"UMmagstripe=" . rawurlencode($this->magstripe) . "&" .
		"UMtermtype=" . rawurlencode($this->termtype) . "&" .
		"UMmagsupport=" . rawurlencode($this->magsupport) . "&" .
		"UMrefNum=" . rawurlencode($this->refnum);

		// Append md5hash if pin has been set.
			$data.="&UMmd5hash=" . rawurlencode(md5($this->command . ":" . $this->pin . ":" . $this->amount . ":" . $this->invoice . ":" . $key)) . "&UMmd5key=" . $key;

		// attach the data

		// run the transfer
		$result=curl_exec ($ch);

		//get the result and parse it for the response line.
			$this->error="Error reading from card processing gateway.";
			curl_close ($ch);
			return false;
		curl_close ($ch);

		if(!$result) {
			$this->error="Blank response from card processing gateway.";
			return false;

		// result will be on the last line of the return

		// result is in urlencoded format, parse into an array

		// check to make sure we received the correct fields
		if(!isset($tmp["UMversion"]) || !isset($tmp["UMstatus"]))
			$this->error="Error parsing data from card processing gateway.";
			return false;

		// Store results

		// Obsolete variable (for backward compatibility) At some point they will no longer be set.

		if(isset($tmp["UMcctransid"])) $this->cctransid=$tmp["UMcctransid"];
		if(isset($tmp["UMacsurl"])) $this->acsurl=$tmp["UMacsurl"];
		if(isset($tmp["UMpayload"])) $this->pareq=$tmp["UMpayload"];

		if($this->resultcode == "A") return true;
		return false;


//  umVerifyCreditCardNumber
//  Validates a credit card and returns the type of card.
//	Card Types:
//		 1	Mastercard
//		 2	Visa
//		 3	American Express
//		 4	Diners Club/Carte Blanche
//		10	Discover
//		20	enRoute
//		28	JCB

 * Evaluates a creditcard number and if valid, returns the card type code
 * @param ccnum string
 * @return int
function umVerifyCreditCardNumber($ccnum)
	global $umErrStr;

	//okay lets do the stupid
	$ccnum=str_replace(" ","",$ccnum);

	if(!ereg("^[[:digit:]]{1,200}$", $ccnum)) {$umErrStr="Cardnumber contains characters that are not numbers";  return 0;}
	if(!ereg("^[[:digit:]]{13,16}$", $ccnum)) {$umErrStr="Cardnumber is not between 13 and 16 digits long";  return 0;}

	// Run Luhn Mod-10 to ensure proper check digit
	for($i=strlen($ccnum)-1; $i >= 0; $i--)
		if($y==1) $y=2; else $y=1;         //multiply every other digit by 2
		if($tmp >9) $tmp=substr($tmp,0,1) + substr($tmp,1,1);
	if($total%10) {$umErrStr="Cardnumber fails Luhn Mod-10 check digit";  return 0;}

		case 2: //enRoute - First four digits must be 2014 or 2149. Only valid length is 15 digits
		if((substr($ccnum,0,4) == "2014" || substr($ccnum,0,4) == "2149") && strlen($ccnum) == 15) return 20;
		case 3: //JCB - Um yuck, read the if statement below, and oh by the way 300 through 309 overlaps with diners club.  bummer.
		if((substr($ccnum,0,4) == "3088" ||	substr($ccnum,0,4) == "3096" || substr($ccnum,0,4) == "3112" || substr($ccnum,0,4) == "3158" ||	substr($ccnum,0,4) == "3337" ||
		(substr($ccnum,0,8) >= "35280000" ||substr($ccnum,0,8) <= "358999999")) && strlen($ccnum)==16)
			return 28;
		} else {
				case 4:
				case 7: // American Express - First digit must be 3 and second digit 4 or 7. Only Valid length is 15
				if(strlen($ccnum) == 15) return 3;
				case 0:
				case 6:
				case 8: //Diners Club/Carte Blanche - First digit must be 3 and second digit 0, 6 or 8. Only valid length is 14
				if(strlen($ccnum) == 14) return 4;
		case 4: // Visa - First digit must be a 4 and length must be either 13 or 16 digits.
		if(strlen($ccnum) == 13 || strlen($ccnum) == 16)
			return 2;

		case 5: // Mastercard - First digit must be a 5 and second digit must be int the range 1 to 5 inclusive. Only valid length is 16
		if((substr($ccnum,1,1) >=1 && substr($ccnum,1,1) <=5) && strlen($ccnum) == 16)
			return 1;
		case 6: // Discover - First four digits must be 6011. Only valid length is 16 digits.
		if(substr($ccnum,0,4) == "6011" && strlen($ccnum) == 16) return 10;

	// couldn't match a card profile. time to call it quits and go home.  this goose is cooked.
	$umErrStr="Cardnumber did not match any known creditcard profiles";
	return 0;