{assign var=meth value=':'|explode:$VAR._page} {if $VAR.verify != ''} {$method->exe_noauth('account','user_verify')} {else} {assign var='verify_results' value='none'} {/if} {if $verify_results == false || $VAR.verify == ''}
{osb f=tt module=account method=user_verify}
{t}Please enter the verification code from the email you recieved below. If you have not recieved the verification email, or are having trouble, you can use the form below to request that the verification email be resent.{/t}

{t}Verification Code{/t}
{/if} {if $verify_results != '1'}
{osb f=tt module=account method=user_verify_resend}
{t}If you are having trouble with the verification code, or never received the verification email, you can use this form to request that we resend the verification email to you. Please enter either your username or email address, not both.{/t}

{osb f=tf module=account field=email}
{osb f=tf module=account field=username}