* @copyright 2007-2008 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id: Cfg.php,v 1.8 2008/05/14 21:26:30 cellog Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 1.7.0 */ /** * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 2007-2008 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version Release: 1.7.2 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 1.7.0 */ class PEAR_Installer_Role_Cfg extends PEAR_Installer_Role_Common { /** * @var PEAR_Installer */ var $installer; /** * the md5 of the original file * * @var unknown_type */ var $md5 = null; /** * Do any unusual setup here * @param PEAR_Installer * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @param array file attributes * @param string file name */ function setup(&$installer, $pkg, $atts, $file) { $this->installer = &$installer; $reg = &$this->installer->config->getRegistry(); $package = $reg->getPackage($pkg->getPackage(), $pkg->getChannel()); if ($package) { $filelist = $package->getFilelist(); if (isset($filelist[$file]) && isset($filelist[$file]['md5sum'])) { $this->md5 = $filelist[$file]['md5sum']; } } } function processInstallation($pkg, $atts, $file, $tmp_path, $layer = null) { $test = parent::processInstallation($pkg, $atts, $file, $tmp_path, $layer); if (@file_exists($test[2]) && @file_exists($test[3])) { $md5 = md5_file($test[2]); // configuration has already been installed, check for mods if ($md5 !== $this->md5 && $md5 !== md5_file($test[3])) { // configuration has been modified, so save our version as // configfile-version $old = $test[2]; $test[2] .= '.new-' . $pkg->getVersion(); // backup original and re-install it PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $tmpcfg = $this->config->get('temp_dir'); $newloc = System::mkdir(array('-p', $tmpcfg)); if (!$newloc) { // try temp_dir $newloc = System::mktemp(array('-d')); if (!$newloc || PEAR::isError($newloc)) { PEAR::popErrorHandling(); return PEAR::raiseError('Could not save existing configuration file '. $old . ', unable to install. Please set temp_dir ' . 'configuration variable to a writeable location and try again'); } } else { $newloc = $tmpcfg; } $temp_file = $newloc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid('savefile'); if (!@copy($old, $temp_file)) { PEAR::popErrorHandling(); return PEAR::raiseError('Could not save existing configuration file '. $old . ', unable to install. Please set temp_dir ' . 'configuration variable to a writeable location and try again'); } PEAR::popErrorHandling(); $this->installer->log(0, "WARNING: configuration file $old is being installed as $test[2], you should manually merge in changes to the existing configuration file"); $this->installer->addFileOperation('rename', array($temp_file, $old, false)); $this->installer->addFileOperation('delete', array($temp_file)); } } return $test; } } ?>