<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This class overrides Kohana's ORM
 * @package    OSB/Modifications
 * @category   Classes
 * @category   Helpers
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2010 Deon George
 * @license    http://dev.leenooks.net/license.html
abstract class ORM extends Kohana_ORM {
	protected $_table_names_plural = FALSE;
	protected $_model_names_plural = FALSE;
	private $_object_formated = array();
	private $_formated = FALSE;
	// Our filters used to display values in a friendly format
	protected $_display_filters = array();

	// Add our OSB site_id to each SELECT query
	final protected function _build($type) {
		// Exclude tables without site ID's
		if (! in_array($this->_table_name,Config::$no_site_id_tables))

		return parent::_build($type);

	 * Format fields for display purposes
	 * @param   string  column name
	 * @return  mixed
	private function _format() {
		foreach ($this->_display_filters as $column => $formats)
			$this->_object_formated[$column] = $this->run_filter($column,$this->__get($column),array($column=>$formats));

		$this->_formated = TRUE;

	 * Return a formated columns, as per the model definition
	public function display($column) {
		// Trigger a load of the record.
		$value = $this->__get($column);

		// If some of our fields need to be formated for display purposes.
		if (! $this->_formated AND $this->_display_filters)

		if (isset($this->_object_formated[$column]))
			return $this->_object_formated[$column];
			return HTML::nbsp($value);

	 * Override KH's ORM count_relations() function, to include our site_id in the query.
	 * This is a copy of KH's ORM count_relations() function, with the addition of a where
	 * clause to include the site id.
	public function count_relations($alias, $far_keys = NULL)
		if ($far_keys === NULL)
			return (int) DB::select(array(DB::expr('COUNT(*)'), 'records_found'))
				->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
				->where('site_id', '=', Config::siteid())

		$far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;

		// We need an array to simplify the logic
		$far_keys = (array) $far_keys;

		// Nothing to check if the model isn't loaded or we don't have any far_keys
		if ( ! $far_keys OR ! $this->_loaded)
			return 0;

		$count = (int) DB::select(array(DB::expr('COUNT(*)'), 'records_found'))
			->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
			->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], 'IN', $far_keys)
			->where('site_id', '=', Config::siteid())

		// Rows found need to match the rows searched
		return (int) $count;

	protected function _where_active() {
		return $this->where('status','=',TRUE);

	public function where_active() {
		return $this->_where_active();