<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <install> <!-- Tree Menu Module Properties --> <module_properties> <!-- MODULE Dependancy, this module wont be installed if the dependant modules dont exist --> <dependancy></dependancy> <!-- Translated display to use on the tree --> <display>Blocked IP</display> <!-- Display a module in the menu tree --> <menu_display>1</menu_display> <!-- MODULE Name --> <name>blocked_ip</name> <!-- MODULE Notes, these notes show up in the modules table, as a description of the module --> <notes><![CDATA[Block access to specific IP addresses or an entire IP subnet]]></notes> <!-- MODULE Parent, the parent node in the tree --> <parent>setup</parent> <!-- SUB Modules to install with this one --> <sub_modules></sub_modules> <!-- MODULE Type (core|base), core modules cannot be deleted, unrecognised types are ignored. --> <type></type> </module_properties> <!-- Tree Menu & Module Methods to load, they will be assigned the group permissions on install time, as selected by the user. --> <module_method> <add> <display>Add</display> <menu_display>1</menu_display> <name>add</name> <notes><![CDATA[Add records]]></notes> </add> <delete> <name>delete</name> <notes><![CDATA[Delete records]]></notes> </delete> <search> <display>List</display> <menu_display>1</menu_display> <name>search</name> <notes><![CDATA[List records]]></notes> <page><![CDATA[core:search&module=%%&_next_page_one=view]]></page> </search> <search_form> <name>search_form</name> <notes><![CDATA[Search for records]]></notes> </search_form> <search_show> <name>search_show</name> <notes><![CDATA[Show the results of a search]]></notes> </search_show> <update> <name>update</name> <notes><![CDATA[Update a record]]></notes> </update> <view> <name>view</name> <notes><![CDATA[View a record]]></notes> </view> </module_method> </install>