<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This class provides payment capabilities.
 * @package    Payment
 * @category   Controllers/Admin
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2009-2013 Open Source Billing
 * @license    http://dev.osbill.net/license.html
class Controller_Admin_Payment extends Controller_Payment {
	protected $secure_actions = array(

	public function action_add() {
			->title('Add/View Payment')

	public function action_addbulk() {
		$output = '';

		if ($_POST AND isset($_POST['payer'])) {
			$c = Kohana::classname('Payment_Bulk_'.$_POST['payer']);
			$o = new $c();

			$output .= (! $_FILES) ? $o->form() : $o->process();

		// We dont know what sort of payment type yet
		} else {
			$output .= Form::open();
			$output .= Form::select('payer',$this->templates());
			$output .= Form::button('submit','Submit',array('class'=>'btn btn-primary'));
			$output .= Form::close();

			->title('Bulk Payments Received')

	 * Return rendered invoices paid by this payment, and outstanding invoices
	public function action_ajaxitemlist() {
		$invoices = array();

		// Get our invoices paid by this payment ID
		$po = ORM::factory('Payment',isset($_REQUEST['pid']) ? $_REQUEST['pid'] : NULL);

		// Get all our other outstanding invoices
		foreach (ORM::factory('Account',$_REQUEST['key'])->invoices_due() as $io) {
			$pio = $po->payment_item;
			$pio->invoice_id = $io->id;



	public function action_ajaxlist() {
		$result = array();

		if (isset($_REQUEST['term']) AND trim($_REQUEST['term'])) {
			$result = Arr::merge($result,ORM::factory('Account')->list_autocomplete($_REQUEST['term'],'id','id',array('ACC %s: %s'=>array('id','name(TRUE)'))));
			$result = Arr::merge($result,ORM::factory('Invoice')->list_autocomplete($_REQUEST['term'],'id','account_id',array('INV %s: %s'=>array('id','account->name(TRUE)'))));


	public function action_edit() {
		list($id,$output) = Table::page(__METHOD__);

			->title(sprintf('%s: %s',_('View Payments Received'),$id))

	private function add_edit($id=NULL,$output='') {
		$po = ORM::factory('Payment',$id);

		if ($this->request->post()) {

			// Update our invoice payment items
			if (isset($_POST['payment_item']) AND count($_POST['payment_item']))
				foreach ($_POST['payment_item'] as $k=>$v) {
					$pio = $po->payment_item;
					$pio->invoice_id = $k;
					$pio = $po->add_item($pio);

					$pio->alloc_amt = is_numeric($v) ? $v : 0;




$(document).ready(function() {
		autoclose : true,
		todayHighlight: true,
		endDate : new Date(),
		format : "dd-mm-yyyy",
		todayBtn : true,
	}).on("hide",function(ev) {

		minLength: 2,
		source: function (query,process) {

		matcher: function () { return true; },

		updater: function (item) {

			// Send the request and update sub category dropdown
				type: "GET",
				data: "key="+users[item],
				dataType: "html",
				cache: false,
				url: "'.URL::link('admin','payment/ajaxitemlist',TRUE).'",
				timeout: 2000,
				error: function(x) {
					alert("Failed to submit");
				success: function(data) {

			return item;

		if ($po->loaded())
$(document).ready(function() {
	$("div[id=items]").load("'.URL::link('admin','payment/ajaxitemlist',TRUE).'", {key: "'.$po->account_id.'", pid: "'.$po->id.'" });

		return View::factory('payment/admin/add_edit')

	 * List our availale Buik Payment Methods
	private function templates() {
		$template_path = 'classes/Payment/Bulk';
		$result = array();

		foreach (Kohana::list_files($template_path) as $file => $path) {
			$file = strtoupper(preg_replace('/.php$/','',str_replace($template_path.'/','',$file)));
			$result[$file] = $file;

		return $result;