<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This class provides PLESK client support
 * @package    OSB
 * @subpackage Plugins/Plesk
 * @category   Plugins
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2010 Deon George
 * @license    http://dev.leenooks.net/license.html
class Host_Plugin_Plesk_9 extends Host_Plugin_Plesk {
	protected $protocol = '';

	// @todo Get these default "templates" values out of the DB
	private $_template = array(
			'permissions' => array(
			'limits' => array(
			'ippool' => array(

	 * Get a Client Configuration
	public function cmd_getclient(Model_Service $so) {
		$items = array_keys($this->_template['client']);

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('client');
		$get = $client->add_node('get');
		$filter = $get->add_node('filter');
		$dataset = $get->add_node('dataset');
		foreach ($items as $k)

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	 * Get a DNS Configuration
	public function cmd_getdns(Model_Service $so) {
		$do = clone $this->cmd_getdomain($so);

		$domain = $this->packet->add_node('dns');
		$get = $domain->add_node('get_rec');
		$filter = $get->add_node('filter');

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	 * Get a Domain Configuration
	public function cmd_getdomain(Model_Service $so) {
		$items = array_keys($this->_template['domain']);

		$domain = $this->packet->add_node('domain');
		$get = $domain->add_node('get');
		$filter = $get->add_node('filter');
		$dataset = $get->add_node('dataset');
		foreach ($items as $k)

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	 * Get Domain Traffic
	public function cmd_gettraffic(Model_Service $so) {

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('domain');
		$get = $client->add_node('get_traffic');
		$filter = $get->add_node('filter');

#		$get->add_node('since_date','2012-04-01');
#		$get->add_node('end_date','2012-04-02');

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	 * Provision a hosting service
	 * @todo To implement
	public function provision(Model_Service $so) {
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Not Implemented');

		$result = $this->add_client($so);

		// Next need to get the ID from the account call to set the IP
		$result = $this->hs->setip(35); // @todo change this number

		// Provision Domain
		$result = $this->hs->add_service($so);

		// Set Limits
		$result = $this->hs->setlimits($so);

		// Next need to get the ID for the domain to disable mail
		$result = $this->hs->disablemail(43);

	 * Add a new client to the host server
	 * @todo To implement
	public function add_client(Model_Service $so) {
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Not Implemented');

		$client_template = 'DefaultClient';
		$reseller_id = $so->affiliate->host_server_affiliate->host_username;

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('client');
		$add = $client->add_node('add');
		$gen_info = $add->add_node('gen_info');
		$gen_info->add_node('pname',sprintf('%s %s',$so->account->first_name,$so->account->last_name));



		if ($reseller_id)

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	// * @todo To implement
	public function add_service(Model_Service $so) {
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Not Implemented');

		// @todo This should come from the DB.
		$host_ip = '';
		$domain_template = 'Default Domain';

		$domain = $this->packet->add_node('domain');
		$add = $domain->add_node('add');
		$gen_setup = $add->add_node('gen_setup');
		$hosting = $add->add_node('hosting');
		$vrt_host = $hosting->add_node('vrt_hst');
		$property = $vrt_host->add_node('property');
		$property = $vrt_host->add_node('property');


		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	// @todo not sure if this is actually working as desired
	// * @todo To implement
	public function setlimits(Model_Service $so) {
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Not Implemented');

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('client');

		// Permissions
		$set = $client->add_node('set');
		$filter = $set->add_node('filter');
		$values = $set->add_node('values');

		$x = $values->add_node('permissions');
		foreach ($this->permissions as $k=>$v) {
			$l = $x->add_node('permission');

		// Limits
		$set = $client->add_node('set');
		$filter = $set->add_node('filter');
		$values = $set->add_node('values');

		$x = $values->add_node('limits');
		foreach ($this->limits as $k=>$v) {
			$l = $x->add_node('limit');

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	// @todo This is broken. $this->ippool is not existing
	// * @todo To implement
	public function setip($id) {
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Not Implemented');

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('client');
		$ip = $client->add_node('ippool_add_ip');
		foreach ($this->ippool as $k=>$v)

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	// * @todo To implement
	public function disablemail($id) {
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Not Implemented');

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('mail');
		$disable = $client->add_node('disable');

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	public function setexpire(Model_Service $so,$date=NULL) {
		// @todo This should be a config item
		$expbuffer = 14;

		$domain = $this->packet->add_node('domain');
		$set = $domain->add_node('set');
		$filter = $set->add_node('filter');
		$values = $set->add_node('values');
		$limits = $values->add_node('limits');
		$limit = $limits->add_node('limit');
		$limit->add_node('value',(is_null($date) ? $so->plugin()->host_expire+$expbuffer*86400 : $date));

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);

	public function setpasswd(Model_Service $so,$pw) {

		$client = $this->packet->add_node('client');
		$set = $client->add_node('set');
		$filter = $set->add_node('filter');
		$values = $set->add_node('values');
		$gen_info = $values->add_node('gen_info');

		return $this->server_command($this->xml);